420 research outputs found

    O contributo do treinador profissional para a regulação psicológica e emocional do futebolista

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to explore the perception of professional soccer coaches about their contribution to the psychological and emotional player's adjustment. It is a qualitative study and dates were obtained by semi-structured interviews conducted with ten professional soccer coaches. A descendent hierarchical corpus identified four classes organized into two themes. Theme 1 (the coach and soccer player toward competition demands) corresponds to class 1 (soccer coach profile) and 2 (soccer player in competition), and theme 2 (the coach and player psychological dimension), class 3 (player psychological dimension) and 4 (relationship coach-player).Results allowed us to understand that coaches appreciate the player psychological dimension, but they reveal a fragile domain on regular mastery of strategies for player's psychological and emotional regulation

    Study of NAD-interacting proteins highlights the extent of NAD regulatory roles in the cell and its potential as a therapeutic target

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    Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) levels are essential for the normal physiology of the cell and are strictly regulated to prevent pathological conditions. NAD functions as a coenzyme in redox reactions, as a substrate of regulatory proteins, and as a mediator of protein-protein interactions. The main objectives of this study were to identify the NAD-binding and NAD-interacting proteins, and to uncover novel proteins and functions that could be regulated by this metabolite. It was considered if cancer-associated proteins were potential therapeutic targets. Using multiple experimental databases, we defined datasets of proteins that directly interact with NAD – the NAD-binding proteins (NADBPs) dataset – and of proteins that interact with NADBPs – the NAD-protein–protein interactions (NAD-PPIs) dataset. Pathway enrichment analysis revealed that NADBPs participate in several metabolic pathways, while NAD-PPIs are mostly involved in signalling pathways. These include disease-related pathways, namely, three major neurodegenerative disorders: Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Then, the complete human proteome was further analysed to select potential NADBPs. TRPC3 and isoforms of diacylglycerol (DAG) kinases, which are involved in calcium signalling, were identified as new NADBPs. Potential therapeutic targets that interact with NAD were identified, that have regulatory and signalling functions in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Modelo de valorização do direito desportivo resultante da formação

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    Nas empresas desportivas o principal ativo é o direito desportivo sobre o jogador profissional. O nosso estudo debruça-se no resultante da formação. Estes, geralmente, nos clubes europeus não são reconhecidos como ativo intangível, dada a dificuldade de valorização fiável. Para ultrapassar este problema definimos como objetivo propor um modelo para a valorização do direito desportivo resultante da formação. Este artigo utiliza como metodologia de recolha de informação a análise de dados documentais e a entrevista. Através desta última recolhemos opinião junto de clubes sobre o modelo proposto, tendo-se concluído que o modelo é exequível e pode constituir solução para a valorização fiável do direito desportivo resultante da formação.In sports companies the most important asset is the professional players’ registrations. Our study focuses on the home grown players’ registration. Usually in European clubs these are not recognized as an intangible asset, given the difficulty of reliable measurement. To overcome this problem we defined as objective to propose a model for the measurement of home grown players’ registration. This article’s method of collecting information was document analysis and interviews. Through this last method we collected opinions from clubs about our proposed model and we conclude that the model can provide a solution for the reliable measurement of home grown players’ registration

    Dialogical as a methodological transdisciplinary principle in research in education

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    O presente trabalho apresenta a dialógica enquanto perspectiva de pesquisa transdiciplinar. O texto começa por referir o percurso seguido por Mikhail Bakthin, Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin e Basarab Nicolescu ao trabalharem a metodologia dialógica em suas obras. Além disso, discute a transdiciplinaridade compreendida em seu aspecto metodológico, como processo que ocorre em três etapas simultâneas: análise de diferentes níveis de realidade, a lógica do terceiro incluído e a complexidade. Buscou-se, através da pesquisa bibliográfica, levantar pontos teóricos sobre a dialogia e pesquisa transdisciplinas entre os autores supracitados. Na dialógica não se rejeita nenhuma flecha do conhecimento, o processo de conhecimento disciplinar, multidisciplinar, pluridisciplinar, interdisciplinar fazem parte da unidade na diversidade que compõe a transdiciplinaridade. Nesta perspectiva, Nicolescu (2000) diz que não há superação de um nível anterior de conhecimento, mas que os opostos coexistem e que, portanto, o princípio retroativo e de autorregulação ocorrem simultaneamente. Por isso, é um importante caminho metodológico para as ciências sociais.This paper presents the dialogue as of transdisciplinary research perspective. We start presenting the route followed by Mikhail Bakhtin, Paulo Freire, Edgar Morin and Basarab Nicolescu to work dialogical methodology in their works. Further, it discusses the transdisciplinarity understood in its methodological aspect, as a process that occurs in three simultaneous steps: analysis of different levels of reality, the logic of the included and complexity. We sought, through literature, raise theoretical points on the dialogism and research transdisciplinary between the above authors. In dialogic is not rejected any arrow of knowledge, the process of disciplinary knowledge, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary part of unity in diversity that makes up the transdisciplinarity. In this perspective, Nicolescu (2000) says there is no overcoming a previous level of knowledge, but that opposites coexist and that therefore the retroactive principle and self-regulatory occur simultaneously. So it is an important methodological approach to the social sciences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correlations and path analysis for fruit yield in pepper lines (Capsicum chinense L.)

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    Information regarding the correlation between characters are of great importance to simultaneous traits selection in breeding programs. However, quantification and interpretation of the correlations magnitude do not imply in direct and indirect effects. In this context, the path analysis is presented as an alternative and viable tool for the selection process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations between eight major agronomic characters in pepper lines (C. chinense L.) and its consequences in direct and indirect effects by path analysis. Eight agronomic traits were assessed under field conditions in 22 C. chinense L lines. According to the results, there is a genetic variability among the evaluated lines, whose yield per plant (PY) and total number of fruits (NF) variables are highly correlated with high direct effect on pepper lines yield. The selection of pepper lines with high yield can be accomplished through direct selection or using a suitable selection index, being advantageous to select lines with other characteristics, such as appropriate scion height and diameter for conducting manual and mechanized harvesting. The use of the constant k is efficient to reduce the variance of path coefficients, providing better estimation of the effects that affects yield.Information regarding the correlation between characters are of great importance to simultaneous traits selection in breeding programs. However, quantification and interpretation of the correlations magnitude do not imply in direct and indirect effects. In this context, the path analysis is presented as an alternative and viable tool for the selection process. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations between eight major agronomic characters in pepper lines (C. chinense L.) and its consequences in direct and indirect effects by path analysis. Eight agronomic traits were assessed under field conditions in 22 C. chinense L lines. According to the results, there is a genetic variability among the evaluated lines, whose yield per plant (PY) and total number of fruits (NF) variables are highly correlated with high direct effect on pepper lines yield. The selection of pepper lines with high yield can be accomplished through direct selection or using a suitable selection index, being advantageous to select lines with other characteristics, such as appropriate scion height and diameter for conducting manual and mechanized harvesting. The use of the constant k is efficient to reduce the variance of path coefficients, providing better estimation of the effects that affects yield

    Stabilizing periodontally compromised teeth with glass fiber-reinforced composite resin – case report

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    The tooth mobility due to periodontal bone loss can cause masticatory discomfort, mainly in protrusive movements in the region of the mandibular anterior teeth. Thus, the splinting is a viable alternative to keep them in function satisfactorily. Objective: This study aimed to demonstrate, through a clinical case with medium-term following-up, the clinical application of splinting with glass fiber-reinforced composite resin. Case report: Female patient, 73 years old, complained about masticatory discomfort related to the right mandibular lateral incisor. Clinical and radiographic evaluation showed grade 2 dental mobility, bone loss and increased periodontal ligament space. The proposed treatment was splinting with glass fiber-reinforced composite resin from the right mandibular canine to left mandibular canine. Results: Four-year follow-up showed favorable clinical and radiographic results with respect to periodontal health and maintenance of functional aspects. Conclusion: The splinting with glass fiber-reinforced composite resin is a viable technique and stable over time for the treatment of tooth mobility


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    Este artigo promove um gesto de leitura e de interpretação, por meio da análise discursiva de um vídeo intitulado “Papai, eu quero uma embaixada”, publicado no dia 14 de julho de 2019, no 26º episódio de “Isso a Globo Não Mostra”, um quadro de humor do Fantástico, em referência à indicação de Eduardo Bolsonaro para ser embaixador do Brasil nos Estados Unidos, feita pelo seu pai, o presidente do Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro. Nessa conjuntura social, esse vídeo se inscreve como materialidade discursiva, que parodia, numa rede de memórias, favorecendo uma releitura da música “Papai, eu quero me casar”, dos Trapalhões. Assim, baseado no dispositivo teórico-analítico da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa (AD), alicerçado nas formulações de Pêcheux, considerando a reterritorialização dessa disciplina de interpretação por Orlandi no Brasil e a continuidade por demais estudiosos, este artigo se propõe a mobilizar os conceitos de sujeito, ideologia, memória e formações discursivas para analisar como sujeito e sentido se constituem mutuamente, a partir do já-dito e do efeito de novidade, por meio do lugar social que os sujeitos ocupam e da ideologia que interpela indivíduos em sujeitos, inscritos numa formação discursiva que determina o que pode e o que deve ser dito


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    No presente texto, a partir de um gesto de leitura e de interpretação, objetivamos analisar três charges que apresentam um discurso acerca da identidade do professor, que tem circulado na atualidade através de uma relação constitutiva, na historicidade, cujo acionamento se dá por meio da memória discursiva. Diante disso, buscamos apresentar uma visão teórica e analítica sobre esta circulação, baseados na Análise de Discurso de linha francesa, fundamentada nos estudos de Pêcheux (1969) e Orlandi (2001) no Brasil, numa interface com os Estudos Culturais, respaldados em Bauman (2005), Hall (2001) e Silva (2003)

    Identificação da gestão da qualidade no setor madeireiro

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    A cadeia produtiva da madeira ocupa uma posição de destaque no Brasil, sendo um setor de relevância tanto em aspectos econômicos ou sociais, tais como a representatividade na balança comercial, o crescimento do PIB, a geração de emprego e renda. Desta maneira, para a permanência nesta posição de destaque num mercado de competição acirrada é necessário que o setor sofra transformações na forma de pensar e agir no processo produtivo e na empresa como um todo. O que envolve o aperfeiçoamento de várias práticas, dentro os quais pode-se citar a gestão da qualidade. Dentro desse contexto, a presente pesquisa identifi cou o nível da gestão da qualidade que se encontram indústrias exportadoras, do ramo madeireiro, localizadas na cidade de Guarapuava, no estado do Paraná, tomando-se como base de diagnóstico a utilização dos métodos e ferramentas da qualidade. A pesquisa pode ser considerada descritiva, tipo levantamento. Como procedimentos para a coleta de dados utilizou-se a técnica de interrogação modo questionário. Ao se analisar os resultados, pode-se concluir que o segmento estudado ainda tem muito a evoluir no que se refere à gestão da qualidade, havendo a necessidade de uma maior e melhor profissionalização das empresas, além de que os colaboradores do segmento devem ter um melhor treinamento; sendo estes aspectos ainda básicos, no sentido de haver o início de criação de condições de melhorias efetivas

    Naprt expression regulation mechanisms: novel functions predicted by a bioinformatics approach

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    The nicotinate phosphoribosyltransferase (NAPRT) gene has gained relevance in the research of cancer therapeutic strategies due to its main role as a NAD biosynthetic enzyme. NAD metabolism is an attractive target for the development of anti-cancer therapies, given the high energy requirements of proliferating cancer cells and NAD-dependent signaling. A few studies have shown that NAPRT expression varies in different cancer types, making it imperative to assess NAPRT expression and functionality status prior to the application of therapeutic strategies targeting NAD. In addition, the recent finding of NAPRT extracellular form (eNAPRT) suggested the involvement of NAPRT in inflammation and signaling. However, the mechanisms regulating NAPRT gene expression have never been thoroughly addressed. In this study, we searched for NAPRT gene expression regulatory mechanisms in transcription factors (TFs), RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and microRNA (miRNAs) databases. We identified several potential regulators of NAPRT transcription activation, downregulation and alternative splicing and performed GO and expression analyses. The results of the functional analysis of TFs, RBPs and miRNAs suggest new, unexpected functions for the NAPRT gene in cell differentiation, development and neuronal biology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio