63 research outputs found

    L’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des nouvelles populations rurales : comparaison dans deux MRC contrastĂ©es au QuĂ©bec

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    Les milieux ruraux sont actuellement confrontĂ©s Ă  de nombreux changements occasionnĂ©s, entre autres, par l’arrivĂ©e et l’insertion de nouvelles populations dĂ©sirant s’y Ă©tablir en permanence. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne touche plusieurs pays, ce qui pose de nouveaux dĂ©fis, aussi bien pour les dĂ©cideurs locaux que pour l’ensemble de la communautĂ© rurale. Cet article permet de mieux connaĂźtre cette situation peu Ă©tudiĂ©e au QuĂ©bec, en apportant un Ă©clairage nouveau sur les trajectoires rĂ©sidentielles, les motifs de migration ainsi que l’insertion professionnelle et sociale des nouvelles populations rurales. En relevant les convergences et les divergences caractĂ©risant les nĂ©o-ruraux de deux MRC contrastĂ©es (Brome-Missisquoi et Arthabaska), son objectif est de faire ressortir l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© et la complexitĂ© de ces populations.Rural communities currently face many changes caused, among other things, by the arrival and integration of new populations wishing to settle there permanently. This phenomenon affects a number of countries, raising new challenges both for local decision-makers and for the rural community as a whole. This paper provides a better understanding of this situation, which has not been widely studied in QuĂ©bec, by shedding new light on residential trajectories, on reasons for migration and on the occupational and social integration of new rural populations. By noting aspects of convergence and divergence among neo-rural populations in two contrasting RCMs (Brome-Missisquoi and Arthabaska), its aim is to bring out the complex heterogeneous nature of these populations

    Les carrefours culturels de Brome- Missisquoi : historique, retombées et défis d’un réseau en région

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    L’objectif du présent rapport est de dresser le bilan d’une expérience novatrice, celle du Réseau des carrefours culturels de la Municipalité régionale de comté (MRC) Brome-Missisquoi. À partir des résultats d’une recherche exploratoire sur le sujet, il s’agit de faire ressortir les avantages, difficultés et retombées socioculturelles, économiques et politiques qui caractérisent ce réseau et, notamment, les organismes qui le composent ainsi que d’exposer les défis actuels et les conditions gagnantes proposées par les répondants pour assurer la pérennité de ce réseau

    Environnement, conflits et tractations entre divers acteurs ruraux au Québec : une mobilisation inégale du capital environnemental ?

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    Les enjeux environnementaux Ă©tant les plus conflictuels dans le QuĂ©bec rural, l’objectif de l’article est d’en examiner les rapports de pouvoir entre divers groupes rivaux, Ă  la lumiĂšre du capital environnemental. Ce concept, inspirĂ© de la thĂ©orie de Bourdieu, apparait comme une clef explicative de la complexitĂ© de ces rapports, surtout lorsqu’il est associĂ© aux autres ressources et capitaux des acteurs en prĂ©sence. Pour repĂ©rer la dynamique globale de ces luttes de pouvoir, marquĂ©es par des fractures, des tractations et des compromis fragiles, les enjeux environnementaux ont Ă©tĂ© couplĂ©s Ă  ceux politiques. Car, derriĂšre les conflits d’usage des espaces naturels transparaissent des enjeux politiques de gestion municipale et d’amĂ©nagement territorial. Cette juxtaposition d’enjeux oblige les acteurs, lors de leur mobilisation du capital environnemental, Ă  s’investir aussi dans le processus dĂ©cisionnel local et Ă  dĂ©ployer leurs autres atouts pour s’imposer. S’affrontent alors des protagonistes aux atouts inĂ©gaux qui prĂ©conisent deux conceptions contradictoires du dĂ©veloppement rural, avec des valeurs, reprĂ©sentations, pratiques et intĂ©rĂȘts opposĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es proviennent d’une analyse comparative sur les interactions Ă  l’environnement de quatre groupes d’acteurs dans deux territoires contrastĂ©es au QuĂ©bec : les nĂ©oruraux, ruraux de longue date, dirigeants d’organismes et Ă©lus municipaux. Ce sont davantage les nĂ©oruraux et les Ă©lus municipaux qui s’affrontent, chacun utilisant leur capital environnemental respectif pour gagner. Selon les circonstances, ils auront comme alliĂ©s soit les ruraux de longue date, soit les dirigeants d’organismes locaux.The preservation of the environment represents one of the most challenging topics in rural Quebec. The aim of this paper is to explore the power relations between various rival groups, in light of their environmental capital. This concept, based on Bourdieu’s theory, seems to be a key explaining the complexity of these relations, especially when associated with other resources and capitals. To identify the overall dynamics of these relations, characterized by rifts and fragile compromises, links were established between environmental issues and political issues – for behind conflicts over the use of natural spaces lie political issues connected with municipal management and planning. This juxtaposition of issues requires actors, when they mobilize their environmental capital, to also invest in local decision-making processes and deploy their other assets in order to impose their values. A confrontation emerges between protagonists with unequal resources, advocating two contradictory concepts of rural development, with opposing values, representations, practices and interests. The data come from a comparative analysis of four groups of actors’ interactions with the environment in two contrasting Quebec territories: the rural newcomer, the long-time rural inhabitant, the leaders of local organizations, and elected municipal officials. The confrontation occurs primarily between the rural newcomers and the elected officials, each using their respective environmental capital to triumph over the other. Depending on the circumstances, their allies may be either the long-time rural inhabitants or the leaders of local organizations

    Environnement, conflits et tractations entre divers acteurs ruraux au Québec : une mobilisation inégale du capital environnemental ?

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    Les enjeux environnementaux Ă©tant les plus conflictuels dans le QuĂ©bec rural, l’objectif de l’article est d’en examiner les rapports de pouvoir entre divers groupes rivaux, Ă  la lumiĂšre du capital environnemental. Ce concept, inspirĂ© de la thĂ©orie de Bourdieu, apparait comme une clef explicative de la complexitĂ© de ces rapports, surtout lorsqu’il est associĂ© aux autres ressources et capitaux des acteurs en prĂ©sence. Pour repĂ©rer la dynamique globale de ces luttes de pouvoir, marquĂ©es par des fractures, des tractations et des compromis fragiles, les enjeux environnementaux ont Ă©tĂ© couplĂ©s Ă  ceux politiques. Car, derriĂšre les conflits d’usage des espaces naturels transparaissent des enjeux politiques de gestion municipale et d’amĂ©nagement territorial. Cette juxtaposition d’enjeux oblige les acteurs, lors de leur mobilisation du capital environnemental, Ă  s’investir aussi dans le processus dĂ©cisionnel local et Ă  dĂ©ployer leurs autres atouts pour s’imposer. S’affrontent alors des protagonistes aux atouts inĂ©gaux qui prĂ©conisent deux conceptions contradictoires du dĂ©veloppement rural, avec des valeurs, reprĂ©sentations, pratiques et intĂ©rĂȘts opposĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es proviennent d’une analyse comparative sur les interactions Ă  l’environnement de quatre groupes d’acteurs dans deux territoires contrastĂ©es au QuĂ©bec : les nĂ©oruraux, ruraux de longue date, dirigeants d’organismes et Ă©lus municipaux. Ce sont davantage les nĂ©oruraux et les Ă©lus municipaux qui s’affrontent, chacun utilisant leur capital environnemental respectif pour gagner. Selon les circonstances, ils auront comme alliĂ©s soit les ruraux de longue date, soit les dirigeants d’organismes locaux.The preservation of the environment represents one of the most challenging topics in rural Quebec. The aim of this paper is to explore the power relations between various rival groups, in light of their environmental capital. This concept, based on Bourdieu’s theory, seems to be a key explaining the complexity of these relations, especially when associated with other resources and capitals. To identify the overall dynamics of these relations, characterized by rifts and fragile compromises, links were established between environmental issues and political issues – for behind conflicts over the use of natural spaces lie political issues connected with municipal management and planning. This juxtaposition of issues requires actors, when they mobilize their environmental capital, to also invest in local decision-making processes and deploy their other assets in order to impose their values. A confrontation emerges between protagonists with unequal resources, advocating two contradictory concepts of rural development, with opposing values, representations, practices and interests. The data come from a comparative analysis of four groups of actors’ interactions with the environment in two contrasting Quebec territories: the rural newcomer, the long-time rural inhabitant, the leaders of local organizations, and elected municipal officials. The confrontation occurs primarily between the rural newcomers and the elected officials, each using their respective environmental capital to triumph over the other. Depending on the circumstances, their allies may be either the long-time rural inhabitants or the leaders of local organizations

    Lien bidirectionnel entre des caractĂ©ristiques personnelles des parents et leurs pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention

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    Les parents d’enfants aux prises avec un trouble dĂ©ficitaire de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivitĂ© (TDA/H) sont Ă  risque de dĂ©pression. Ces parents rapportent aussi des relations familiales plus problĂ©matiques, des expĂ©riences plus stressantes, un sentiment d’auto-efficacitĂ© plus faible Ă  l’égard de leur rĂŽle parental et des pratiques parentales plus coercitives ou inadĂ©quates en comparaison aux parents d’enfants sans ce diagnostic. Plusieurs recherches ont relevĂ© que les parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H qui ont participĂ© Ă  un programme d’entraĂźnement aux habiletĂ©s parentales (PEHP) rapportent une amĂ©lioration gĂ©nĂ©rale des difficultĂ©s Ă©numĂ©rĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©demment. Le changement d’attitude et de pratiques parentales est souvent reliĂ© Ă  une diminution des symptĂŽmes du TDA/H chez les enfants. L’intervention peut donc contribuer Ă  amĂ©liorer la condition du parent et par le fait mĂȘme celle de son enfant. Toutefois, le TDA/H est un trouble chronique qui peut affecter certaines caractĂ©ristiques personnelles du parent pouvant interfĂ©rer avec la capacitĂ© de ce dernier Ă  bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’une intervention. Peu d’études s’attardent aux caractĂ©ristiques du parent pouvant affecter l’efficacitĂ© de l’intervention. Le but de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude est d’étudier le lien bidirectionnel entre certaines caractĂ©ristiques personnelles (dĂ©pression, stress, sentiment d’auto-efficacitĂ©) et les pratiques parentales dans un contexte d’intervention qui s’adresse aux parents d’enfants ayant un TDA/H. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que le sentiment d’auto-efficacitĂ© initial du parent est prĂ©dicteur d’une discipline inconstante, et ce, indĂ©pendamment de la condition expĂ©rimentale. De plus, les pratiques positives initiales sont prĂ©dicteurs d’un sentiment d’auto-efficacitĂ© Ă©levĂ© au post-test et ce, indĂ©pendamment de la condition expĂ©rimentale.When compared to parents of non-diagnosed children, parents of children with ADHD face a higher risk of experiencing parenting stress, depression, and family functioning problems. They also report lower levels of parental self-efficacy, and use more coercive or inadequate parental practices. Some evidence suggests that parental abilities training programs can help offset some of the risks associated with raising a child with ADHD. Changes in attitudes and parental practices are also associated with reductions in child ADHD symptoms. Parent training interventions therefore represent promising strategies for improving both parent and child outcomes. Nevertheless, the personal characteristics of parents can intervene with their ability to benefit from parental training. Few studies have examined how parental characteristics can influence program efficacy. The objective of the present study is to examine the bidirectional link between parental characteristics (depression, stress, self-efficacy) and parental practices within the context of a parent training program. Baseline parent self-efficacy predicted use of inconsistent discipline regardless of whether parents had followed the training program. Furthermore, baseline positive parental practices predicted parent self-efficacy, regardless of experimental condition

    Atouts, difficultés et défis des entreprises culturelles d’économie sociale en milieu rural. Revue de littérature et premiers résultats de recherche dans Brome-Missisquoi

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    En collaboration avec Lucie Hébert, CLD Brome-MissisquoiLe sujet des entreprises culturelles d’économie sociale en milieu rural étant peu exploré, ce cahier de recherche a comme principal objectif d’apporter de nouvelles connaissances sur ce type d’entreprises. Il comporte deux parties. D’abord une revue de littérature sur les entreprises d’économie sociale, enrichie d’un volet culturel et rural qui en est l’aspect le plus novateur. Ensuite sont présentés les premiers résultats de recherche sur ces entreprises d’économie sociale Ɠuvrant dans le secteur culturel de la MRC de Brome-Missisquoi. Ils sont axés surtout sur les atouts et difficultés de ces entreprises. Cinq dimensions sont explorées : 1) les ressources humaines; 2) les ressources financières; 3) les retombées multiples pour le milieu; 4) l’intégration des populations; 5) les spécificités rurales

    Exclusions légales et sociales des travailleurs agricoles saisonniers véhiculés quotidiennement au Québec

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    Cet article traite des exclusions lĂ©gales et sociales qui affectent la main-d’Ɠuvre agricole saisonniĂšre vĂ©hiculĂ©e quotidiennement au QuĂ©bec, dont la grande majoritĂ© sont des immigrants rĂ©sidant Ă  MontrĂ©al. Une recherche sociale sur le terrain a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©, sur certaines fermes, un haut roulement de main-d’Ɠuvre et des conditions de travail en deçà du seuil lĂ©galement et humainement admissible : non-respect des personnes, du temps de travail, des normes de santĂ© et sĂ©curitĂ©, discrimination. À partir des rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude, de recherches sur les modifications de l'agriculture quĂ©bĂ©coise au XXe siĂšcle ainsi que de l'analyse de contenu de mĂ©moires de l'Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA), les auteures mettent en lumiĂšre le rĂŽle de l'UPA dans les exclusions lĂ©gales successives des salariĂ©s agricoles et remettent en question son discours sur la pĂ©nurie de main-d’Ɠuvre, contredite par la recherche.This article examines the situation of seasonal farm workers in Quebec, the majority of whom are immigrants living in Montreal. These workers are employed on a casual and on-call basis and are transported to their work on a dally basis. Drawing on the results of a recent fieldwork study, on historical studies of the changes in Quebec agriculture in the 20th century and on a content analysis of several briefs by the Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA - the Quebec Farmers' Union), the authors attempt to determine the legal and social exclusions affecting this particular labour force.The paper first describes how, during the last twenty years, the expansion of the agricultural sector in the context of a decrease in the number of family workers and increase in hired farm help, has affected the profile of agricultural manpower in Quebec. In certain sectors requiring training (e.g., dairy, pork), hired labour has remained infrequent, whereas in the horticultural sector, which hires unskilled workers for harvesting, there has been a large increase in the number of hired workers. These changes explain why agricultural producers in the horticultural sector now hire immigrant farm workers who are residents of Montreal. The study indicates that seasonal agricultural workers transported on a dally basis make up a significant part of the hired farm labour force in Quebec and that these workers are employed on farms that employ tens, and even hundreds of workers during harvest time.The results of the fieldwork study are then presented, with a focus on the contrast between the principal labour standards and occupational health and safety legislation that applies to farm workers, and the actual working conditions revealed in the study. The research revealed high labour turnover and particularly difficult working conditions, although these vary greatly between farms. These include low wages, fallure to observe regulations concerning working time, unhealthy conditions, little concern for worker safety, humiliating attitudes and language, and discrimination. The study thus reveals that labour shortage problems, which have been decried by the UPA, in fact conceal poor working conditions. Finally, the authors challenge the UPA's backward-looking discourse, which has not changed despite the socio-economic transformations discussed in the article. The UPA bases its arguments on two interrelated postulates: (1) that agriculture is a specialsector due to its distinctive nature as compared with other economic sectors; and (2) that the model of relations is familial,since it is based on the producer's family. The organization has relied on these arguments to demand, and in large part to obtain, the exclusion of agricultural workers from the scope of the Act respecting Labour Standards,claiming that farmers already respect the Act's provisions. The Commission des droits de la personne(Quebec Human Rights Commission), which opposed the exclusion during consultations on the draft legislation (in 1979, and again in 1990 when the law was amended), has maintained that such an exclusion results in adverse-effect discrimination based on social condition and ethnie origin. However, the legislative provision excluding agricultural workers has not yet given rise to a legal challenge based on the Quebec Charter of Rights and Human Freedoms. In the authors' view, the legal route holds out little promise for improving the employaient situation of these workers, given the precarious nature of this poor and vulnerable labour force, which is generally made up of recent immigrants. However, the authors propose some other possible solutions: first of all, amendments to both federal and Quebec labour law, which traditionally exclude agricultural workers; and secondly, changes of a political nature that would allow these workers to join together and to create an independent monitoring organization. These steps are a necessary precondition to achieving the more profound change that is needed at the humanitarian level to put a stop to the attacks on the human dignity of these seasonal agricultural workers who are transported to their work on a dally basis.Este articulo trata de las exclusiones lĂ©gales y sociales que afectan a la mano de obra de temporada vehiculada diariamente en QuĂ©bec, de los que la gran mayoria son inmigrantes rĂ©sidentes de MontrĂ©al. Un estudio social en el terreno revelo, en ciertos campos, un alto nivel de circulaciĂČn de la mano de obra y de las condiciones de trabajo que se encuentran por debajo de los nivelĂ©s legalmente y humanitariamente admisibles : falta de respeto por las personas, por el tiempo de trabajo asignado, por las normas de la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo y por la discriminaciĂČn. A partir de los resultados de este estudio, un anĂ lisis sobre las modificaciones de la agricultura en QuĂ©bec en el siglo 20 y sobre el contenido de los anĂ lisis realizados por la Union de Productores Agricolas (UPA), demuestra el papel de la UPA en las exclusiones lĂ©gales sucesivas de los salarios agricolas y pone en duda el discurso de la UPA sobre la falta de mano de obra en la industria, claramente contradicho por el estudio realizado

    Compromised cerebrovascular regulation and cerebral oxygenation in pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Background : Functional cerebrovascular regulatory mechanisms are important for maintaining constant cerebral blood flow and oxygen supply in heathy individuals and are altered in heart failure. We aim to examine whether pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is associated with abnormal cerebrovascular regulation and lower cerebral oxygenation and their physiological and clinical consequences. Methods and Results : Resting mean flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery mean flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery (MCAvmean); transcranial Doppler), cerebral pressure‐flow relationship (assessed at rest and during squat‐stand maneuvers; analyzed using transfer function analysis), cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2, and central chemoreflex were assessed in 11 patients with PAH and 11 matched healthy controls. Both groups also completed an incremental ramp exercise protocol until exhaustion, during which MCAvmean, mean arterial pressure, cardiac output (photoplethysmography), end‐tidal partial pressure of CO2, and cerebral oxygenation (near‐infrared spectroscopy) were measured. Patients were characterized by a significant decrease in resting MCAvmean (P<0.01) and higher transfer function gain at rest and during squat‐stand maneuvers (both P<0.05). Cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2 was reduced (P=0.03), whereas central chemoreceptor sensitivity was increased in PAH (P<0.01), the latter correlating with increased resting ventilation (R2=0.47; P<0.05) and the exercise ventilation/CO2 production slope (Embedded Image slope; R2=0.62; P<0.05) during exercise for patients. Exercise‐induced increases in MCAvmean were limited in PAH (P<0.05). Reduced MCAvmean contributed to impaired cerebral oxygen delivery and oxygenation (both P<0.05), the latter correlating with exercise capacity in patients with PAH (R2=0.52; P=0.01). Conclusions : These findings provide comprehensive evidence for physiologically and clinically relevant impairments in cerebral hemodynamic regulation and oxygenation in PAH

    Identification of a BRCA2-Specific modifier locus at 6p24 related to breast cancer risk

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    Common genetic variants contribute to the observed variation in breast cancer risk for BRCA2 mutation carriers; those known to date have all been found through population-based genome-wide association studies (GWAS). To comprehensively identify breast cancer risk modifying loci for BRCA2 mutation carriers, we conducted a deep replication of an ongoing GWAS discovery study. Using the ranked P-values of the breast cancer associations with the imputed genotype of 1.4 M SNPs, 19,029 SNPs were selected and designed for inclusion on a custom Illumina array that included a total of 211,155 SNPs as part of a multi-consortial project. DNA samples from 3,881 breast cancer affected and 4,330 unaffected BRCA2 mutation carriers from 47 studies belonging to the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 were genotyped and available for analysis. We replicated previously reported breast cancer susceptibility alleles in these BRCA2 mutation carriers and for several regions (including FGFR2, MAP3K1, CDKN2A/B, and PTHLH) identified SNPs that have stronger evidence of association than those previously published. We also identified a novel susceptibility allele at 6p24 that was inversely associated with risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers (rs9348512; per allele HR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.80-0.90, P = 3.9×10−8). This SNP was not associated with breast cancer risk either in the general population or in BRCA1 mutation carriers. The locus lies within a region containing TFAP2A, which encodes a transcriptional activation protein that interacts with several tumor suppressor genes. This report identifies the first breast cancer risk locus specific to a BRCA2 mutation background. This comprehensive update of novel and previously reported breast cancer susceptibility loci contributes to the establishment of a panel of SNPs that modify breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers. This panel may have clinical utility for women with BRCA2 mutations weighing options for medical prevention of breast cancer

    Functional mechanisms underlying pleiotropic risk alleles at the 19p13.1 breast-ovarian cancer susceptibility locus

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    A locus at 19p13 is associated with breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer (OC) risk. Here we analyse 438 SNPs in this region in 46,451 BC and 15,438 OC cases, 15,252 BRCA1 mutation carriers and 73,444 controls and identify 13 candidate causal SNPs associated with serous OC (P=9.2 × 10-20), ER-negative BC (P=1.1 × 10-13), BRCA1-associated BC (P=7.7 × 10-16) and triple negative BC (P-diff=2 × 10-5). Genotype-gene expression associations are identified for candidate target genes ANKLE1 (P=2 × 10-3) and ABHD8 (P<2 × 10-3). Chromosome conformation capture identifies interactions between four candidate SNPs and ABHD8, and luciferase assays indicate six risk alleles increased transactivation of the ADHD8 promoter. Targeted deletion of a region containing risk SNP rs56069439 in a putative enhancer induces ANKLE1 downregulation; and mRNA stability assays indicate functional effects for an ANKLE1 3â€Č-UTR SNP. Altogether, these data suggest that multiple SNPs at 19p13 regulate ABHD8 and perhaps ANKLE1 expression, and indicate common mechanisms underlying breast and ovarian cancer risk
