940 research outputs found

    Magnetic frustration in an iron based Cairo pentagonal lattice

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    The Fe3+ lattice in the Bi2Fe4O9 compound is found to materialize the first analogue of a magnetic pentagonal lattice. Due to its odd number of bonds per elemental brick, this lattice, subject to first neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions, is prone to geometric frustration. The Bi2Fe4O9 magnetic properties have been investigated by macroscopic magnetic measurements and neutron diffraction. The observed non-collinear magnetic arrangement is related to the one stabilized on a perfect tiling as obtained from a mean field analysis with direct space magnetic configurations calculations. The peculiarity of this structure arises from the complex connectivity of the pentagonal lattice, a novel feature compared to the well-known case of triangle-based lattices

    Anisotropic interactions opposing magnetocrystalline anisotropy in Sr3_3NiIrO6_6

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    We report our investigation of the electronic and magnetic excitations of Sr3_3NiIrO6_6 by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Ir L3_3 edge. The intra-t2gt_{2g} electronic transitions are analyzed using an atomic model, including spin-orbit coupling and trigonal distortion of the IrO6_6 octahedron, confronted to {\it ab initio} quantum chemistry calculations. The Ir spin-orbital entanglement is quantified and its implication on the magnetic properties, in particular in inducing highly anisotropic magnetic interactions, is highlighted. These are included in the spin-wave model proposed to account for the dispersionless magnetic excitation that we observe at 90 meV. By counterbalancing the strong Ni2+^{2+} easy-plane anisotropy that manifests itself at high temperature, the anisotropy of the interactions finally leads to the remarkable easy-axis magnetism reported in this material at low temperature

    Tunable gauge potential for neutral and spinless particles in driven lattices

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    We present a universal method to create a tunable, artificial vector gauge potential for neutral particles trapped in an optical lattice. The necessary Peierls phase of the hopping parameters between neighboring lattice sites is generated by applying a suitable periodic inertial force such that the method does not rely on any internal structure of the particles. We experimentally demonstrate the realization of such artificial potentials, which generate ground state superfluids at arbitrary non-zero quasi-momentum. We furthermore investigate possible implementations of this scheme to create tuneable magnetic fluxes, going towards model systems for strong-field physics

    Inhomogeneous magnetism in the doped kagome lattice of LaCuO2.66

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    The hole-doped kagome lattice of Cu2+ ions in LaCuO2.66 was investigated by nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), electron spin resonance (ESR), electrical resistivity, bulk magnetization and specific heat measurements. For temperatures above ~180 K, the spin and charge properties show an activated behavior suggestive of a narrow-gap semiconductor. At lower temperatures, the results indicate an insulating ground state which may or may not be charge ordered. While the frustrated spins in remaining patches of the original kagome lattice might not be directly detected here, the observation of coexisting non-magnetic sites, free spins and frozen moments reveals an intrinsically inhomogeneous magnetism. Numerical simulations of a 1/3-diluted kagome lattice rationalize this magnetic state in terms of a heterogeneous distribution of cluster sizes and morphologies near the site-percolation threshold

    Crystal Symmetry Lowering in Chiral Multiferroic Ba3_3TaFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14} observed by X-Ray Magnetic Scattering

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    Chiral multiferroic langasites have attracted attention due to their doubly-chiral magnetic ground state within an enantiomorphic crystal. We report on a detailed resonant soft X-ray diffraction study of the multiferroic Ba3_3TaFe3_3Si2_2O14_{14} at the Fe L2,3L_{2,3} and oxygen KK edges. Below TNT_N (27K\approx27K) we observe the satellite reflections (0,0,τ)(0,0,\tau), (0,0,2τ)(0,0,2\tau), (0,0,3τ)(0,0,3\tau) and (0,0,13τ)(0,0,1-3\tau) where τ0.140±0.001\tau \approx 0.140 \pm 0.001. The dependence of the scattering intensity on X-ray polarization and azimuthal angle indicate that the odd harmonics are dominated by the out-of-plane (c^\mathbf{\hat{c}}-axis) magnetic dipole while the (0,0,2τ)(0,0,2\tau) originates from the electron density distortions accompanying magnetic order. We observe dissimilar energy dependences of the diffraction intensity of the purely magnetic odd-harmonic satellites at the Fe L3L_3 edge. Utilizing first-principles calculations, we show that this is a consequence of the loss of threefold crystal symmetry in the multiferroic phase

    Describing ancient horizontal gene transfers at the nucleotide and gene levels by comparative pathogenicity island genometrics

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    Motivation: Lateral gene transfer is a major mechanism contributing to bacterial genome dynamics and pathovar emergence via pathogenicity island (PAI) spreading. However, since few of these genomic exchanges are experimentally reproducible, it is difficult to establish evolutionary scenarios for the successive PAI transmissions between bacterial genera. Methods initially developed at the gene and/or nucleotide level for genomics, i.e. comparisons of concatenated sequences, ortholog frequency, gene order or dinucleotide usage, were combined and applied here to homologous PAIs: we call this approach comparative PAI genometrics. Results: YAPI, a Yersinia PAI, and related islands were compared with measure evolutionary relationships between related modules. Through use of our genometric approach designed for tracking codon usage adaptation and gene phylogeny, an ancient inter-genus PAI transfer was oriented for the first time by characterizing the genomic environment in which the ancestral island emerged and its subsequent transfers to other bacterial genera. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary informatio

    Magnetic properties of the honeycomb oxide Na2_2Co2_2TeO6_6

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    We have studied the magnetic properties of Na2_2Co2_2TeO6_6, which features a honeycomb lattice of magnetic Co2+^{2+} ions, through macroscopic characterization and neutron diffraction on a powder sample. We have shown that this material orders in a zig-zag antiferromagnetic structure. In addition to allowing a linear magnetoelectric coupling, this magnetic arrangement displays very peculiar spatial magnetic correlations, larger in the honeycomb planes than between the planes, which do not evolve with the temperature. We have investigated this behavior by Monte Carlo calculations using the J1J_1-J2J_2-J3J_3 model on a honeycomb lattice with a small interplane interaction. Our model reproduces the experimental neutron structure factor, although its absence of temperature evolution must be due to additional ingredients, such as chemical disorder or quantum fluctuations enhanced by the proximity to a phase boundary.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure