18 research outputs found

    The Greater Phenotypic Homeostasis of the Allopolyploid Coffea arabica Improved the Transcriptional Homeostasis Over that of Both Diploid Parents

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    Polyploidy impacts the diversity of plant species, giving rise to novel phenotypes and leading to ecological diversification. In order to observe adaptive and evolutionary capacities of polyploids, we compared the growth, primary metabolism and transcriptomic expression level in the leaves of the newly formed allotetraploid Coffea arabica species compared with its two diploid parental species (Coffea eugenioides and Coffea canephora), exposed to four thermal regimes (TRs; 18-14, 23-19, 28-24 and 33-29°C). The growth rate of the allopolyploid C. arabica was similar to that of C. canephora under the hottest TR and that of C. eugenioides under the coldest TR. For metabolite contents measured at the hottest TR, the allopolyploid showed similar behavior to C. canephora, the parent which tolerates higher growth temperatures in the natural environment. However, at the coldest TR, the allopolyploid displayed higher sucrose, raffinose and ABA contents than those of its two parents and similar linolenic acid leaf composition and Chl content to those of C. eugenioides. At the gene expression level, few differences between the allopolyploid and its parents were observed for studied genes linked to photosynthesis, respiration and the circadian clock, whereas genes linked to redox activity showed a greater capacity of the allopolyploid for homeostasis. Finally, we found that the overall transcriptional response to TRs of the allopolyploid was more homeostatic compared with its parents. This better transcriptional homeostasis of the allopolyploid C. arabica afforded a greater phenotypic homeostasis when faced with environments that are unsuited to the diploid parental specie

    The genomic basis of color pattern polymorphism in the Harlequin ladybird

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    © 2018 The Authors Many animal species comprise discrete phenotypic forms. A common example in natural populations of insects is the occurrence of different color patterns, which has motivated a rich body of ecological and genetic research [1–6]. The occurrence of dark, i.e., melanic, forms displaying discrete color patterns is found across multiple taxa, but the underlying genomic basis remains poorly characterized. In numerous ladybird species (Coccinellidae), the spatial arrangement of black and red patches on adult elytra varies wildly within species, forming strikingly different complex color patterns [7, 8]. In the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, more than 200 distinct color forms have been described, which classic genetic studies suggest result from allelic variation at a single, unknown, locus [9, 10]. Here, we combined whole-genome sequencing, population-based genome-wide association studies, gene expression, and functional analyses to establish that the transcription factor Pannier controls melanic pattern polymorphism in H. axyridis. We show that pannier is necessary for the formation of melanic elements on the elytra. Allelic variation in pannier leads to protein expression in distinct domains on the elytra and thus determines the distinct color patterns in H. axyridis. Recombination between pannier alleles may be reduced by a highly divergent sequence of ∌170 kb in the cis-regulatory regions of pannier, with a 50 kb inversion between color forms. This most likely helps maintain the distinct alleles found in natural populations. Thus, we propose that highly variable discrete color forms can arise in natural populations through cis-regulatory allelic variation of a single gene. More than 200 distinct color forms have been described in natural populations of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis. Gautier et al. show that this variation is controlled by the transcription factor Pannier. Pannier is necessary to produce black pigment, and its expression pattern prefigures the coloration pattern in each color form

    Valorisation enzymatique des huiles végétales

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    This work focused on the development of efficient continuous processes for the production of esters from crude or refined high oleic sunflower oil with enzymatic packed bed reactor presenting high levels of productivity and stability. A process of continuous transesterification in packed bed reactor using Novozyme 435 (lipase B from Candida antarctica immobilized onto Lewatit VP OC 1600), a non-specific biocatalyst, was optimized to transformation of high-oleic sunflower oil into butylic esters. The phenomena of partition of polar compounds (phospholipids found in crude oils, produced glycerol etc.) between the reaction medium and the enzymatic support were managed using tert-butanol, a polar solvent. The conditions that enabled the best compromise between stability, productivity and production yields were obtained with an initial oil concentration of 500 mM and a molar ratio between co-substrates of 5. Such conditions enabled a productivity of 13.8 tons.kg-1.kg of Novozyme 435-1 to be reached. The reactor exhibited great stability for 50 consecutive days without any loss of activity. That enabled to minimize the high costs of the enzyme. The novelty of the process was the use of crude oils, containing high levels of natural antioxidants (phospholipids, tocopherols etc.). We demonstrated that these minor components of oils were preserved during the transesterification process. It conferred the synthesized esters some remarkable properties of oxidative resistance.The economic relevance of the process was improved thanks to the development of a new biocatalyst onto a very hydrophobic support (Accurel MP) in order to avoid any adsorptions of polar compounds. An economic analysis (maximisation of the net present value) enabled to rationalize the optimal immobilisation conditions. Over the whole process, it enabled a 50% saving on the global expenses.__ In continuous transesterification conditions, no difference in the product profile was noticed between the new biocatalyst and Novozyme 435.Finally, an alternative to direct transesterification of oil was considered. A first stage of oil hydrolysis is followed by a process of fatty acid recovery and a stage of enzymatic esterification into esters. In order to realize/complete this last stage, the best reaction system was a solvent-free medium. A continuous reactor for the esterification of oleic acid with isobutanol was optimized. It enabled a reactor stable/a stable reactor for 54 consecutive days, respecting the conditions of white biotechnologies. An annual productivity of 126 tons.year-1.kg of Novozyme 435-1 was reached. That represented a productivity improvement by a factor of 9.2 in comparison with the transesterification process.Cette Ă©tude a portĂ© sur le dĂ©veloppement de procĂ©dĂ©s continus performants de production d’esters Ă  partir de l’huile de tournesol hautement olĂ©ique vierge ou raffinĂ©e en rĂ©acteurs enzymatiques Ă  lit fixe, trĂšs productifs et stables dans le temps. Un procĂ©dĂ© de transestĂ©rification continue en rĂ©acteur Ă  lit fixe utilisant Novozyme 435 (lipase B de candida antarctica immobilisĂ©e sur Lewatit VP OC 1600), biocatalyseur non rĂ©gio-spĂ©cifique, a Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ© pour transformer de l’huile vierge de tournesol hautement olĂ©ique en esters butyliques. Les phĂ©nomĂšnes de partition des composĂ©s polaires (phospholipides prĂ©sents initialement dans l’huile, du glycĂ©rol co-produits etc.) entre milieu rĂ©actionnel et support enzymatique ont Ă©tĂ© gĂ©rĂ©s grĂące Ă  l’utilisation de tert-butanol, un solvant polaire. Les conditions assurant le meilleur compromis entre stabilitĂ©, productivitĂ© et rendements de production d’esters ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues pour une concentration initiale en huile de 500mM et un rapport molaire entre substrats de 5. De telles conditions permettent une productivitĂ© de 13,8 tonnes.an-1.kg de Novozyme 435-1. Le rĂ©acteur ainsi dimensionnĂ© s’est avĂ©rĂ© stable pendant 50 jours consĂ©cutifs sans aucune perte d’activitĂ©, permettant de minimiser le coĂ»t Ă©levĂ© de l’enzyme. L’originalitĂ© du procĂ©dĂ© est l’utilisation d’huiles vierges contenant des antioxydants naturels (phospholipides, tocophĂ©rols etc.). Nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que ces composĂ©s mineurs sont prĂ©servĂ©s au cours du procĂ©dĂ© de transestĂ©rification. Cela confĂšre aux esters formĂ©s de remarquables propriĂ©tĂ©s de rĂ©sistances Ă  l’oxydation.La pertinence Ă©conomique du procĂ©dĂ© a Ă©tĂ© amĂ©liorĂ©e grĂące au dĂ©veloppement d’un nouveau biocatalyseur sur support hydrophobe (l’Accurel MP) permettant d’éviter toute adsorption de composĂ©s polaires. Une analyse Ă©conomique du procĂ©dĂ© (maximisation de la valeur nette actualisĂ©e) a permis de rationaliser les conditions optimales d’immobilisation. Une Ă©conomie de l’ordre de 50% sur les coĂ»ts gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s tout au long du temps de vie du procĂ©dĂ© a pu ainsi ĂȘtre obtenue. En conditions de transestĂ©rification continue, aucune diffĂ©rence dans le profil de produits par rapport Ă  Novozyme 435 n’a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Finalement, une alternative Ă  la transestĂ©rification directe de l‘huile a Ă©tĂ© envisagĂ©e. Une premiĂšre phase d’hydrolyse de l’huile est suivie d’un procĂ©dĂ© de rĂ©cupĂ©ration des acides gras qui sont dans un second temps estĂ©rifiĂ©s enzymatiquement. Pour rĂ©aliser cette derniĂšre Ă©tape, le meilleur systĂšme rĂ©actionnel s’est avĂ©rĂ© ĂȘtre le milieu sans solvant. Un rĂ©acteur continu d’estĂ©rification de l’acide olĂ©ique avec l’isobutanol a Ă©tĂ© optimisĂ©. Cela a permis un rĂ©acteur stable pendant 54 jours consĂ©cutifs et respectant les critĂšres des biotechnologies blanches. Une productivitĂ© annuelle de 126 tonnes.kg de Novozyme 435-1 a Ă©tĂ© atteinte. Cela reprĂ©sente une amĂ©lioration de la productivitĂ© d’un facteur 9,2 par rapport au procĂ©dĂ© de transestĂ©rification dĂ©veloppĂ©e prĂ©cĂ©demmen

    Continuous lipase-catalyzed production of esters from crude high-oleic sunflower oil

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    International audienceThe objective of this work was to develop an economically relevant enzymatic process of butyl ester production using crude high-oleic sunflower oil. Novozym 435, a non-regiospecific biocatalyst, provided the best compromise between activity and butyl-ester yield. The inhibition caused by the presence of phopholipids in crude oil was eliminated by using tert-butanol. It demonstrates the key role of the medium polarity in order to insure the stability of a process. Initial substrate concentrations and their molar ratio were optimized in a continuous packed-bed reactor to maximize product yield and productivity. The best compromise was obtained for an initial oil concentration of 500 mM and a molar ratio of 5. It enabled a high productivity of 13.8 tons year(-1) kg Novozym 435(-1) with a butyl-ester purity of 96.5% to be obtained. Experiments with the continuous reactor were performed over 50 days without any loss of enzyme activity. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Divergence of olfactory receptors associated with the evolution of assortative mating and reproductive isolation in mice

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    International audienceDeciphering the genetic bases of behavioural traits is essential to understanding how they evolve and contribute to adaptation and biological diversification, but it remains a substantial challenge, especially for behavioural traits with polygenic architectures. In this study, we developed a population genomics approach coupled with functional predictions to address the evolution and genetic basis of olfactory-based assortative mate preferences in the house mouse, suspected to have evolved as a response to selection against hybridisation. We used whole genome resequencing data and the C2 statistic of the program BAYPASS, which contrasts allele frequencies corrected for population structure, to characterize genetic differentiation between sets of populations with strong contrast in behaviour (expressing or not assortative mate preferences) and we identified some regions of the genome showing the expected significant and consistent association with behavioural divergence. A series of Olfactory and Vomeronasal Receptor genes, among the most differentiated genomic regions and in line with functional predictions, stand out as the prime candidates underlying this olfactory-based behavioural divergence. These genes form large gene clusters in the genome, with two main candidate clusters extending up to 1.8 Mb. Variant analyses indicate a potential dual role of regulatory and protein-coding changes in the evolution of choosiness. This study shows that combining expectations on the genomic patterns of divergence with functional expectations represents a promising route to unravelling the genetic architecture of complex trait variation and provides novel insights into the role of olfactory and vomeronasal receptors in mammal adaptation and speciation

    Probing single molecule interactions by AFM using bio-functionalized dendritips

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    A new strategy for AFM (atomic force microscopy) tip functionalization based on the use of aldehyde-phosphorus dendrimers for the immobilization of biomolecules such as proteins (e.g. antibodies) is presented. Firstly functionalized with amino groups, the tips are reacted with dendrimers leading to dendrimer-activated tips (so-called dendritips). Free aldehyde functions on the dendrimer are therefore available to react with amino-functions present on every protein and many biomolecules. Using biofunctionalized-dendritip, single molecule force interactions between glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and its cognate antibody immobilized on dendritips (67 +/- 11 pN for single interaction) were probed by AFM spectroscopy. The specificity of our measurements was demonstrated by performing blocking tests resulting in the loss of interactions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    An eco-design approach for an innovative production process of low molar mass dextran

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    An approach for early-stage eco-design of an enzyme-based process has been developed by coupling process modeling, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and flowsheet design, in order to evaluate the real advantages of the direct synthesis of low molar mass dextrans (5-25 kg mol(-1)) from a sucrose substrate. This approach identifies the most promising development pathways and crucial unit operations that require, as a matter of priority, further investigation and experimentation. Process modeling is based on a comprehensive and multi-fidelity building of Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) to establish all materials and energy inputs and outputs of the processes involved with a flexible and satisfactory level of accuracy. This essentially binds (i) a high-fidelity polymerization model, namely PolyEnz, for the description of the synthesis of dextrans from sucrose using the DSR-M enzyme following a non-processive mechanism, (ii) flexible-fidelity models for description of subsequent purification, separation and drying steps, (iii) upstream processes in the value chain and life cycle system using real-world data from ecoinvent datasets. Three process benchmarks were constructed and compared to determine the most appropriate purification processes and operation conditions at a larger scale. In addition, various process triggers, including the initial concentration and type of substrate, the type of process water, the use of size exclusion chromatography for separation, and the use of freeze drying for the last production stage were subjected to a sensitivity analysis with the criteria being the overall energy demand, the potential environmental damage evaluated by the ReCiPe endpoint and the global warming potential

    The Greater Phenotypic Homeostasis of the Allopolyploid Coffea arabica Improved the Transcriptional Homeostasis Over that of Both Diploid Parents

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    International audiencePolyploidy impacts the diversity of plant species, giving riseto novel phenotypes and leading to ecological diversification. In order to observe adaptive and evolutionary capacities of polyploids, we compared the growth, primarymetabolism and transcriptomic expression level in theleaves of the newly formed allotetraploid Coffea arabicaspecies compared with its two diploid parental species(Coffea eugenioides and Coffea canephora), exposed to fourthermal regimes (TRs; 18–14, 23–19, 28–24 and 33–29C).The growth rate of the allopolyploid C. arabica was similarto that of C. canephora under the hottest TR and that of C.eugenioides under the coldest TR. For metabolite contentsmeasured at the hottest TR, the allopolyploid showed similar behavior to C. canephora, the parent which tolerateshigher growth temperatures in the natural environment.However, at the coldest TR, the allopolyploid displayedhigher sucrose, raffinose and ABA contents than those ofits two parents and similar linolenic acid leaf compositionand Chl content to those of C. eugenioides. At the gene expression level, few differences between the allopolyploid andits parents were observed for studied genes linked tophotosynthesis, respiration and the circadian clock, whereasgenes linked to redox activity showed a greater capacity ofthe allopolyploid for homeostasis. Finally, we found that theoverall transcriptional response to TRs of the allopolyploidwas more homeostatic compared with its parents. Thisbetter transcriptional homeostasis of the allopolyploid C.arabica afforded a greater phenotypic homeostasis whenfaced with environments that are unsuited to the diploidparental specie