49 research outputs found


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    Stop Ecoide International (SEI) melaukan prose advokasi fenomena internasional ekosida menjadi kejahtan ligkungan serius di mahkamah internasional sejak tahun 2017. Perusahan danegar harus menjadi subjek hukm internasional, yang perlu menidak dan ditndak tegas dalm prosekosida. Vanuatu sebagi salh satu negar terdampakris iklm di kepulan Pasifk memberikan dukngan terhadp rekomendasi tersbut. Akan teapi, diperlukan perstujan dari berbagi negar angota lin Persatuan Bangsa- Bangsa (PB) tentang ekosidagar dapt diaopsi d International Crimnal Court (IC) dengan mengamandemen Stauta Roma. SEI dan Vanuatu besrta negar lain yang mendukng ekosida, bekrjasma melakuan kampanye untuk mendaptkan suar dari negar-negar lain. Karena sejatinya kebrlanjutan lingkungan hidup yang menujang hubngan internasional, perlu menjadiasr dalmentapkan kebijakn publik. Penlitan yang berbasi metode pendekatn kualitif berfokus menjawb rumusan maslah yang telah diteapkan. Didukng oleh penlitan literatur, dengan dat primer dan sekunder yang di observasiecar deskriptf dan implementaif. Perbedan sitem politk global utar dan global selatn, denganegar-negar pemegang hak veto PB dialmnya, mempengaruhi kompleksnya persoaln mengenai pembahsan ekosida untuk dimasukan ke dalmahkamah internasional. Sehinga pembahsan ekosida masih mencapi pad definsi legal hukm internasional, dan membuthkan prose yang panjg untuk menjadi kejahtan serius. Kat Kunci: Ekosida, Stop Ecoide International, Vanuatu, dan Iternational Crimnal Court (IC)


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the implementation of an autonomous learning strategy to learners of Package C in PKBM Barito Banjarmasin different after joining two cycles of learning based on the setting and level of learners` proficiency. This study applied qualitative descriptive method by using interview and observation for data collection. This study was divided into two cycles. The first cycle was the tutor introduced and explained the steps of autonomous learning, such as: finding topics, conducting library study, making drafts, writing essays, revising and scoring or self-evaluation. The second cycle, tutor explained in more detail how library search was performed as part of the autonomous learning process, especially the writing process. The results of study were (1) In the first cycle, less then 80% of learners who passed the specified criteria; and (2) In the second cycle, more than 80% passed the specific criteria in writing. Therefore, the cycle is stopped in phase 2 because the criteria for completeness have been achieved. It can be concluded that the application of an autonomous learning strategy to improve writing skills in organizing ideas is effective for learners

    Effect of Pectin on the Characteristics of Edible Film from Skin Gelatin of Red Snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus)

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effect of addition of pectin on characteristics of edible film from gelatin of red snapper (Lutjanus argentimacalatus) skin. Concentration of pectin used were 0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1%. Water content, thickness, tensile strength, elongation, and the transmition rate of the water vapor of edible film were analysed. Results from analysis of variance showed that different concentration of pectin significantly affected (P<0.05) on the water content, thickness, tensile strength, elongation, and transmition rate of water vapor of edible film. Therefore, it was suggested that addition of 0.6% of pectin showed a good quality of edible film and in accordance with the Japan International Standard (JIS)

    Well Water Screening in Suffolk, VA, for Contaminants Affecting Human Health

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    Purpose: Despite regulations, one area that remains outside the scope of the clean water policies is well water. With the lack of oversight, the millions of home that rely on well water remain susceptible to numerous pollutants and contaminants. To ensure the safety of well water, development of screening and testing protocols is imperative. Many households in Suffolk, VA still use well water making it an apt location to conduct a preliminary study screening for potential water contaminants. Methods: Water samples from kitchen and garden sources were collected from households in Suffolk, VA. These samples assessed for TDS via Milwaukee EC59 pen, pH via Sper Scientific test tube pen, arsenic via Quick Rapid Arsenic Test Kit, E. coli and coliform, and lead via Simpletek Micro Tester Pro self-filling test ampoules. Findings: Four of the thirty kitchen-sourced samples tested positive for coliform contamination. The positive findings may represent hazards for health thus warranting further investigation. Conclusion: Many Suffolk homes rely on well water but lack of regulations can bring risk for contamination. This study indicated a potential coliform problem in Suffolk and more work must be done to evaluate for coliform contamination and its resultant health consequences

    Preliminary Phytochemical Screening, Quantitative Analysis of Alkaloids, and Antioxidant Activity of Crude Plant Extracts from Ephedra intermedia

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity, screening the phytogenic chemical compounds, and to assess the alkaloids present in the E. intermedia to prove its uses in Pakistani folk medicines for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. Antioxidant activity was analyzed by using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate assay. Standard methods were used for the identification of cardiac glycosides, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, anthraquinones, and alkaloids. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for quantitative purpose of ephedrine alkaloids in E. intermedia. The quantitative separation was confirmed on Shimadzu 10AVP column (Shampack) of internal diameter (id) 3.0 mm and 50 mm in length. The extract of the solute in flow rate of 1 ml/min at the wavelength 210 nm and methanolic extract showed the antioxidant activity and powerful oxygen free radicals scavenging activities and the IC50 for the E. intermedia plant was near to the reference standard ascorbic acid. The HPLC method was useful for the quantitative purpose of ephedrine (E) and pseudoephedrine (PE) used for 45 samples of one species collected from central habitat in three districts (Ziarat, Shairani, and Kalat) of Balochistan. Results showed that average alkaloid substance in E. intermedia was as follows: PE (0.209%, 0.238%, and 0.22%) and E (0.0538%, 0.0666%, and 0.0514%)

    Public and Private Schools in Afghanistan : Comparing some aspects of public and private schools in Kabul city

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    The aim of this study is to explore similarities and differences between private and public schools in Kabul city. Data was collected using questioner and structured interviews. Principals, teachers, parents and students of grade six were the participants of the research. This research focuses on: Curricula, textbooks, and media of instruction, teachers’ education and experiences as well as student’s gender, socio-economic background and distribution within the two types of schools. Advantages of private schools over public schools were also studied from the perspective of teachers, students and parents. During this research, some important points of similarities and differences were found, such as discipline, daily study time in schools, parental involvement, completion of syllabi, students’ parents’ socio-economic background, and teachers’ views on the growth of private schools, etc. It was found that classroom facilities, parental involvement, completion of syllabi are better in private schools than public schools. In private schools, additional textbooks on science, computer and English language are taught. In public schools, on the other hand, due to the short time of study, students are unable to finish all subjects in the respective academic year. While both of the school types follow ministry of education defined curriculum. There is a mix approach towards both the school types by the middle class members of the society. Meanwhile Private schools may be exploiting their teachers for giving them lesser salaries as compared to the teachers of the public schools. Private school teachers are paid less salary than the business value a private school may have; despite the fact that they teach for longer hours during the day. As Afghanistan is already suffering from difference of opinions on national and international issues because of the different curriculums taught in different schools by different organizations during the war. Some of the differences found in this research as well are of significance and may lead to the graduation of students with additional advantages of stronger English and IT skills. This could disadvantage the public school students

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Pektin Terhadap Karakteristik Edible Film Gelatin Limbah Kulit Ikan Kakap Merah(Lutjanus argentimaculatus)

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    Ikan kakap merah adalah salah satu jenis ikan demersal yang cukup banyak menyebar di perairan Indonesia. Usaha penangkapan ikan kakap semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya seiring dengan permintaan pasar sehingga berdampak pada peningkatan limbah yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, perlu dilakukan upaya untuk memanfaatkan limbah menjadi suatu yang lebih bermanfaat yaitu mengolah limbah kulit ikan menjadi gelatin yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi. Gelatin adalah protein hasil hidrolisis kalogen dari limbah kulit dan tulang. Gelatin mempunyai sifat daya cerna yang tinggi sehingga gelatin dapat berpotensi sebagai bahan baku pembuatan edible film, yang dapat dimakan dengan produk yang dikemas. Edible film didefinisikan sebagai lapisan tipis dari bahan yang dapat dimakan (edible) yang dibentuk pada bahan pangan sebagai pelapis atau diletakkan (pra-pembentukan) pada atau di antara komponen-komponen pangan dan bertujuan untuk menghambat migrasi uap air, oksigen, karbondioksida, aroma, dan lipida; membawa bahan tambahan pangan (misalnya antioksidan, antimikrobia, flavor); dan memperbaiki integritas mekanis atau penanganan karakteristik pangan. Edible film dari gelatin memiliki karakteristik edible film yang kuat. Hal ini dikarenakan gelatin memiliki kekuatan pengikatan yang tinggi dan dapat menghasilkan granula pada edible film yang seragam dengan daya kompresibilitas dan kompaktibilitas yang bagus. Namun edible film dari protein mempunyai sifat sukar pecah oleh suhu tinggi. Dalam rangka menambah kualitas nilai edible film, edible film dapat dipadukan dengan komponen tertentu untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik dari kemasan itu sendiri seperti pektin yang merupakan kelompok hidrokoloid pembentuk gel. Edible film yang terbuat dari campuran protein dan polisakarida baik digunakan karena dapat menghambat perpindahan gas yang efektif untuk mencegah oksidasi lemak. Oleh karena itu, affinitas antara gelatin dan pati menjadi lebih tinggi, sehingga dapat memperkuat struktur edible film. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan pektin terhadap karakteristik edible film dari gelatin limbah kulit ikan kakap merah (Lutjanus argentimacalatus) dan mengetahui konsentrasi pektin yang menghasilkan edible film dari gelatin limbah kulit ikan kakap merah (Lutjanus argentimacalatus) terbaik. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari – Oktober 2018 bertempat di Laboratorium Perekayasaan Hasil Perikanan, Laboratorium Nutrisi Ikan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Laboratorium Fisika Material Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Brawijaya Malang dan Laboratorium Biologi, Universitas Islam Negeri. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) sederhana yang terdiri atas perlakuan penambahan adalah pektin 0%, 0,2%, 0,4%, 0,6%, 0,8% dan 1% dengan empat kali ulangan. Edible film dari gelatin dengan penambahan pektin kemudian dilakukan pengujian ketebalan, kuat tarik, elongasi, kadar air dan transmisi uap air. Kemudian untuk data hasil penelitian dianalisa dengan menggunakan ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan terhadap ix respon parameter yang dilakukan, dengan uji F taraf 5% dan jika didapatkan hasil yang berbeda nyata maka dilakukan uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahan konsentrasi pektin pada edible film dari gelatin kulit ikan kakap merah berpengruh nyata (P5) pada kadar air dan laju transmisi uap air. Hasil terbaik dari keseluruhan data yang diperoleh yaitu pada konsentrasi 0,2%, yaitu dengan nilai ketebalan 137,94 μm, nilai kuat tarik sebesar 14,86 MPa, nilai elongasi sebesar 44,58%, menurunkan nilai kadar air sebesar 9,87%, dan nilai transmisi uap air sebesar 34,32 g/cm2.24jam. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, perlu adanya penelitian lanjutan agar dilakukan pengujian organoleptik dan aplikasinya pada sampel edible film dari gelatin kulit ikan kakap dengan penambahan pektin