155 research outputs found

    HST Measurements of the Expansion of NGC 6543: Parallax Distance and Nebular Evolution

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    The optical expansion parallax of NGC 6543 has been detected and measured using two epochs of HST images separated by a time baseline of only three years. We have utilized three separate methods of deriving the angular expansion of bright fiducials, the results of which are in excellent agreement. We combine our angular expansion estimates with spectroscopically obtained expansion velocities to derive a distance to NGC 6543 of 1001±\pm269 pc. The deduced kinematic age of the inner bright core of the nebula is 1039±\pm259 years; however, the kinematic age of the polar caps that surround the core is larger - perhaps the result of deceleration or earlier mass ejection. The morphology and expansion patterns of NGC 6543 provide insight into a complex history of axisymmetric, interacting stellar mass ejections.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. 18 pages. 6 figure

    Negotiating the inhuman: Bakhtin, materiality and the instrumentalization of climate change

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    The article argues that the work of literary theorist Mikhail M. Bakhtin presents a starting point for thinking about the instrumentalization of climate change. Bakhtin’s conceptualization of human–world relationships, encapsulated in the concept of ‘cosmic terror’, places a strong focus on our perception of the ‘inhuman’. Suggesting a link between the perceived alienness and instability of the world and in the exploitation of the resulting fear of change by political and religious forces, Bakhtin asserts that the latter can only be resisted if our desire for a false stability in the world is overcome. The key to this overcoming of fear, for him, lies in recognizing and confronting the worldly relations of the human body. This consciousness represents the beginning of one’s ‘deautomatization’ from following established patterns of reactions to predicted or real changes. In the vein of several theorists and artists of his time who explored similar ‘deautomatization’ strategies – examples include Shklovsky’s ‘ostranenie’, Brecht’s ‘Verfremdung’, Artaud’s emotional ‘cruelty’ and Bataille’s ‘base materialism’ – Bakhtin proposes a more playful and widely accessible experimentation to deconstruct our ‘habitual picture of the world’. Experimentation is envisioned to take place across the material and the textual to increase possibilities for action. Through engaging with Bakhtin’s ideas, this article seeks to draw attention to relations between the imagination of the world and political agency, and the need to include these relations in our own experiments with creating climate change awareness

    Confirmation of SBS 1150+599A As An Extremely Metal-Poor Planetary Nebula

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    SBS 1150+599A is a blue stellar object at high galactic latitude discovered in the Second Byurakan Survey. New high-resolution images of SBS 1150+599A are presented, demonstrating that it is very likely to be an old planetary nebula in the galactic halo, as suggested by Tovmassian et al (2001). An H-alpha image taken with the WIYN 3.5-m telescope and its "tip/tilt" module reveals the diameter of the nebula to be 9.2", comparable to that estimated from spectra by Tovmassian et al. Lower limits to the central star temperature were derived using the Zanstra hydrogen and helium methods to determine that the star's effective temperature must be > 68,000K and that the nebula is optically thin. New spectra from the MMT and FLWO telescopes are presented, revealing the presence of strong [Ne V] lambda 3425, indicating that the central star temperature must be > 100,000K. With the revised diameter, new central star temperature, and an improved central star luminosity, we can constrain photoionization models for the nebula significantly better than before. Because the emission-line data set is sparse, the models are still not conclusive. Nevertheless, we confirm that this nebula is an extremely metal-poor planetary nebula, having a value for O/H that is less than 1/100 solar, and possibly as low as 1/500 solar.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Search for Pairs of Isolated Radio Pulsars - Components in Disrupted Binary Systems

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    We have developed a method for analyzing the kinematic association of isolated relativistic objects - possible remnants of disrupted close binary systems. We investigate pairs of fairly young radio pulsars with known proper motions and estimated distances (dispersion measures) that are spaced no more than 2-3 kpc apart. Using a specified radial velocity distribution for these objects, we have constructed 100-300 thousand trajectories of their possible motion in the Galactic gravitational field on a time scale of several million years. The probabilities of their close encounters at epochs consistent with the age of the younger pulsar in the pair are analyzed. When these probabilities exceed considerably their reference values obtained by assuming a purely random encounter between the pulsars under consideration, we conclude that the objects may have been gravitationally bound in the past. As a result, we have detected six pulsar pairs (J0543+2329/J0528+2200, J1453-6413/J1430-6623, J2354+6155/J2321+6024, J1915+1009/J1909+1102, J1832-0827/J1836-1008, and J1917+1353/J1926+1648) that are companions in disrupted binary systems with a high probability. Estimates of their kinematic ages and velocities at binary disruption and at the present epoch are provided

    Many-worlds interpretation of quantum theory and mesoscopic anthropic principle

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    We suggest to combine the Anthropic Principle with Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Theory. Realizing the multiplicity of worlds it provides an opportunity of explanation of some important events which are assumed to be extremely improbable. The Mesoscopic Anthropic Principle suggested here is aimed to explain appearance of such events which are necessary for emergence of Life and Mind. It is complementary to Cosmological Anthropic Principle explaining the fine tuning of fundamental constants. We briefly discuss various possible applications of Mesoscopic Anthropic Principle including the Solar Eclipses and assembling of complex molecules. Besides, we address the problem of Time's Arrow in the framework of Many-World Interpretation. We suggest the recipe for disentangling of quantities defined by fundamental physical laws and by an anthropic selection.Comment: 11 page

    Evolution of the Ionizing Background and the Epoch of Reionization from the Spectra of z~6 Quasars

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    We study the process of cosmic reionization and estimate the ionizing background in the IGM using the Lyman series absorption in the spectra of the four quasars at 5.7<z<6.3 discovered by the SDSS. We derive the evolution of the ionizing background at high redshifts, using both semi-analytic techniques and cosmological simulations to model the density fluctuations in the IGM. The existence of the complete Ly alpha Gunn-Peterson trough in the spectrum of the z=6.28 quasar SDSS 1030+0524 indicates a photoionization rate Gamma_{-12} at z~6 lower than 0.08, at least a factor of 6 smaller than the value at z~3. The Ly beta and Ly gamma Gunn-Peterson troughs give an even stronger limit Gamma_{-12}<0.02 due to their smaller oscillator strengths, indicating that the ionizing background in the IGM at z~6 is more than 20 times lower than that at z~3. Meanwhile, the volume-averaged neutral hydrogen fraction increases from 10^{-5} at z~3 to >10^{-3} at z~6. At this redshift, the mass-averaged neutral hydrogen fraction is larger than 1%; the mildly overdense regions (delta > 3) are still mostly neutral and the comoving mean free path of ionizing photons is shorter than 8 Mpc. Comparison with simulations of cosmological reionization shows that the observed properties of the IGM at z~6 are typical of those in the era at the end of the overlap stage of reionization when the individual HII regions merge. Thus, z~6 marks the end of the reionization epoch. The redshift of reionization constrains the small scale power of the mass density fluctuations and the star forming efficiency of the first generation of objects.Comment: AJ accepted, 27 pages; minor change

    CMB Anisotropy Induced by a Moving Straight Cosmic String

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    We showed that the part of strings could be detected by optical method is only 20% from the total available amount of such objects, therefore the gravitational lensing method has to be "completed" by CMB one. We found the general structure of the CMB anisotropy generated by a cosmic string for simple model of straight string moving with constant velocity. For strings with deficit angle 1-2 arcsec the amplitude of generated anisotropy has to be 15-30 muK (the corresponding string linear density is (G mu) ~ 10^{-7} and energy is GUT one, 10^{15} GeV). To use both radio and optical methods the deficit angle has to be from 0.1 arcsec to 5-6 arcsec. If cosmic string can be detected by optical method, the length of corresponding brightness spot of anisotropy has to be no less than 100 degrees.Comment: 6 pages, 1 Postscript figure, will be published in proceedings of QUARKS-2008, 15th International Seminar on High Energy Physics, Sergiev Posad, Russia, 23-29 May, 200

    A High-Resolution Study of Nonthermal Radio and X-Ray Emission from SNR G347.3-0.5

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    G347.3-0.5 is one of three shell-type supernova remnants in the Galaxy whose X-ray spectrum is dominated by nonthermal emission. This puts G347.3-0.5 in the small, but growing class of SNRs for which the X-ray emission reveals directly the presence of extremely energetic electrons accelerated by the SNR shock. We have obtained new high-resolution X-ray and radio data on G347.3-0.5 using the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) respectively. The bright northwestern peak of the SNR seen in ROSAT and ASCA images is resolved with Chandra into bright filaments and fainter diffuse emission. These features show good correspondence with the radio morphological structure, providing strong evidence that the same population of electrons is responsible for the synchrotron emission in both bands in this part of the remnant. Spectral index information from both observations is presented. We found significant difference in photon index value between bright and faint regions of the SNR shell. Spectral properties of these regions support the notion that efficient particle acceleration is occurring in the bright SNR filaments. We report the detection of linear radio polarization towards the SNR, which is most ordered at the northwestern shell where particle acceleration is presumably occurring. Using our new Chandra and ATCA data we model the broad-band emission from G347.3-0.5 with the synchrotron and inverse Compton mechanisms and discuss the conditions under which this is a plausible scenario.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Luminous Blue Variable eruptions and related transients: Diversity of progenitors and outburst properties

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    We present new light curves and spectra for a number of extragalactic optical transients or "SN impostors" related to giant eruptions of LBVs, and we provide a comparative discussion of LBV-like giant eruptions known to date. New data include photometry and spectroscopy of SNe1999bw, 2000ch, 2001ac, 2002bu, 2006bv, and 2010dn. SN2010dn resembles SN2008S and NGC 300-OT, whereas SN2002bu shows spectral evolution from a normal LBV at early times to a twin of these cooler transients at late times. SN2008S, NGC300-OT, and SN2010dn appear to be special cases of a broader eruptive phenomenon where the progenitor star was enshrouded by dust. Examining the full sample, SN impostors have range of timescales from a day to decades, potentially suffering multiple eruptions. The upper end of the luminosity distribution overlaps with the least luminous SNe. The low end of the luminosity distribution is poorly defined, and a distinction between various eruptions is not entirely clear. We discuss observational clues concerning winds or shocks as the relevant mass-loss mechanism, and we evaluate possible ideas for physical mechanisms. Although examples of these eruptions are sufficient to illustrate their diversity, their statistical distribution will benefit greatly from upcoming transient surveys. Based on the distribution of eruptions, we propose that SN1961V was not a member of this class of impostors, but was instead a true core-collapse SNIIn preceded by a giant LBV eruption. (abridged)Comment: 36(!) journal pages, 16 figures. submitted to MNRAS on october 12. coments welcome. updated reference

    Radio emission from Supernova Remnants

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    The explosion of a supernova releases almost instantaneously about 10^51 ergs of mechanic energy, changing irreversibly the physical and chemical properties of large regions in the galaxies. The stellar ejecta, the nebula resulting from the powerful shock waves, and sometimes a compact stellar remnant, constitute a supernova remnant (SNR). They can radiate their energy across the whole electromagnetic spectrum, but the great majority are radio sources. Almost 70 years after the first detection of radio emission coming from a SNR, great progress has been achieved in the comprehension of their physical characteristics and evolution. We review the present knowledge of different aspects of radio remnants, focusing on sources of the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds, where the SNRs can be spatially resolved. We present a brief overview of theoretical background, analyze morphology and polarization properties, and review and critical discuss different methods applied to determine the radio spectrum and distances. The consequences of the interaction between the SNR shocks and the surrounding medium are examined, including the question of whether SNRs can trigger the formation of new stars. Cases of multispectral comparison are presented. A section is devoted to reviewing recent results of radio SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds, with particular emphasis on the radio properties of SN 1987A, an ideal laboratory to investigate dynamical evolution of an SNR in near real time. The review concludes with a summary of issues on radio SNRs that deserve further study, and analyzing the prospects for future research with the latest generation radio telescopes.Comment: Revised version. 48 pages, 15 figure
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