141 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK “SISTEM PENDISTRIBUSIAN ZAKAT MAL PADA LEMBAGA AMIL ZAKAT (LAZNAS) CHEVRON RUMBAI” Oleh : AKMIL SHALAT Penelitian ini dilakukan di Lembaga Amil Zakat Chevron Rumbai yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasioanl (Laznas) Chevron Rumbai disalurkan melalui Program Ekonomi Produktif dengan cara memberikan bantuan modal usaha dan bantuan sarana produktif seperti gerobak. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Sistem Pendistribusian Zakat Mal Pada Lembaga Amil Zakat (Laznas) Chevron Rumbai oleh (Laznas) Chevron Rumbai. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data mencangkup observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Informan penelitian ini berjumlah 3 orang. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa program ekonomi produktif yang diimplementasikan oleh Amil Zakat Nasioanl (Laznas) Chevron Rumbai telah sesuai dengan prosedur implementasi program, yaitu pemberian bantuan gerobak dan modal usaha dilakukan setelah adanya pengajuan surat permohonan bantuan yang dilakukan oleh pedagang kaki lima, kemudian diterima oleh pihak Lembaga Amil Zakat (Laznas) Chevron Rumbai setelah itu FaktorFaktor Penghambat dan Pendukung Pendistribusian Zakat Di LAZNAS Chevron Rumbai faktor Penghambat Pendistribusian Zakat Di LAZNAS Chevron Rumbai Faktor pendukung terlaksananya pendistribusian zakat adalah terdapatnya rancangan program yang jelas dan ketersedian dana. Dengan adanya dua faktor tersebut pendistribusian zakat dapat terlaksana dengan baik, disamping itu masih banyaknya masyarakat miskin membuktikan bahwa pendistribusian zakat sangat dibutuhkan agar tujuan dari zakat tersebut dapat terlaksanakan dan dapat membantu perekonomian masyarakat yang berada di Chevron Rumbai . . Kata Kunci: Pendistribusian, Zakat Mal, Chevron Rumbai

    Liver injury in workers exposed to dimethylformamide

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    An apparent epidemic cluster of toxic liver disease was reexamined among workers exposed to the solvent dimethylformamide. A demographically similar but unexposed group from a preemployment population was used for comparison. Analysis, after data transformation of the liver transaminases, revealed significant differences between the two populations with respect to the serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase and the ratio of serum glutaminic oxaloacetic transaminase to serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase. Thus a value of the ratio of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase to serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase. Thus a value of the ratio less than 1 may be suggestive of toxic liver disease. Medical surveillance of the working population for 14 months revealed no further cases of toxic liver disease. Dimethylformamide was almost certainly the causative agent of the original epidemic. The use of preemployment populations as a source of unexposed subjects in the analysis of occupational clusters is recommended, especially in the scenario of relatively acute, and highly prevalent, occupational diseases

    Pengembangan Modul Praktikum Kimia Bahan Alam: Isolasi Senyawa Stigmasterrol dari Daun Tumbuhan Majapahit (Crescentia cujete)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul praktikum kimia bahan alam isolasi senyawa stigmasterol dari daun tumbuhan majapahit (Crescentia cujete). Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam jenis penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan model 4D (define, desaign, develop dan disseminate). Proses isolasi senyawa menggunakan metode modifikasi yang diawali dengan tahap maserasi, penguapan, rekristalisasi dan identifikasi struktur dengan menggunakan spektroskopi IR dan UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kristal/serbuk berwarna putih sebanyak 400 mg. Hasil pengukuran spektrum IR menunjukkan pita serapan pada bilangan gelombang 3456,72 cm-1, 2918,32 cm-1, 2849,74 cm-1, 1638,57 cm-1, 1473,5 cm-1, 1463,36 cm-1, 1288,43 cm-1, 729,94 cm-1, 719,6 cm-1. Hasil pengukuran spektrum UV-Vis menunjukkan serapan maksimum pada bilangan gelombang 243 nm. Berdasarkan hasil analisis spektroskopi, senyawa hasil isolasi merupakan stigmasterol dengan rumus molekul C29H48O. Modul yang dikembangkan dianalisis kevalidannya dengan rumus indeks Aiken dan didapatkan nilai V 0,79 dengan kategori valid dan hasil dilakukan analisis reliabilitas dengan nilai 0,89 sehingga modul layak digunakan. Analisis kepraktisan modul untuk semua aspek  didapatkan rata-rata kepraktisan angket respon mahasiswa 82% dengan kategori sangat praktis

    Accuracy of work history obtained from a spouse

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    In an evaluation of the usefulness of collecting work exposure information from wives of workers, 26 husband-wife pairs were interviewed separately about exposure of the husband to organic solvents. There was 58% concordance between the husbands and wives for answers to a simple question regarding solvent exposure. Amplification of these answers through the use of a computerized occupation-exposure linkage system yielded 81% concordance. When the analysis was restricted to those reporting exposure to solvents for more than five years, an 88% concordance was achieved with the linkage system. It was concluded that wives can accurately recall their husbands\u27 work histories with respect to jobs having solvent exposure. The exposure specificity of such histories is significantly enhanced by the use of an occupation-exposure linkage system

    Selection of Candidates for Academic Scholarships Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Methods at National University

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    The National University administers several scholarships for new students each year. The problem is, the University does not yet have a standard method for determining beneficiaries. They have difficulty in determining prospective scholarship recipients with the same criteria. In fact, sometimes it only relies on people's instincts, which can be subjective. The University should implement a DSS system to overcome this problem. Therefore, in this study, the AHP method is applied and used to weight the criteria and test the level of consistency so that the criteria are in accordance with the type of scholarship. In addition, the SAW method is also used for determining scholarship recipients according to the quota. The results of this study are the priority weights of the importance of each criterion, namely the average value of report cards (0.35), parents' income (0.23), certificates (0.05), affidavits of not working and receiving scholarships (0.15), year of graduation (0.11) and number of certificates (0.10). The consistency ratio value is 0.03741 indicating the weight is consistent. This study also resulted in the best ranking of candidates for academic scholarships, with a result of 0.93. The average value of the application test results using the TAM method is 80.5%

    Determinants of Organophosphorus Pesticide Urinary Metabolite Levels in Young Children Living in an Agricultural Community

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    Organophosphorus (OP) pesticides are used in agriculture and several are registered for home use. As young children age they may experience different pesticide exposures due to varying diet, behavior, and other factors. We measured six OP dialkylphosphate (DAP) metabolites (three dimethyl alkylphosphates (DMAP) and three diethyl alkylphosphates (DEAP)) in urine samples collected from ∼400 children living in an agricultural community when they were 6, 12, and 24 months old. We examined bivariate associations between DAP metabolite levels and determinants such as age, diet, season, and parent occupation. To evaluate independent impacts, we then used generalized linear mixed multivariable models including interaction terms with age. The final models indicated that DMAP metabolite levels increased with age. DMAP levels were also positively associated with daily servings of produce at 6- and 24-months. Among the 6-month olds, DMAP metabolite levels were higher when samples were collected during the summer/spring versus the winter/fall months. Among the 12-month olds, DMAP and DEAP metabolites were higher when children lived ≤60 meters from an agricultural field. Among the 24-month-olds, DEAP metabolite levels were higher during the summer/spring months. Our findings suggest that there are multiple determinants of OP pesticide exposures, notably dietary intake and temporal and spatial proximity to agricultural use. The impact of these determinants varied by age and class of DAP metabolite

    Overview of the National Occupational Mortality Surveillance (NOMS) System: Leukemia and Acute Myocardial Infarction Risk by Industry and Occupation in 30 US States 1985–1999, 2003–2004, and 2007

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    Background Cancer and chronic disease are leading causes of death in the US with an estimated cost of $46 billion. Methods We analyzed 11 million cause-specific deaths of US workers age 18–64 years in 30 states during 1985–1999, 2003–2004, and 2007 by occupation, industry, race, gender, and Hispanic origin. Results The highest significantly elevated proportionate leukemia mortality was observed in engineers, protective service, and advertising sales manager occupations and in banks/savings &loans/credit agencies, public safety, and public administration industries. The highest significantly elevated smoking-adjusted acute myocardial infarction mortality was noted in industrial and refractory machinery mechanics, farmers, mining machine operators, and agricultural worker occupations; and wholesale farm supplies, agricultural chemical, synthetic rubber, and agricultural crop industries. Conclusions Significantly elevated risks for acute myocardial infarction and leukemia were observed across several occupations and industries that confirm existing reports and add new information

    Determination of no-observed effect level (NOEL)-biomarker equivalents to interpret biomonitoring data for organophosphorus pesticides in children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Environmental exposure to organophosphorus pesticides has been characterized in various populations, but interpretation of these data from a health risk perspective remains an issue. The current paper proposes biological reference values to help interpret biomonitoring data related to an exposure to organophosphorus pesticides in children for which measurements of alkylphosphate metabolites are available.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Published models describing the kinetics of malathion and chlorpyrifos in humans were used to determine no-observed effect level – biomarker equivalents for methylphosphates and ethylphosphates, respectively. These were expressed in the form of cumulative urinary amounts of alkylphosphates over specified time periods corresponding to an absorbed no-observed effect level dose (derived from a published human exposure dose) and assuming various plausible exposure scenarios. Cumulative amounts of methylphosphate and ethylphosphate metabolites measured in the urine of a group of Quebec children were then compared to the proposed biological reference values.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From a published no-observed effect level dose for malathion and chlorpyrifos, the model predicts corresponding oral biological reference values for methylphosphate and ethylphosphate derivatives of 106 and 52 nmol/kg of body weight, respectively, in 12-h nighttime urine collections, and dermal biological reference values of 40 and 32 nmol/kg of body weight. Out of the 442 available urine samples, only one presented a methylphosphate excretion exceeding the biological reference value established on the basis of a dermal exposure scenario and none of the methylphosphate and ethylphosphate excretion values were above the obtained oral biological reference values, which reflect the main exposure route in children.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study is a first step towards the development of biological guidelines for organophophorus pesticides using a toxicokinetic modeling approach, which can be used to provide a health-based interpretation of biomonitoring data in the general population.</p

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