54 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we aim to present the major challenges in the attempt to quantify the concept of rule of law. At the present, there are several approaches for measurement of rule of law among different countries among time. This paper analyses four different indicators that are frequently used, including: (1) Rule of Law index, published by the World bank in the Worldwide Governance Indicators database; (2) Rule of Law index published by the World Justice Project; (3) Rule of Law set of indicators, including property rights, judicial effectiveness and government integrity, published by the Heritage Foundation in the Index of Economic freedom; and (4) Rule of Law indicator integrated in the Civil Liberties report prepared and published by Freedom House. We focus on the Western Balkan countries, by using case studies and situation analysis. Assuring rule of law is one of the basic preconditions for EU integration of this region

    Public expenditure on education and economic growth: evidence from North Macedonia

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    In this paper, we studied the impact of public education expenditure on GDP per capita in North Macedonia from 1991 to 2020. The main questions we examined were: 1) What is the relationship between public education expenditure and GDP per capita in the country in the short run?; 2) Does a long-term relationship between the aforementioned variables exist?; and 3) What are the policy implications? This research was based on the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, originally developed by Pesaran et al. (2001). The empirical estimations produced interesting findings. In the short run, the relationship between public spending on education and GDP per capita in North Macedonia was negative and statistically significant. The long-term relationship between the variables remained negative but statistically insignificant. These results were robust and consistent with results from earlier empirical studies. The results suggested that government expenditures on education did not contribute to economic growth in North Macedonia in the analyzed period, ceteris paribus. We concluded that, from a public policy standpoint, intervention in the education system's financing is necessary to facilitate the transformation of education expenditures into productive human capital and enhance the nation's economic development

    The Study of the Ecological State of the Lake Tavatuy

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    10995/27938Вода играет исключительную роль в качестве жизни людей. Целью работы явилось изучение экологического состояния озера Таватуй. Нами была проведена оценка чистоты воды с использованием биологического метода по составу индикаторных видов живых организмов. Проведенное исследование позволило установить видовой состав бентоса как фактора экологической системы озера и показало необходимость дальнейшего экологического мониторинга.Abstract: Water plays a exclusively role in quality people’s life. The aim of the work was to study the ecological state of lake Tavatuy. We conducted an assessment of the water purity using a biological method based on the composition of indicator species of living organisms. The study identified factors that influence the development of species composition of benthos as a factor of the ecological system of the lake, and showed the need to further ecology monitoring

    Method for positioning and rehabilitation training with the ExoAtlet® powered exoskeleton

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    Exoskeletons for locomotion, support, or other uses are becoming more common. An increasing number of studies are demonstrating relevant results in rehabilitation. Here we describe the steps required to properly place and train patients in ExoAtlet ® powered exoskeletons (Moscow, Russia), for which there is currently limited information available. These steps combine actions related to the hardware, software, as well as safety, rehabilitation, and psycho-emotional state of the subject. Training starts with a general preparation of the environment, the equipment, and the patient. When the actual training program begins, the patient needs to gradually learn to perform the different actions that will be required to control the exoskeleton. Initially, training requires transferring weight between legs to guarantee adequate equilibrium control. Then, actions assisted by computer-controlled motors begin, namely: standing up, walking in place, moving small distances and sitting down. As the patient becomes comfortable with the exoskeleton and the cardiovascular system becomes adjusted to the upright position, training can then include walking over longer distances, inclined planes, opening doors, and climbing stairs.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Voluntary movement frequencies in submaximal one- and two-legged knee extension exercise and pedaling

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    Understanding of behavior and control of human voluntary rhythmic stereotyped leg movements is useful in work to improve performance, function, and rehabilitation of exercising, healthy, and injured humans. The present study aimed at adding to the existing understanding within this field. To pursue the aim, correlations between freely chosen movement frequencies in relatively simple, single-joint, one- and two-legged knee extension exercise were investigated. The same was done for more complex, multiple-joint, one- and two-legged pedaling. These particular activities were chosen because they could be considered related to some extent, as they shared a key aspect of knee extension, and because they at the same time were different. The activities were performed at submaximal intensities, by healthy individuals (n=16, thereof 8 women; 23.4±2.7 years; 1.70±0.11 m; 68.6±11.2 kg).High and fair correlations (R-values of 0.99 and 0.75) occurred between frequencies generated with the dominant leg and the nondominant leg during knee extension exercise and pedaling, respectively. Fair to high correlations (R-values between 0.71 and 0.95) occurred between frequencies performed with each of the two legs in an activity, and the two-legged frequency performed in the same type of activity. In general, the correlations were higher for knee extension exercise than for pedaling. Correlations between knee extension and pedaling frequencies were of modest occurrence.The correlations between movement frequencies generated separately by each of the legs might be interpreted to support the following working hypothesis, which was based on existing literature. It is likely that involved central pattern generators (CPGs) of the two legs share a common frequency generator or that separate frequency generators of each leg are attuned via interneuronal connections. Further, activity type appeared to be relevant. Thus, the apparent common rhythmogenesis for the two legs appeared to be stronger for the relatively simple single-joint activity of knee extension exercise as compared to the more complex multi-joint activity of pedaling. Finally, it appeared that the shared aspect of knee extension in the related types of activities of knee extension exercise and pedaling was insufficient to cause obvious correlations between generated movement frequencies in the two types of activities

    Are movement disorders and sensorimotor injuries pathologic synergies? When normal multi-joint movement synergies become pathologic

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    The intact nervous system has an exquisite ability to modulate the activity of multiple muscles acting at one or more joints to produce an enormous range of actions. Seemingly simple tasks, such as reaching for an object or walking, in fact rely on very complex spatial and temporal patterns of muscle activations. Neurological disorders such as stroke and focal dystonia affect the ability to coordinate multi-joint movements. This article reviews the state of the art of research of muscle synergies in the intact and damaged nervous system, their implications for recovery and rehabilitation, and proposes avenues for research aimed at restoring the nervous system’s ability to control movement

    Computer aided design of lace imitation as jacquard woven fabric

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    Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, ali lahko v žakarski tkanini ustvarimo iluzijo oziroma imitacijo čipke, ter določiti fizikalno – mehanske lastnosti žakarske tkanine. Čipka je okrasna luknjičasta ali mrežasta ploskovna tekstilija, ki je lahko izdelana ročno ali strojno. Čipke so lahko klekljane, kvačkane, pletene ali šivane. Tkanina je kompaktna ploskovna tekstilija, izdelana s prepletanjem osnove in votka, ki se po svojih lastnostih zelo razlikuje od katerekoli čipke. Na tkanini bomo poskušali izdelati simulacijo čipke. Čipka se od tkanine razlikuje že po konstrukciji, uporabljeni preji, odprtosti tekstilije ter popolnoma različnih fizikalno – mehanskih lastnostih. V prvem delu diplomske naloge smo raziskali zgodovino čipk. Čipke so se kot dekorativne mrežaste tekstilije uporabljale že pred več kot 3000 leti. Najprej so bile vse čipke izdelane ročno, prve naj bi bile šivane, nato klekljane, kvačkane in pletene, v času industrijske revolucije in izdelave strojev pa se je začela tudi strojna izdelava čipk. Največji razcvet so čipke doživele v 16. stoletju, v elizabetinski dobi, ko so jih uporabljali za visoke škrobljene ovratnike. Čipke se danes še vedno izdelujejo ročno, v tradicionalnih ročnih tehnikah in za ohranjanje kulturne dediščine. Sodoben strojni način izdelave čipk je podprt z računalniško podprtimi CAD – sistemi in računalniškim vodenjem proizvodnje, kar omogoča kvalitetnejšo in enostavnejšo izdelavo. Ne glede na način izdelave je namen čipke okraševanje oblačil in hišnih tekstilij. V eksperimentalnem delu smo na podlagi dveh različno izdelanih čipk, ročno kvačkane in snutkovno pletene čipke, izdelali simulacije tkanine s pomočjo CAD – sistema Arahne. Oba vzorca čipk smo najprej digitalizirali s pomočjo programov Adobe Photoshop in Adobe Illustrator ter digitalizirane vzorce pripravili za izdelavo simulacij v CAD – programu Arahne. Izdelane simulacije čipk na tkanini smo tudi stkali. Tkaninam smo izmerili fizikalne, mehanske ter prepustnostne lastnosti ter ju med seboj primerjali, saj sta se konstrukcijsko razlikovali. Ugotovili smo, da je simulacija čipk na tkanini uspela in smo na tkanini poustvarili iluzijo čipke.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether an illusion or imitation of lace can be created in jacquard fabrics. In addition, the physical – mechanical properties of jacquard fabric were determined. Lace is a decorative perforated or netted textile that can be handmade or machine – made. Lace can be crocheted, knitted, bobbin – stitched, or sewn. A woven fabric is a compact fabric created by the interweaving of warp and weft threads and has very different properties than lace. We will attempt to simulate lace on woven fabric. Lace differs from woven fabric in its construction, the yarn used, and the openness of the textile. In the first part of this diploma thesis, we looked at the history of lace. Lace has been used as decorative net textiles for more than 3000 years. Originally all lace was made by hand, the first handmade lace was sewn, then bobbin lace, crocheted and knitted. With Industrial Revolution and the advent of machines, machine – made lace was introduced. Lace reached its heyday in the 16th century, during the Elizabethan era, when it was used for high starched collars. Today, lace is still made by hand to preserve tradition and curtular heritage. Modern machine production of lace is supported by computerized systems CAD and computerized production processes that allow for higher quality and easier production. Regardless of the method of production, lace is used to decorate clothing and home textiles. In the experimental part, we used the Arahne CAD system to create a fabric simulation based on two differently manufactured laces, a hand crocheted lace and a machine knitted lace. The two lace patterns were first digitized using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, and the digitized patterns were prepared for simulations in Arahne CAD. The simulations of lace on fabric were woven. The physical, mechanical, and permeability properties of the fabrics were measured and compared as they differed in construction. We found that the simulation of lace on fabric was successful and we were able to recreate the illusion of lace on fabric

    Do synergies decrease force variability? A study of single-finger and multi-finger force production

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    U završnom radu provedena je kemijska analiza i metalografsko ispitivanje zavarenog spoja nehrđajućeg martenzitnog čelika. Rad je podijeljen u dva dijela, teoretski i eksperimentalni. U teoretskom dijelu opisani su martenzitni nehrđajući čelici, postupak dobivanja i primjena te metalografski postupak ispitivanja zavarenog spoja. U eksperimentalnom dijelu provedeno je određivanje kemijskog sastava osnovnog materijala i metala zavara na uzorku martenzitnog nehrđajućeg čelika, X3CrNiMo 13-4, priprema ispitnog uzorka za makroskopsko i mikroskopsko ispitivanje, vizualna analiza zavara, kvantitativna i kvalitativna analiza mikrostrukture osnovnog materijala, zone utjecaja topline (ZUT) i metala zavara. Uz to provedeno je ispitivanje mikrotvrdoće karakterističnih područja na zavaru, a na temelju dobivenih rezultata i provedene analize doneseni su odgovarajući zaključci

    Influence of Trade and Institutions on Economic Growth in Transitional Economies: Evidences from Countries from Central and Eastern Europe and Western Balkans

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    The importance of institutions and free trade for economic growth is widely acknowledged in recent economic literature. In this paper we are focused on determining the fractional effects of changes of institutions and trade on economic growth as dependent variable. The analysis includes selected transitional economies from Central and Eastern Europe and Western Balkans. In order to estimate the effect on the institutions and trade on growth rates we develop an ordinary least squares (OLS) panel regression model. The model examines 16 cross section units (countries) in the period 2000- 2016. The novelty of our work is that this is the first organized effort to inspect the importance of institutions and trade on economic prosperity in this specific geographic area. Cross-country log-log regressions models demonstrate that both institutions and trade are statistically significant determinants the gross domestic product per capita in the selected economies

    Arm Motion Coupling During Locomotion-Like Actions: An Experimental Study and a Dynamic Model

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    We studied the coordination of arm movements in standing persons who performed an out-of-phase arm-swinging task while stepping in place or while standing. The subjects were instructed to stop one of the arms in response to an auditory signal while trying to keep the rest of the movement pattern unchanged. A significant increase was observed in the amplitude of the arm that continued swinging under both the stepping and standing conditions. This increase was similar between the right and left arms. A dynamic model was developed including two coupled nonlinear van der Pol oscillators. We assumed that stopping an arm did not eliminate the coupling but introduced a new constraint. Within the model, superposition of two factors, a command to stop the ongoing movement of one arm and the coupling between the two oscillators, has been able to account for the observed effects. The model makes predictions for future experiments