50 research outputs found

    A high performance home in the Mediterranean climate: From the design principle to actual measurements

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    Experience developed in the northern European countries led, in the last decades, to standard and shared procedures for the design and construction of passive houses and similar high performance buildings. These approaches are specifically developed for cold climates, therefore cannot be directly applied to the Mediterranean climate, where substantially different climatic conditions must be challenged. The design and early monitoring of a customized zero energy house, located in Sicily, is proposed as an exemplary case study for the future generation of high performance and nearly-zero energy buildings in the Mediterranean area. The key role played by the control of heat gains, and the correct use of thermal mass is highlighted, showing similarities and differences with passive houses built in the North Europe. The measurements of energy and environmental performance of the building show the effectiveness of the response of the adopted design approach to the specific climatic conditions

    Significant low prevalence of antibodies reacting with simian virus 40 mimotopes in serum samples from patients affected by inflammatory neurologic diseases, including multiple sclerosis

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    Many investigations were carried out on the association between viruses and multiple sclerosis (MS). Indeed, early studies reported the detections of neurotropic virus footprints in the CNS of patients with MS. In this study, sera from patients affected by MS, other inflammatory (OIND) and non-inflammatory neurologic diseases (NIND) were analyzed for antibodies against the polyomavirus, Simian Virus 40 (SV40). An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), with two synthetic peptides, which mimic SV40 antigens, was employed to detect specific antibodies in sera from patients affected by MS, OIND, NIND and healthy subjects (HS). Immunologic data indicate that in sera from MS patients antibodies against SV40 mimotopes are detectable with a low prevalence, 6%, whereas in HS of the same mean age, 40 yrs, the prevalence was 22%. The difference is statistically significant (P = 0.001). Significant is also the difference between MS vs. NIND patients (6% vs. 17%; P = 0.0254), whereas no significant difference was detected between MS vs OIND (6% vs 10%; P>0.05). The prevalence of SV40 antibodies in MS patients is 70% lower than that revealed in HS

    Serum IgG against Simian Virus 40 antigens are hampered by high levels of sHLA-G in patients affected by inflammatory neurological diseases, as multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Many investigators detected the simian polyomavirus SV40 footprints in human brain tumors and neurologic diseases and recently it has been indicated that SV40 seems to be associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) disease. Interestingly, SV40 interacts with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules for cell entry. HLA class I antigens, in particular non-classical HLA-G molecules, characterized by an immune-regulatory function, are involved in MS disease, and the levels of these molecules are modified according with the disease status. Objective: We investigated in serum samples, from Italian patients affected by MS, other inflammatory diseases (OIND), non-inflammatory neurological diseases (NIND) and healthy subjects (HS), SV40-antibody and soluble sHLA-G and the association between SV40-prevalence and sHLA-G levels. Methods: ELISA tests were used for SV40-antibodies detection and sHLA-G quantitation in serum samples. Results: The presence of SV40 antibodies was observed in 6 % of patients affected by MS (N = 4/63), 10 % of OIND (N = 8/77) and 15 % of NIND (N = 9/59), which is suggestive of a lower prevalence in respect to HS (22 %, N = 18/83). MS patients are characterized by higher sHLA-G serum levels (13.9 \ub1 0.9 ng/ml; mean \ub1 St. Error) in comparison with OIND (6.7 \ub1 0.8 ng/ml), NIND (2.9 \ub1 0.4 ng/ml) and HS (2.6 \ub1 0.7 ng/ml) subjects. Interestingly, we observed an inverse correlation between SV40 antibody prevalence and sHLA-G serum levels in MS patients. Conclusion: The data obtained showed a low prevalence of SV40 antibodies in MS patients. These results seems to be due to a generalized status of inability to counteract SV40 infection via antibody production. In particular, we hypothesize that SV40 immune-inhibitory direct effect and the presence of high levels of the immune-inhibitory HLA-G molecules could co-operate in impairing B lymphocyte activation towards SV40 specific peptides

    Planck intermediate results XIV : Dust emission at millimetre wavelengths in the Galactic plane

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    Planck intermediate results XIII : Constraints on peculiar velocities

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    Association between colorectal carcinoma and the oncogenic polyomavirus JCPyV

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    Il carcinoma al colon-retto (CRC) puĂČ essere di tipo sporadico, familiare o ereditario. La forma sporadica, comprende circa il 70% dei casi di CRC, mentre le alterazioni del DNA nelle cellule somatiche sono causate da diversi fattori. Tra i diversi agenti cancerogeni coinvolti nell'insorgenza del cancro del colon-retto sono inclusi anche i virus oncogeni. Alcuni esempi sono herpes-, adeno-, pox-, papilloma-, epatite-, retro- e polioma-virus. Tra i virus polioma oncogeni, JCPyV Ăš stato trovato associato al CRC. Il virus JC Ăš un virus polioma identificato nel 1971 come agente causale della leucoencefalopatia multifocale progressiva (PML). Negli ultimi anni, diversi studi hanno riportato l’associazione tra JCPyV e diversi tumori umani, come tumori cerebrali e del colon-retto. Tuttavia, i dati della letteratura sono conflittuali. Per questo motivo Ăš in atto un forte dibattito sull’associazione tra il cancro del colon-retto e JCPyV nella comunitĂ  scientifica del settore. Infatti, alcuni studi hanno dimostrato l'associazione tra CRC e JCPyV, mentre altre ricerche non hanno confermato questa associazione. Nel mio studio ho indagato l'associazione tra CRC e JCPyV con nuovi approcci scientifici e tecniche innovative. A questo scopo ho analizzato la presenza delle sequenze di DNA di JCPyV (i) nelle biopsie di CRC e della mucosa sana adiacente (HM); (ii) in colture cellulari primarie derivate da CRC; (iii) in campioni di siero di pazienti affetti da CRC e controlli, rappresentati da soggetti sani (HS) con la stessa etĂ  media e genere dei pazienti. Poi, ho analizzato (iv) la presenza e prevalenza di anticorpi anti-JCPyV in campioni di siero delle stesse due coorti, CRC e HS. Le sequenze genomiche di JCPyV sono state rilevate nel 41,5% (22/53) delle biopsie di CRC e nel 21% (11/53) dei tessuti HM. La diversa prevalenza Ăš statisticamente significativa. È interessante notare come in 11 campioni di CRC risultati JCPyV-positivi, il corrispondente tessuto sano di HM Ăš risultato JCPyV-negativo. Inoltre, la prevalenza delle sequenze di JCPyV Ăš risultata tra i CRCJCPyV-positivi, maggiore nei campioni di cieco e flessura splenica, sia nelle biopsie di tumore che nella mucosa sana. Questi dati nell’insieme indicano un'associazione tra CRC e JCPyV con una particolare attenzione a questi due distretti anatomici. È noto che i linfociti B e T rappresentano un veicolo per JCPyV per raggiungere i diversi tessuti dell'ospite. Per verificare se la positivitĂ  di JCPyV riscontrata nelle biopsie di tumore Ăš dovuta alla presenza del virus nelle cellule tumorali o nei linfociti infiltranti il tumore in vivo, sono state allestite e caratterizzate le colture cellulari primarie derivate dalla biopsia di CRC (n=13). Infatti, i linfociti B 2 e T non crescono in vitro durante i passaggi di coltura cellulare, permettendo cosĂŹ alle cellule epiteliali trasformate di moltiplicare in monostrati. Tra 13 biopsie di CRC scelte casualmente, il 31% (4/13) sono risultate JCPyV-positive. I 4 campioni di cellule JCPyV-positivi e le altre 9 colture cellulari JCPyV-negative hanno avuto gli stessi risultati quando analizzati come biopsie. Questo risultato suggerisce che la presenza di sequenze di JCPyV nella biopsia di carcinoma colorettale umano non Ăš dovuto ai linfociti infiltranti il tumore. In studi recenti, sono state rilevate sequenze circolanti di DNA di JCPyV nel siero umano. Tuttavia, nella mia indagine tra 53 sieri di CRC e 89 di HM solo campione, di un paziente affetto da CRC, Ăš risultato JCPyV-positivo. Successivamente, Ăš stata indagata la prevalenza di anticorpi IgG contro JCPyV nel siero di pazienti affetti da CRC e controlli HS. In particolare, sono stati disegnati due peptidi sintetici (VP1 K e VP1 N) che mimano gli epitopi della proteina strutturale VP1 di JCPyV. È stato allestito un ELISA indiretto con l’uso di questi due peptidi sintetici, utilizzati come antigeni, per testare 53 campioni di siero di pazienti affetti da CRC e 89 di HS. I dati provenienti dai test immunologici indicano che la prevalenza di anticorpi anti-JCPyV in pazienti affetti da CRC Ăš del 26% (14/53), mentre nel gruppo di controllo HS Ăš del 51% (45/89). Come controllo dei dati ottenuti con il test E.L.I.S.A. indiretto, Ăš stato impiegato il saggio di inibizione dell’emoagglutinazione (H.I.A.). I dati provenienti da questo saggio sono sovrapponibili ai risultati ottenuti con il test ELISA indiretto con peptidi sintetici. In conclusione, il nuovo ELISA indiretto Ăš affidabile, veloce, sensibile, specifico ed economico. Questa indagine ha trovato un'associazione tra il cancro del colon-retto e l'infezione da JCPyV. Infatti, le sequenze di JCPyV sono state rilevate in campioni di biopsia di CRC con una prevalenza superiore a quella rivelata nella biopsia HM degli stessi pazienti. È interessante notare che la maggior parte dei sieri di pazienti affetti da CRC, risultati JCPyV-positivi, non hanno reagito con gli antigeni di JCPyV. È possibile che questi pazienti oncologici siano almeno parzialmente immunodepressi o nonresponder, quindi non siano in grado di neutralizzare l'infezione di JCPyV e di conseguenza la sua attivitĂ  oncogenica. Questi dati sono innovativi in questo campo e possono rappresentare un punto di partenza per indagare ulteriormente il ruolo putativo di JCPyV nell’insorgenza/progressione di CRC.Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) can be sporadic, familial or inherited. The sporadic form represents about 70% of CRC cases. DNA alterations detected in CRC somatic cells are due to several factors. Different cancerogenic agents are involved in the CRC onset/progression, including tumor viruses, such as herpes-, adeno-, pox-, papilloma-, hepatitis-, retro- and polyoma-viruses. Among the oncogenic Polyomaviruses, JC polyomavirus (JCPyV) was found to be associated with CRC cases. JCPyV virus is a polyomavirus identified in 1971 as the causative agent of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). In recent years, several studies reported on the association between JCPyV and different human cancers, mainly brain and colorectal tumors. However, confliting data were published. Indeed, several investigations found the association between colorectal cancer and JCPyV, whereas other studies reported negative results. On this ground, in this study I investigated the association between CRC and JCPyV with new technical approaches. To this purpose, JCPyV DNA sequences were investigated (i) in CRC and the adjacent healthy mucosa (HM) biopsies; (ii) in primary cell cultures derived from CRC; (iii) in serum samples from CRC patients and controls, represented by healthy subjects (HS) with the same median age and gender of the patients. Then, (iv) the prevalence of JCPyV-antibodies was investigated in serum samples of the two cohorts, CRC and HS. JCPyV sequences were detected in 22/53, 41.5%, of CRC biopsies and in 11/53, 21%, of HM tissues, being the different prevalence statistically significant. It is interesting to note that 11 CRC samples tested JCPyV-positive, whereas the matched HM sample were found to be JCPyV-negative. Furthermore, JCPyV sequences are more prevalent in the cecum and in the splenic flexure samples, both in tumor and normal mucosa biopsies. This data suggests an association between CRC and JCPyV with a particular focus in these two anatomical districts. It is known that B- and T-lymphocytes represent vehicles for JCPyV to reach different tissues of the host. To verify if JCPyV-positive CRC tumors are due to the presence of the virus in the cancer cells, or to the lymphocytes infiltrating the tumor in vivo, primary cultures derived from CRC cells were set up. Indeed, B- and T-lymphocytes do not grow in vitro during the cell culture passages, thus allowing the transformed epithelial cells to multiply in monolayers. Primary CRC cell cultures (n=13) from the biopsies were set up and characterized. Among these 13 randomly chosen biopsies, 4/13 (31%) CRC tested JCPyV-positive. The 4 cell samples found JCPyV-positive and the 9 other cell cultures tested JCPyV-negative had the same results when analyzed as biopsies. This result suggests 2 that the presence of JCPyV sequences in human colorectal cancer biopsy is not due to the lymphocytes infiltrating the tumor. In recent studies, circulating JCPyV DNA sequences were detected in human sera. However, in my investigation among 53 CRC and 89 HM sera only one sample, from CRC patient, tested JCPyVpositive. Subsequently, the prevalence of serum IgG antibodies against JCPyV was comparatively investigated in CRC tumor patients and HS controls. Mimotopes from JCPyV structural peptides were tested to investigate for specific reactions to human sera antibodies. An indirect ELISA with synthetic peptides from JCPyV viral capsid protein 1 (VP1) was set up and employed to test 53 CRC serum samples and 89 healthy subject. Data from immunologic assays indicate that the overall prevalence of JCPyVVP1 antibodies in CRC patients is 26%, whereas in HS is 51%. As a control of the data obtained by indirect E.L.I.S.A., hemagglutination inhibition assay (H.I.A.) was used. Data from H.I.A. overlapped the results obtained by the indirect ELISA with synthetic peptides. In conclusion, the new indirect ELISA is reliable, faster, sensitive, specific and with affordable costs. This investigation found an association between colorectal cancer and JCPyV infection. Indeed, JCPyV sequences were detected in CRC samples with a higher prevalence than that revealed in HM of the same patients. Interestingly, the majority of sera from CRC patients, tested JCPyV-positive, did not react with JCPyV VP antigens. It is possible that these CRC patients, as oncologic patients, were at least partially immunodepressed or non-responders and therefore they were unable to neutralize the JCPyV infection and consequently its oncogenic ativity. This data are innovative in this field and they may represent a starting point to investigate further the putative role of JCPyV in CRC onset/progression and its mechanism of transformation

    About the iconography of the Plague in the territories of the Serenissima

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    reserved​​Questa tesi magistrale esplora vari aspetti legati alla rappresentazione e all'iconografia della peste all'interno dei territori della Serenissima Repubblica. La tesi approfondisce l'origine e la diffusione della peste, esaminando i vettori di trasmissione e le diverse varianti della malattia. Vengono inoltre analizzati i trattati medici sulla peste, concentrandosi sulle immagini utilizzate in questi testi e sull'abbigliamento indossato dai medici durante le epidemie. Lo studio esplora inoltre l'iconografia della peste, concentrandosi in particolare sui temi del trionfo della morte e della danza macabra. Si indaga su come il concetto di morte sia evoluto dopo la devastante pandemia del 1348 e si esaminano le raffigurazioni dei santi associati alla peste. Inoltre, la tesi esplora la relazione tra la Serenissima Repubblica e la peste, analizzando l'intreccio tra religione e vita pubblica. Si discute della presenza simbolica dello stato veneziano in dipinti sulla peste del XVI secolo, inizialmente incarnata da San Marco e successivamente rappresentata attraverso figure allegoriche femminili. Attraverso l'analisi di una vasta gamma di fonti, tra cui trattati medici, opere visive e documenti storici, questa tesi offre uno studio approfondito dell'iconografia della peste nei territori della Serenissima, mettendo in luce il significato culturale e sociale di tali rappresentazioni e la loro connessione con il contesto storico

    Specific Detection of Serum Antibodies against BKPyV, A Small DNA Tumour Virus, in Patients Affected by Choroidal Nevi

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    Ocular or choroidal nevus (CN) is a rare benign neoplastic lesion of the eye. The cause of CN onset/progression, which arises from the transformation of ocular melanocytes, is not known. A fraction of CN patients may develop uveal melanoma. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between CN and BK polyomavirus (BKPyV), a small DNA tumor virus. Serum IgG antibodies which react with BKPyV antigens were analyzed. An indirect E.L.I.S.A. using synthetic peptides that mimic BKPyV antigens was employed. Serumantibodies against BKPyV were also investigated by haemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assay. Sera were from CN patients and healthy subject (HS) were the control. A statistically significant higher prevalence of antibodies against BKPyV capsid protein antigens in serum samples from CN patients was detected, compared to HS, using two independent techniques, indirect E.L.I.S.A. and HAI (87.3% CN vs. 62.1% HS and 91.5% CN vs. 64.4% HS, respectively; p < 0.005). Our data suggest an association exists between CN and BKPyV indicating that this small DNA tumor virus could be responsible in the onset of this benign neoplastic lesion affecting eye melanocytes. This investigation reports the association between choroidal nevi and BKPyV infection for the first time. These data are innovative in this field and may represent a starting point for further investigation into the putative role of BKPyV in CN onset/progression

    Energy consumption, thermal comfort and load match: study of a monitored nearly Zero Energy Building in Mediterranean climate

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    Several definitions of Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB) exist in literature and different implementations of the term can be found in National laws/regulations. The differences among the Member States in nomenclature and definition of the main indicators often lead to incomparable results and difficulties in transfer and diffusion of technologies across the EU. The paper aims to investigate the topic of ZEB by clarifying the meaning of nearly ZEB and Net ZEB through the application of the definitions in a case study of a high-performance building (certified Passivhaus) located in Sicily, Italy. The house fulfils the requirements of nearly ZEB, according to Italian legislation, and satisfies the Net ZEB’s yearly balance between imported and exported energy. However, the use of shorter calculation time periods highlights the presence of a relatively large mismatch between the time of use and of renewable generation. Finally, the results of the thermal comfort analysis show the achievement of adaptive thermal comfort in summer thanks to the passive features of the building (mass, external thermal insulation, solar protections) and passive techniques for heat removal (night ventilation and ground exchange)