525 research outputs found

    Patterns of rural settlement in Sierra Leone: methods of geographical analysis in a tropical environment

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    The debate between classical empiricists and those who favour deductive and theoretical research methods is a feature of modern geography. This thesis aims to show that these approaches are complementary rather than mutually exclusive. It also hopes to demonstrate new methods and applications of location analysis in an underdeveloped area where base line information is uneven in quality. The dissertation is divided into four main parts. In the first, a model settlement pattern for Sierra Leone is devised. This model is based on a stylised subsistence village and the arguments of central place theory. The second part deals with the uses made of aerial photographs, topographical maps, pilot surveys and random sampling procedures in constructing an accurate base map of rural settlement distribution for the whole country, the first of its kind for any West African state. The third part of the work uses purely qualitative and empirical methods, A system of settlement regions is devised and described, and the settlement model is compared with the actual pattern, and with overall changes in settlement structures between 1927 and 1964. An account of rural settlement evolution using historical sources and comparative mapping is also presented. In the fourth part, a range of parametric and nonparametric tests and techniques of location analysis (e. g. set theory and nearest-neighbour analysis) is used to establish indices of settlement density and nucleation and to test the hypotheses presented in earlier sections of the work

    Design of a Digital Triaxial Force Sensor for Plantar Load Measurements

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    Measurement of load information on the plantar (lower) surface of the foot can provide valuable insights to help identify pathologies like diabetic foot ulcers. Studies have shown that both plantar pressure and shear stress play an important role in foot disorders, especially ulcer formation. However, in this context shear stress is much less studied in comparison with pressure distribution, mainly due to the lack of reliable measurement technologies. In this paper, we propose a triaxial force sensor for measuring plantar loading. The sensor consists of an array of sensing coils combined with an elastomeric spacer and a conductive target. Under loading, the sensor demonstrates differential variations in inductance which are digitized by built-in conditioning circuitry and decoupled. A 3D finite element (FE) model was developed for the system as a design tool. This was validated experimentally and demonstrated a high agreement to the results. In experimental evaluation with multiaxial loading the sensor showed precise operation over the operating range (RMSE: 0.05 N for shear (-1.5 N - 1.5 N) and 0.70 N for normal force (0-13 N) measurements). The FE model was then used to investigate the effect of undesirable tilting of the target. The results indicated that it is important to minimize the tilting of the target for robust operation in real-world scenarios

    A Review of Wearable Sensor Systems to Monitor Plantar Loading in the Assessment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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    Diabetes is highly prevalent throughout the world and imposes a high economic cost on countries at all income levels. Foot ulceration is one devastating consequence of diabetes, which can lead to amputation and mortality. Clinical assessment of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is currently subjective and limited, impeding effective diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Studies have shown that pressure and shear stress at the plantar surface of the foot plays an important role in the development of DFUs. Quantification of these could provide an improved means of assessment of the risk of developing DFUs. However, commercially-available sensing technology can only measure plantar pressures, neglecting shear stresses and thus limiting their clinical utility. Research into new sensor systems which can measure both plantar pressure and shear stresses are thus critical. Our aim in this paper is to provide the reader with an overview of recent advances in plantar pressure and stress sensing and offer insights into future needs in this critical area of healthcare. Firstly, we use current clinical understanding as the basis to define requirements for wearable sensor systems capable of assessing DFU. Secondly, we review the fundamental sensing technologies employed in this field and investigate the capabilities of the resultant wearable systems, including both commercial and research-grade equipment. Finally, we discuss research trends, ongoing challenges and future opportunities for improved sensing technologies to monitor plantar loading in the diabetic foot

    Assimilative real-time models of HF absorption at high latitudes

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    Improved real-time HF communications frequency management is required for aircraft on trans-polar routes. Polar cap absorption (PCA) models have therefore been adapted to assimilate real-time measurements of zenithal cosmic radio noise absorption (~ 30 MHz) from a large network of online riometers in Canada and Finland. Two types of PCA model have been developed and improvements to model accuracy following optimisation are quantified. Real-time optimisation is performed by age-weighting riometer measurements in a non-linear regression. This reduces root-mean-square errors (RMSE) from 2-3 dB to less than 1 dB and mean errors to within ±0.2 dB over a wide latitude range. This paper extends previous work by further optimising the models’ dependences on solar-zenith angle to account for differences in the ionospheric response at sunrise and sunset (the Twilight Anomaly). Two models of the rigidity cutoff latitudes are compared and one is optimised in real time by regression to riometer measurements. Whilst measurements from the NASA POES satellites may provide a direct measurement of the rigidity cut-off, it is observed that proton flux measurements from POES often need correcting for relativistic electron contamination for several hours at the start of a PCA event. An optimised real-time absorption model will be integrated into HF ray-tracing propagation predictions relating to measurements of HF signal strengths on a network of HF transmitters and receivers in the high northern latitudes

    An inductive force sensor for in-shoe plantar normal and shear load measurement

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    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a severe global public health issue. Plantar normal and shear load are believed to play an important role in the development of foot ulcers and could be a valuable indicator to improve assessment of DFUs. However, despite their promise, plantar load measurements currently have limited clinical application, primarily due to the lack of reliable measurement techniques particularly for shear load measurements. In this paper we report on the design and evaluation of a novel tri-axis force sensor to measure both normal and shear load on the foot’s plantar surface simultaneously. The sensor consists of a group of inductive sensing coils above which a conductive target is placed on a hyperelastic elastomer. Movement of the target under load affects the coil inductances which are measured and digitized by an embedded system. Using a computational finite element model, we investigated the influence of sensing coil form and configuration on sensor performance. A sensor configured with four-square coils and maximal turns provided the best performance for plantar load measurements. A prototype was fabricated and calibrated using a neural network to map the non-linear relationship between the sensor output and the applied tri-axis load. Experimental evaluation indicates that the tri-axis sensor can effectively detect shear load of �16 N and normal load up to 105 N (RMS errors: 1.05 N and 1.73 N respectively) with a high performance. Overall, this sensor provides a promising basis for plantar normal and shear load measurement which are crucial for improved assessment of DFU

    Propagation of HF radio waves over northerly paths: measurements,simulation and systems aspects

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    Large deviations in the direction of arrival of ionospherically propagating radio signals from the Great Circle Path (GCP) have serious implications for the planning and operation of communications and radiolocation systems operating within the HF-band. Very large deviations are particularly prevalent in the polar and sub-auroral regions where signals often arrive at the receiver with bearings displaced from the great circle direction by up to ±100° or more. Measurements made over several paths are presented in this paper, and the principle causes of off-great circle propagation outlined. Significant progress has been made in modelling the propagation effects and work is now in hand to incorporate the results into tools to aid the planning and operation of HF radio systems operating at northerly latitudes

    A cross sectional pilot study utilising STrain Analysis and Mapping of the Plantar Surface (STAMPS) to measure plantar load characteristics within a healthy population

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    BackgroundNo in-shoe systems, measuring both components of plantar load (plantar pressure and shear stress) are available for use in patients with diabetes. The STAMPS (STrain Analysis and Mapping of the Plantar Surface) system utilises digital image correlation (DIC) to determine the strain sustained by a deformable insole, providing a more complete understanding of plantar shear load at the foot-surface interface.Research questionsWhat is the normal range and pattern of strain at the foot-surface interface within a healthy population as measured by the STAMPS system? Is STAMPS a valid tool to measure the effects of plantar load?MethodsA cross-sectional study of healthy participants was undertaken. Healthy adults without foot pathology or diabetes were included. Participants walked 20 steps with the STAMPS insole in a standardised shoe. Participants also walked 10 m with the Novel Pedar® plantar pressure measurement insole within the standardised shoe. Both measurements were repeated three times. Outcomes of interest were global and regional values for peak resultant strain (SMAG) and peak plantar pressure (PPP).ResultsIn 18 participants, median peak SMAG and PPP were 35.01 % and 410.6kPa respectively. The regions of the hallux and heel sustained the highest SMAG (29.31 % (IQR 24.56–31.39) and 20.50 % (IQR 15.59–24.12) respectively) and PPP (344.8kPa (IQR 268.3 – 452.5) and 279.3kPa (IQR 231.3–302.1) respectively). SMAG was moderately correlated with PPP (r= 0.65, p < 0.001). Peak SMAG was located at the hallux in 55.6 % of participants, at the 1st metatarsal head (MTH) in 16.7 %, the heel in 16.7 %, toes 3–5 in 11.1 % and the MTH2 in 5.6 %.SignificanceThe results demonstrate the STAMPS system is a valid tool to measure plantar strain. Further studies are required to investigate the effects of elevated strain and the relationship with diabetic foot ulcer formation

    Near real-time input to a propagation model for nowcasting of HF communications with aircraft on polar routes

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    There is a need for improved techniques for nowcasting and forecasting (over several hours) HF propagation at northerly latitudes to support airlines operating over the increasingly popular trans-polar routes. In this paper the assimilation of real-time measurements into a propagation model developed by the authors is described, including ionosonde measurements and Total Electron Content (TEC) measurements to define the main parameters of the ionosphere. The effects of D-region absorption in the polar cap and auroral regions are integrated with the model through satellite measurements of the flux of energetic solar protons (>1 MeV) and the X-ray flux in the 0.1-0.8 nm band, and ground-based magnetometer measurements which form the Kp and Dst indices of geomagnetic activity. The model incorporates various features (e.g. convecting patches of enhanced plasma density) of the polar ionosphere that are, in particular, responsible for off-great circle propagation and lead to propagation at times and frequencies not expected from on-great circle propagation alone. The model development is supported by the collection of HF propagation measurements over several paths within the polar cap, crossing the auroral oval, and along the mid-latitude trough

    Developments in an HF Nowcasting Model for Trans-Polar Airline Routes

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    HF communications can be difficult in the polar regions since they are strongly influenced by space weather events. Airline communications within the polar regions rely on HF communications and improved nowcasting and forecasting techniques in support of this are now required. Previous work has demonstrated that ray tracing through a realistic, historical ionosphere provides signal coverage in good agreement with measurements. This paper presents an approach to providing a real-time ionospheric model by assimilating TEC measurements and validates it against observations from ionosondes
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