542 research outputs found


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    This article presents the results of an opinion poll conducted in Brazil on the perception of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaire was prepared on Google Forms, disseminated through social networks, with questions about the socio-economic profile and factors associated with isolation. A non-probabilistic sample was obtained with 16,440 respondents. Data were analyzed using the Stata 13 software. Social interaction was the most affected aspect among people with higher education and income 45.8%, for people with low income and education, financial problems cause a greater impact 35%. Those who practice some physical activity showed lower levels of stress 13%, as well as greater normality in sleep 50.3%. People who reported living in worse habitability conditions reported willingness to remain isolated for less time 73.9%. Among people who are not isolated, 10.7% of the total sample, 75.8% believe that social isolation will reduce the number of victims of COVID-19. We conclude, based on this sample, that the perception about social isolation as a pandemic mitigation action varies according to income, education, age, and sex, but, the majority believes it is the most appropriate control measure and is willing to wait as long as necessary to contribute to the fight against COVID-19.O artigo apresenta resultados da pesquisa de opinião realizada no Brasil sobre a percepção do isolamento social durante a pandemia de COVID-19. O questionário foi elaborado no Google Forms, disseminado por redes sociais, com questões sobre o perfil socioeconômico e fatores associados ao isolamento. Obteve-se uma amostra com 16.440 respondentes. Os dados foram analisados no software Stata 13. O convívio social foi o aspecto mais afetado entre pessoas com maior escolaridade e renda 45,8%, para pessoas de baixas renda e escolaridade, problemas financeiros provocam maior impacto 35%. Os que praticam atividade física revelaram menores níveis de estresse 13%, bem como uma maior normalidade no sono 50,3%. Pessoas que referiram residir em piores condições de habitabilidade, informaram disposição a permanecer menos tempo isoladas 73,9%. Dentre as pessoas que não estão isoladas (10,7% do total), 75,8% acredita que o isolamento social reduzirá o número de vítimas da COVID-19. Concluímos, que a percepção das pessoas quanto ao isolamento social como medida de mitigação da pandemia, varia conforme a renda, escolaridade, idade e sexo, porém a maior parte acredita que se trata da medida de controle mais indicada e estão dispostas a esperar o tempo que for necessário para contribuir com o enfrentamento à COVID-19

    Valoração de serviços ecossistêmicos culturais em parques urbanos com diferentes contextos sociais na cidade do Recife (PE), Brasil

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    O acelerado processo de urbanização do planeta e a grande acumulação da população humana torna cada dia mais necessária a existência de áreas verdes nas cidades. Ainda assim, em países em desenvolvimento a mensuração dos benefícios culturais gerados por essas áreas é escassa. Também é muito pouco frequente a inserção dos serviços ecossistêmicos no contexto do planejamento urbano. Este trabalho buscou estimar o valor monetário dos benefícios gerados por parques urbanos em diferentes contextos sociais na cidade do Recife. Para isso, lançou-se mão do Método de Valoração Contingente (MVC), aplicando-se 421 questionários em três parques inseridos em bairros com características distintas. O modelo adotado para a análise foi o Probit Bivariado com perguntas dicotômicas, calculando-se duas estimativas para a disposição a pagar (DaP). E a estimativa do fluxo de benefícios anuais em serviços ecossistêmicos culturais foi calculada com base em dois cenários de potenciais beneficiários que moram nas distâncias de 800 e 4.800 m dos parques. Os resultados demonstraram que a DaP anual variou entre R34eR 34 e R 87. Características dos usuários, como idade e sexo, foram significativas para o modelo, enquanto escolaridade não. Os usuários com maior renda apresentaram maior DaP em termos absolutos, ao passo que em termos proporcionais foram os usuários com menor renda que exibiram maior DaP. Dessa forma, os resultados parecem demonstrar que os serviços ecossistêmicos culturais providos por parques urbanos mostram maior importância em contextos sociais menos favorecidos, fator que pode embasar um planejamento mais equitativo na oferta desses espaços públicos.The accelerated process of urbanization of the planet and the significant accumulation of the human population make the existence of green areas in cities more and more necessary. Even so, in developing countries, measuring the cultural benefits generated by these areas is scarce. The insertion of ecosystem services into urban planning is also very infrequent. This work sought to estimate the monetary value of the benefits generated by urban parks in different social contexts in the city of Recife. For this, we used the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), applying 421 questionnaires in three parks located in neighborhoods with different characteristics. We adopted the Bivariate Probit to analyze the dichotomous questions and calculate the willingness to pay (WTP) estimates. The estimated flow of annual benefits in cultural ecosystem services is calculated based on two scenarios of potential beneficiaries who live between 800 m and 4,800 m from the parks. The results showed that the annual WTP varied between R34andR 34 and R 87. The user characteristics such as age and sex were significant for the model, while the education level was not. Users with higher income had a higher WTP in absolute terms, while in proportional terms, users with lower income had a higher WTP. In this way, the results seem to demonstrate that the cultural ecosystem services provided by urban parks are more important in less favored social contexts. This factor can support more equitable planning in providing these public spaces

    Influence of household welfare conditions in the practice of social isolation for Pandemic Covid-19

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    Objetivo: avaliar a influência de elementos de bem-estar domiciliar na prática do isolamento social durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Métodos: estudo realizado mediante pesquisa de opinião conduzida por meio de redes sociais e aplicativos de internet. Utilizou-se o modelo de regressão logística multinomial para estimar a probabilidade de influência das variáveis analisadas no nível de isolamento social. Resultados: as variáveis relacionadas ao bem-estar domiciliar contribuem para aumentar a probabilidade de o indivíduo adotar o isolamento total: área verde aumenta em 0,092pp (p<0.01), atividade física aumenta em 0,046pp (p<0.01); mais horas de sono aumenta em 0,017pp (p<0.01). As variáveis: ser idoso e acreditar que, no isolamento, também aumentam em 0,295pp (p<0.01) e 0,15pp (p<0.01) respectivamente. Conclusão: aspectos relacionados ao bem-estar domiciliar e à informação contribuem para o isolamento total e devem ser considerados nas estratégias de combate à pandemia.Objective: To evaluate the influence of household welfare elements in the practice of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A study carried out through an opinion poll conducted from social networks and internet applications. The multinomial logistic regression model was used to estimate the probability of the influence of the variables analyzed on the level of social isolation. Results: The variables related to home well-being contribute to increase the probability of the individual adopting total isolation: green area increases by 0.092pp (p <0.01); physical activity at home increases by 0.046pp (p <0.01); more hours of sleep increases by 0.017pp (p <0.01). The variables: being elderly and believing in isolation also increase by 0.295pp (p <0.01) and 0.15pp (p <0.01) respectively. Conclusion: Aspects related to home well-being and information contribute to total isolation and must be considered in strategies to combat the pandemic

    Resposta morfofisiológica de mudas de Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne submetidas à adubação potássica

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    Hymenaea stigonocarpa is anarboreal medicinal species used in the recovery of degraded areas. However, little is known about its nutritional requirements during the seedling phase, especially concerning to potassium. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate if potassium doses promote morphophysiological changes in Hymenaea stigonocarpa seedlings.A completely randomized design, consisting in six KCl doses (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mg dm-3KCl) and four replications was applied. Biometric, biomass, physiological and potassium content variables were assessed. Hymenaea stigonocarpa displayed significant physiological and biometric responses to potassium fertilization, with the highest values observed at doses ranging from 150 to 200 mg dm-3 KCl. Moreover, concentration effects were noted regarding to potassium contents in seedling leaves and stems.Hymenaea stigonocarpa é uma espécie arbórea medicinal usada na recuperação de áreas degradadas. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre suas exigências nutricionais durante a fase de mudas, principalmente em termos de potássio. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar se doses potássicas promovem alterações morfofisiológicas de mudas Hymenaea stigonocarpa. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com seis doses (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 250mg dm-3 de KCl), e quatro repetições.  As variáveis avaliadas foram: biométricas, biomassa, fisiológicas e teor de potássio. A espécie apresentou resposta significativa à adubação potássica para os parâmetros fisiológicos e biométricos. Os maiores valores obtidos foram nas doses entre 150 e 200 mg dm-3. E, ainda, observou-se efeito de concentração para o teor de potássio contido nas folhas e caule das mudas de Hymenaea stigonocarpa

    Strength analysis of composite cables

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    Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) cables, due to their outstanding performance in terms of specific stiffness and strength, are usually found in civil construction applications and, more recently, in the Oil & Gas sector. However, experimental data and theoretical solutions for these cables are very limited. On the contrary, several theoretical and numerical approaches are available for isotropic cables (metallic wire ropes), some of them with severe simplifications, nonetheless showing good agreement with experimental data. In this study, experimental tensile results for 1×7 CRFP cables were compared to a simplified analytical model (assumed transversally isotropic) and to a 3D finite element model incorporating the experimental uncertainty in important input parameters: longitudinal elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, static friction coefficient and ultimate tensile strain. The average experimental breaking load of the cable was 190.25 kN (coefficient of variation of 1.74%) and the agreement with the numerical model predictions were good, with an average-value deviation of –1.15%, which is lower than the experimental variations. The simplified analytical model yielded a discrepancy above 10%, indicating that it needs further refinement although much less time consuming than the numerical model. These conclusions were corroborated by statistical analyses (i.e. Kruskal–Wallis and Mann-Whitney)

    Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais em Assentamentos Rurais: lições da Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Este artigo investiga o potencial de implantação de um programa estadual de pagamento por serviços ambientais em assentamentos rurais no estado de Pernambuco. Baseados nas informações de dois assentamentos rurais, foram realizadas análise de uso e ocupação do solo e valoração de serviços ambientais hídricos. A partir das estimativas de benefícios econômicos por meio do método de valoração contingente (MVC), foi desenvolvida uma análise custo benefício (ACB) da restauração das áreas degradadas. Os resultados indicam que devido ao alto nível de degradação ambiental das Áreas de Preservação Permanentes (APP) e a condição socioeconômica dos assentados, seria necessário um programa de pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA) para compensar as perdas de áreas produtivas por parte dos assentados para restauração. Nos dois cenários analisados a disposição a aceitar dos agricultores foi baseada no nível de subsistência, sendo o cenário com plantio agroflorestal mais bem aceito. Por fim conclui-se que a extrapolação de um programa de PSA para todos os assentamentos do estado poderia gerar um impacto ambiental extremamente positivo com um potencial de restauração de mais de 27 mil hectares. Este programa contribuiria de maneira considerável no estado para atingir as metas brasileiras no acordo de Paris.

    Soil organic matter fractions, chemical attributes and aggregation under forestry and agricultural systems

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of the conversion of forest systems to agricultural systems in the organic matter compartments, aggregation and soil chemical attributes, in the Atlantic Forest. The evaluated systems were: annual crop (ACr); perennial agriculture (PAg); pasture; and secondary forest early (SFES), medium (SFMS), and advanced stage (SFAS). Soil samples were collected at the layer of 0-5 cm depth and quantified the total organic carbon (TOC), C of humic substances, oxidizable C, granulometric fractions of soil organic matter (SOM), soil chemical attributes, soil aggregation and glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP-total and GRSP-easily extractable) in different aggregate classes. It was observed a reduction of the TOC, particulate organic carbon (POC), humic substances and oxidizable C in the PAg and ACr areas comparing to pasture and forest systems. Moreover, the pH values increased whereas P content decreased in comparison with SFAS. As for aggregation, the PAg and the ACr decreased by around 35% and 20% the mean weight diameter of aggregates, respectively, compared to the average values found in the forestry systems, and 34% and 45%, respectively in relation to pasture. In general, GRSP-total were reduced by agriculture. Thus, it appears that the agriculture which has been practiced is altering negatively the soil chemical, physical and biological attributes.The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of the conversion of forest systems to agricultural systems in the organic matter compartments, aggregation and soil chemical attributes, in the Atlantic Forest. The evaluated systems were: annual crop (ACr); perennial agriculture (PAg); pasture; and secondary forest early (SFES), medium (SFMS), and advanced stage (SFAS). Soil samples were collected at the layer of 0-5 cm depth and quantified the total organic carbon (TOC), C of humic substances, oxidizable C, granulometric fractions of soil organic matter (SOM), soil chemical attributes, soil aggregation and glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP-total and GRSP-easily extractable) in different aggregate classes. It was observed a reduction of the TOC, particulate organic carbon (POC), humic substances and oxidizable C in the PAg and ACr areas comparing to pasture and forest systems. Moreover, the pH values increased whereas P content decreased in comparison with SFAS. As for aggregation, the PAg and the ACr decreased by around 35% and 20% the mean weight diameter of aggregates, respectively, compared to the average values found in the forestry systems, and 34% and 45%, respectively in relation to pasture. In general, GRSP-total were reduced by agriculture. Thus, it appears that the agriculture which has been practiced is altering negatively the soil chemical, physical and biological attributes


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    O impacto ambiental é inerente a toda atividade econômica desenvolvida pelo homem, no entanto algumas apresentam um maior potencial destrutivo. A mineração é uma das mais degradantes. No Brasil, a partir do ano de 2015, tem-se um novo marco da destruição ambiental: o caso Samarco em Mariana/MG. O rompimento da Barragem Fundão lançou toneladas de lama contaminadas com resíduos tóxicos em diversas localidades, causando grandes prejuízos. Visando responsabilizar os infratores, o Ministério Público Federal propôs uma ação civil pública ambiental. Nessa ótica, este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a importância da propositura da ação civil pública como meio eficaz na repressão do desastre ambiental da Samarco em Mariana/MG. Para tanto, a análise utilizou a tríade científica do Direito, consubstanciada na doutrina, na legislação e na jurisprudência. Ao fim do estudo, o instrumento processual se mostrou eficaz não só sob o ponto de vista jurídico, mas também no aspecto socioambiental

    Essential oil of the leaves of Eugenia sulcata preserve myocardial contractility and does not present immunotoxicity

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    The essential oil of the leaves of Eugenia sulcata, in the Myrtaceae family, has a demonstrated antihypertensive effect, but its effects on heart muscle and its toxicity have not yet been elucidated. Little chemical or biological data are available for E. sulcata, whether emphasizing the beneficial effects or the pharmacological security of this species. This study aims to evaluate myocardial contractility and to analyze angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and myosin ATPase activities associated with use of this essential oil. In addition, we evaluated the immunotoxicity of E. sulcata essential oil. Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were treated daily for 30 days (10 mg/kg of oil) to evaluate the isometric force of the papillary muscle, ACE measured by fluorimetry, and myosin ATPase activities by inorganic phosphate. Lymphocyte cultures were used to evaluate cytotoxicity, DNA damage, and mutagenicity of the essential oil. The results demonstrate that the treatment did not change the cardiac contraction force and did not alter the functioning of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, extrusion of the membrane calcium, or modify the membrane calcium channels or β-adrenergic receptor activity. Tetanic contractions were potentiated in the SHR animals. Myosin ATPase activity was also increased in the SHR animals. Cardiac ACE activity was reduced in both animal strains, and the serum ACE was reduced only in the SHR animals. The essential oil did not cause cytotoxicity or mutagenicity and presented low DNA damage. Our results demonstrated that the essential oil does not change myocardial contractility and does not present relevant immunotoxicity