201 research outputs found


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    O uso inadequado do solo pode causar problemas ambientais. Nesse sentido, são necessários estudos que indiquem seu melhor uso para as atividades agrícolas, pois dele são extraídos os principais alimentos para a sobrevivência humana. Neste trabalho discutem-se questões sobre o potencial agrícola da bacia hidrográfica do rio Goiana em dois níveis de manejo, média (B) e alta tecnologia (C), indicando os tipos de manejos mais adequados às suas condições ambientais. A referida área em estudo localiza-se no estado de Pernambuco na sua porção oriental norte e abrange uma área de 2.829,04 km². Utiliza-se a metodologia de Avaliação da aptidão agrícola das terras, que consiste em uma avaliação física das terras, fundamentada nas suas qualidades e em níveis de manejo para diferentes usos. Para tal, constitui-se por cinco fatores para avaliar as condições agrícolas: deficiência de oxigênio, deficiência de fertilidade, deficiência de água, suscetibilidade a erosão e impedimentos à mecanização. O nível de manejo mais indicado para os solos da bacia hidrográfica do rio Goiana é o B. A declividade foi um importante fator limitante das formas de utilização do solo da área. Existem alguns casos em que o nível de manejo C é indicado para utilização, sendo de forma restrita para os Neossolos Flúvicos na área de clima tropical úmido e regular na área dos Luvissolos presente no clima semiárido

    Avaliação do Impacto da Política de Promoção Turística Internacional do Brasil

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    The use of public policy assessment to improve government action is an urgent need, but the practice is still in its infancy in Brazil. This article aims to contribute to the discussions on public policy evaluation in Brazil by establishing a method and evaluating the results of the Brazilian international tourism promotion policy. For this purpose, data were collected on investments made by Embratur in priority markets between 2014 and 2017. To assess the impact of investments, information was collected on the number of tourists received and on tourists´ average daily expenditure per capita. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and panel data regression analysis. The results show the absence of statistical significance on the relationship between investments and tourist expenditure. Considering the tourist flow, investments presented a significant and positive result, but only for short-distance markets. The evidence found allows us to assess and guide Brazilian international tourism promotion policy.El uso de la evaluación de políticas públicas para mejorar la acción del gobierno es una necesidad urgente, pero la práctica aún está en pañales en Brasil. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo contribuir a las discusiones sobre la evaluación de políticas públicas mediante la evaluación de los resultados de la política de promoción turística internacional en Brasil. Para ello, se recopilaron datos sobre las inversiones realizadas por Embratur en mercados prioritarios entre 2014 y 2017. Para evaluar el impacto de las inversiones, se recopiló información sobre el número de turistas recibidos y sobre el gasto promedio diario per cápita de estos turistas. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva y análisis de regresión de datos de panel. Los resultados encontrados muestran la no relación entre las inversiones realizadas y los gastos de los turistas. Considerando el flujo de turistas, las inversiones realizadas fueron positivas, pero solo para los mercados de corta distancia. La evidencia encontrada nos permite evaluar y orientar la política de promoción turística internacional.O uso da avaliação de políticas públicas para aprimorar a ação governamental é uma necessidade premente, contudo a prática ainda é incipiente no Brasil. O presente trabalho visa contribuir com as discussões sobre avaliação de políticas públicas ao avaliar os resultados da política de promoção turística internacional do Brasil. Para tanto, foram coletados dados sobre os investimentos realizados pela Embratur em mercados prioritários entre os anos de 2014 e 2017. Para avaliação do impacto dos investimentos foram coletadas informações sobre o quantitativo de turistas recebidos e sobre o gasto médio diário per capita desses turistas. Os dados foram analisados com estatísticas descritivas e análise de regressão de dados em painel. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam a não relação entre os investimentos realizados e o gasto dos turistas. Considerando o fluxo de turistas, os investimentos realizados mostraram-se positivos, porém somente para mercados de curta distância. As evidências encontradas permitem avaliar e orientar a política de promoção turística internacional


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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a influência dos recursos estratégicos das empresas hoteleiras sobre seu desempenho a partir da percepção dos consumidores. As empresas são heterogêneas enquanto conjuntos de recursos disponíveis, o que abre a possibilidade da busca pela vantagem competitiva de maneiras distintas. Esta pesquisa envolve dados secundários de estabelecimentos hoteleiros do Distrito Federal disponíveis no sítio www.booking.com.br. Os dados foram analisados a partir de regressões simples e múltipla. Os resultados das análises de regressão simples indicaram a influência significativa dos recursos Localização, Limpeza, Funcionários, Conforto, Comodidades e Custo-Benefício sobre o desempenho das empresas. Esses resultados corroboram a perspectiva de que esses recursos são valiosos para as empresas analisadas. Ao analisar os dados de forma conjunta, a partir da regressão múltipla, pode-se observar que somente o recurso Localização manteve a influência significativa sobre o desempenho. Esse resultado permite argumentar que a Localização é um recurso estratégico percebido pelos consumidores e capaz de gerar uma vantagem competitiva sustentável. A prevalência da Localização coloca em perspectiva o papel da qualidade dos serviços para a competitividade dos hotéis no contexto analisado.The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the influence of strategic resources of hotel firms on their performance, from the consumers’ perspective. Firms are heterogeneous sets of resources, which enables different strategies in the search for competitive advantage. This study uses secondary data on hotel firms in the city of Brasilia in the Distrito Federal (Federal District), taken from the website www.booking.com.br. The data were submitted to simple and multiple regressions analyses. The simple regression analysis indicated a significant influence of Location, Cleanliness, Employees, Comfort, Amenities, and Cost-Benefit on the firms’ performance. These results corroborate the view that these resources are valuable to the firms analyzed. In contrast, the multiple regression analysis indicated that only Location had a significant influence on firms’ performance. This output suggests that Location is a strategic resource perceived by consumers and capable of generating a sustainable competitive advantage. The prevalence of location puts in perspective the role of quality of services for the competitiveness of hotel establishments in the context analyze

    Porte da gramínea e inclusão da cunhã modificam o valor nutritivo da silagem de capim-elefante

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the nutritional value of silages from tall-sized and dwarf elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) genotypes, intercropped or not with butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea). The experiment was performed in randomized complete blocks, in a 4x2 factorial arrangement (four genotypes × two cropping systems). The genotypes intercropped or not with butterfly pea were: IRI-381 and Elephant B, tall sized; and Taiwan A-146 2.37 and Mott, dwarf. Forage was harvested 60 days after regrowth. In the silage from Mott grass intercropped with butterfly pea, lower contents of lignin (78.1 g kg-1), neutral detergent fiber (636.0 g kg-1), and neutral detergent insoluble protein (13.15 g kg-1), besides a greater dry matter recovery (873.3 g kg-1), were observed. The silage from Taiwan A-146 2.37 intercropped with the legume showed a greater crude protein content (136.1 g kg-1). In both silages, the ammonia nitrogen contents were quite reduced (26.4 g kg-1). However, greater residual water-soluble carbohydrate contents were observed in the silages from the intercrop (1.85 mg g-1) and from the Mott grass monocrop (1.51 mg g-1). Moreover, there was a lower in vitro dry matter digestibility (676.7 g kg-1) for the silage from the intercrop. Dwarf genotypes increase the nutritional value of elephant grass silage, compared with the tall-sized ones. Intercropping with butterfly pea improves silage fermentation characteristics, despite reducing its digestibility. Therefore, the ensilage of dwarf Mott elephant grass intercropped with butterfly pea shows more promising results.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o valor nutritivo de silagens de genótipos anões e altos de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum), consorciados ou não à cunhã (Clitoria ternatea). O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 4x2 (quatro genótipos × dois sistemas de plantio). Os genótipos consorciados ou não à cunhã foram: IRI-381 e Elefante B, de porte alto; e Taiwan A-146 2.37 e Mott, anões. A forragem foi colhida após 60 dias de rebrota. Na silagem do capim Mott consorciado à cunhã, foram observados menores teores de lignina (78,1 g kg-1), fibra em detergente neutro (636,0 g kg-1) e proteína insolúvel em detergente neutro (13,15 g kg-1), além de maior recuperação da matéria seca (873,3 g kg-1). A silagem de Taiwan A-146 2.37 cultivado em consórcio com a leguminosa apresentou maior teor de proteína bruta (136,1 g kg-1). Em ambas as silagens, os teores de nitrogênio amoniacal foram bastante reduzidos (26,4 g kg-1). No entanto, maiores teores residuais de carboidratos solúveis em água foram observados nas silagens do consórcio (1,85 mg g-1) e do capim Mott em monocultivo (1,51 mg g-1). Além disso, houve menor digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (676,7 g kg-1) na silagem do consórcio. Os genótipos anões aumentam o valor nutricional da silagem de capim-elefante, comparados aos de porte alto. O consórcio com a cunhã melhora as características fermentativas da silagem, apesar de reduzir a sua digestibilidade. Portanto, a ensilagem do capim anão Mott consorciado à cunhã apresenta resultados mais promissores

    Universal Screening of SARS-CoV-2 of Oncology Healthcare Workers — a Brazilian experience

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    The first confirmed case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Brazil and Latin America was reported on February 26, 2020, in São Paulo. The outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has placed unprecedented strain on health-care services worldwide. Asymptomatic health-care workers (HCW) are a potential source of SARS-CoV-2 transmission, especially to immunocompromised Oncology patients. Screening of these HCWs may help contain transmission and isolate only those who require it. At Centro de Terapia Oncológica (CTO), an Oncology clinic in Petrópolis, RJ —Brazil, all HCWs were screened for SARS-CoV-2 in order to isolate those who were asymptomatic/symptomatic and positive for the virus. They were all tested through IgM/IgG rapid testing and those who had symptoms were also tested with nasopharyngeal swabs for reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests besides IgM/IgG reactivity. Amongst the 60 tested employees, 4 were positive for SARS-CoV-2 and were isolated. This method may be useful for health-care services to detect asymptomatic HCW and maintain workers’ and patients’ health, as transmission probability could be reduced while avoiding becoming short-staffed during this time of crisis

    Perfil epidemiológico de função e satisfação sexual em mulheres nulíparas, primíparas e multíparas com dor lombar crônica: Epidemiological profile of sexual function and satisfaction in nulliparous, primiparous and multiparous women with chronic low back pain

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    A sexualidade é considerada um dos fatores constituintes da vida do ser humano. Compreende-se que a função sexual feminina pode ser composta por quatro momentos: desejo, excitação, orgasmo e resolução. Já a satisfação sexual representa o grau de correspondência entre as expectativas da pessoa e a atividade sexual em si. O índice de função/satisfação sexual da mulher (FSFI) pode estar relacionado com diversos fatores, como dor lombar crônica e a relação entre o número de partos. A presente pesquisa objetivou investigar o perfil epidemiológico da função e satisfação sexual entre mulheres nulíparas, primíparas e multíparas com dor lombar crônica. Trata-se de um estudo de campo descritivo, transversal, qualiquantitativo e observacional, onde se realizou entrevistas a respeito do tema com 74 mulheres, sendo 32 nulíparas, 17 primíparas e 25 multíparas, analisando-se a variação de escores obtidos nos domínios desejo, excitação, lubrificação, orgasmo, satisfação e dor e o escore geral somando-se todas as variáveis, além de um critério de corte para estabelecimento do grau de FSI, podendo ser considerado bom ou ruim. As mulheres nulíparas apresentaram melhor índice de FSFI dentre os três grupos (27.91), enquanto as mulheres primíparas (25.24) e multíparas (25.01) apresentaram os piores índices de FSFI. Concluiu-se que, o perfil epidemiológico da FSFI em mulheres nulíparas, primíparas e multíparas com dor lombar crônica esteve relacionado ao número de partos, ou seja, mulheres sem filhos apresentaram menores déficits de função e satisfação sexual em relação a mulheres que já passaram por períodos gestacionais, independente do número de filhos

    Effect of racial crossing on the seminal parameters of rams submitted to heat stress

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of racial crossing on seminal parameters of eight Santa Inês and crossbred (Santa Inês x Dorper) rams submitted to heat stress, and to monitor the return of these parameters to previously reported. Before to place the insulation bags, two collects of semen through electroejaculation were performed. The insulation pouches were made with double-layer plastic, internally lined with cotton, and fixed around the spermatic funiculus and scrotum with adhesive tape and bandage remaining on the testes of the animals for seven days. The first collect was performed on the day that the pouches were taken (day 0) and thereafter, every seven days, totalizing 15 measurements. Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA). The analyzed variables were subjected to Dunnett test at 5% probability to compare the values obtained before treatment with those obtained in the following days. In this study it was found that the animals restored normal seminal parameter after the insulation effects, however, the return rate differed slightly among the studied breeds. The crossbred animals restored the seminal patterns, on average, a week before Santa Inês. It is concluded that the racial crossing influences the semen parameters of rams submitted to heat stress. Keywords: motility, scrotal insulation, sperm concentration, sperm quality

    Anesthesia of Agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) with Dextroketamine and Midazolam

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     Background: Research has increasingly focused on wild animals, and this requires the use of chemical restraints that are safe for both the species and the team involved. Dextroketamine is the levorotatory ketamine isomer that has been used on domestic species as an alternative that is more potent and safer than the racemic form. Midazolam is a benzodiazepine that induces muscle relaxation and minimal cardiorespiratory changes. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a combination of dextroketamine and midazolam can be safely used for the chemical restraint of agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha), and the effects of this protocol on physiological and anesthetic parameters. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was carried out under conditions similar to those found for wild animals in captivity or in zoos. A pre-evaluation was also made to compare the baseline values of this study with those of other studies on the same species. Nine healthy adult agoutis were used, weighing between 1.5 kg and 2 kg. All the parameters were evaluated and recorded before the drugs were applied, and this was considered the baseline moment (M0). The dextroketamine and midazolam combination was then administered intramuscularly, in the same syringe, in dosages of 15 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg, respectively. Successive evaluations were made every 10 min over a period of 40 min (M10, M20, M30 and M40). The latency stage of anesthesia, effective stage and recovery stage were observed. Heart rate (HR) and breathing frequency (f), body temperature (BT), systolic blood pressure (SBP), peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) and electrocardiogram were recorded. HR and SBP showed no significant difference between moments. Breathing frequency (f) showed a significant decline at M10 and M20 when compared to baseline values (P < 0.05). BT decreased from the moment the drugs were administered until the end of the experimental period, with a significant difference between M0 and M40, and M10 and M40 (P < 0.05). SpO2 decreased significantly at M10 and M20 when compared to baseline values (P < 0.01). There was no significant difference in the duration and amplitude of the P wave or in the duration of the QRS complex, QT interval and amplitude of the R wave. Regarding the PR interval, there was a significant difference only at M40 when compared to baseline values (P < 0.05). No arrhythmia was observed. An evaluation of the effects of anesthesia indicated that the animals had an average latency stage of 2 min, an effective stage of 87 min, and an average recovery stage of 111 min. Adverse effects observed during the anesthetic recovery period consisted of tearing, salivation, tongue protrusion, vocalization and chewing reflex. Discussion: The results indicated that the association of anesthetic drugs under study caused minimal changes in the animals’ physiological parameters, except for the breathing frequency (f), which declined considerably, resulting in a reduction in SpO2, which was compensated during the study. In addition, there was a rapid onset of restraint and a satisfactory duration. Thus, from the cardiorespiratory standpoint, the combination of dextroketamine and midazolam in the doses used provides a safe anesthetic protocol for agoutis (Dasyprocta prymnolopha) and can be used for the chemical restraint of these animals for the performance of non-invasive and short-term procedures

    Continuous Intravenous Anesthesia by Dextroketamine and Detomidine in Bitches Subjected to Ovariohysterectomy and Premedicated with Midazolam and Morphine

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    Background:The use of injectable anesthetics to induce and maintain anesthesia has been the subject of extensive research. Ketamine induces dissociative anesthesia, which is characterized by sensory loss, analgesia and amnesia without loss of consciousness. The levorotatory isomer of ketamine is dextroketamine. Detomidine, a potent myorelaxant that acts as a sedative and analgesic, is commonly used on horses but rarely tested in dogs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cardiorespiratory and anesthetic effects promoted by a combination of detomidine and dextroketamine applied via continuous intravenous infusion in bitches premedicated with midazolam and morphine.Materials, Methods & Results:Eight bitches treated at the veterinary hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande were referred for elective ovariohysterectomy (OHE). The animals were premedicated with 0.3mg/kg of midazolam and 0.1mg/kg ofmorphine intramuscular (IM) followed, after 15 min, with 0.02mg/kg of detomidine IM. Fifteen min after the administration of detomidine, 3.5 mg/kg of dextroketamine was administered intravenously (IV), followed by continuous IV infusion of 14 mg/kg/h of dextroketamine and 30 μg/kg/h of detomidine. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), body temperature (BT), mean arterial pressure (MAP), myorelaxation and electrocardiogram were recorded before and 15 min after the administration of midazolam and morphine (M0 and M1), 15 min after detomidine (M2), immediately after starting the infusion (M3), at 10 min intervals up to 60 min (M4, M5, M6, M7, M8 and M9) and 30 min after the end of the infusion (M10). Blood gas variables were analyzed at M0, M1, M2, M6, M9 and M10. Analgesia was evaluated by measuring cortisol and glucose levels at M0, three min after dermotomy, three min after clamping the ovarian pedicle, and three min after dermorrhaphy. The quality and duration of recovery were evaluated. HR dropped significantly from M2 to M4 (P <0.05), with bradycardia recorded at M2; at RR, with bradypnea starting at M2; and at BT from M6 to M10 (P<0.05), without severe hypothermia. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased significantly from M3 to M7 (P<0.01). Hypotension was observed at M1. The following were also observed: high amplitude T wave, elevated ST segment, atrioventricular blocks, sinus arrest and premature ventricular complexes. The blood gas variables suggested the presence of respiratory acidosis with hypoxemia. Cortisol levels were significantly higher (P<0.01) after clamping the ovarian pedicle (6.23 ± 3.07μg/dL) and after dermorrhaphy (6.03 ± 2.24μg/dL) than the levels at M0 (1.74 ± 1.08μg/dL). Glucose levels three min after dermorrhaphy (129.46 ± 29.61mg/dL) were substantially increased (P<0.05) in comparison to M0 (89.66 ± 7.92mg/dL). Myorelaxation was significantly higher from M3 to M9 (P<0.05) than at M0 and M1. The recovery period lasted 302.1 ± 64.9 min. The quality of recovery was considered excellent in two animals, good in four animals and poor in two animals, which showed signs of agitation, vocalization and hypersalivation.Discussion:Continuous intravenous anesthesia with dextroketamine and detomidine causes cardiorespiratory depression, promoting good muscle relaxation. Based on the findings of serum cortisol, blood glucose, blood pressure and augmented infusion rate, it can be stated that the protocol used here cannot eliminate the pain caused by OHE in bitches

    Isolamento de isobruceina B e neosergeolida de Picrolemma sprucei Hook. f. em escala-grama

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    Quassinoids neosergeolide and isobrucein B, obtained from Picrolemma sprucei, have proven in vitro antitumor, antimalarial, anthelminthic, cytotoxic, insecticide and leishmanicidal activities. There is interest in the in vivo pharmacological study of these natural compounds and their semi-synthetic derivatives, however, the quantities obtained in previous extraction processes have been shown to be a limiting factor for continuation of these studies. Herein, we describe a method for obtaining grams of these quassinoids whose purification relies only on recrystallization.Os quassinóides neosergeolida e isobruceína B, obtidos de Picrolemma sprucei, possuem atividades antitumoral, antimalárica, anti-helmíntica, citotóxica, inseticida e anti-leishmania comprovadas em estudos in vitro. Há interesse no estudo farmacológico in vivo dessas substâncias naturais e de seus derivados semi-sintéticos, porém a quantidade obtida nos processos de extração tem se mostrado um fator limitante à continuação desses estudos. No presente trabalho, descrevemos um método para obtenção de gramas desses quassinóides cuja purificação depende apenas de cristalização fracionada