128 research outputs found

    Die Kurdenproblematik in der Türkei

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    Kurzfassung Durch genetische, ethnographische, linguistische, etymologische und archäologische Forschungen stellte es sich heraus, dass die Kurden eines der ältesten Völker der Welt darstellen. Trotzdem haben die 50 Millionen Kurden immer noch kein Recht für einen Staat, während es Staaten mit einer Bevölkerung von 50.000 gibt. In diesem Sinne muss für die demokratische Lösung des Kurdenproblems der geschichtliche Hintergrund dieses dynamischen Prozesses untersucht werden. Es ist nicht möglich, die gegenwärtige Situation zu verstehen, ohne die Vergangenheit zu kennen und diese gemeinsam mit dem Istzustand zu analysieren. In diesem Sinne werden hier bestimmte Argumente und Thesen zur Identität der Kurden, zu den wichtigsten Aufständen und separatistischen Bewegungen und zur diesbezüglichen Haltung des Staates vorgestellt. Die Verleugnungspolitik des türkischen Staates seit seiner Gründung führte dazu, dass das Kurdenproblem eine Schlüsselposition bei der Demokratisierung der Türkei einnimmt. In dieser Abhandlung wird argumentiert, dass das Kurdenproblem ein Maß für und eine Spiegelung des Demokratisierungsproblems der Türkei darstellt und jeder Demokratisierungsversuch gleichzeitig ein Versuch für die demokratische und gerechte Lösung des Kurdenproblems ist. Es ist notwendig, das Kurdenproblem, das momentan viel zu sehr militärisch und politisch behandelt wird, wieder auf einer humanistischen Ebene zu beurteilen. Das ist nur durch die korrekte Anwendung des Rechts möglich. In diesem Sinne unterstützt diese Abhandlung die demokratische Öffnung der türkischen Regierung, die seit kurzem als zentrales politisches Anliegen definiert wird, wobei auch die Fehler und die unzureichenden Seiten dieses Projektes betont werden.Abstract Genetic, ethnografic, lingustic, etymologic and archaeologic evidence shows that the Kurds are one of the world’s oldest people. Although it counts more than 50 million people, it has not achieved the goal of establishing its own state – whereas there are states with as few as 50.000 citizens. Any effort to solve the Kurdish problem must be analysed with regards to the historical facts and the existing dynamic processes. It is not possible to understand the current situation without properly studying the past and analysing the current status. Therefore this paper presents various arguments and thesis regarding the Kurdish identity, the most important uprisings and separatist movements and the respective attitude of the Turkish state. The Turkish politics of denial – since its foundation – have resulted in the Kurdish problem taking a key position in the Turkish process of democratisation. In this thesis, I argue that the Kurdish problem is a measure and mirror for the problems the Turkish state faces in its struggle to improve the political ecosystem. Each attempt in this direction also contributes to a democratic and just resolution of the Kurdish problem. At the moment, the Kurdish problem is mainly dealt with on a military and political basis. It is imperative to take it back to a more humanistic approach. This also needs proper implementation of human rights. In this sense, this thesis supports the democratic opening of Turkey, which is now one of the most important political concerns. However, it is also shown that the current approach contains errors and inadequateness

    The effect of social support, depression, and illness perception on treatment adherence in patients with multiple sclerosis

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    Objective: This study was planned to determine the treatment adherence levels of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and the factors affecting treatment adherence. Patients and Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 211 people with MS. Data for this study was obtained through face-to-face interviews with MS patients who presented at the neurology outpatient clinics of two university hospitals between April and October 2018. The Morisky, Green, and Levine Adherence Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, and the Illness Perception Scale were used in data collection. Results: The mean age of the sample was 40.03 +/- 10.82, and 70.1% were female. Treatment adherence was not good in half of the patients (51.7%). Patients with good adherence were found to have higher Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale scores (p0.05). Conclusion: Treatment adherence was insufficient in half of the MS patients. According to our findings, ensuring more cooperation with the families of patients, which constitute the strongest source of social support, increasing treatment adherence can be suggested as well as screening patients with regard to depressive symptomology during follow-up

    Presentation of a case: corpus callosum ınfarct associated with hypoglycemia, presenting with psychiatric finding

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    A 54 years old female patient, presenting with psychiatric symptoms, after which corpus callosum infarct was detected is presented with the clinical, laboratory and radiological findings here. The patient, who did not have any psychiatric complaints before was evaluated because of personality changes and sleepy state starting 3 days before and disturbance in gait and speech of one day's duration. Previously she had a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Blood glucose was 45 mg/dL. An increase in signal intensity reciprocal to ADC in the corpus callosum was detected in cerebral diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The psychiatric findings in this case were considered as “acute and temporary schizoid personality disorder” that may be explained by an underlying organic cause according to DSM-IV. The clinical symptoms that arise from corpus callosum abnormalities are variable. A psychiatric picture develops in approximately one thirds of the cases. On the other hand, corpus callosum infarct presenting with pure psychiatric findings are rarely observed in the literature. This case was considered interesting because of the temporal association between corpus callosum infarct and psychiatric symptoms in the context of coexistent hypoglycemia and left anterior cerebral artery occlusion

    Screened poisson hyperfields for shape coding

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    We present a novel perspective on shape characterization using the screened Poisson equation. We discuss that the effect of the screening parameter is a change of measure of the underlying metric space. Screening also indicates a conditioned random walker biased by the choice of measure. A continuum of shape fields is created by varying the screening parameter or, equivalently, the bias of the random walker. In addition to creating a regional encoding of the diffusion with a different bias, we further break down the influence of boundary interactions by considering a number of independent random walks, each emanating from a certain boundary point, whose superposition yields the screened Poisson field. Probing the screened Poisson equation from these two complementary perspectives leads to a high-dimensional hyperfield: a rich characterization of the shape that encodes global, local, interior, and boundary interactions. To extract particular shape information as needed in a compact way from the hyperfield, we apply various decompositions either to unveil parts of a shape or parts of a boundary or to create consistent mappings. The latter technique involves lower-dimensional embeddings, which we call screened Poisson encoding maps (SPEM). The expressive power of the SPEM is demonstrated via illustrative experiments as well as a quantitative shape retrieval experiment over a public benchmark database on which the SPEM method shows a high-ranking performance among the existing state-of-the-art shape retrieval methods

    Radiation exposure in acute myeloid leukaemia, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and multiple myeloma patients in the first year following diagnosis

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    Purpose: Radiological examinations are critical in the evaluation of patients with haematological malignancies for diagnosis and treatment. Any dose of radiation has been shown in studies to be harmful. In this regard, we assessed the radiation exposure of 3 types of haematological malignancies (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma [DLBCL], acute myeloid leukaemia [AML], and multiple myeloma [MM]) in our centre during the first year after diagnosis. Material and methods: In the first year after diagnosis we retrospectively reviewed the radiation exposure data of 3 types of haematological malignancies (DLBCL, AML, and MM). The total and median CED value (cumulative effective radiation dose in millisieverts [mSv]) of each patient was used. Each patient's total and median estimated CED value was calculated using a web-based calculator and recorded in millisieverts (mSv). Results: The total radiation doses in one year after diagnosis (CED value) were 46.54 ± 37.12 (median dose: 36.2) in the AML group; 63.00 ± 42.05 (median dose: 66.4) in the DLBCL group; and 28.04 ± 19.81 (median dose: 26.0) in the MM group (p = 0.0001). There was a significant difference between DLBCL and MM groups. Conclusions: In all 3 haematological malignancies, the radiation exposure was significant, especially in the DBLCL group, within the first year of diagnosis. It is critical to seek methods to reduce these dosage levels. In diagnostic radiology, reference values must be established to increase awareness and self-control and reduce patient radiation exposure. This paper is also the first to offer thorough details on the subject at hand, and we think it can serve as a guide for further investigation

    Is CONUT score a prognostic index in patients with diffuse large cell lymphoma?

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    Background/aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score on the prognosis in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Materials and methods: The present study was a retrospective study. The CONUT score was calculated based on serum albumin, total cholesterol and lymphocyte levels. This study included a total of 266 patients, 131 (49.2%) were female and 135 (50.8%) were male. The median follow-up period was 51 months (range: 1-190). Results: The median age was 64 years. The cut off CONUT was 1.5. There was a significant difference between patients with high (>_ 2) or low (_ 65 years (HR = 1.80, p = 0.028), Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) > 1 (HR = 2.04, p = 0.006), stage IIIA-IVB disease (HR = 2.75, p = 0.001) and the CONUT score (HR = 1.15, p = 0.003) were found statistically significant. In the multivariate analysis for PFS, age >_ 65 years (HR = 2.02, p = 0.007), stage IIIA-IVB disease (HR = 2.42, p = 0.002) and the CONUT score (HR = 1.19, p = 0.001) were found to be significant parameters. Conclusion: High CONUT score reduces OS and PFS in DLBCL. CONUT score is an independent, strong prognostic index in patients with DLBCL

    Conduction in ulnar nerve bundles that innervate the proximal and distal muscles: a clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study aims to investigate and compare the conduction parameters of nerve bundles in the ulnar nerve that innervates the forearm muscles and hand muscles; routine electromyography study merely evaluates the nerve segment of distal (hand) muscles.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An electrophysiological evaluation, consisting of velocities, amplitudes, and durations of ulnar nerve bundles to 2 forearm muscles and the hypothenar muscles was performed on the same humeral segment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The velocities and durations of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) of the ulnar nerve bundle to the proximal muscles were greater than to distal muscles, but the amplitudes were smaller.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Bundles in the ulnar nerve of proximal muscles have larger neuronal bodies and thicker nerve fibers than those in the same nerve in distal muscles, and their conduction velocities are higher. The CMAPs of proximal muscles also have smaller amplitudes and greater durations. These findings can be attributed to the desynchronization that is caused by a wider range of distribution in nerve fiber diameters.</p> <p>Conduction parameters of nerve fibers with different diameters in the same peripheral nerve can be estimated.</p

    Investigation of the effect of social play to moral and social rule perception in 48-69 month children

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    Bu araştırma, Sosyal Oyun Eğitim Programının okul öncesi dönemdeki 48-69 aylık çocukların ahlaki ve sosyal kural algılarına etkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Ankara İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğüne bağlı Gölbaşı merkezinde bulunan iki ilkokulun anasınıflarına devam eden 48-69 aylık çocuklar oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın deney ve kontrol grupları rastlantısal atama yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmaya 22 çocuk deney grubu, 23 çocuk da kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplam 45 çocuk katılmıştır. Araştırma deneme modelinde olup kontrol gruplu öntest-sontest modeli uygulanmıştır. Çocukların kişisel bilgilerinin edinilmesi için "Kişisel Bilgi Formu" , çocukların ahlaki ve sosyal kurallarla ilgili bilgilerini tespit etmek için ise Smetana (1981) tarafından geliştirilen "Ahlaki ve Sosyal Kural Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Deney grubu olarak seçilen gruba Sosyal Oyun Eğitim Programı haftada üç gün olmak üzere toplam sekiz hafta uygulanmıştır. Eğitimden sonra ön testte uygulanan ölçekler deneme ve kontrol grubundaki çocuklara tekrar uygulanmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasından sonra SPSS programına girilen veriler düzenlenerek analize hazır hale getirilmiştir. Kovaryans Analizi (ANCOVA), Karışık Desen ANOVA, parametrikliğin gereklerinin yerine gelmediği durumlarda da non-parametrik testlerden Mann-Whitney U ve Willcoxon İşaretli Sıralar Testi kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak deney ve kontrol grubundaki çocukların sosyal ve ahlaki kural algı puanları arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğu (p<0,001) belirlenmiştir.This research aims to investigate the effect of Social Play Education Program to moral and social rule perception in 48-69 months children at preschool period. The working group of this research was composed of 48-69 months children who are attending to two preschool education institution at Gölbaşı affiliated to Ankara Province Ministry of National Education. The experimental and control groups of the research were determined using random appointment method. In total 45 children attended the research, 22 of which are experimental and 23 of which are control group. The research was in test model where initial test-final test model with control group was utilised. "Personal Information Form" was used to gather personel information of the children while "Moral and Social Rule Scale" which was developed by Smetana (1981) was used to gather children's knowledge about moral and social rules. The Social Play Education Program was applied to the group selected as experimental group for eight weeks, three days per week. After the education, the scales applied at the initial test was applied again to children both in experimental and control groups. After collection of research data set, the data which are input to SPSS program were arranged in order to get them ready to be analysed. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), Analysis of variance (ANOVA) or in conditions where parametricness requirements are not met a non-parametric test named Mann-Whitney U ve Willcoxon Signed Rank Test was utilised. As a conclusion, a significant difference (p<0,001) was observed between the social and moral perception points of children in the experimental and control groups

    Modelling electromagnetic radiation with electromagnetic compatibility technics

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    Elektronik sistemler tasarlanırken, elektromanyetik uyumluluk (EMC) yönergelerinin ve kısıtlamalarının göz önünde bulundurulması gerekmektedir. Birçok EMC durumunda, zararın önlenmesi veya elektromanyetik korumanın saglanması için elektronik sistemler bir koruyucu kutu içine yerlestirilirler. Bu koruyucu kutu üzerinde, içerisindeki elemanlar ile dıs ortamda varolan alanlar arasında baglasmaya neden olan açıklıklar bulunmaktadır. Bu açıklıklar giris-çıkıs baglantıları, kontrol panelleri ve havalandırma gibi nedenlerden dolayı zorunlu olarak açılmaktadır. Açıklıklardan içeriye giren alanlarla kutu içerisindeki bir PCB, devre vb. ile etkilesim gerçeklesir. Bu etkilesimin belirlenmesi için yapıdaki elektromanyetik alanların hesaplanması gerekir. Bu tez, bir açıklık vasıtasıyla yüksüz ve yüklü dikdörtgen kesitli bir rezonatörün içine sızan alanların, zaman domeni sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ve karma bir yöntem ile hesaplanmasını sunmaktadır. Bu karma modelde, sonlu elemanlar yöntemi (FEM) ve Moment yöntemi (MoM) birlestirilerek kullanılmıstır. Bu sekildeki birlesme ile sayısal çözüm uzayının daraltılması ve islem hacminin küçültülmesi amaçlanmıstır. Karma yöntemde rezonatörün üzerine açılmıs olan açıklıktaki alanı bulabilmek için Moment yöntemi (MoM) kullanılmıstır. Açıklıktaki alan dagılımı Galerkin yöntemine uygun olarak açınım fonksiyonlarının bilinmeyen katsayılarla agırlıklandırılarak toplamından olusmustur. MoM' da açıklıgın üzerindeki sınır kosulu kullanılarak bir integral denkleme ulasılmıstır. Bu integral denklemi çözebilmek için açıklıktan dısa ve rezonatör içine ısıyan alanların bulunması zorunludur. Dıstaki alan serbest uzayın dyadik Green fonksiyonu ile elde edilebilir. Rezonatör içindeki alanın hesabı için FEM kullanılmıstır. Konum ayrıklastırması her iki yöntemde de uzayın dörtyüzlülere bölünmesi ile gerçeklestirildi. Alan yaklasımları için, Whitney elemanı kullanılmıstır. Yöntemin uygulaması açıklıga sahip bir dikdörtgen kesitli bir rezonatör üzerinde yapılmıstır. Rezonatör bos ve dolu iken rezonatörün içindeki elektromanyetik alan dagılımı elde edilmistir. Bu alanlardan ekranlama etkinligi elde edilmistir. Bu karma yöntemle çözümde gereken bilinmeyen sayısında bir azalma elde edildi. Böylece kullanılan hafıza ve islem zamanı azaltılmıs oldu. Bu karma yöntemin sayısal sonuçları, sonlu eleman yönteminin çözümüyle karsılastırıldıgında aralarında iyi bir uyum oldugu görülmüstür.In designing electronic equipment, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directives and constraints should be taken into account. In most situations, for an electromagnetic environment, to prevent the devices from the hazardous emissions or to avoid from damages, electronic devices should be housed into shielding metallic enclosures. On the surface of this shielding metallic enclosure, there may be apertures or slots which lead an electromagnetic coupling between the circuits inside the enclosure and outside environment. This apertures and slots could exist for electrical cabling purposes, or cooling puposes, etc., and they are mostly essential. In this thesis, for loaded and unloaded conditions, calculation of the fields leaking through the aperture inside a resonator with rectangular cross-section are performed using Time Domain (FEM) and hybrid method. In this hybrid method, the Frequency Domain Finite Element Method(FEM) and Moment Method are used in combination. The goal of this combination is to minimize the numerical solution space and process volume. In hybrid method, to find out the field on the aperture existing on the surface of the resonator, Moment Method(MoM) is used. The field distribution on the aperture, suitable for the Galerkin Method, is formed by the weighted sum of basis functions with unknown coefficients. By using the boundary condition on the aperture, an integral expression is reached. While the outer field can be calculated by the aim of Dyadic Green function, FEM is used to determine the inner field. The location discretization is realized by dividing the space into tetrahedrals in both methods. For field approximations, the Whitney element is used. The method is applied to a resonator with rectangular cross-section with aperture. For the loaded and unloaded conditions, the electromagnetic field distributions in the resonator are achieved. From these fields, shielding effectiveness is determined. With this hybrid method, a remarkable reduction in unknown parameters is acquired. Consequently, the memory and process time for this operation are reduced. For this hybrid method solution, there is no dissonance in the results, when compared with the FEM results