132 research outputs found

    Metodología de la investigación psicofarmacológica

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    El bosón de Higgs en el modelo U(1)-Gauge

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    Las simetrías locales (simetrías gauge) se han manifestado como un principio fundamental de la naturaleza, a partir del cual se ha podido formular el Modelo Estándar de las interacciones entre partículas. Este modelo nos ha proporcionado predicciones teóricas que se ajustan a los resultados experimentales de manera asombrosa. Sin embargo, asumir las simetrías gauge como principio fundamental de la naturaleza también trae una serie de problemas. La simetría gauge requiere que los bosones gauge (fotón, W+, W-, Z0 y los 8 gluones) sean partículas sin masa, ya que un término de masas para estos bosones en el Lagrangiano viola la simetría local. De estos 12 bosones, resulta que 3 de ellos (W+, W- y Z0) son masivos. Por lo tanto, parece imposible conciliar la teoría que tan buenos resultados había dado con el experimento. El mecanismo de Higgs va a ser la herramienta que nos permitirá conciliar la simetría gauge con el hecho de que existan bosones gauge masivos. Además, los acoplamientos del campo escalar de Higgs con los fermiones (campos de materia) son los que generan la masa de los fermiones. En este trabajo nos ocuparemos de la generación de masa para los bosones gauge respetando la simetría local, y en particular estudia el modelo U(1)- Higgs que genera dinámicamente una masa para el fotón. Este resultará un caso meramente académico, ya que el fotón no tiene masa, pero contiene todos los ingredientes esenciales del mecanismo de Higgs y es técnicamente algo más sencillo

    Procesos reflexivos promovidos en las prácticas escolares de los alumnos de magisterio

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    The aim of that research fites the authors concern for the efficiency of practice period during student teaching experience. 195 student teaching participate in the investigation answering the questionnaire to determine their perception of the degree to which they were encouraged to use reflective thinking and teaching skills during their student teaching. Questions were clustered under 4 mayor categories of reflective teaching: 1) retrospective and predictive thought, 2) critical inquiry, 3) problem-solving skills, and 4) acceptance and use of feedback. The results show that student teachers perceived moderate encouragement for several items within the 4 clusters.El propósito de esta investigación responde a la preocupación de los autores por la eficacia del período de prácticas en las Escuelas de Magisterio. 195 estudiantes para profesor participan en la investigación respondiendo a un cuestionario para determinar sus percepciones acerca del grado en el que se han sentido estimulados a hacer uso de un pensamiento reflexivo durante su período de prácticas. Las cuestiones son agrupadas bajo 4 grandes categorías: 1) pensamiento retrospectivo y predictivo, 2) indagación crítica, 3) habilidades de resolución de problemas y 4) aceptación y uso del feed-back. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes perciben que han recibido un estímulo moderado para la realización de los distintos ítems que corresponden a las 4 categorías

    INNODOCT/17. International conference on innovation,documentation and education

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    INNODOCT/17 que tiene como objetivo proporcionar un foro para académicos y profesionales donde compartir sus investigaciones, discutir ideas, proyectos actuales, resultados y retos La conferencia tiene como objetivo proporcionar un foro para académicos y profesionales que permita compartir sus investigaciones, discutir ideas, proyectos actuales, resultados y retos relacionados con las Nuevas Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación, innovaciones y metodologías aplicadas a la Educación y la Investigación, en áreas como Ciencias, Ingenierías, Ciencias Sociales, Economía, Gestión, Marketing, y también Turismo y HosteleríaGarrigós Simón, FJ.; Estelles Miguel, S.; Lengua Lengua, I.; Onofre Montesa, J.; Dema Pérez, CM.; Oltra Gutiérrez, JV.; Yeamduan Narangajavana... (2018). INNODOCT/17. International conference on innovation,documentation and education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/107064EDITORIA

    The recent neophyte Opuntia aurantiaca Lindl.: distribution and potential invasion in Spain

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    Trabajo presentado en el XVI Optima Meeting (Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area), celebrado en Atenas (Grecia), del 2 al 5 de octubre de 2019The Cactaceae, and especially its most emblematic genus, Opuntia, have become one of the groups of plants with greater invasion potential in Spain. In fact, this area is considered one of the three global hotspots of invasion of cacti, together with South Africa and Australia. In our country, one of the most recently detected species is Opuntia aurantiaca Lindl, a small cactus with an enormous capacity of dispersion by means of cladodes and (sterile) fruits, which are easily detached and adhere to animals, clothes, and footwear. Probably native to the Southern Cone (Argentina and Uruguay), it behaves as a very aggressive invader in Australia and South Africa. In Europe, it only occurs on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula (Catalonia and Valencian Community). In this study, the geographic range of the species is updated at the peninsular level. Firstly detected at the beginning of the last decade in Navajas (Castellón), it has been subsequently observed in other places of the province of Castellón, but also in Valencia, Tarragona and Barcelona. With all occurrence data, its potential distribution is estimated using the algorithm of maximum entropy implemented in the program MaxEnt. Distribution models are built for the current climatic conditions as well as for different scenarios of global warming. Due to its possible invasive nature, it is necessary to eradicate the existing populations at this initial stage. Legislation should consider the prohibition of trade and transport of this plant to avoid new introductions

    The economic burden of disease of epithelial ovarian cancer in Spain: the OvarCost study

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    bjective: To assess the economic burden of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) in incident patients and the burden by disease stage in Spain. Methods: We developed a Markov model from a social perspective simulating the natural history of EOC and its four stages, with a 10-year time horizon, 3-week cycles, 3% discount rate, and 2016 euros. Healthcare resource utilization and costs were estimated by disease stage. Direct healthcare costs (DHC) included early screening, genetic counselling, medical visits, diagnostic tests, surgery, chemotherapy, hospitalizations, emergency services, and palliative care. Direct non-healthcare costs (DNHC) included formal and informal care. Indirect costs (IC) included labour productivity losses due to temporary and permanent leaves, and premature death. Epidemiology data and resource use were taken from the literature and validated for Spain by the OvarCost group using a Delphi method. Results: The total burden of EOC over 10 years was 3102 mill euros: 15.1% in stage I, 3.9% in stage II, 41.0% in stage III, and 40.2% in stage IV. Annual average cost/patient was 24,111 and it was 8,641; 14,184; 33,858, and 42,547 in stages I-IV, respectively. Of total costs, 71.2% were due to DHC, 24.7% to DNHC, and 4.1% to IC. Conclusions: EOC imposes a significant economic burden on the national healthcare system and society in Spain. Investment in better early diagnosis techniques might increase survival and patients' quality of life. This would likely reduce costs derived from late stages, consequently leading to a substantial reduction of the economic burden associated with EOC

    The recent neophyte Opuntia aurantiaca (Cactaceae): distribution and potential invasion in the Iberian Peninsula

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    The Cactaceae, and especially its most emblematic genus, Opuntia, is one of the groups of plants with greater invasion potential in the Iberian Peninsula. One of the most recently detected species is Opuntia aurantiaca, a small cactus with an enormous capacity of dispersion. Probably native to Argentina and Uruguay, it behaves as a very aggressive invader in Australia and South Africa. In Europe, it only occurs on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula (Catalonia and Valencian Community). In this study, the geographic range of the species is accurately delineated at the peninsular level. Detected firstly at the beginning of the last decade in Navajas (Castelló Province), it has been subsequently observed in other places of Castelló, but also in Valencia, Tarragona and Barcelona, and since 2017 in Girona. With all gathered occurrence data, the potential distribution of O. aurantiaca is estimated (for the current climatic conditions as well as for different scenarios of global warming). Despite the fact that the species seems to be spreading, maps of potential distribution do not forecast large expansions to other areas of the Iberian Peninsula, both for the present and for the year 2070.This work received financial support from the “Proyecto Intramural Especial, PIE” (grant no. 201630I024) from the CSIC (Spain) and from the “Ajuts a Grups de Recerca Consolidats” (grants nos. 2014-SGR514-GREB and 2017-SGR1116) from the Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain).Abstract Introduction Materials & methods The study species Search for occurrences Ecological niche modelling Results and Discussion Current distribution range of Opuntia aurantiaca in the Iberian Peninsula Present and future potential distribution of Opuntia aurantiaca Acknowledgement

    Aportaciones corológicas al catálogo valenciano de especies de flora amenazada

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    Se aportan nuevas citas o precisiones sobre otras prece- dentes, para 24 especies vegetales incluidas en el Catálogo Valenciano de Especies de Flora Amenazada (Decreto 70/2009, DOCV de 22.05.2009), tanto para la categoría legal autonómica ¿En Peligro de Extinción¿ (EP) co- mo ¿Vulnerable¿ (VU). Los datos aportados se refieren a Achillea santoli- noides (EP), Antirrhinum valentinum (VU), Biarum dispar (VU), Campa- nula mollis (VU), Carex elata (VU), Cheirolophus lagunae (VU), Coelo- glossum viride (VU), Euphorbia nevadensis subsp. nevadensis (VU), Kos- teletzkya pentacarpa (VU), Limonium mansanetianum (VU), Lupinus ma- riae-josephae (VU), Odontites valentinus (EP), Ophioglossum lusitanicum (VU), Orchis conica (VU), O. papilionacea (EP), O. purpurea (VU), Pa- rentucellia viscosa (EP), Pinguicula vallisnerifolia (VU), Serapias lingua (VU), Silene diclinis (VU), Sternbergia colchiciflora (VU), Teucrium le- picephalum (VU), Thymus lacaitae (VU) y Utricularia australis (EP). La mayoría de nuevas citas derivan del rastreo técnico intensivo y de la cola- boración de agentes medioambientales de la Generalitat Valenciana e in- formadores voluntarios.New records of 24 plant species included in the Va- lencian Catalogue of Threatened Plant Species (Decree 70/2009, DOCV 22.05.2009), both for regional categories 'Threatened to Extinction (EP)' and 'Vulnerable (VU)' are presented. Data refer to Achillea santolinoides (EP), Antirrhinum valentinum (VU), Biarum dispar (VU), Campanula mo- llis (VU), Carex elata (VU), Cheirolophus lagunae (VU), Coeloglossum viride (VU), Euphorbia nevadensis subsp. nevadensis (VU), Kosteletzkya pentacarpa (VU), Limonium mansanetianum (VU), Lupinus mariae-jose- phae (VU), Odontites valentinus (EP), Ophioglossum lusitanicum (VU), Orchis conica (VU), O. papilionacea (EP), O. purpurea (VU), Parentu- cellia viscosa (EP), Pinguicula vallisnerifolia (VU), Serapias lingua (VU), Silene diclinis (VU), Sternbergia colchiciflora (VU), Teucrium lepice- phalum (VU), Thymus lacaitae (VU) and Utricularia australis (EP). Most of the new records come from the intensive field survey carried out by technicians and forest rangers from Generalitat Valenciana as well as vo- lunteers

    Avance al estudio de la Cueva de Benzú (Ceuta). Nuevas perspectivas de investigación de sociedades tribales en el área norteafricana del Estrecho de Gibraltar

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    Las excavaciones en la Cueva de Benzú aportan interesantes datos para el estudio de las sociedades tribales. Está situada en la región Atlántica-Mediterránea, en el Norte de África. Tiene una datación en el VI milenio BC.The excavations in Benzu’s Cave provides interesting facts to the study of the tribal societies. It is placed between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean region, in the North of Africa. It is dated in the VI millennium BC.10 página