1,231 research outputs found

    Culturtainment - a new interactive entertainment genre: assessment of Cultural Heritage digital content in leisure software games

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    European Master in Multimedia and Audiovisual AdministrationOrganized in Brussels with the support of the European Union’s MEDIA II Programme and in co-operation with the University of Metz, the New University of Lisbon, the University of Athens, the University of Paris 8, Kemi-Tornio Polytechnic, the Lapland University

    Natural phytochemicals and probiotics as bioactive ingredients for functional foods: Extraction, biochemistry and protected-delivery technologies

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    he well-known correlation between diet and physiology demonstrates the great possibilities of food to maintain or improve our health, increasing the interest in finding new products with positive physiological effects. Nowadays, one of the top research areas in Food Science and Technology is the extraction and characterization of new natural ingredients with biological activity that can be further incorporated into a functional food, contributing to consumer's well-being. Furthermore, there is a high demand for effective encapsulation methodologies to preserve all the characteristics of bioactive compounds until the physiological action site is reached. Scope and approach: In this review, the relevance of developing standard approaches for the extraction of the highly diverse bioactive compounds was described, as it defines the suitability of the following steps of separation, identification and characterization. Special attention was also dedicated to the encapsulation techniques used on hydrophilic and/or lipophilic compounds (e.g., emulsification, coacervation, supercritical fluid, inclusion complexation, emulsification-solvent evaporation and nanoprecipitation). Key findings and conclusions: Some useful conclusions regarding the selection of the best extraction methodology (Soxhlet extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, accelerated solvent extraction, or shake extraction) were achieved, considering important aspects such as cost, required technical skills, extract integrity, green chemistry principles, solvent type, sample size, pH, temperature and pressure. In addition, this comprehensive review allowed defining the best protective approach to solve the limitations related to the extremely low absorption and bioavailability of bioactive phytochemicals, overcoming problems related to their low solubility, poor stability, low permeability and metabolic processes in the GI tract.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ações de assistência ao recém-nascido: estudo observacional dos cuidados imediatos e mediatos ao nascimento

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    Objective: to analyze the actions of the multidisciplinary team related to immediate and immediate assistance to the newborn. Method: exploratory, observational, quantitative study, carried out in June and July 2020 in a mixed unit in the hinterland of Pernambuco. Results: the sample consisted of 08 vaginal deliveries, including 08 binomials and 05 professionals. Some actions of immediate and immediate care were not in line as recommended by the national health protocol. Final considerations: the lack of training, the absence of institutional protocols and continuing education at the institution and the work overload may be factors that influenced the assistance. The study implied the addition of knowledge on the topic, which can support future research and fill possible gaps, in addition to serving as a warning for managers about investment in human resources and professional training.Objetivo: analisar as ações da equipe multiprofissional relacionadas à assistência imediata e mediata ao recém-nascido. Método: estudo exploratório, observacional, quantitativo, realizado em junho e julho de 2020 em uma unidade mista do sertão de Pernambuco. Resultados: a amostra consistiu em 08 partos vaginais, incluindo 08 binômios e 05 profissionais. Algumas ações dos cuidados imediatos e mediatos não estavam conforme é preconizado pelo protocolo nacional de saúde. Considerações finais: a não capacitação, a ausência de protocolos institucionais e educação continuada na instituição e a sobrecarga de trabalho podem ser fatores que influenciaram o desempenho das ações. O estudo implicou no acréscimo de conhecimentos sobre o tema, o que pode embasar pesquisas futuras e preencher possíveis lacunas, além de servir de alerta para gestores sobre o investimento em recursos humanos e capacitações profissionais

    Avaliação do rendimento de processos utilizados para o beneficiamento do resíduo industrial de caulim

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    Kaolin is a clay applied in the most diverse sectors, from the civil industry to the papermaking industry, therefore, its extraction is widely exploited in the environment, causing the inadequate accumulation and disposal of the residues generated both during extraction and during processing in the industry. Thus, several works have been developed regarding the reuse of kaolin, which is possible through several processing routes, however, no work is aimed at the extraction of kaolin still present in the residue. With this, the present work aims to obtain the maximum extraction of kaolin still present in an industrial waste coming from a city in the interior of Paraíba called Juazeirinho. The methods used were centrifugal and ultrasonic extraction, followed by the mineralogical characterization of the samples, separated in part concentrate and part of the tailings, via Diffraction and X - rays and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), calculations were carried out to determine the yield of the processes and a statistical analysis (t - test) of the results obtained. The results showed that the centrifugal processing was able to extract a greater amount of kaolin from the residue (~ 83%), also showing a greater influence of the parameters on the final result obtained, whereas the ultrasonic processing resulted in approximate values of extraction and a higher value for the t - test, indicating that the alteration of the parameters studied in this process does not interfere in the final result of kaolin extraction.O caulim é uma argila aplicada nos mais diversos setores, desde a indústria civil até a indústria de fabricação de papéis, logo, sua extração é amplamente explorada no meio ambiente, provocando o acúmulo e descarte inadequado dos resíduos gerados tanto durante a sua extração quanto durante o seu processamento na indústria. Dessa forma, diversos trabalhos vem sendo desenvolvidos no que tange o reaproveitamento do caulim, o que é possível via diversas rotas de beneficiamento, no entanto, poucos trabalhos visam diretamente a extração do caulim ainda presente no resíduo. Com isso, o presente trabalho visa obter a máxima extração do caulim ainda presente em um resíduo industrial provindo de uma cidade do interior da Paraíba chamada Juazeirinho. Os métodos utilizados foram extração via centrífuga e via ultrassom, seguidos da caracterização mineralógica das amostras, separadas em parte concentrada e parte do rejeito, via difração de raios X e análise termogravimétrica (TGA), realizando-se cálculos para determinação do rendimento dos processos e uma análise estatística (teste – t) dos resultados obtidos. Os resultados mostraram que o beneficiamento via centrífuga foi capaz de extrair uma maior quantidade de caulim do resíduo (83,3%), apresentando também uma maior influência da velocidade e tempo de rotação no resultado final obtido, enquanto que o beneficiamento via ultrassom resultou em valores aproximados de extração (entre 67 e 73 %) e um valor superior para o teste – t, indicando que a alteração da temperatura e tempo de permanência no equipamento pouco interferiram no resultado final da extração do caulim

    Resazurin reduction-based assays revisited: guidelines for accurate reporting of relative differences on metabolic status

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Cell viability and metabolic activity are ubiquitous parameters used in biochemistry, molecular biology, and biotechnological studies. Virtually all toxicology and pharmacological projects include at some point the evaluation of cell viability and/or metabolic activity. Among the methods used to address cell metabolic activity, resazurin reduction is probably the most common. At variance with resazurin, resorufin is intrinsically fluorescent, which simplifies its detection. Resazurin conversion to resorufin in the presence of cells is used as a reporter of metabolic activity of cells and can be detected by a simple fluorometric assay. UV–Vis absorbance is an alternative technique but is not as sensitive. In contrast to its wide empirical “black box” use, the chemical and cell biology fundamentals of the resazurin assay are underexplored. Resorufin is further converted to other species, which jeopardizes the linearity of the assays, and the interference of extracellular processes has to be accounted for when quantitative bioassays are aimed at. In this work, we revisit the fundamentals of metabolic activity assays based on the reduction of resazurin. Deviation to linearity both in calibration and kinetics, as well as the existence of competing reactions for resazurin and resorufin and their impact on the outcome of the assay, are addressed. In brief, fluorometric ratio assays using low resazurin concentrations obtained from data collected at short time intervals are proposed to ensure reliable conclusions.The project leading to these results has received funding from “la Caixa” Foundation and FCT, I.P. under the project code [LCF/PR/HR21/00605], BREAST-BRAIN-N-BBB.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Como a Visão do Empreendedor afecta a intenção para criar o seu próprio negócio

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    Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Políticas de Desenvolvimento de Recursos HumanosEsta temática surgiu devido a um estudo realizado anteriormente quando numa das questões sobre como se viam os futuros empreendedores passado cinco anos, poucos eram os que referiam a sua suposta futura empresa. Sendo que Projecto de Vida pode ou não afectar a criação de um novo negócio, e no caso de haver já um negócio, podemos estudar como é que o projecto de vida impacta o sucesso desse mesmo negócio. Este estudo analisa como a Visão do Empreendedor acerca do seu trabalho afecta a intenção para criar o seu próprio negócio. Para a análise recorremos a entrevistas, aplicando Grounded Theory, traduzido para português “Teoria Fundamentada em Dados”. Esta dissertação constitui um ponto de partida para um aumento do sucesso de novos negócios. Os resultados desta pesquisa permitiram perceber que, tal como, Lewis Caroll (1998) referiu em “Alice no País das Maravilhas”, a Alice precisa de saber para onde quer ir, para saber qual caminho seguir, os empreendedores também precisam de um projecto de vida e de objetivos traçados. Os empreendedores com um futuro promissor terão de ter Visão Empreendedora, Intenção Empreendedora e Percepção de Oportunidades; se alguma destas dimensões faltar, algo faltará para o seu sucesso.This theme comes after to a study carried out earlier when one of the questions asked how future entrepreneurs saw themselves after five years; very few mention their supposed future company. Since Life Project may or may not affect the creation of a new business - if there is already exist one, we can study how the Life Project impacts the success of that same business. This study analyzes how the entrepreneurs’ vision about their work affects the intention to create their own business. For the analysis, we used interviews, applying Grounded Theory, translated into Portuguese as “Teoria Fundamentada em Dados”. This dissertation is a starting point for the increasing of a new business success. The results of this research allowed us to understand that, as Lewis Carroll (1998), mentioned in Alice in Wonderland, Alice needs to know where she wants to go, to know who to get there; entrepreneurs also need a Life Project and goals. Entrepreneurs with a promising future will have to have Entrepreneurial Vision, Entrepreneurial Intention and opportunity perception; if any of these dimensions are missing, something will be missing to their success.N/

    Antropologia com povos indígenas em um contexto revolucionário: Breves apontamentos sobre a (in)disciplina antropológica feita na Venezuela

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    Este artigo parte do estudo da formação de comunidades antropológicas latino-americanas e da atenção que estas conferem à etnologia indígena para lhes conferir identidade epistêmica para interpretar o processo de estilização da antropologia em contextos nacionais e nacionalistas particulares. O artigo se detém neste momento sobre a antropologia feita na Venezuela ao longo do século XX e início do XXI com o intuito de caracterizá-la no conjunto das demais “antropologias periféricas” latino-americanas. Partimos dos discursos de antropólogas e antropólogos sobre seu próprio campo e comunidade(s) antropológica(s) de pertencimento e das etnografias como artefatos culturais dessa antropologia sobre os “outros universalmente compartilhados da disciplina”, como são os povos indígenas e suas culturas e identidades. O artigo possibilitará conhecer melhor as relações estabelecidas entre indígenas e antropologia na Venezuela e, de que modo, a antropologia sofre transformações diante do contexto político revolucionário deflagrado naquele país. Sob essa perspectiva, foram examinados trabalhos antropológicos, históricos e biográficos dos próprios praticantes da disciplina na Venezuela com vistas a compreender os efeitos que movimentos ideológicos mais amplos exercem sobre a estilização da disciplina e a prática científica e profissional da antropologia. Entendendo que o contexto revolucionário venezuelano é marcado por um novo projeto político e econômico que atingiu as estruturas sociais e institucionais, implicando até mesmo a reestruturação do Estado e suas propostas por meio da Constituição da República Bolivariana, destacamos que tais mudanças no contexto nacional provocou tensões que atingiram diretamente a produção científica da antropologia. Por fim, este artigo procura pensar a disciplina em termos metaetnográficos de modo a sugerir a importância de um estudo mais aprofundado das antropologias periféricas, pensando suas singularidades a partir de uma consciência crítica sobre os lugares e modos variados, que são tornados particulares, de se exercer a antropologia na contemporaneidade.Palavras-chaveEstilos de antropologia; Revolução Bolivariana; Antropologia; Povos Indígena

    The effects of alcohol consumption on fetal craniofacial development during gestation: a systematic review/ Os efeitos do consumo de álcool no desenvolvimento craniofacial fetal durante a gestação: uma revisão sistemática

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    The present study used evidence-based dentistry (EBD) to identify clinical studies that described the effects of alcohol on fetal craniofacial development and qualitatively analyze the results found via this systematic review. This systematic review followed the guidelines “Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology” (MOOSE). As a research strategy, several medical and scientific platforms were chosen, in which studies were sought using keywords defined from medical subject headings (MeSH), following the criterion of choosing keywords that were most related to the proposed theme. A total of 278 studies (116 studies in humans and 162 studies in animals) were identified and, after screening and analysis based on the inclusion criteria, twenty-six observational studies in humans were chosen for the configuration of this systematic review. Studies have reported fetal alterations related to alcohol consumption by mothers such as in the head shape and size, thin upper lip, hypoplastic philtrumbone, short palpebral fissures, micrognathia, flat nasal bridge, among others. These were more often found in patients whose mothers were alcoholics or those who had ingested high doses of alcohol, especially during the first trimester of gestation. Based on the analysis of the results, the impact of maternal alcohol consumption on fetal craniofacial development was evidenced and, as such, these complications can be harmful to the quality of life of the patient, both in childhood and in adulthood, as well as leading to lifelong sequelae. The results also suggest that to avoid craniofacial anatomical abnormalities related to alcohol, the best course of action is to stop alcohol consumption completely or at least reduce it to a minimum level before conception