92 research outputs found

    Vibration analysis of thin rotating cylindrical shell

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    With the continually increasing use of turbo machinery at higher performance levels,especially in aircraft, the study of vibration problems arising in rotating blades has become increasingly important. Free vibration frequencies and mode shapes are essential for the analysis of resonant response and flutter. Due to its significance in structural mechanics, many researchers have worked on the vibration characteristics of turbo machinery blades.Rotating circular shell structures in many engineering applications like aviation, rocketry, missiles, electric motors and locomotive engines are increasingly used. They find increasing application in aerospace, chemical, civil and mechanical industries such as in high-speed centrifugal separators, gas turbines for high-power aircraft engines, spinning satellite structures, certain rotor systems and rotating magnetic shields. In many cases, a rotating shell may be one of the main vibration and noise sources. In order to reduce the vibration, noise and to increase the strength of shells or shafts, it is therefore very important for engineers to understand the vibration of shells and design suitable shells with low vibration and noise radiation characteristics. Thus, frequencies and mode shapes of such structures are important in the design of systems

    To evaluate the role of pentoxifylline in optic atrophy induced by tuberculosis

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    A 30 year female, presented two years back with complaint of gradual loss of vision in L/E followed by poor vision in R/E and she was diagnosed as having miliary tuberculosis and taken complete ATT. Patient was started on pentoxifylline 400 mg twice daily and observed after 15 days. There was rapid improvement in vision. Patient was followed up at every month for first three months and then every three monthly for two years. For this patient, treatment with oral pentoxifylline 400mg twice daily for two years led to improvement in visual acuity. The improved visual acuity in this patient suggests that pentoxifylline is an effective treatment of optic atrophy of eye in the patients with tuberculosis

    Smile designing using recurring esthetic dental proportion and aesthetic pre-evaluative temporary technique with porcelain laminate veneers: a case report

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    Beautiful confident smile has a positive impact on the psychosocial well-being of patients. Spacing present in the anterior region makes a patient feel dissatisfied with their smile. Over the years, a number of innovative techniques have been described in the treatment of patient having spaces between teeth in the anterior region. However, a less invasive and short-time treatment procedure with satisfactory result is preferred by the patient. Laminates have a unique position in today’s dental practice. These conservative restorations are especially important for young permanent dentitions. Porcelain veneers can be considered to be very much in cosmetic dentistry because they deal innumerable advantages over any previous form of veneering systems. This case report described the technique of closure of spaces between teeth in the anterior region by applying recurring esthetic dental (RED) proportion and aesthetic pre-evaluative temporary (APT) technique for smile designing using laminates. The RED proportion has been stated to be an essential tool for achieving esthetics and harmony in smile. The APT technique facilitated diagnosis, communication, and preparation, providing predictability for the restorative treatment. Limiting the preparation depth to the enamel surface significantly increases the performance of porcelain laminate veneers

    Impact of Self Help Groups on Empowerment of Women Member

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    ABSTRACT The study entitled "Impact of Self Help Groups on empowerment of women member" was carried out durin

    Distinct activation mechanisms of NF-κB regulator inhibitor of NF-κB Kinase (IKK) by isoforms of the Cell Death Regulator Cellular FLICE-like Inhibitory Protein (cFLIP)*

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    The vFLIP protein from Kaposis sarcoma-associated herpesvirus activates the NF-kB pathway by forming a stable complex with a central region (amino acids 150-272) of the IKKgamma subunit, thereby activating IKK. Cellular FLIP forms are also known to activate the NF-kB pathway via IKK activation. Here we demonstrate that cFLIPL, cFLIPS, and their proteolytic product p22-FLIP, all require the C-terminal region of NEMO/IKKgamma (amino acids 272-419) and its ubiquitin binding function for activation of the IKK kinase (or kinase complex), but none form a stable complex with IKKgamma. Our results further reveal that cFLIPL requires the linear ubiquitination complex LUBAC and the kinase TAK1 for activation of the IKK kinase. Similarly, cFLIPS and p22-FLIP also require TAK1 but do not require LUBAC. In contrast, these isoforms are both components of complexes that incorporate FADD and RIP1 which appear essential for kinase activation. This conservation of IKK activation among the cFLIP family using different mechanisms suggests that the mechanism plays a critical role in their function

    Inflammatory osteolysis is regulated by site-specific ISGylation of the scaffold protein NEMO

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    Inflammatory osteolysis is governed by exacerbated osteoclastogenesis. Ample evidence points to central role of NF-κB in such pathologic responses, yet the precise mechanisms underpinning specificity of these responses remain unclear. We propose that motifs of the scaffold protein IKKγ/NEMO partly facilitate such functions. As proof-of-principle, we used site-specific mutagenesis to examine the role of NEMO in mediating RANKL-induced signaling in mouse bone marrow macrophages, known as osteoclast precursors. We identified lysine (K)270 as a target regulating RANKL signaling as K270A substitution results in exuberant osteoclastogenesis in vitro and murine inflammatory osteolysis in vivo. Mechanistically, we discovered that K270A mutation disrupts autophagy, stabilizes NEMO, and elevates inflammatory burden. Specifically, K270A directly or indirectly hinders binding of NEMO to ISG15, a ubiquitin-like protein, which we show targets the modified proteins to autophagy-mediated lysosomal degradation. Taken together, our findings suggest that NEMO serves as a toolkit to fine-tune specific signals in physiologic and pathologic conditions

    The Receptor Tyrosine Kinase FGFR4 Negatively Regulates NF-kappaB Signaling

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    NFκB signaling is of paramount importance in the regulation of apoptosis, proliferation, and inflammatory responses during human development and homeostasis, as well as in many human cancers. Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs), including the Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFRs) are also important in development and disease. However, a direct relationship between growth factor signaling pathways and NFκB activation has not been previously described, although FGFs have been known to antagonize TNFα-induced apoptosis. assays. FGF19 stimulation of endogenous FGFR4 in TNFα-treated DU145 prostate cancer cells also leads to a decrease in IKKβ activity, concomitant reduction in NFκB nuclear localization, and reduced apoptosis. Microarray analysis demonstrates that FGF19 + TNFα treatment of DU145 cells, in comparison with TNFα alone, favors proliferative genes while downregulating genes involved in apoptotic responses and NFκB signaling.These results identify a compelling link between FGFR4 signaling and the NFκB pathway, and reveal that FGFR4 activation leads to a negative effect on NFκB signaling including an inhibitory effect on proapoptotic signaling. We anticipate that this interaction between an RTK and a component of NFκB signaling will not be limited to FGFR4 alone

    USP18 inhibits NF-κB and NFAT activation during Th17 differentiation by deubiquitinating the TAK1–TAB1 complex

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    Reversible ubiquitin modification of cell signaling molecules has emerged as a critical mechanism by which cells respond to extracellular stimuli. Although ubiquitination of TGF-β–activated kinase 1 (TAK1) is critical for NF-κB activation in T cells, the regulation of its deubiquitination is unclear. We show that USP18, which was previously reported to be important in regulating type I interferon signaling in innate immunity, regulates T cell activation and T helper 17 (Th17) cell differentiation by deubiquitinating the TAK1–TAB1 complex. USP18-deficient T cells are defective in Th17 differentiation and Usp18(−/−) mice are resistant to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). In response to T cell receptor engagement, USP18-deficient T cells exhibit hyperactivation of NF-κB and NFAT and produce increased levels of IL-2 compared with the wild-type controls. Importantly, USP18 is associated with and deubiquitinates the TAK1–TAB1 complex, thereby restricting expression of IL-2. Our findings thus demonstrate a previously uncharacterized negative regulation of TAK1 activity during Th17 differentiation, suggesting that USP18 may be targeted to treat autoimmune diseases

    Biologiškai aktyvių junginių palyginamoji analizė kasdien naudojamuose prieskoniuose - Allium Sativum, Elettaria Cardamomum, Myristica fragrans Houtt, Cinnamonum Zeylanicum Nees

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    The study was conducted to identify and determine the concentration of biologically active compounds in daily used spices. The spices contain various category of chemical compound which has a health benefits against the various types of chronic disease like cancer, Alzheimer, blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and most of the infection diseases. Comparative study of biological active components of different family spices namely garlic, cardamom, nutmeg and cinnamon were done. It collected from local market source and investigated with the help of different analytical techniques i.e. UVspectrophotometry, gas chromatograph, liquid chromatography etc. The obtained result investigation of these spices have shown that great source of biologically active compounds includes polyphenol, flavonoids, radical scavenger and essential oils, which is useful for medicinal purpose as well as in dietary.Tyrimas buvo atliktas siekiant nustatyti biologiškai aktyvias medžiagas kasdien naudojamuose prieskoniuose. Prieskoniai turi įvairių cheminių junginių, naudingų sveikatai, veikiančių prieš įvairių tipų lėtine ligas, vėžinius susirgimus Alzheimerio ligą, kraujospūdį, hiperlipidemiją ir infekcines ligas. . Darbe atlikta lyginamoji analizė biologiškai aktyvių komponentų skirtinguose prieskoniuose t.y. česnake (Allium sativum, L), kardamone (tikrasis kardamonas), muskato riešute (kvapusis muskatmedis houtt), cinamone (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees). Žaliava isigyta iš vietinio prekybos tinklo ir tirta įvairiais analizės metodais , t.y. UV-spektrometrija, dujų chromatografija, skysčių chromatografija ir kt. Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad prieskoniai yra puikus biologiškai aktyvių junginių šaltinis, kuris apima polifenolius, flavonoidus, radikalus surišančius junginius ir eterinius aliejus, kurie yra naudingi medicinos tikslais, taip pat kaip maisto sudedamosios dalys