38 research outputs found

    Trend analysis of the quality indicators for the Brazilian cervical cancer screening programme by region and state from 2006 to 2013

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    Quality indicators for the Brazilian cervical cancer screening programme can provide a perspective on its effectiveness in Brazilian macro-regions and states. The aim of this study was to perform a trend analysis of the cervical cancer screening program's quality indicators, according to Brazilian regions and states, from 2006 to 2013.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Captive-born collared peccary (Pecari tajacu, Tayassuidae) fails to discriminate between predator and non-predator models

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    Captive animals may lose the ability to recognize their natural predators, making conservation programs more susceptible to failure if such animals are released into the wild. Collared peccaries are American tayassuids that are vulnerable to local extinction in certain areas, and conservation programs are being conducted. Captive-born peccaries are intended for release into the wild in Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. In this study, we tested the ability of two groups of captive-born collared peccaries to recognize their predators and if they were habituated to humans. Recognition tests were performed using models of predators (canids and felids) and non-predators animals, as well as control objects, such as a plastic chair; a human was also presented to the peccaries, and tested as a separate stimulus. Anti-predator defensive responses such as fleeing and threatening displayswere not observed in response to predator models. Predator detection behaviors both from visual and olfactory cues were displayed, although they were not specifically targeted at predator models. These results indicate that collared peccaries were unable to recognize model predators. Habituation effects, particularly on anti-predator behaviors, were observed both with a 1-h model presentation and across testing days. Behavioral responses to humans did not differ from those to other models. Thus, if these animals were to be released into the wild, they should undergo anti-predator training sessions to enhance their chances of survival

    A framework for the development of a global standardised marine taxon reference image database (SMarTaR-ID) to support image-based analyses

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    Video and image data are regularly used in the field of benthic ecology to document biodiversity. However, their use is subject to a number of challenges, principally the identification of taxa within the images without associated physical specimens. The challenge of applying traditional taxonomic keys to the identification of fauna from images has led to the development of personal, group, or institution level reference image catalogues of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) or morphospecies. Lack of standardisation among these reference catalogues has led to problems with observer bias and the inability to combine datasets across studies. In addition, lack of a common reference standard is stifling efforts in the application of artificial intelligence to taxon identification. Using the North Atlantic deep sea as a case study, we propose a database structure to facilitate standardisation of morphospecies image catalogues between research groups and support future use in multiple front-end applications. We also propose a framework for coordination of international efforts to develop reference guides for the identification of marine species from images. The proposed structure maps to the Darwin Core standard to allow integration with existing databases. We suggest a management framework where high-level taxonomic groups are curated by a regional team, consisting of both end users and taxonomic experts. We identify a mechanism by which overall quality of data within a common reference guide could be raised over the next decade. Finally, we discuss the role of a common reference standard in advancing marine ecology and supporting sustainable use of this ecosystem

    2 nd Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease, 2015

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    Abstract Chagas disease is a neglected chronic condition with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. It has considerable psychological, social, and economic impacts. The disease represents a significant public health issue in Brazil, with different regional patterns. This document presents the evidence that resulted in the Brazilian Consensus on Chagas Disease. The objective was to review and standardize strategies for diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of Chagas disease in the country, based on the available scientific evidence. The consensus is based on the articulation and strategic contribution of renowned Brazilian experts with knowledge and experience on various aspects of the disease. It is the result of a close collaboration between the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine and the Ministry of Health. It is hoped that this document will strengthen the development of integrated actions against Chagas disease in the country, focusing on epidemiology, management, comprehensive care (including families and communities), communication, information, education, and research

    Effect of the adhesive application mode and fiber post translucency on the push-out bond strength to dentin

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    This study evaluated the effect of the adhesive application mode and fiber post translucency on the push-out bond strength to dentin. Bovine roots were endodontically treated, and 10 roots were used for each adhesive application mode: PB (Prime&Bond 2.1), PB + SC (Self-cure activator), PB + SBM (Scotchbond Multipurpose adhesive system), BB (Brush&Bond), BB + CAT (chemical catalyst), and BB + SBM. The translucent Light-Post and Aestheti-Post were cemented. The roots/cemented posts were transversally sectioned to originate three thirds (cervical, middle, and apical). The push-out test was performed, and the failure mode of fractured specimens was analyzed. There was no difference between the fiber posts. For PB and BB, the use of hydrophobic adhesive resin SBM increased post bond strength. The use of SC and CAT catalyst did not affect the push-out bond strength values. The apical third presented the lowest bond strengths.3391078108

    Serviço de Emergência Psiquiátrica em hospital geral: estudo retrospectivo Servicio de emergencia psiquiátrica en hospital general: estudio retrospectivo Emergency psychiatric service in general hospitals: a retrospective study

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    O Serviço de Emergência Psiquiátrica em Hospital Geral (SEPHG) é uma proposta articulada com o movimento da reforma psiquiátrica. Objetivou-se caracterizar os clientes com sofrimento psíquico assistidos no SEPHG Dr. Estevam, em Sobral-CE. Este é um estudo do tipo documental, com abordagem quantitativa, envolvendo 191 clientes atendidos no SEPHG no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2007. Os dados foram coletados a partir de um livro de registro, cujas informações nele contidas foram retiradas dos prontuários dos clientes. Observou-se predomínio de pacientes do sexo masculino (70,15%), com idade entre 30-49 anos (48,71%) e solteiros (74,86%). A maioria era proveniente da cidade de Sobral (69,64 %). Em 42,40% dos casos, o diagnóstico foi transtorno do uso de álcool. Grande parte da clientela (66,50%) deu entrada no serviço por demanda espontânea. Após avaliação do SEPHG, 43,45% desses clientes foram encaminhados ao CAPS-ad. Pelos resultados, depreende-se o quão imprescindíveis são os serviços de saúde mental.<br>El Servicio de Emergencia Psiquiátrica en Hospital General (SEPHG) es una propuesta vinculada al movimiento de la reforma psiquiátrica. Se objetivó caracterizar a los pacientes con trastornos psiquiátricos atendidos en el SEPHG Dr. Estevam, en Sobral-Ceará-Brasil. Estudio de tipo documental con abordaje cualitativa, involucrando 191 pacientes atendidos en el SEPHG entre enero y diciembre de 2007. Los datos fueron recogidos a partir de un libro de registro, cuyas informaciones fueron extraídas de las historias clínicas de los pacientes. Se observó prevalencia de pacientes de sexo masculino (70,15%), con edad entre 30-49 años (48,71%) y solteros (74,86%). La mayoría provenía de la ciudad de Sobral (69,64%). En el 42,40% de los casos, el diagnóstico fue trastorno provocado por abuso de alcohol. Una gran cantidad de pacientes (66,50%) se presentó en el servicio en forma espontánea. Con posterioridad a la evaluación del SEPHG, 43,45% de tales pacientes fueron derivados al CAPS-ad. Se desprende de los resultados cuán imprescindibles son los servicios de salud mental.<br>The Emergency Psychiatric Service in General Hospitals (SEPHG, acronym in Portuguese) is a service included in the psychiatric reform movement. The purpose of the present study was to characterize patients with psychological distress treated at the Dr. Estevam SEPHG, located in Sobral, Ceará state. This exploratory study was performed using documental analyses with a quantitative approach, and involved 191 clients treated at the referred SEPHG from January to December 2007. Data collection was performed using a client register book, which contained information obtained from the patients' medical record. There was a predominance of male patients (70.15%), aged 30-49 years (48.71%) and single (74.86%). Most patients were from the city of Sobral (69.64%). In 42.40% of cases, the diagnosis was of alcohol use/abuse. Most clients (66.50%) sought the service voluntarily. After being evaluated at the SEPHG, 43.45% of patients were referred to the local Center for Psychosocial Care -Alcohol and other Drugs. The results emphasize the importance of mental health