1,558 research outputs found

    Estudio de un sistema de tratamiento de bajo coste para agua potable en contextos de subdesarrollo. Aplicación a Mtanga, Kigoma Rural, Tanzania

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    La variación en calidad y cantidad de agua a lo largo del año en Tanzania provoca que la población de las zonas rurales se vea sometida a falta de acceso a agua potable. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la distancia a la fuente de agua más próxima debe ser menor a 1000 metros y la espera para obtención del agua no mayor a 30 minutos. A lo largo del artículo se analiza la red de abastecimiento y se presentará el estudio de un sistema de tratamiento de potabilización de agua de bajo coste aplicado a pequeñas comunidades de países en desarrollo. La planta potabilizadora consistirá en un canal sedimentador, un filtro lento de arenas y un sistema de cloración en el depósito. Se analizará cada tratamiento realizado en la planta potabilizadora y su acción sobre la calidad del agua

    "Versionamiento 2009-2010 de la vulnerabilidad intrínseca a la contaminación, y el modelo hidrogeológico matemático de Villavicencio para un área de 30.000 Ha, utilizando herramientas gis y visual-modflow - ""análisis 3d"""

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    Las bases de datos geoespaciales utilizando ArcSDE permiten administrar la información geográfica en un sistema multiusuario, proporcionando una interfaz abierta a los sistemas de administración de bases de datos relacionales, las cuales permiten a la herramienta ArcGIS manipular la información geográfica brindando la optimización necesaria para el análisis de la información, concurrencia de los usuarios y manejo de versiones con el fin de ejecutar cambios que son realizados sobre los elementos de un nivel geoespacial a través del tiempo. De esta forma se pueden duplicar datos mediante una versión, utilizando la herramienta Database Server para generar un modelo hidrogeológico que muestre el cálculo de la Vulnerabilidad intrínseca a la contaminación, empleando como insumo un modelo digital de elevación, planchas topográficas, geología regional, datos de recarga de los acuíferos para los años 2009 y 2010, profundidad del nivel freático entre otros, obteniendo cómo resultado dos modelos para cada una de las versiones. Los valores de recarga para cada año fueron requeridos para el cálculo de la Vulnerabilidad intrínseca y para generar la recarga del modelo matemático hidrogeológico ejecutado en Visual ModFlow, con el fin de obtener a partir de herramientas de Geoprocesamiento en ArcGis 10.0 y ArcScene un modelo 3D de la Vulnerabilidad, Geología e Hidrogeología del municipio de Villavicencio en un área de 30.000 Ha.The geospatial database using ArcSDE allow you to manage geographic information on a multiuser system, providing an open interface management systems relational databases, which allow the tool to manipulate ArcGIS geographic information necessary to provide optimization for analysis information, concurrent users and management of versions in order to execute shifts which are performed on the elements of a geospatial level over time. This data can be duplicated by a version, using the Database Server to generate a hydrogeological model that shows the calculation of the intrinsic vulnerability to contamination, using as input digital elevation model, topographic sheets, regional geology data recharge for the years 2009 and 2010, resulting in two models for each of the versions. Recharge values were required for each year to calculate the intrinsic vulnerability and to generate the mathematical model recharge Visual Modflow hydrogeological executed in order to obtain from GeoProcessing tools in ArcGis ArcScene 10.0 and a 3D model of Vulnerability, Geology and Hydrogeology of the municipality of Villavicencio in an area of 30,000 hectares

    On gravitational Phase Transitions, T-duality and Symmetry Breaking in AdS/CFT

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    In the present thesis we have the objective of testing and extending the domain of applicability of the holographic correspondence, a.k.a. AdS/CFT. This long term motivation has been made concrete in three di erent problem; there are also some additional speci c goals for each them. The rst is the role of higher curvature gravity corrections on thermal phase transitions between AdS and dS geometries. Apart from the purely gravitational interest, this research may eventually be helpful to clarify the correspondence in the case of dS geometries. Our main result is a phase transition from AdS boundary leading to the formation of dS cosmological horizon in Lanczos-Gauss-Bonnet gravity. In the presence of the higher curvature corrections no matter elds are required to match both sides of the bubble due to the Lanczos-Gauss-Bonnet term in the action. In the second we have made use of Non-Abelian T-duality (NATD) to generate new Supergravity solutions as well as to understand the interplay of NATD with AdS/CFT. We are interested in deformations of Klebanov-Witten (KW) background AdS5Ã T1;1 owing to an AdS3 factor in the IR. We generate new examples of them applying Non-Abelian T-duality on previously found solutions. After it, we compare the holographic observables of the generated solutions with those of the known deformations. The new geometries are smooth, supersymmetric and seem to be dual to long linear quiver gauge theories. Finally, we have carried the extension of the AdS/CFT correspondence, in particular the holographic renormalization procedure, to reproduce the Ward identities of symmetry breaking in a 1+1 holographic superconductor. It is established that alternative quantization is necessary in the three-dimensional bulk case, and after properly performed, the eld theoretic higher dimensional Ward identities are recovered. This extension may be nd application in AdS/CMT

    Constitutional Law in the Governance Time (A Comparative Study From the Periphery of Law)

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    El artículo analiza el rol de la justicia constitucional dentro de la construcción de la idea de gobernanza. Hace énfasis en el concepto de gobernanza sistémica, presentado por el PNUD, quien vincula la dimensión del desarrollo social como una de las características del modelo. Tal dimensión está ligada al desarrollo de los derechos sociales que dentro de las nuevas doctrinas constitucionales poseen un valor jurídico. La disertación se sustenta en jurisprudencia comparada para nutrir el debate con realidades jurídicas diferentes que permitan desarrollar una aproximación en plural del fenómeno; sin pretender ser absolutistas respecto de los sistemas jurídicos. Se divide en dos partes. La primera está consagrada a la división del poder y su redefinición hacia la idea de Gobernanza. Y la segunda parte trata sobre los derechos fundamentales y la Gobernanza sistémica.The article analyzes the role of the constitutional justice inside the development of the idea of governance. It he does emphasis in the concept of systemic governance developed by the PNUD that links the dimension of the social development as one of the characteristics of such a model. This is joined to the development of the social rights that, inside the new constitutional doctrines, possess juridical value. The dissertation is sustained in jurisprudence compared to nourish the debate with juridical different realities that allow developing an approximation in plural of the phenomenon; without trying to be absolutists in the juridical systems. The dissertation divides in two reports. The first one will be dedicated to the division of the power and your redefinition towards the idea of Governance. And the second report was treating on the fundamental rights and the systemic governance.Publicad

    Combining reinforcement learning and conventional control to improve automatic guided vehicles tracking of complex trajectories

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    With the rapid growth of logistics transportation in the framework of Industry 4.0, automated guided vehicle (AGV) technologies have developed speedily. These systems present two coupled control problems: the control of the longitudinal velocity, essential to ensure the application requirements such as throughput and tag time, and the trajectory tracking control, necessary to ensure the proper accuracy in loading and unloading manoeuvres. When the paths are very short or have abrupt changes, the kinematic constraints play a restrictive role, and the tracking control becomes more challenging. In this case, advanced control strategies such as those based on intelligent techniques, including machine learning (ML) can be useful. Hence, in this work, we present an intelligent hybrid control scheme that combines reinforcement learning-based control (RLC) with conventional PI regulators to face both control problems simultaneously. On the one hand, PIs are used to control the speed of each wheel. On the other hand, the input reference of these regulators is calculated by the RLC in order to reduce the guiding error of the path tracking and to maintain the longitudinal speed. The latter is compared with a PID path following controller. The PID regulators have been tuned by genetic algorithms. The RLC allows the vehicle to learn how to improve the trajectory tracking in an adaptive way and thus, the AGV can face disturbances or unknown physical system parameters that may change due to friction and degradation of AGV mechanical components. Extensive simulation experiments of the proposed intelligent control strategy on a hybrid tricycle and differential AGV model, that considers the kinematics and the dynamics of the vehicle, prove the efficiency of the approach when following different demanding trajectories. The performance of the RL tracking controller in comparison with the optimized PID gives errors around 70% smaller, and the average maximum error is also 48% lower.Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL

    Spatial assessment of the potential of renewable energy : The case of Ecuador

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    Altres ajuts: Centro de Prospectiva Estratégica (CUP00101819)Although renewable energy represents a large share of the electric energy generation sources in Latin America, non-conventional sources such as solar or wind energies have not represented a big share of their electric energy systems. The first step to promote the use of these sources in the region is identifying the potential of each energy source, task that can be estimated with the use of spatial tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This study has reviewed a large list of GIS publications to select a methodology to identify suitable areas for the development of non-conventional renewable energy projects (REP), in order to estimate the maximum energy these technologies could contribute to a national electric energy system, and its applied to the Republic of Ecuador. By using GIS, it is sought to identify the sites where potential renewable energy plants could be located, and initially recommends geographic locations for the installation of measuring towers of solar and wind resources, in orderto obtain more detailed information on their behavior. As a result, the areas with higher potential for the development of REP have been identified, and classified in spatial layers according its technology and location. These results show that solar PV is the technology with most suitable areas in the country and demonstrate particularly large potential in two regions: the Andes cordillera and Insular region, especially in the provinces of Loja, Pichincha and the Galapagos islands

    Detección de daño en materiales compuestos mediante fibra óptica

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    En este artículo se explora la aplicación del PCA (Principal Component Analysis), y mediciones estadísticas T 2 y Q para detectar daños en estructuras fabricadas en materiales compuestos mediante la utilización de FBGs (Fiber Bragg Grating). Un modelo PCA es construido usando datos de la estructura sin daños como un estado de referencia. Los defectos en la estructura son simulados causando pequeñas delaminaciones entre el panel y el rigidizador. Los datos de diferentes escenarios experimentales para la estructura sin daño y con daño son proyectados en el modelo PCA. Las proyecciones y los índices T 2 y Q son analizadas. Resultados de cada caso son presentados y discutidos demostrando la viabilidad y el potencial de usar esta formulación en SHM (Structural Health Monitoring

    Two new species of \u3ci\u3eChrysina\u3c/i\u3e Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Mexico

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    Abstract. Two new species of Chrysina Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) are described: Chrysina blackalleri from the State of Oaxaca and Chrysina donthomasi from the state of Nuevo León in Mexico. Resumen. Se describen dos especies nuevas de Chrysina Kirby (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae): C. blackalleri del estado de Oaxaca y C. donthomasi del estado de Nuevo León en México

    Subdaily Rainfall Estimation through Daily Rainfall Downscaling Using Random Forests in Spain

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    Subdaily rainfall data, though essential for applications in many fields, is not as readily available as daily rainfall data. In this work, regression approaches that use atmospheric data and daily rainfall statistics as predictors are evaluated to downscale daily-to-subdaily rainfall statistics on more than 700 hourly rain gauges in Spain. We propose a new approach based on machine learning techniques that improves the downscaling skill of previous methodologies. Results are grouped by climate types (following the Köppen?Geiger classification) to investigate possible missing explanatory variables in the analysis. The methodology is then used to improve the ability of Poisson cluster models to simulate hourly rainfall series that mimic the statistical behavior of the observed ones. This approach can be applied for the study of extreme events and for daily-to-subdaily precipitation disaggregation in any location of Spain where daily rainfall data are available.This research was funded by “Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)” from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (Grant Number BIA2016-78397-P (AEI/FEDER, UE); and by Project INDECIS, which is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPIClimate and funded by FORMAS(SE), DLR (DE), BMWFW(AT), IFD(DK), MINECO (ES), ANR (FR) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant Number 690462