1,817 research outputs found

    “MITOS CITRA DIRI PEREMPUAN DALAM DRAMA KOREA” (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes pada Drama Korea Shadow Beauty)

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    This research is entitled "The Myth of Women's Self-Image in Korean Drama (Semiotic Analysis of Roland Barthes in the Korean Drama Shadow Beauty)". The aim of this research is to determine the representation of the reality of women's lives and how the myth of women's self-image is represented in the drama Shadow Beauty based on Roland Barthes' semiotics. Drama can influence and shape society based on the content of the message behind it. The messages or values contained in the drama can influence the audience. In this research, researchers used a constructivist paradigm with a qualitative approach and interpretive research type. The analysis used in this research is Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis in the form of two orders of significance; divided into signifier and signified at the denotation level and signifier and signified at the connotation level to find the meaning of myth in it in the form of the dominant ideology of today. Also, analyze it in terms of audio visuals or mise en scene. The results of this research found that a woman's image does not only lie in her physical aspects, but also in her psychological and social conditions. In the current era of globalization, women are required to look attractive, so women have a tendency to compare themselves with unreal social constructs, one of which is beauty standards. This results in a woman doing everything she can to get recognition from her environment. Therefore, it is important to know yourself so that you are not easily influenced by detrimental social constructions. Because society is aware of its negative impacts, this construction is opposed because it is considered to be detrimental to several groups of society who are far from the standards set, especially in the concept of beauty which is the main thing in measuring a person's quality or the image of a woman today

    Perbedaan Kepuasan Kerja Pada Karyawan Berdasarkan Usia Dan Masa Kerja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kepuasan kerja pada karyawan berdasarkan usia dan masa kerja. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunkan teknik cluster random sampling. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah sebanyak 92 karyawan PT “X” yang masih terdaftar aktif, memiliki masa kerja minimal satu tahun, dan berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. Alat yang digunakan adalah Skala Kepuasan Kerja dengan koefisien reliabilitas ( ) sebesar 0,905 dan jumlah aitem sebanyak 40 aitem. Hasil uji normalitas Kolmogorov Smirnov menunjukkan bahwa variabel usia, masa kerja, dan kepuasan kerja memiliki distribusi yang tidak normal sehingga analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik nonparametrik yaitu dengan menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan kepuasan kerja berdasarkan usia dengan nilai p= 0,379 (>0,05). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kepuasan kerja berdasarkan masa kerja dengan nilai p= 0,010 (<0,05)


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    Bidang SMP adalah satu bidang yang menjadi tugas utama yang harus diselesaikan dan difasilitasi oleh Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Menurut Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kulon Progo Nomor 11 Tahun 2013 tentang Pembentukan Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Dinas Daerah, dimana struktur organisasi pada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Kulon Progo telah ditetapkan, yang meliputi seksi Peserta Didik dan Pengembangan Karakter SMP, yang menangi dan menyelesaikan berbagai macam kebutuhan dan pengembangan siswa SMP. Sementara perihal program yang dijalankan, adalah satu kinerja yang dilakukan oleh seksi Peserta Didik dan Pengembangan Karakter SMP yang mengurus juknis dari pelaksanaan kegiatan yang menjadi bentuk tanggung jawab setiap kabupaten di Indonesia dalam hal pendidikan. Kegiatan tersebut adalah terselenggaranya perlombaan demi memacu semangat dan perubahan yang lebih baik, yakni perlombaan dalam bidang pendidikan, yakni Olimpiade Sains Nasional. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang terdapat pada Microsoft Office yang yakni Miscrosoft Access , sehingga dalam melakukan pengolahan ulang dilakukan dari hasil pendataan peserta OSN yang telah diselenggarakan pada beberapa bulan yang lalu. Hasil dari program pengambangan database tersebut, adalah adanya kemudahan dalam pendataan ulang pelaksanaan lomba tersebut. Dari tahap awal memang sekolah-sekolah di 12 kecamata di Kulon Progo dimohon untuk mengirimkan biodata asecara lengkap untuk seluruh peserta OSN, dan juga pas photo. Sehingga pendataan ulang tersebut lebih dimudahkan dengan adanya bantuan form yang diisi oleh peserta. Pada awalnya memang rekap hanya ditulis ulang pada Microsoft Excell yang kemudian akan lebih mudah dengan menambahan foto peserta, yakni dengan aplikai Microsoft Access. v Dan manfaat dari hasil program pendataan ulang atau rekapitulasi dari pelaksanaan Juknis OSN yang terdiri dari lima cabang IPA, IPS, dan MATEMATIKA tersebut akan memudahkan seksi PDPK memiliki arsip tersendiri yang bisa dijadikan laporan akhir dari pelaksanaan OSN tersebut


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    Character education is one form of education that must be introduced to children from an early age because it teaches children to get used to doing good. Character education is not enough if it is only given through teaching. In today's era, social media is one of the media that can help create character education, one of which is YouTube social media. From the youtube application, users can easily access video shows, one of which is cartoons, and parents can use it to provide character education to their children. . One of the cartoons that many children like is the Cloud Bread cartoon, and many parents give this show to their children because of their belief in the character education it contains. Therefore, this study aims to find out what early childhood character education is contained in the Cloud Bread. This type of research is content analysis using the semiotic method of Ferdenand de Saussure, which is a science or analytical method to study signs. This study uses a qualitative content analysis methodological approach. The subject of this research is the cartoon film Cloud Bread, while the object of the research is the education of characters and scenes along with the dialogue of the contents of the film Cloud Bread. The data collection technique used is documentation, and the data analysis technique used is semiotic analysis, namely the science or method of analysis to examine the sign device. The results obtained from this study indicate that the character education contained in the Cloud Bread cartoon is honest, disciplined, hard work, creative, curious, appreciative of achievement, friendly or communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading, social care and responsibility


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    In Indonesia, internet-based mental health consultation services have begun to emerge in the form of support groups, counseling, and webinars. The Instagram account @Menjadimanusia.id provides services to help overcome mental problems. This research aims to understand and analyze interactions between the public, the public with the account or vice versa, and the public to the documents uploaded on the @menjadimanusia.id account as a form of non-clinical mental health consultation services in Indonesia. The Instagram account @Menjadimanusia.id as an information media and mental health consultation platform is the main focus of this research. Researchers examined the characteristics of Instagram social media as an interactive platform for two-way communication, especially in the context of mental health information. The results of examining interactivity using Mc Millan's interactivity model, namely user to user, user to system and user to document on the @Menjadimanusia.id account can provide in-depth insight into interactivity on an Instagram account as a medium for mental health consultation services.This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type and content analysis research basis. This research uses documentation techniques to obtain data and the Analisa.io website as a tool to obtain data on the engagement rate of the @Menjadimanusia.id account.The results of the research based on the form of Mc Millan's interactivity model show that the public provides interaction with the uploads uploaded by the @Menjadimanusia.id account in June 2023. Posts about storytelling services formed by @Menjadimanusia.id are less likely to attract public attention than posts containing inspirational stories or sentences. In addition, the results of this study indicate that there is interactivity that occurs poorly on the Instagram social media account @Menjadimanusia.id in uploads in June 2023


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    Beberapa penelitian memaparkan bahwa perceraian orang tua banyak memberikan dampak negatif pada remaja. Kemampuan remaja dalam megelola emosi berperan penting dalam meminimalisir dampak-dampak negatif dari perceraian orang tua. Kecerdasan emosional adalah kecakapan atau kemampuan individu untuk menghadapi masalah serta tantangan, baik masalah pribadi maupun masalah sosial. Kecerdasan emosional yang baik diperlukan bagi remaja yang mengalami perceraian orang tua untuk meminimalisir dampak negatif dari perceraian orang tua. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum kecerdasan emosional peserta didik SMK Negeri 9 Bandung Tahun 2016/2017 yang mengalami perceraian orang tua sebagai dasar pembuatan program bimbingan pribadi sosial. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan bantuan instrument kecerdasan emosional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh peserta didik SMK Negeri 9 Bandung tahun ajaran 2016/2017 yang mengalami perceraian orang tua. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik proportionate stratified random sampling, dengan total sampel sebanyak 129 peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) secara umum kecerdasan emosional peserta didik berada pada tingkat sedang, (2) rancangan program bimbingan pribadi sosial disusun berdasarkan analisis hasil penelitian dan kebutuhan layanan. Kata kunci: Kecerdasan emosional, program bimbingan pribadi sosial, perceraian orang tua. Divorce is common problem in Indonesia and gives negative effects for teenagers. In order to minimize those negative effects, teens should be given attention from the immediate environment and should control their emotion. Emotional intellegent is the individual’s ability to face problems and challenges of individual and social matters. A good emotional intellegent is needed by teenagers to face their parents’ divorce problem to minimize negative effects from parents’ divorce. This study aims to obtain general description of students’ emotional intellegent who face parents’ divorce problem as the foundation of personal guidance and social program to improve students’ emotional intellegent. This study uses quantitative approach and descriptive method. The sampling technique of this study utilizes the instrument of emotional quotient. The population of research are students who face parents’ divorce problem in SMKN 9 Bandung class year 2016/2017. The sampling technique uses proportionate stratified random sampling. The total of sample are 129 students. The results of this study indicate: (1) In general, students’ emotional intellegent are in moderate level.; (2) personal guidance and counseling personal plan is designed based on the result of this study analysis and needs. Keywords: Emotional intellgent, personal social guidance program, parents’ divorce


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    The occurrence of violence in elementary age children is because children have not received education, especially sex education. Therefore, it is very necessary to implement sex education so that children know the boundaries of what they can do and what they can't do. Sex education is considered taboo to be discussed by some parents and society, but currently it is important to socialize it to elementary school children to avoid things that are very risky, especially in the current era of digitalization, where it is very easy to find all kinds of information that are easy to find. and by accident children see through advertisements. This research refers to religious values, cultural customs according to the child's stage of development. And according to the data source obtained from the Ministry of Education and Culture, sex education is already in the K13 Curriculum at every level of education. Hamid said that sexual education material was not directly mentioned in the curriculum, but was explicitly included in reproductive health education. Therefore, he rejected accusations that the Ministry of Education and Culture neglected to provide students with sexual knowledge. This research uses the ADDIE method. The ADDIE development model has five stages, including Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted on class IIIE students at SDN Serang 02. Based on the results of validity tests and usability tests, it was stated that digital storybook media could be used as a learning medium that could introduce sex education to elementary school students
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