624 research outputs found

    Personalidad y riesgo cardiovascular en personas con diabetes tipo 2: una revisión sistemática

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    Introdução: O Diabetes Mellitus é uma das doenças crônicas mais complexas do ponto de vista psicológico, pois os aspectos psicológicos, incluindo o tipo de personalidade, podem influenciar em um pior prognóstico da doença, comprometendo a adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso, bem como mudanças nos hábitos de vida. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre personalidade e risco cardiovascular em pessoas com diabetes tipo 2 atendidas na Atenção Primária a Saúde. Método: Revisão sistemática realizada nas bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE via PubMed), Web of Science, Scopus, Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE) e PsycINFO, sem restrição de data, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, e busca adicional na lista de referências dos estudos selecionados. Foram incluídos estudos observacionais realizados com a população adulta de ambos os sexos com diabetes tipo 2. O risco de viés nos estudos foi avaliado pela escala Newcastle-Ottawa. Resultados: Foram incluídos sete estudos publicados entre 1998 e 2019, a maioria originários dos Estados Unidos, com predomínio de estudos transversais. A amostra variou de 95 a 15.029 participantes, em sua maioria mulheres com idade de 41,8 anos. Os estudos transversais foram de baixa qualidade, caracterizando alto risco de viés. A personalidade está relacionada ao sofrimento emocional, pior percepção de saúde, depressão, menor apoio social e prevalência do tipo D. Considerações finais: A personalidade impacta a adesão aos comportamentos de saúde, que influenciam o desenvolvimento de complicações cardiovasculares em pessoas com diabetes tipo 2.Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most complex chronic diseases from a psychological point of view, as psychological aspects, including personality type, can influence a worse prognosis of the disease, compromising adherence to medication treatment, as well as changes in habits of life. Objective: To analyze the association between personality and cardiovascular risk in people with type 2 diabetes treated in Primary Health Care. Method: Systematic review carried out in the databases Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE via PubMed), Web of Science, Scopus, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE) and PsycINFO, without date restrictions, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and additional search in the list of references of selected studies. Observational studies carried out with the adult population of both sexes with type 2 diabetes were included. The risk of bias in the studies was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale. Results: Seven studies published between 1998 and 2019 were included, most originating in the United States, with a predominance of cross-sectional studies. The sample ranged from 95 to 15,029 participants, the majority of whom were women aged 41.8 years. The cross-sectional studies were of low quality, characterizing a high risk of bias. Personality is related to emotional distress, worse health perception, depression, less social support and prevalence of type D. Final considerations: Personality impacts adherence to health behaviors, which influence the development of cardiovascular complications in people with type 2 diabetes.Introducción: La Diabetes Mellitus es una de las enfermedades crónicas más complejas desde el punto de vista psicológico, ya que aspectos psicológicos, incluido el tipo de personalidad, pueden influir en un peor pronóstico de la enfermedad, comprometiendo la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico, así como cambios en los hábitos de vida. Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre personalidad y riesgo cardiovascular en personas con diabetes tipo 2 atendidas en Atención Primaria de Salud. Método: Revisión sistemática realizada en las bases de datos Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE vía PubMed), Web of Science, Scopus, Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS), Base de Datos Excerpta Medica (EMBASE) y PsycINFO, sin restricciones de fecha, en portugués, inglés y español, y búsqueda adicional en la lista de referencias de estudios seleccionados. Se incluyeron estudios observacionales realizados con población adulta de ambos sexos con diabetes tipo 2. El riesgo de sesgo de los estudios se evaluó mediante la escala de Newcastle-Ottawa. Resultados: Se incluyeron siete estudios publicados entre 1998 y 2019, la mayoría originados en Estados Unidos, con predominio de estudios transversales. La muestra osciló entre 95 y 15.029 participantes, la mayoría de los cuales eran mujeres de 41,8 años. Los estudios transversales fueron de baja calidad, lo que caracteriza un alto riesgo de sesgo. La personalidad se relaciona con malestar emocional, peor percepción de salud, depresión, menor apoyo social y prevalencia del tipo D. Consideraciones finales: La personalidad impacta la adherencia a conductas de salud, que influyen en el desarrollo de complicaciones cardiovasculares en personas con diabetes tipo 2


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    A complexidade que abrange o processo do envelhecimento e a saúde do idoso envolve mudanças no estado nutricional, como alterações dos índices antropométricos e das concentrações de vitamina D. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o desempenho funcional dos idosos e sua relação com parâmetros antropométricos e níveis de vitamina D. Trata-se de um estudo transversal e descritivo, realizado com 359 idosos assistidos por equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) do município de Teresina-PI, no período entre fevereiro a junho de 2011. Os idosos foram entrevistados individualmente em visitas domiciliares, utilizando-se um questionário estruturado com questões abertas e fechadas referentes aos dados sociodemográficos. Em seguida, foram submetidos ao exame bioquímico onde se realizou uma venopunção, com uma coleta de 5ml de sangue para posterior dosagens séricas de 25OHD. Logo após, foi realizada a avaliação dos índices antropométricos, por meio de medidas de massa corporal (MC), estimativa da estatura (E), índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferência do braço e dobra cutânea tricipital. E posteriormente, para a avaliação do desempenho funcional dos idosos foi utilizado o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG). Os resultados demonstraram que o tempo médio de realização do TUG foi 13,8s. Observou-se que massa corporal (12%), altura (6%), área muscular do braço (5%) e vitamina D (29%) foram estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,05) quando comparados entre os sexos. A correlação foi significativa entre associações TUG, idade (p = 0,407, p < 0,001) e altura (p = -0,201, p < 0,001). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre o TUG, idade (p = 0,413, p < 0,001) e altura (p = -0,259, p < 0,001) para o grupo feminino (n = 220) e correlações significativas entre o TUG, idade (p = 0,507, p < 0,001) para o grupo masculino (n = 139). Conclui-se que dentre os parâmetros antropométricos o IMC e a circunferência abdominal foram associados com o desempenho no teste mostrando que quanto maior o IMC e CA maior o tempo de realização do teste. Os níveis séricos de Vitamina D não foram associados ao desempenho no teste.

    Physical exercise as a preventive procedures inflammation of aging

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    Ao longo do processo de envelhecimento observa-se complexa remodelagem do sistema imunitário. Estas alterações estão associadas ao desenvolvimento de patologias responsáveis por grande parte da mortalidade em população idosa. Recentemente, a prática regular de atividades físicas tem sido proposta como intervenção não-medicamentosa com amplos benefícios sobre a regulação de processos decorrentes da imunossenescênia. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho revisou e discutiu estudos que abordam a ação de mediadores pró-inflamatórios crônicos e possíveis ações do exercício físico como agente antiinflamatório. Baseado nos resultados de estudos na literatura sugere-se que, em conjunto, a interleucina-6 (IL-6) e o fator de necrose tumoral-α (TNF- α) são as principais citocinas associadas à aterosclerose, sarcopenia e déficits cognitivos. Embora os mecanismos não sejam totalmente elucidados, o exercício reduz a atividade de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e aumenta a liberação de substancias anti-inflamatórias.During the aging is observed complex remodeling of immune system. These changes are associated with the development of diseases responsible for much of the mortality in the elderly. Recently, the regular practice of exercise has been proposed as an intervention non-medication with broad benefits on regulation processes arising from Immunosenescence. In sense, this paper reviewed and discussed studies addressing the action of pro-inflammatory mediator's chronic and possible actions of physical exercise as anti-inflammatory agent. Based on the results of studies in the literature suggest that, together, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) are the main cytokines associated with atherosclerosis, sarcopenia and cognitive deficits. Though mechanisms are not fully elucidated, the Exercise reduces the activity of pro-inflammatory and increases the release of anti-inflammatory substances


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    Introduction: The use of food supplements with esthetic or performance-enhancing goals has been largely investigated. Thermogenics are supplements that increase energy expenditure through thermogenesis and are widely consumed by individuals seeking to improve body composition and exercise performance. Objective: To evaluate the effects of a commercially available thermogenic supplement on post-exercise blood pressure responses. Materials and Methods: Twenty-seven healthy thermogenic supplements users participated in the study. Nine were assigned in the control group (21.67 ± 1.87 years), nine in the thermogenic group (24.00 ± 4.18), and nine in the placebo group (23.67 ± 3.04). The volunteers performed a treadmill aerobic exercise session for 60 minutes at 65 to 85% max heart rate. The hemodynamic variables were measured at rest and during 60 minutes in the post-exercise recovery. The normality of the data was evaluated using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Baseline momentum and post-exercise recovery were analyzed using the two-way ANOVA test (group versus time factors), with Bonferroni post-hoc test. The level of statistical significance was set at p 5 mmHg, which reportedly plays an important role in cardiovascular diseases. Conclusion: The use of the thermogenic Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentre Nutrex ® did not alter PEH in healthy youngsters. However, since an increase in the blood pressure was observed, this supplementation must be administered with caution

    Perfil epidemiológico dos fatores de risco para hipertensão e diabetes em idosos na região centro-oeste entre janeiro de 2003 e abril de 2013 / Epidemiological profile of risk factors for hypertension and diabetes in the elderly in the mid-western region between january 2003 and april 2013

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    O processo de envelhecimento populacional aumenta de forma exponencial e esse curso com os fatores de risco envolvendo a gênese das Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT), dentre elas destacam-se a hipertensão arterial sistêmica e diabetes mellitus, sendo esses grandes problemas de saúde pública do país: Foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico transversal e descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, sobre hipertensão e diabetes em idosos (maiores de 60 anos até 80 +) entre janeiro de 2003 e abril de 2013 na região Centro-Oeste, que está composta pelos seguintes estados: Goiás (GO), Mato Grosso (MT), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) e o Distrito Federal (DF); por meio do Hipertensão e Diabetes (HIPERDIA) do Sistema Epidemiológicas e Morbidade no Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil (DATASUS). A amostra colhida, a partir da população idosa, mostrou os coeficientes de prevalência de hipertensão com diabetes, segundo sexo e faixa etária, visto que é imprescindível salientar que entre todos os estados avaliados foi possível perceber que a maior prevalência no sexo feminino (64,32%) em detrimento do masculino (35,68%). Em relação à faixa etária, o perfil predominante foram os intervalos etários de 60 a 64 anos (31, 05%) e 65 a 69 anos (27,08%). Observou-se a seguinte disposição dos fatores de risco na população idosa da Região Centro-Oeste durante janeiro de 2003 a abril 2013: sedentarismo com 31.718 casos, que alcançou o maior número de notificações; sobrepeso com 30.055; tabagismo com 12.497; doença renal com 8.596; outras doenças coronarianas com 7.582; acidente vascular cerebral 7.170; e infarto agudo do miocárdio com 7.105, que obteve o menor número de casos. É imperioso que medidas de profilaxia sejam propostas com maior ênfase juntamente ao desenvolvimento de políticas públicas voltadas a essa temática em conjunto ao aperfeiçoamento das que já existem. As quais podem ser desenvolvidas mediante a implementação de ações voltadas a diligências e orientações de cunho educativo para evidenciar a importância da adesão ao tratamento e da manutenção de práticas que fortaleçam a preservação da qualidade de vida do grupo supramencionado

    Estimation of HIV incidence in two Brazilian municipalities, 2013

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    ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate HIV incidence in two Brazilian municipalities, Recife and Curitiba, in the year of 2013. METHODS The method for estimating incidence was based on primary information, resulting from the Lag-Avidity laboratory test for detection of recent HIV infections, applied in a sample of the cases diagnosed in the two cities in 2013. For the estimation of the HIV incidence for the total population of the cities, the recent infections detected in the research were annualized and weighted by the inverse of the probability of HIV testing in 2013 among the infected and not diagnosed cases. After estimating HIV incidence for the total population, the incidence rates were estimated by sex, age group, and exposure category. RESULTS In Recife, 902 individuals aged 13 years and older were diagnosed with HIV infection. From these, 528 were included in the study, and the estimated proportion of recent infections was 13.1%. In Curitiba, 1,013 people aged 13 years and older were diagnosed, 497 participated in the study, and the proportion of recent infections was 10.5%. In Recife, the estimated incidence rate was 53.1/100,000 inhabitants of 13 years and older, while in Curitiba, it was 41.1/100,000, with male-to-female ratio of 3.5 and 2.4, respectively. We observed high rates of HIV incidence among men who have sex with men, of 1.47% in Recife and 0.92% in Curitiba. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained in the two cities showed that the group of men who have sex with men are disproportionately subject to a greater risk of new infections, and indicate that strategies to control the spread of the epidemic in this population subgroup are essential and urgent

    2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015

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    Abstract Chagas disease is a neglected chronic condition with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. It has considerable psychological, social, and economic impacts. The disease represents a significant public health issue in Brazil, with different regional patterns. This document presents the evidence that resulted in the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease. The objective was to review and standardize strategies for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of Chagas disease in the country, based on the available scientific evidence. The consensus is based on the articulation and strategic contribution of renowned Brazilian experts with knowledge and experience on various aspects of the disease. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this document will strengthen the development of integrated actions against Chagas disease in the country, focusing on epidemiology, management, comprehensive care (including families and communities), communication, information, education, and research

    MAMMALS IN PORTUGAL : A data set of terrestrial, volant, and marine mammal occurrences in P ortugal

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    Mammals are threatened worldwide, with 26% of all species being includedin the IUCN threatened categories. This overall pattern is primarily associatedwith habitat loss or degradation, and human persecution for terrestrial mam-mals, and pollution, open net fishing, climate change, and prey depletion formarine mammals. Mammals play a key role in maintaining ecosystems func-tionality and resilience, and therefore information on their distribution is cru-cial to delineate and support conservation actions. MAMMALS INPORTUGAL is a publicly available data set compiling unpublishedgeoreferenced occurrence records of 92 terrestrial, volant, and marine mam-mals in mainland Portugal and archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira thatincludes 105,026 data entries between 1873 and 2021 (72% of the data occur-ring in 2000 and 2021). The methods used to collect the data were: live obser-vations/captures (43%), sign surveys (35%), camera trapping (16%),bioacoustics surveys (4%) and radiotracking, and inquiries that represent lessthan 1% of the records. The data set includes 13 types of records: (1) burrowsjsoil moundsjtunnel, (2) capture, (3) colony, (4) dead animaljhairjskullsjjaws, (5) genetic confirmation, (6) inquiries, (7) observation of live animal (8),observation in shelters, (9) photo trappingjvideo, (10) predators dietjpelletsjpine cones/nuts, (11) scatjtrackjditch, (12) telemetry and (13) vocalizationjecholocation. The spatial uncertainty of most records ranges between 0 and100 m (76%). Rodentia (n=31,573) has the highest number of records followedby Chiroptera (n=18,857), Carnivora (n=18,594), Lagomorpha (n=17,496),Cetartiodactyla (n=11,568) and Eulipotyphla (n=7008). The data setincludes records of species classified by the IUCN as threatened(e.g.,Oryctolagus cuniculus[n=12,159],Monachus monachus[n=1,512],andLynx pardinus[n=197]). We believe that this data set may stimulate thepublication of other European countries data sets that would certainly contrib-ute to ecology and conservation-related research, and therefore assisting onthe development of more accurate and tailored conservation managementstrategies for each species. There are no copyright restrictions; please cite thisdata paper when the data are used in publications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Donald Pierson e o Projeto do Vale do Rio São Francisco: cientistas sociais em ação na era do desenvolvimento

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    ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest

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    Epiphytes are hyper-diverse and one of the frequently undervalued life forms in plant surveys and biodiversity inventories. Epiphytes of the Atlantic Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, have high endemism and radiated recently in the Pliocene. We aimed to (1) compile an extensive Atlantic Forest data set on vascular, non-vascular plants (including hemiepiphytes), and lichen epiphyte species occurrence and abundance; (2) describe the epiphyte distribution in the Atlantic Forest, in order to indicate future sampling efforts. Our work presents the first epiphyte data set with information on abundance and occurrence of epiphyte phorophyte species. All data compiled here come from three main sources provided by the authors: published sources (comprising peer-reviewed articles, books, and theses), unpublished data, and herbarium data. We compiled a data set composed of 2,095 species, from 89,270 holo/hemiepiphyte records, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, recorded from 1824 to early 2018. Most of the records were from qualitative data (occurrence only, 88%), well distributed throughout the Atlantic Forest. For quantitative records, the most common sampling method was individual trees (71%), followed by plot sampling (19%), and transect sampling (10%). Angiosperms (81%) were the most frequently registered group, and Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae were the families with the greatest number of records (27,272 and 21,945, respectively). Ferns and Lycophytes presented fewer records than Angiosperms, and Polypodiaceae were the most recorded family, and more concentrated in the Southern and Southeastern regions. Data on non-vascular plants and lichens were scarce, with a few disjunct records concentrated in the Northeastern region of the Atlantic Forest. For all non-vascular plant records, Lejeuneaceae, a family of liverworts, was the most recorded family. We hope that our effort to organize scattered epiphyte data help advance the knowledge of epiphyte ecology, as well as our understanding of macroecological and biogeographical patterns in the Atlantic Forest. No copyright restrictions are associated with the data set. Please cite this Ecology Data Paper if the data are used in publication and teaching events. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ