45 research outputs found

    Core charge distribution and self assembly of columnar phases: the case of triphenylenes and azatriphenylenes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The relation betweeen the structure of discotic molecules and columnar properties, a crucial point for the realization of new advanced materials, is still largely unknown. A paradigmatic case is that hexa-alkyl-thio substituted triphenylenes present mesogenic behavior while the corresponding azatriphenylenes, similar in shape and chemical structure, but with a different core charge distribution, do not form any liquid crystalline mesophase. This study is aimed at investigating, with the help of computer simulations techniques, the effects on phase behaviour of changes of the charge distribution in the discotic core.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We described the shape and the pair, dispersive and electrostatic, interactions of hexa alkyl triphenylenes by uniaxial Gay-Berne discs with embedded point charges. Gay-Berne parameters were deduced by fitting the dispersive energies obtained from an atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of a small sample of hexa-octyl-thio triphenylene molecules in columnar phase, while a genetic algorithm was used to get a minimal set of point charges that properly reproduces the ab anitio electrostatic potential. We performed Monte Carlo simulations of three molecular models: the pure Gay-Berne disc, used as a reference, the Gay-Berne disc with hexa-thio triphenylene point charges, the Gay-Berne disc with hexa-thio azatriphenylene point charges. The phase diagram of the pure model evidences a rich polymorphism, with isotropic, columnar and crystalline phases at low pressure, and the appearance of nematic phase at higher pressure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We found that the intermolecular electrostatic potential among the cores is fundamental in sta-bilizing/destabilizing columnar phases; in particular the triphenylene charge distribution stabilizes the columnar structure, while the azatriphenylene distribution suppresses its formation in favor of the nematic phase. We believe the present model could be successfully employed as the basis for coarse-grained level simulations of a wider class of triphenylene derivatives.</p

    Acetylcholine regulates ghrelin secretion in humans

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    Ghrelin secretion has been reportedly increased by fasting and energy restriction but decreased by food intake, glucose, insulin, and somatostatin. However, its regulation is still far from clarified. The cholinergic system mediates some ghrelin actions, e.g. stimulation of gastric contractility and acid secretion and its orexigenic activity. To clarify whether ghrelin secretion undergoes cholinergic control in humans, we studied the effects of pirenzepine [PZ, 100 mg per os (by mouth)], a muscarinic antagonist, or pyridostigmine (PD, 120 mg per os), an indirect cholinergic agonist, on ghrelin, GH, insulin, and glucose levels in six normal subjects. PD increased (P < 0.05) GH (change in area under curves, mean +/- SEM, 790.9 +/- 229.3 microg(*)min/liter) but did not modify insulin and glucose levels. PZ did not significantly modify GH, insulin, and glucose levels. Circulating ghrelin levels were increased by PD (11290.5 +/- 6688.7 pg(*)min/ml; P < 0.05) and reduced by PZ (-23205.0 +/- 8959.5 pg(*)min/ml; P < 0.01). The PD-induced ghrelin peak did not precede that of GH. In conclusion, circulating ghrelin levels in humans are increased and reduced by cholinergic agonists and antagonists, respectively. Thus, ghrelin secretion is under cholinergic, namely muscarinic, control in humans. The variations in circulating ghrelin levels induced by PD and PZ are unlikely to mediate the cholinergic influence on GH secretion


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    La Transglutaminasi di Tipo 2 (TG2) ù un enzima ubiquitario multifunzionale implicato nella regolazione di numerose vie di segnalazione cellulari che supportano la sopravvivenza, la morte e l’omeostasi delle cellule eucariotiche. Considerando le sue multiple localizzazioni sia all’interno che all’esterno della cellula, la TG2 prende parte nella regolazione di numerosi cascate di segnale intracellulari in maniera tessuto- e cellula-specifica, rendendo questo enzima un fattore importante nello sviluppo e nella progressione di diverse patologie. Nei tumori, il ruolo di TG2 ù altamente dibattuto. Inizialmente associato a funzioni pro-apoptotiche, la TG2 ù stata anche descritta come un oncogene. Per far luce su queste controversie, la mia ricerca si ù focalizzata sulla comprensione dei ruoli svolti da questo enzima nel contesto tumorale. Di recente abbiamo dimostrato che l’espressione di TG2 regola la via di segnale del Wnt, un importante fattore per lo sviluppo e la morfogenesi dei vertebrati. Considerando la funzione critica del Wnt nella regolazione degli hallmark tumorali, abbiamo voluto chiarire il ruolo di TG2 nella tumorigenesi e verificare se questo dipendeva dall’asse TG2-Wnt. A tale scopo, abbiamo condotto studi di meta-analisi su database pubblici i quali hanno rivelato che TG2 esercita un ruolo prognostico positivo solamente in un tipo di cancro su 32 considerati, ovvero il melanoma cutaneo. Ad oggi, pochi e contrastanti dati descrivono la funzione dell’espressione di TG2 nel melanoma cutaneo, ma nessuno di essi permette di comprendere il ruolo prognostico di questa proteina in questo tipo di tumore. Combinando dati di bionformatica e analisi multi-omiche con validazioni in vitro ed in vivo abbiamo scoperto la presenza di un asse TG2-MITF che regola l’eterogeneità intratumorale del melanoma, modulando il “phenotypic switch” e spingendo verso il differenziamento delle cellule di melanoma. Ulteriori analisi bioinformatiche hanno rivelato un’associazione fortemente positiva tra l’espressione di TG2 e la risposta immunitaria anti-tumorale, suggerendo che la TG2 potrebbe essere considerata un nuovo promettente biomarcatore di prognosi in melanoma, contribuendo ad identificare i pazienti che trarrebbero maggior beneficio dall’utilizzo dell’immunoterapia. Da queste nuove scoperte, l’identificazione di questo intricato reticolo di interazioni rappresenta un fondamentale elemento predittivo che potrebbe aprire la strada per comprendere nuove vulnerabilità del melanoma e definire meglio il ruolo che questo enigmatico enzima gioca nel contesto tumorale.Transglutaminase type 2 (TG2) is an ubiquitous multifunctional enzyme implicated in the regulation of several cellular pathways that support survival, death, and general homeostasis of eukaryotic cells. Due to its multiple localizations both inside and outside the cell, TG2 participates in the regulation of many crucial intracellular signaling cascades in a tissue- and cell-specific manner, making this enzyme an important player in disease development and progression. In malignancies, TG2 role is currently highly debated. Initially associated with pro-apoptotic functions, TG2 has also been described as an oncogene. To shed light on such controversies, my research focused on understanding the role of this enzyme in the tumour context. Recently, we demonstrated that TG2 expression regulates the Wnt signaling pathway, which is important for vertebrate development and morphogenesis. Considering the critical function of Wnt in regulating cancer hallmarks, we wished to better elucidate the role TG2 plays on tumorigenesis and check if it depended on the TG2-Wnt axis. To this aim, we conducted meta-analysis studies on publicly available datasets, which revealed that TG2 exerts a positive prognostic value in only one out of 32 cancer-types, namely Skin Cutaneous Melanoma (SKCM). To date, very few and contrasting results depicted the function of TG2 expression in SKCM, but none of them allows to comprehend the prognostic value of the protein in this type of tumour. By combining bioinformatic analyses and multi-omics profiling with in vitro and in vivo validations, we discovered the presence of a TG2-MITF axis that regulates melanoma intra-tumor heterogeneity by modulating the “phenotypic switch” and driving melanoma cells differentiation. Further bioinformatic analyses revealed a strong positive association between TG2 expression and anti-tumoral immune response, suggesting that TG2 may be presented as a new promising immune biomarker of prognosis in SKCM, which may contribute to identifying patients who would benefit the most from adjuvant immunotherapy. According to the novel findings summarized above, discovering this intricate reticulum of interactions represents an invaluable predictive element which could pave the way for unraveling melanoma vulnerabilities and better understanding the role that this enigmatic enzyme plays in a tumor context

    From rod-like to disc-like Gay–Berne biaxial nematics and back

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    By means of Monte Carlo simulations at constant pressure and temperature, the phase behaviour of pure systems of soft biaxial Gay–Berne ellipsoids, prototypical models for thermotropic mesogens, was determined as a function of temperature and three different pressures. To reduce the number of free shape and energy parameters to only one, the medium ellipsoid axis σx, particles possessing identical total volume and length σz were studied, with interactions parameterised in terms of products of axes lengths. The resulting phase diagrams present a variety of crystalline and liquid crystalline phases characterised by different biaxiality and preferential axis alignment, with GB particles behaving like rods for more elongated shapes, and like discs for more squashed ones. In agreement with previous simulation and theoretical studies using simpler models, the transition between rod to disc behaviour (and back) occurs approximately when the so-called dual-shape condition is reached, i.e. when σx = √σyσz. This shape ideally identifies also the position of a Landau point, in which at a specific temperature, isotropic, calamitic nematic, discotic nematic, and biaxial nematic may coexist, and hence a direct isotropic to biaxial nematic transition could in principle occur. We did not observe such event in our simulations

    Promising prognostic value of Transglutaminase type 2 and its correlation with tumor-infiltrating immune cells in skin cutaneous melanoma

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    Tissue Transglutaminases (TGs) are crosslinking enzymes with pleiotropic functions that have been linked to the development and progression of numerous cancers, with a recent focus on their ability to remodel the tumor microenvironment. Although several pieces of evidence demonstrated their importance in the regulation of the major signaling pathways that control oncogenesis, the correlation between TGs with clinical and pathological features remains controversial and to be further explored. Moreover, an assessment of the TGs alterations together with a functional analysis associated with clinical features and prognostic values are still lacking and would help to understand these intricacies, particularly in human cancers. In the present study, we processed data from numerous public datasets to investigate TGs distribution and prognostic signature in cancer patients. Here, we found that skin cutaneous melanoma (SKCM) shows the highest abundance of TGs mutations among the other human cancers. Interestingly, among all the TGs, TG2 is the only member whose expression is associated with a better overall survival in SKCM, although its expression increases with the worsening of the tumor phenotype. Our analysis revealed a strong positive association between TG2 expression and anti-tumoral immune response, which would explain the relationship between high mRNA levels and better overall survival. Our data suggest that TG2 may be presented as a new promising immune biomarker of prognosis in SKCM, which may contribute to identifying patients who would benefit the most from adjuvant immunotherapy

    A Meta-Analysis Study to Infer Voltage-Gated K+ Channels Prognostic Value in Different Cancer Types

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    : Potassium channels are often highly expressed in cancer cells with respect to healthy ones, as they provide proliferative advantages through modulating membrane potential, calcium homeostasis, and various signaling pathways. Among potassium channels, Shaker type voltage-gated Kv channels are emerging as promising pharmacological targets in oncology. Here, we queried publicly available cancer patient databases to highlight if a correlation exists between Kv channel expression and survival rate in five different cancer types. By multiple gene comparison analysis, we found a predominant expression of KCNA2, KCNA3, and KCNA5 with respect to the other KCNA genes in skin cutaneous melanoma (SKCM), uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma (UCEC), stomach adenocarcinoma (STAD), lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), and lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC). This analysis highlighted a prognostic role of KCNA3 and KCNA5 in SKCM, LUAD, LUSC, and STAD, respectively. Interestingly, KCNA3 was associated with a positive prognosis in SKCM and LUAD but not in LUSC. Results obtained by the analysis of KCNA3-related differentially expressed genes (DEGs); tumor immune cell infiltration highlighted differences that may account for such differential prognosis. A meta-analysis study was conducted to investigate the role of KCNA channels in cancer using cancer patients' datasets. Our study underlines a promising correlation between Kv channel expression in tumor cells, in infiltrating immune cells, and survival rate

    Mimicking electrostatic interactions with a set of effective charges. A genetic algorithm

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    We present a genetic algorithm apt to determine a set of effective charges that approximate the electrostatic field around a molecule. We show that these charges provide a reasonably good approximation to the pair electrostatic interaction and argue that the method should provide a valuable tool in computer simulations of condensed phases, particularly liquid crystals