40 research outputs found

    Reduction and reconstruction of multisymplectic Lie systems

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    A Lie system is a non-autonomous system of first-order ordinary differential equations describing the integral curves of a non-autonomous vector field taking values in a finite-dimensional real Lie algebra of vector fields, a so-called Vessiot–Guldberg Lie algebra. In this work, multisymplectic forms are applied to the study of the reduction of Lie systems through their Lie symmetries. By using a momentum map, we perform a reduction and reconstruction procedure of multisymplectic Lie systems, which allows us to solve the original problem by analysing several simpler multisymplectic Lie systems. Conversely, we study how reduced multisymplectic Lie systems allow us to retrieve the form of the multisymplectic Lie system that gave rise to them. Our results are illustrated with examples from physics, mathematics, and control theory.The authors acknowledge fruitful discussions and comments from our colleague MiguelC Muñoz-Lecanda. J de Lucas acknowledges partial financial support from the Project MINIATURA 5 of the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) under Grant Number Nr 2021/05/X/ST1/01797. X Gr`acia, X Rivas, N Román-Roy, and S Vilariño acknowledge partial financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci´on and Gobierno de Arag´on projectsPGC2018-098265-B-C31, PGC2018-098265-B-C33, RED2018-102541T, and E48_20R. We also thank the anonymous referees, whose interesting comments and suggestions have helped us improve our article.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evidence in chronic kidney disease–mineral and bone disorder guidelines: is it time to treat or time to wait?

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    Chronic kidney disease\u2013mineral and bone disorder (CKD\u2013MBD) is one of the many important complications associated with CKD and may at least partially explain the extremely high morbidity and mortality among CKD patients. The 2009 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline document was based on the best information available at that time and was designed not only to provide information but also to assist in decision-making. In addition to the international KDIGO Work Group, which included worldwide experts, an independent Evidence Review Team was assembled to ensure rigorous review and grading of the existing evidence. Based on the evidence from new clinical trials, an updated Clinical Practice Guideline was published in 2017. In this review, we focus on the conceptual and practical evolution of clinical guidelines (from eMinence-based medicine to eVidence-based medicine and \u2018living\u2019 guidelines), highlight some of the current important CKD\u2013MBD-related changes, and underline the poor or extremely poor level of evidence present in those guidelines (as well as in other areas of nephrology). Finally, we emphasize the importance of individualization of treatments and shared decision-making (based on important ethical considerations and the \u2018best available evidence\u2019), which may prove useful in the face of the uncertainty over the decision whether \u2018to treat\u2019 or \u2018to wait\u2019

    Assessing the effects of hydrological and chemical stressors on macroinvertebrate community in an Alpine river: the Adige river as a case study

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    In this study, the combined effects of hydrological and chemical stressors on benthic macroinvertebrates were evaluated in order to explore the response of the biological community to multiple stressors. The Adige River, located in the south‐eastern Alps, was selected as a case study because representative of the situation of a large river in which the variety of stressors present in the Alpine region act simultaneously. As expected, streamflow showed a seasonal pattern, with high flows in the spring-summer period; however, locally, the natural hydrological regime was altered by the presence of hydropower systems, which chiefly affected low flows. Multivariate analysis showed seasonal and spatial patterns in both chemical and hydrological parameters with a clear gradient in the concentration of nitrate, personal care, and pharmaceutical products moving from headwaters to the main stem of the river. The macroinvertebrate community composition was significantly different in summer and winter and between up and downstream sites. Streamflow alteration chiefly due to water use by hydropower affected community composition but not richness or diversity. Gammarus sp., Hirudinea, and Psychomyia sp., were positively correlated with flow variability, increasing their densities in the sites with higher streamflow variability because of hydropeaking. The results obtained in this study show that the composition of the macroinvertebrate community responded to seasonality and to changes in the main stressors along the river and highlights the importance of the spatial and temporal variability of stressors in this Alpine river. Taking into account, this variability will help the decision‐making process for improving basin management

    Exploring the Contribution of the Transporter AGT1/rBAT in Cystinuria Progression: Insights from Mouse Models and a Retrospective Cohort Study

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    More than 20 years have passed since the identification of SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 as causative genes for cystinuria. However, cystinuria patients exhibit significant variability in the age of lithiasis onset, recurrence, and response to treatment, suggesting the presence of modulatory factors influencing cystinuria severity. In 2016, a second renal cystine transporter, AGT1, encoded by the SLC7A13 gene, was discovered. Although it was discarded as a causative gene for cystinuria, its possible effect as a modulatory gene remains unexplored. Thus, we analyzed its function in mouse models of cystinuria, screened the SLC7A13 gene in 34 patients with different lithiasic phenotypes, and functionally characterized the identified variants. Mice results showed that AGT1/rBAT may have a protective role against cystine lithiasis. In addition, among the four missense variants detected in patients, two exhibited a 25% impairment in AGT1/rBAT transport. However, no correlation between SLC7A13 genotypes and lithiasis phenotypes was observed in patients, probably because these variants were found in heterozygous states. In conclusion, our results, consistent with a previous study, suggest that AGT1/rBAT does not have a relevant effect on cystinuria patients, although an impact in patients carrying homozygous pathogenic variants cannot be discarded

    ¿En qué ocasiones el médico de familia solicita un tratamiento psicológico para sus pacientes? : análisis descriptivo y de concordancia entre diagnósticos

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    Los trastornos mentales son una de las causas más importantes de morbilidad en el mundo, y suponen elevados costes económicos y sociales. La atención primaria de salud juega un papel importante en su detección y tratamiento. Los tratamientos psicológicos, que han sido a menudo mal difundidos, son una opción de tratamiento eficaz para una gran parte de los trastornos mentales. El presente estudio pretende investigar en qué casos el médico de familia solicitó un tratamiento psicológico para sus pacientes. Se analizaron las solicitudes escritas que había realizado el médico de familia (n=322). Los principales resultados sugieren una discrepancia en cuanto a la necesidad de realizar un tratamiento psicológico, así como una ausencia de concordancia entre diagnósticos (médico de familia vs psicólogo). Los datos obtenidos podrían sugerir la necesidad de mejorar la difusión de los tratamientos psicológicos basados en la evidencia, especialmente en la atención primaria de saludThe mental health problems are one of the most important causes of morbidity in the World, and suppose a source of high economic and societal costs. The primary health care plays an important role in their detection and treatment. The psychological treatments have been often poorly disseminated; nevertheless, they are an efficacious treatment option for a great part of mental disorders. This study aims to analyze the indication of psychological treatments which were made by the general practitioners. The data presented in the written solicitude was analyzed (n=322). A discrepancy in the need to realize a psychological treatment, and the absence of concordance between diagnoses (family doctor vs. psychologist), were the major findings. These results could suggest a need of improve the dissemination of evidence based psychological treatments, especially in the primary health care setting

    ¿En qué ocasiones el médico de familia solicita un tratamiento psicológico para sus pacientes? : análisis descriptivo y de concordancia entre diagnósticos

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    Los trastornos mentales son una de las causas más importantes de morbilidad en el mundo, y suponen elevados costes económicos y sociales. La atención primaria de salud juega un papel importante en su detección y tratamiento. Los tratamientos psicológicos, que han sido a menudo mal difundidos, son una opción de tratamiento eficaz para una gran parte de los trastornos mentales. El presente estudio pretende investigar en qué casos el médico de familia solicitó un tratamiento psicológico para sus pacientes. Se analizaron las solicitudes escritas que había realizado el médico de familia (n=322). Los principales resultados sugieren una discrepancia en cuanto a la necesidad de realizar un tratamiento psicológico, así como una ausencia de concordancia entre diagnósticos (médico de familia vs psicólogo). Los datos obtenidos podrían sugerir la necesidad de mejorar la difusión de los tratamientos psicológicos basados en la evidencia, especialmente en la atención primaria de saludThe mental health problems are one of the most important causes of morbidity in the World, and suppose a source of high economic and societal costs. The primary health care plays an important role in their detection and treatment. The psychological treatments have been often poorly disseminated; nevertheless, they are an efficacious treatment option for a great part of mental disorders. This study aims to analyze the indication of psychological treatments which were made by the general practitioners. The data presented in the written solicitude was analyzed (n=322). A discrepancy in the need to realize a psychological treatment, and the absence of concordance between diagnoses (family doctor vs. psychologist), were the major findings. These results could suggest a need of improve the dissemination of evidence based psychological treatments, especially in the primary health care setting

    Estudio cycEVA: casos y controles para la estimación de la efectividad de la vacuna antigripal en España, 2008-2013

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    Fundamentos: Desde 2008-09 la efectividad de la vacuna (EV) antigripal en España se estima con el estudio de casos y controles para la evaluación de la EV antigripal (cycEVA), componente español de la red europea (Influenza-Monitoring Vaccine Effectiveness (I-MOVE). El objetivo es describir la evolución del estudio cycEVA durante las cinco temporadas del período 2008/09– 2012/13. Métodos: Se analizaron los siguientes indicadores: 1) participación de los médicos/pediatras centinela (MP); 2) población y periodo de estudio, 3) calidad de los datos y 4) difusión de los resultados mediantes publicaciones. Se calculó el porcentaje anual de cambio constante de los indicadores analizándose su tendencia mediante el test de Cochran-Armitage. Resultados: El número de MP participantes aumentó de 164 en 2008-09 hasta 246 en ediciones posteriores. El porcentaje de médicos que reclutaron al menos un paciente experimentó un cambio anual significativo (PCA) del 15,33%. El porcentaje de pacientes reclutados incluidos en el análisis aumen- tó del 77% en 2008-09 a más del 95% en las siguientes ediciones (PCA=5,91%). El porcentaje de casos y controles participantes en cycEVA sobre el total de pacientes que contribuyeron al estudio europeo I-MOVE osciló entre el 23% en la edición piloto y 30% en la temporada 2011-12. Los resultados finales se difundieron en revistas científicas con un factor de impacto situado en el cuartil 2 y en 2010-11 y 2011-12 se publicaron resultados preliminares en revistas con un factor de impacto situado en el cuartil 1 (97 citas). Conclusiones: La experiencia del estudio cycEVA se reflejó en una mejora en la oportunidad e impacto de sus resultados, cruciales para orientar las recomendaciones anuales de vacunación antigripal

    La Gestió del multiculturalisme a les biblioteques universitàries : el cas de la Biblioteca del Campus Terrassa de la UPC

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    Globalisation and growth of immigration have intensified the debate about multiculturalism in our society that affects educational institucions as well. This article analyse the role of universities and their libraries in managing cultural diversity. Contrary to the trend in English-speaking countries, this phenomenon has not been studied at the unversity level in Catalonia or Spain. After first analysing the experience of several American university libraries, the article describes specific action undertaken by the Library of the Terrassa campus. The authors conclude with a proposal for certain actions to adress the challenge to our libraries represented by multiculturalism