197 research outputs found

    Distributions of Stellar Systems Using Mathematica With Applications to Cataclysmic Variables and Planetary Nebulae

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    In this paper, Meisel's(2013) algorithm for the distribution of galaxies using Mathematica was used for  the distributions  of Cataclysmic Variables(CV) and Planetary Nebulae(PNe) . Data manipulationsare illustratedgenerally, through the Internet data sources and the implementation for Mathematica usage. The distributions are displayed in two dimensions ,the galactic longitude andgalactic latitude. The distributions of both CVs  and the  PNe  are symmetric about the galactic plane, with high condensation of PNe towards  the plane which supports the known fact that PNe are young. On the other hand ,the remarkable condensation the remarkable condensation at high galactic latitudes of CVs indicates that these objects are old

    Iterative Algorithm for the Effects of Atmospheric Refraction on the Equatorial Coordinates of a Star Valid for any Zenith Distance

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    In the present paper an efficient algorithm will be established for the effects of atmospheric  refraction on the equatorial coordinates  of a star valid  for any zenith distance The algorithm uses two new iterative schemes, the first is linear iterative scheme for the equatorial coordinates  due to atmospheric refraction. The second  is  the quadratic Newton iterative scheme for obtaining the true zenith distance from  Bennent formulae for the atmospheric refraction. Description of the  algorithm was also given together with  numerical applications

    Techno-economic analysis of stand-alone solar desalination at variable load conditions

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    The operation of large-scale reverse osmosis units in combination with different solar power plants, both, Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) and Photovoltaics (PV) has been evaluated under variable load conditions. In the case of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) unit, configurations with and without an energy recovery device have been considered. In the case of the CSP plant, a thermal storage system with several capacities (8-14 h) covers the periods with low solar radiation and no storage has been taken into account for the PV plant due to the prohibitively high cost of batteries at large scale. The analysis has been done for a specific location in Algeria, considering different scenarios to adapt the operation of the RO unit at partial load in order to assure a stable operation. The dynamic performance of the RO unit is presented for each scenario, together with an economic analysis

    Peran Interaksi Media dalam Penyebaran Dakwah di Era Modern

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    Disertasi yang saya persembahkan ini berjudul: peran interaksi media dalam penyebaran dakwah di era modern. Adapun gambaran penelitian yang diusulkan dan berbagai faktor yang melatarbelakanginya terangkum dalam pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut: Bagaimana hakikat dakwah dan apa saja media penyebarannya di era modern?, Sejauh mana pemanfaatan media baru ataupun media interaktif oleh para dai dalam menyebarkan dakwah Islam?, Apakah ada peran interaksi media dalam penyebaran dakwah di era modern? Peneliti telah menyelesaikan penelitiannya secara pustaka dalam hal penyususumannya, dan secara lapangan dalam hal penerapannya dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif, dan dalam proses pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara, serta menggunakan berbagai sumber data lainnya. dan menghasilkan sejumlah kesimpulan, diantaranya adalah bahwa hakikat dakwah dan tujuannya adalah memberikan petunjuk kepada manusia menuju islam, mengeluarkannya dari kegelapan menuju cahaya, serta mengajak manusia menuju Allah swt., dan mengumpulkan mereka dalam lingkup beragama islam yang benar, hingga mereka terikat dengan islam secara ilmu, amal, akhlak, pola pikir, dan tingkah laku. Dan kesimpulan yang lainnya adalah interaksi media sangatlah bermanfaat dalam penyebaran dakwah islamiyah khususnya pada zaman ini, karena kita hidup di zaman yang perhatian dan kesabaran dalam menuntut ilmu sangat sedikit, dan kurangnya motivasi terhadap hal itu. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan media-media seperti ini akan memudahkan kedua belah pihak bagi da’i maupun obyek dakwahnya untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diharapkan. Pada rekomendasi dari disertasi ini disebutkan bahwa seorang da’i tidak seyogyanya menjauh dari penggunaan media-media kontemporer, akan tetapi hendaknya memanfaatkan media-media tersebut dalam menyampaikan dan menyebarkan dakwah islam ini, karena media-media tersebut dianggap sebagai salah satu sumber yang dapat memberikan pengaruh besar dalam kehidupan masa kini, dan juga dikarenakan berbagai dampak positif lainnya. Dan bahwa dakwah melalui interaksi media merupakan pengembangan dari model dakwah tradisional, namun tidak berarti seorang da’i tidak lagi menemui orang-orang di masjidmasjid dan tempat-tempat komunitas mereka untuk berdakwah dan menasehati mereka sebagaimana perintah Nabi, "Sampaikanlah dariku, meskipun cuma satu ayat", ataupun mengatakan bahwa cukup bagi mereka untuk berdakwah melalui internet saja dikarenakan memiliki keunggulan yang begitu banyak, karena Rasulullah saw pun berdakwah melalui akhlaknya, perbuatannya, tingkah lakunya, petunjuknya, persetujuannya, serta perkataannya, oleh karenanya seorang dai haruslah menjadi teladan yang baik agar berhasil dalam dakwah interaktifnya

    Helicobacter pylori: a poor man's gut pathogen?

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    Helicobacter pylori is one of the human pathogens with highest prevalence around the world; yet, its principal mode of transmission remains largely unknown. The role of H. pylori in gastric disease and cancer has not been established until the end of the 20th century. Since then, its epidemiology has been extensively studied, and an accruing body of literature suggests that not all humans are equally at risk of infection by this gut pathogen. Here, we briefly review the different epidemiological aspects of H. pylori infection with emphasis on those factors related to human poverty. The epidemiology of H. pylori infection is characterized by marked differences between developing and developed countries, notably among children. In addition, congruent lines of evidence point out to socioeconomic factors and living standards as main determinants of the age-dependent acquisition rate of H. pylori, and consequently its prevalence. These data are alarming in the light of the changing global climate and birth rate, which are expected to change the demography of our planet, putting more children at risk of H. pylori and its complications for years to come

    The Imperative for Arabic Language Proficiency among Foreign Workers in Gulf Countries and Strategies for Enhancement l Ahammiyyatu Itqan al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah baina al-‘Ummal al-Ajnabi fi Duwali al-Khalij wa Istiratijiyyatu Ta’ziziha

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    In both Eastern and Western societies, proficiency in the local language and an understanding of cultural nuances were traditionally considered essential prerequisites for employment. However, a marked deviation from this norm was evident in the Gulf states, where communication with foreign workers became sporadic and, in many cases, was limited to specific roles or enforced through punitive measures. This linguistic neglect perpetuated the erosion of Arab heritage, contributing to the gradual loss of identity. This research aimed to thoroughly analyze the importance of foreign workers in the Gulf countries mastering Arabic. It investigated the impact of neglecting this linguistic aspect and proposed viable solutions to encourage learning, thus contributing to the preservation and enhancement of cultural values, identity, and society in the Gulf region. Using a literature study methodology, the research drew on a variety of sources, including previous research, newspapers, expert studies, and reports. The findings of this research underscored the need for collaborative efforts among countries in the region, drawing inspiration from experiences in the East and West. An important solution identified was activating the principle of shared responsibility, which included the establishment of training centers for expatriates to acquire essential Arabic vocabulary. The implications of this research extended to the establishment of stronger communication links within the country, the creation of international bridges, and the opening of employment opportunities for Arabic language and literature experts

    Embedded two level direct adaptive fuzzy controller for DC motor speed control

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    AbstractThis paper presents a proposed approach based on an adaptive fuzzy logic controller for precise control of the DC motor speed. In this concern, the proposed Direct Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller (DAFLC) is estimated from two levels, where the lower level uses a Mamdani fuzzy controller and the upper level is an inverse model based on a Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) method in which its output is used to adapt the parameters of the fuzzy controller in the lower level. The proposed controller is implemented using an Arduino DUE kit. From the practical results, it is proved that the proposed adaptive controller improves, successfully both the performance response and the disturbance due to the load in the speed control of the DC motor