3,071 research outputs found

    Impacto dos parques eólicos em grandes mamíferos: o caso do Parque Eólico do Alto da Coutada

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    Relatório de projecto no âmbito de Bolsa Universidade de Lisboa/Fundação Amadeu Dias (2010/2011). Universidade de Lisboa. Faculdade de Ciência

    Hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) diversity in Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon - a preliminary study

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    Hoverflies are holometabolic insects, whose adults are pollinators feeding on nectar and pollen. Frequently, they are confused with wasps, bees and bumblebees. In the larval stage, some of them prey other insects, specially aphids (Hemiptera), and others are saprophagous. For this reason, they are important biological control agents. In this study, we carried out the prospection and specific identification of hoverflies in four habitats in Tapada da Ajuda (olive grove, a field of Apiaceae, herbaceous vegetation near Lagoa Branca and plum orchard), between March and May 2017. Hoverfly adults were mostly captured with an entomologic net, but also with jar and plastic bags. A preliminary evaluation on the importance of ecologic infrastructure fava bean inter-row in the plum orchard was also performed. For this purpose, we observed fava plants and plum trees, collecting eggs, larvae and pupae of hoverflies that we reared in the laboratory until the emergence of the adult of hoverfly or parasitoid. A total of 12 species were identified, being the most frequent and abundant Episyrphus balteatus and Sphaerophoria scripta. Species richness was higher in the Apiaceae field although this habitat was sampled only during the last fortnight of the study. In the hoverfly immature collected in the plum orchard we detected hymenopteran parasitoids belonging to Diplazontinae and Pteromalidaeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dynamic Consumption and Portfolio Choice with Ambiguity about Stochastic Volatility

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    We introduce ambiguity about the variance of the risky asset's return in the model of Chacko and Viceira (2005) for dynamic consumption and portfolio choice with stochastic variance. We find that, with investors being able to update their portfolio continuously (as a function of the instantaneous variance), ambiguity has no impact. To shed some light on the case in which continuous portfolio updating is not possible, we also evaluate the effect of ambiguity when investors must use their expectation of future variance for their portfolio decision. In the latter scenario, demand for the risky asset can be decomposed into three components: myopic and intertemporal hedging demands (as in Chacko and Viceira (2005)) and ambiguity demand. Using long-run US data, Chacko and Viceira (2005) found that intertemporal hedging demand is empirically small, suggesting a low impact of stochastic variance on portfolio choice. Using the same calibration, we find that ambiguity demand may be very high, much more than intertemporal hedging demand. Therefore, stochastic variance can be very relevant for portfolio choice, not because of the variance risk, but because of investors' ambiguity about variance.Asset Allocation, Stochastic Volatility, Ambiguity

    Artrodese do tornozelo : bindicações e técnicas cirúrgicas

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    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina (Ortopedia), apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA artrodese do tornozelo consiste na fusão da articulação com a intenção de conseguir o alívio/supressão da dor e a recuperação funcional do membro inferior. Desde que foi descrita pela primeira vez, diferentes métodos de fixação externa e interna foram sendo desenvolvidos. A melhoria dos materiais e das técnicas de fixação, bem como um melhor atendimento dos doentes politraumatizados, têm permitido preservar articulações com lesões traumáticas graves, o que não acontecia no passado. O grande número e variedade de técnicas cirúrgicas usadas na artrodese do tornozelo reflectem o interesse por este procedimento, apesar de não ser uma cirurgia simples, uma vez que as superfícies ósseas disponíveis para a fusão são pequenas e de difícil fixação, exigindo apurada precisão cirúrgica. A posição final da artrodese tem elevada importância no resultado funcional, obrigando a um complexo controlo durante o acto cirúrgico, especialmente quando estão presentes perdas ósseas ou deformidades prévias. O objectivo deste trabalho é proceder a uma análise crítica da literatura internacional relacionada com os diferentes métodos de artrodese do tornozelo, a fim de tentar estabelecer as indicações clínicas e sobretudo as técnicas cirúrgicas mais recomendadas para se conseguir alcançar o melhor resultado. A sua principal indicação é o tratamento da artrose do tornozelo, com instabilidade e deformidade articulares graves, associadas a grave défice funcional. Entre outras patologias articulares, a artrodese está igualmente indicada na artrite inflamatória do tornozelo. Vários estudos comparativos têm sido publicados, com taxas de mais de 90% de sucesso clínico na fusão articular associadas a métodos de fixação interna e na ordem dos 80% para os métodos de fixação externos. Seja como for, a fixação interna apresenta algumas vantagens como sejam, uma maior facilidade técnica, um menor número de complicações pós-operatórias, uma mobilização articular precoce, uma maior aceitação pelo paciente, entre Artrodese do tornozelo: Indicações e técnicas cirúrgicas Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra 5 outros. A técnica usada pelo Serviço de Ortopedia do Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (CHUC) contempla, de uma forma geral, os princípios da fixação interna do tornozelo. De realçar, os resultados clínicos mais favoráveis com uma menor taxa de complicações pós-operatórias, nas séries que usam parafusos metálicos na fixação interna da articulação, através de uma abordagem transfibular. A literatura mostra uma elevada taxa de sucesso de fusão articular entre os 83% e 100%. Daí, ser a técnica mais usada e mais recomendada para este tipo de procedimento cirúrgicoAnkle arthrodesis consists in articular fusion for symptomatic relief/suppression and restoring a functional limb. Since it was first described, different methods of external and internal fixation have been developed. Improvements in hardware and fixation techniques, as well as in terms of polytraumatized patient care, brought the possibility of better preservation of severely damaged joints, which was not possible in the past. The great number and variety of surgical techniques for ankle arthrodesis reproduce the significance given to this procedure, even considering that it is not a simple surgery, as the bone surfaces for articular fusion are small and of difficult fixation, demanding extreme precision. The final alignment in the arthrodesis has significant importance in the functional outcome, requiring complex control during the surgical approach, especially when previously deformity or bone loss is present. The goal of this study is to project a critical analysis of the international literature about different arthrodesis methods, in ways to establish indications and especially the recommended surgical techniques for better outcomes. The main indication for joint fusion is ankle arthrosis, with severe articular instability and deformity, associated with functional compromise. Among other pathological situations, ankle arthrodesis is likewise indicated in cases of inflammatory arthritis. Several comparative studies have been published, presenting successful rates above 90% in articular fusion for internal fixation methods and 80% for external options. In this consideration, there are several contributing factors in favor of internal fixation standing out like the relative technical ease, less number of post-operative complications, earlier articular mobilization and best acceptance by the patient, among others. The technique practice by the Orthopedic Center of Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra (CHUC) applies, in general way, the principles of internal fixation of the ankle. Artrodese do tornozelo: Indicações e técnicas cirúrgicas Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra 7 Emphasis must be taken, to the more favorable clinical results with less post-operative complication rates, in the series witch applied metal screws for internal fixation of the joint, after a transfibular approach. Literature shows a high rate of success getting from 83% to 100% for joint fusion. Therefore, it is the most used and recommended technique for this kind of surgical procedure

    Feeding an urban network: grain supply to the Algarve port towns in the late Middle Ages

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    En Portugal, las hambrunas, las crisis alimentarias y el abastecimiento cerealista de las villas y ciudades constituyen un campo prometedor, pero poco trabajado, a pesar de los trabajos pioneros de algunos historiadores. Este trabajo pretende contribuír a conocer la capacidad de los núcleos urbanos portuarios del Algarve para responder a las crisis cerealistas y garantizar el abastecimiento de cereales. En este sentido, presentaremos los primeros resultados de la investigación sobre las crisis cerealistas que las villas y ciudades portuarias del Algarve sufrieron; las estrategias que los gobiernos municipales utilizaron para combatir este problema; y, por último, reflexionar sobre sus efectos y el grado de éxito de sus políticasIn Portugal, famines, food crises and the cereal supply of the medieval towns represent a rich and promising field of studies, which is still little explored, in spite of the pioneering works of some historians. Thus, this work aims to contribute to know the capacity of Algarve port towns to respond to cereal crises and ensure the supply of this product. In this sense, I will present the first results of the research on the cereal crises suffered by Algarve port towns; the strategies that the municipal governments used to solve this problem, and, finally, reflect on its effects and the degree of success of its policiespp. 201-23

    Hamster: um rato simples

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    Este artigo descreve o agente robótico Hamster participante no concurso Ciber-Rato 2002 integrado no Festival Nacional de Robótica 2002. Este robô utiliza um algoritmo que, apesar da sua simplicidade apresenta uma eficiência razoável

    Risk aversion in financial crises

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    This study is designed to understand how investors risk preferences change, when faced by financial crisis. Option prices implied densities provide information about market movements and risk preferences. The data used are European call options prices on the DJIA with a time to maturity of four weeks. This paper obtains the risk aversion estimates by the extraction of options implied risk neutral densities and their translation to real world densities, applied to three crisis : Dotcom bubble in 2001; Subprime mortgage in 2008 and European sovereign debt in 2011. RND is achieved by the use of two parametric methods: mixture of lognormal densities (MLN); and generalised beta distribution of the second kind (GB2). The risk transformation procedure from RND to RWD (real world densities) is achieved by applying the power utility function. The RND empirical results imply that the GB2 method is disregarded due to inferior quality whilst the MLN produces results of higher uncertainty and expected future results of index levels corrected downward. The risk aversion estimates obtained from the RWD generation process do not present any evident pattern of evolution from a stable financial period to one of financial shock. It is also important to mention that for some periods the risk aversion reached negative values. This is a surprising result due to existent theoretical assumption of positive risk aversion. Overall, this study documents inconclusive results. Nevertheless, several important topics are left for future research. Interesting developments would consist: either replicating this study considering more expiration dates, bearing in mind that too many periods would imply an extremely generalised risk aversion estimate that would be counterproductive for achieving the objective of this paper; apply another method from the available literature; or testing the negative estimates with more sophisticated models that are beyond the focus of this paper

    Non-invasive treatment modalities for Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VaIN)

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    Laser e Braquiterapia Vaginal apresentaram uma Taxa de Cura (TC) máxima de 93% e 100%, respetivamente, com uma Taxa de Persistência (TP) significativa até 100% e uma Taxa de Recorrência (TR) de 0-59%. Laser tem poucas complicações e é indicado para mulheres sexualmente ativas. Braquiterapia, devido à sua toxicidade, deve ser reservada para lesões de alto grau e refratárias. Imiquimod e 5-Flouorouracil revelaram uma TC de 25-82%, TP 26-75%, TR de 6-94% e são indicados em lesões multifocais. O tratamento conservador tem uma TC de 44-60% com uma TP e TR até 50%. Ao contrário das lesões de baixo grau, as lesões de alto grau requerem tratamento que deve ser selecionado de acordo com as caraterísticas das lesões e dos pacientes.Laser and Vaginal Brachytherapy showed a maximum 93% and 100% Cure Rate (CR), respectively, with a significant Persistence Rate (PR) up to 100% and 0-59% Recurrence Rate (RR). Laser has few complications and is indicated for sexually active women. Brachytherapy, due to toxicity, should be reserved for high-grade and refractory lesions. Imiquimod and 5-Flouorouracil revealed a 25-82% CR, 26-75% PR, 6-94% RR and are indicated in multifocal lesions. Expectant management has 44-60% CR with PR and RR up to 50%. In contrast to low-grade lesions, high-grade lesions require treatment which should be selected depending on its characteristics and the patient's

    Co-creation as a means to enhance utilitarian dimensions on hedonic products

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    Quando uma compra e feita, os consumidores são obrigados a deliberar entre uma escolha mais hedónica ou uma mais utilitária. Durante vários anos investigadores têm tentado perceber esta processo de decisão, em que os consumidores tendem a preferir atributos hedónicos, mas acabam por escolher a opção utilitária por causa do sentimento de culpa presente quando se escolhe a opção hedónica. Cocriação aparece como um meio para justificar o consumo hedónico sobre o utilitário, uma vez que os consumidores sabem exatamente as necessidades do mercado geral. Portanto, esta dissertação pretende explorar o efeito de os consumidores que observam saberem que um produto hedónico foi cocriado. A influencia da cocriação nas perceções dos consumidores sobre as dimensões do produto foi analisada medindo a perceção de similaridade com a fonte de criação, as dimensões utilitárias e hedónicas e a intenção de compra. As hipóteses foram testadas através de um uma experiência 2 (modo de designe: cocriação, empresa) x 2 (fonte de similaridade: alta, baixa) entre sujeitos, em que os participantes completaram um questionário e avaliaram determinadas dimensões do produto. Os resultados mostram que aqueles que se sentem similares à comunidade participante mostram maior intenção de compra em relação aos produtos hedónicos cocriados. Para além disso, a perceção das dimensões utilitárias nos produtos hedónicos é um importante impulsionador da preferência por opções hedónicas cocriadas. O estudo complementa a literatura anterior fornecendo outra estratégia para destacar os produtos hedónicos, através do envolvimento dos consumidores, e aos gestores, mostra que a cocriação pode criar uma vantagem competitiva quando comparado com produtos desenvolvidos por profissionais.Whenever a purchase is made, consumers must deliberate between making a more hedonic choice or a utilitarian one. For several years researchers have been trying to understand this decision-making process, whereas consumers tend to prefer hedonic attributes but end up choosing utilitarian options due to some guilt felt whenever choosing a hedonic option. Co-creation comes as a means to justify hedonic consumption over the utilitarian, since consumers know exactly what the general market needs. Therefore, this dissertation sets to explore the effect of observing consumers learning about a hedonic product being co-created. The influence of co-creation on the consumer’ perception of the product dimensions was analyzed by measuring the perceived similarity to the source of creation, utilitarian and hedonic dimensions and willingness to purchase. The hypotheses were tested using a 2 (design mode: co-creation, firm) x 2 (source similarity: high, low) between subject design. in which participants would respond to a questionnaire and evaluate a certain product’ dimensions. The results showed that those who perceive themselves as similar to the participating community show higher purchase intentions towards co-created hedonic products. Moreover, the perception of utilitarian dimensions on hedonic products is an important determinant for co-created hedonic options. The study complements the previous literature by providing another strategy to highlight hedonic products, through consumers’ participation, and moreover, it highlights to managers that co-creation can create competitive advantage when compared to professional-driven products
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