13 research outputs found

    Generation of Human-Like Movement from Symbolized Information

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    An important function missing from current robotic systems is a human-like method for creating behavior from symbolized information. This function could be used to assess the extent to which robotic behavior is human-like because it distinguishes human motion from that of human-made machines created using currently available techniques. The purpose of this research is to clarify the mechanisms that generate automatic motor commands to achieve symbolized behavior. We design a controller with a learning method called tacit learning, which considers system–environment interactions, and a transfer method called mechanical resonance mode, which transfers the control signals into a mechanical resonance mode space (MRM-space). We conduct simulations and experiments that involve standing balance control against disturbances with a two-degree-of-freedom inverted pendulum and bipedal walking control with humanoid robots. In the simulations and experiments on standing balance control, the pendulum can become upright after a disturbance by adjusting a few signals in MRM-space with tacit learning. In the simulations and experiments on bipedal walking control, the robots realize a wide variety of walking by manually adjusting a few signals in MRM-space. The results show that transferring the signals to an appropriate control space is the key process for reducing the complexity of the signals from the environment and achieving diverse behavior

    Quantification of Extent of Muscle-skin Shifting by Traversal sEMG Analysis Using High-density sEMG Sensor

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    Averaging electromyographic activity prior to muscle synergy computation is a common method employed to compensate for the inter-repetition variability usually associated with this kind of physiological recording. Capturing muscle synergies requires the preservation of accurate temporal and spatial information for muscle activity. The natural variation in electromyography data across consecutive repetitions of the same task raises several related challenges that make averaging a non-trivial process. Duration and triggering times of muscle activity generally vary across different repetitions of the same task. Therefore, it is necessary to define a robust methodology to segment and average muscle activity that deals with these issues. Emerging from this need, the present work proposes a standard protocol for segmenting and averaging muscle activations from periodic motions in a way that accurately preserves the temporal and spatial information contained in the original data and enables the isolation of a single averaged motion period. This protocol has been validated with muscle activity data recorded from 15 participants performing elbow flexion/extension motions, a series of actions driven by well-established muscle synergies. Using the averaged data, muscle synergies were computed, permitting their behavior to be compared with previous results related to the evaluated task. The comparison between the method proposed and a widely used methodology based on motion flags, shown the benefits of our system maintaining the consistency of muscle activation timings and synergie

    Quantification of Extent of Muscle-skin Shifting by Traversal sEMG Analysis Using High-density sEMG Sensor

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    Surface electromyography(sEMG) measurement has been an essential approach to analyze human behaviors because we can generally consider that sEMG signals represent the muscle activities as the final output of our nerve system. One of the most serious problems for considering sEMG signal as the muscle activity is the shift of the relative position between muscles and skin depending on a posture. The motion of forearm rotation is the prominent example of muscle-skin shifting depending on postural changes. The sEMG signal from a sensor may represent the different muscle activity when the muscle-skin shifting is happened. In this study, we discuss a method to quantify the muscle-skin shift from the sEMG signals in response to the postural changes. We use the high density sEMG sensor that is possible to measure sEMG signal as the potential map. We proposed the computation algorithm to quantify the amount of muscle-skin shifting based on the change of the sEMG signals in response to the postural changes. We conducted the experiments of wrist extension motions under three different forearm postures: forearm pronation, natural posture and forearm supination. Experimental results from three healthy subjects show that we can quantify the extent of muscle-skin shifting as an angle by using proposed algorithm

    Video_1_Generation of Human-Like Movement from Symbolized Information.MP4

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    <p>An important function missing from current robotic systems is a human-like method for creating behavior from symbolized information. This function could be used to assess the extent to which robotic behavior is human-like because it distinguishes human motion from that of human-made machines created using currently available techniques. The purpose of this research is to clarify the mechanisms that generate automatic motor commands to achieve symbolized behavior. We design a controller with a learning method called tacit learning, which considers system–environment interactions, and a transfer method called mechanical resonance mode, which transfers the control signals into a mechanical resonance mode space (MRM-space). We conduct simulations and experiments that involve standing balance control against disturbances with a two-degree-of-freedom inverted pendulum and bipedal walking control with humanoid robots. In the simulations and experiments on standing balance control, the pendulum can become upright after a disturbance by adjusting a few signals in MRM-space with tacit learning. In the simulations and experiments on bipedal walking control, the robots realize a wide variety of walking by manually adjusting a few signals in MRM-space. The results show that transferring the signals to an appropriate control space is the key process for reducing the complexity of the signals from the environment and achieving diverse behavior.</p