1,240 research outputs found

    New understanding of the shape-memory response in thiol-epoxy click systems: towards controlling the recovery process

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    Our research group has recently found excellent shape-memory response in “thiol-epoxy” thermosets obtained with click-chemistry. In this study, we use their well-designed, homogeneous and tailorable network structures to investigate parameters for better control of the shape-recovery process. We present a new methodology to analyse the shape-recovery process, enabling easy and efficient comparison of shape-memory experiments on the programming conditions. Shape-memory experiments at different programming conditions have been carried out to that end. Additionally, the programming process has been extensively analysed in uniaxial tensile experiments at different shape-memory testing temperatures. The results showed that the shape-memory response for a specific operational design can be optimized by choosing the correct programming conditions and accurately designing the network structure. When programming at a high temperature (T » Tg), under high network mobility conditions, high shape-recovery ratios and homogeneous shape-recovery processes are obtained for the network structure and the programmed strain level (eD). However, considerably lower stress and strain levels can be achieved. Meanwhile, when programming at temperatures lower than Tg, considerably higher stress and strain levels are attained but under low network mobility conditions. The shape-recovery process heavily depends on both the network structure and eD. Network relaxation occurs during the loading stage, resulting in a noticeable decrease in the shape-recovery rate as eD increases. Moreover, at a certain level of strain, permanent and non-recoverable deformations may occur, impeding the completion and modifying the whole path of the shape-recovery process.Postprint (author's final draft

    Foodies saludables: la mejora de la salud nutricional está en Instagram

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    Los foodies saludables están invadiendo Instagram para inculcar buenos hábitos en la población española. El trabajo de diseminar contenido relevante del ámbito nutricional entre sus seguidores con el único propósito de ayudar. A través de una comunicación bilateral y con información gráfica e interactiva, los instagramer están contribuyendo de manera significativa a mejorar el panorama de mala alimentación que se apodera de España. El propósito ha sido analizar el comportamiento de estas figuras en la red social y cómo influye su información a la hora de educar la salud en el internauta. A través del análisis exhaustivo hemos concluido que los foodies no son simples líderes de opinión, y difieren del resto de figuras influyentes en la red social tanto en temática, como en la fidelidad que mantienen hacia su línea editorial a la hora de realizar colaboraciones, como en el fin que persiguen desde el momento que crean su perfil.Healthy foodies are taking over Instagram to instil good eating habits in the Spanish population. The work of disseminating relevant content related to the nutritional area is carried out by these influencers among their followers for the sole purpose of helping them. By means of bilateral communication as well as by graphic and interactive information, such influencers are making a significant contribution to improving the poor diet scene seizing Spain. The purpose of this paper was to analyse how these instagramers act in social media and how their information is important when it comes to provide health education to the social media users. After a thorough analysis, it can be seen that food lovers are not only opinion leaders, but also influential in terms of themes and faithfulness to their principles since they keep their editorial line when making partnerships as well as their former objective from the moment they create their profile

    Electrochemical incorporation of carbon dioxide into fluorotoluene derivatives under mild conditions

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    One of the main challenges to combat climate change is to eliminate or reuse Carbon dioxide (CO), the largest contributor to the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. It is also important to synthesize compounds through greener technologies in order to obtain more environmentally friendly solutions. This study describes the electrocarboxylation process of α,α,α-trifluorotoluene using different working electrodes (glassy carbon, silver and copper) and electrolytes (polar aprotic solvent and ionic liquid). Carboxylated compounds were obtained in the same way in both electrolytic medias with more than 80% conversion rates, high yields, good selectivity, and moderate efficiencies using silver and copper as cathodes in organic electrolytes and ionic liquids

    Mutaciones del asociacionismo en una ciudad portindustrial

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    Se exponen en este trabajo los resultados de un estudio sobre la historia reciente y la situación actual del asociacionismo vecinal en Vigo. Después de un análisis del contexto socioeconómico y urbano, pasamos a reconstruir la génesis y consolidación de este reivindicativo movimiento vecinal. Por último, analizamos las principales diferencias entre asociaciones y la lógica que comunica sus particulares estrategias de acción. Observamos un cambio sustancial en la pérdida de representatividad y capacidades de influencia de las asociaciones del centro urbano, a la vez que las del ámbito periurbano incluso las han incrementado. La terciarización y las transformaciones en la composición social y usos espaciales de estas zonas periurbanas ha generado el singular fenómeno de que las asociaciones ahí localizadas siguen contribuyendo a la cohesión social de los vecindarios y a considerar las cuestiones de urbanismo como centrales en el conjunto de sus actividades.Vigoko auzoen asoziazionismoaren oraintsuko historia eta egungo egoerari buruzko ikerketa baten emaitzak erakusten dira lan honetan. Sozioekonomia eta hiri testuingurua aztertu ondoren, auzo mugimendu errebindikatzaile horren sortze eta sendotzeaz dihardugu. Azkenik, elkarteen arteko desberdintasun nagusiak aztertzen ditugu eta haien ekintzarako estrategia bereziek aditzera ematen duten logika. Funtsezko aldaketari erreparatzen diogu hiriguneko elkarteen ordezkatze eta eragiteko ahalmenaren galerari dagokionez, hiri ingurukoek ahalmen hori gehitzen zuten bitartean. Hirugarren sektorearen hedapenak eta hiri inguruko eskualde horien gizarte osaeran zein espazioen erabileran gertatu aldaketek fenomeno berezia eragin dute: bertako elkarteek auzoen gizarte kohesioari laguntzen jarraitzen dute eta hirigintza kontuak beren ekintzen muinean daude beti ere.On expose, dans ce travail, les résultats d'une étude sur l'histoire récente et la situation actuelle de l'associationnisme de voisinage à Vigo. Après une analyse du contexte socioéconomique et urbain, nous reconstruisons la genèse et la consolidation de ce mouvement de voisinage revendicatif. Enfin, nous analysons les principales différences entre associations et la logique que communique ses stratégies d'action particulières. Nous observons un changement substantiel dans la perte de représentativité et les capacités d'influence des associations du centre urbain, en même temps que celles du milieu périphérique les ont augmentées. La tertiairisation et les transformations dans la composition sociale et les usages spatiaux de ces zones de périphérie ont engendré un singulier phénomène: les associations qui sont localisées là continuent à contribuer à la cohésion sociale des voisinages et à considérer les questions d'urbanisme comme point central dans l'ensemble de ses activités.This research focuses on urban social movements in the city of Vigo, especially emphasizing on neighbourhood associations. Their recent history shows a common unity and strong legitimation around one federation. At the same time, two different and opposed phenomena ocurred inside this movement: the first one was the decline, in terms of representativity and capacities of mobilization, of neigbourhood associations located at the city centre; in second place, associations placed at the second "urban periphery" gained referenciality and power of influence. Urban planning continued as a main worry only for these last groups

    Use of CO2 for electrosynthesis

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABA review of the main ideas related to the capture and valorization of CO by using electrochemical processes is presented. The advantages of using an electrode-controlled potential that provides the possibility of reducing CO to non-fossil carbon-based fuels, or of using this atmospheric pollutant in organic synthesis processes that rely on electrocarboxylation steps are outlined. The implications of a reduction in atmospheric CO emissions in the global climate change emergency, while at the same time finding alternative and clean ways of producing valuable fuels and chemicals, are emphasized. Particular attention is paid to the powerful role that ionic liquids can play as ideal solvents and electrolytes in such electrochemical reactions. A general description of the advantages that these liquids have for the solubilization and the support of the electrochemical reduction of CO is presented

    Sustainable and efficient electrosynthesis of naproxen using carbon dioxide and ionic liquids

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    The use of CO2 as a C1 carbon source for synthesis is raising increasing attention both as a strategy to bring value to carbon dioxide capture technologies and a sustainable approach towards chemicals and energy. The presented results focus on the application of electrochemical methods to incorporate CO2 into organic compounds using ionic liquids as electrolytes, which provides a green alternative to the formation of C-C bonds. In this sense, the current manuscript shows that Naproxen (6-Methoxy-α-methyl-2-naphthaleneacetic acid) can be synthetizing in high yield (89%) and conversion rates (90%) through an electrocarboxylation process using CO2 and ionic liquids. The role of the cathode and solvent, which can potentially enhance the synthesis, is also discussed. The "green" route described in the current work would open a new sustainable strategy for the electrochemical production of pharmaceutical compounds

    Narrativas y didáctica de las ciencias sociales: el pensamiento histórico del futuro profesorado en Educación Primaria

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    La presente investigación pretende acercarse al pensamiento histórico del profesorado en formación, dada la complejidad para abordar las nociones temporales con niños y niñas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la historia. Para ello, se han analizado diversas narrativas (entrevistas, diarios y cuentos) realizadas por el alumnado del Grado de Educación Primaria de la Universidad de ANÓNIMO entre los cursos 2015-2016 y 2018-2019, dentro de la asignatura de Didáctica de las Ciencias sociales. El análisis de las diferentes propuestas se sitúa dentro de una metodología cualitativa, empleando cuatro dimensiones: perspectiva histórica, comprensión histórica, procesos de causa/consecuencia y empatía histórica. Los resultados muestran que el profesorado en formación no presenta un nivel alto de pensamiento histórico, lo que indica la necesidad de abordar de una forma compleja su formación en el Grado. En este sentido, nuestra investigación se enmarca en una línea de estudios previos sobre la formación del profesorado desde la perspectiva de la didáctica de las ciencias sociales

    Perceptions of Heritage among Students of Early Childhood and Primary Education

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    In recent decades, a growing awareness of the importance of preserving cultural heritage as a means of promoting sustainable development has been accompanied by a similar re-evaluation of the role of heritage education as a key driver of citizen engagement. The development and implementation of heritage education at all levels, particularly in the context of teacher training, is of vital importance. The aim of this study is to analyse student teachers’ understanding of heritage and its potential as an educational tool, in order to identify measures to enhance teacher training and practice with respect to heritage and heritage education. The research design consists of a comparative study of a non-random sample of 149 trainee teachers undertaking Bachelor’s degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education at the University of Córdoba (Spain). The results reveal a mainly cultural conception of heritage among both groups, based on local material elements, and little sense of the link between heritage and present-day life. The students studying early childhood education were found to display a more specific knowledge of heritage in their answers, while the primary education students showed a greater awareness of identity and values as features of cultural heritage

    Real world data on the demographic and clinicopathological profile and management of patients with early-stage HER2-positive breast cancer and residual disease treated with adjuvant trastuzumab emtansine (KARMA study)

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    Adjuvant treatment; Early breast cancer; Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2Tratamiento adyuvante; Cáncer de mama temprano; Receptor 2 del factor de crecimiento epidérmico humanoTractament adjuvant; Càncer de mama precoç; Receptor 2 del factor de creixement epidèrmic humàIntroduction Trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) significantly improves invasive disease-free survival and reduces the risk of recurrence in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer (EBC) with residual disease (RD). The KARMA study aimed to describe the characteristics and management of these patients in clinical practice in Spain. Material and methods We conducted a multicentre retrospective study in patients with HER2-positive EBC with RD following neoadjuvant treatment (NeoT) and who had received ≥1 dose of T-DM1 as adjuvant treatment. The primary endpoint was the evaluation of sociodemographic and clinicopathological characteristics of these patients. Results A total of 114 patients were included (March–July 2020). At diagnosis, most tumours were infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC) (93.9 %), grade 2 (56.1 %), and hormone receptor (HR)-positive (79.8 %). Over 75 % of patients had disease in operable clinical stages (T1–3 N0–1). In the neoadjuvant setting, 86.8 % of patients received trastuzumab plus pertuzumab, and 23.6 % achieved radiological complete response. Breast-conserving surgery was performed in 55.8 % of patients. Surgical specimens showed that 89.5 % of patients had IDC, 49.1 % grade 2, 84.1 % HR-positive, and 8.3 % HER2-negative disease. Most patients had RD classified as RCB-II and Miller/Payne grade 3/4. Grade 3 treatment-related adverse events (trAEs) occurred in 5.3 % of patients. No grade 4/5 AEs occurred. Over 95 % of patients were free of invasive-disease during T-DM1 adjuvant treatment. Conclusion The KARMA study describes the characteristics of patients with HER2-positive EBC with RD after NeoT and the real-life management of a T-DM1 adjuvant regimen, which showed a manageable safety profile in line with the KATHERINE trial data.This work was funded by Roche Farma SA (Spain). The sponsor was involved in the study design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, writing of the report, and in the decision to submit the article for publication

    Synchronous unilateral parotid neoplasms. : a case report

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    The parotid gland is the most usual location of benign neoplasms affecting major salivary glands and quite often the recurrence of these tumours is noticed, specially in the case of pleomorphic adenoma. The occurrence of multiple tumours in the parotid glands is rare and the majority of these are multifocal Warthin`s tumors (papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum). The simultaneous development of tumours with different histological types is unusual and when it occurs, the most common combination is a pleomorphic adenoma and a Warthin`s tumor. There are many articles about Multiple Parotid Tumors (MPT) but only a few of them are focused on unilateral synchronous benings tumors, being pleomorphic adenoma and Warthin´s these tumors. The report describes a 55 year old female with a pleomorphic adenoma occurring synchronously with a Warthin`s tumor within the superficial lobe of her left parotid gland