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    This study discusses a children's folksong which is usually sung in a children game. The folksong, then, is analyzed using an anthropological linguistics approach. Anthropological linguistics emphasizes on language as a major source as expressing mindset of society. Cublak-CublakSuweng is a games song that comes from Central Java. Song -which is part of the culture of grown society- in essence, teaches children about life precepts. This study uses a structural approach which analyzes the use of language in the cultural dimensions include: form, meaning, and value. Having studied the song, it turns out that Cublak-CublakSuweng has great philosophy that reflects the Javanese society


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    Permintan terhadap pelayanan kesehatan akan meningkat jika kendala biaya yang ada telah dapat di atasi dengan baik.Kecermatan menerapkan besarnya tarif memegang peranan penting (income),apabila ternyata besarnya tarif lebih rendah dari total pengeluaran pasti yang dapat menimbulkan kesulitan. Pernelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungsn dengan kemauan keluarga dengan membayar tarif pelayanan rawat jalan di Puskesmas Cilacap Selatan.Penelitian termasuk penelitian survai dengan metode pendekatan cros sectional.Responden penelitian adalah kepala keluarga bukan peserta askes,non gakin sebagai pengambil keputusan dalam keluarga yang pernah berobat jalan di Puskesmas Cilacap Selatan I sebanyak 100 orang .Metode analis data menggunakan uji statistik Kendall Tau-c. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian : 1)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kebutuhan pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan.Hasil analisi statistik di peroleh nilai p = 0,011 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 2)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara sikap terhadap pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan.Hasil analisis statistik di peroleh nilai p = 0,001yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 3)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan tentang pelayanan rawat rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan.Hasil analisis statistik di peroleh nilai p = 0,010 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 4)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pendapatan keluarga per kapita dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan.Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh nilai p =0,0001 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 5)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara biaya pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan. Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh nilai p =0,035 yang lebih kecil dari alfa =0,05. 6)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara lama waktu menunggu pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan. Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh nilai p = 0,010 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. 7)Ada hubungan yang bermakna antara jarak pelayanan rawat jalan dengan kemauan membayar tarif pelayanan . Hasil analisis statistik diperoleh nilai p = 0,227 yang lebih kecil dari alfa = 0,05. Kata Kunci: Pasien Rawat Jalan Puskesmas, Kemauan Membayar Tarif SOME FAKTORS RELATED TO THE WILLINGNESS TO PAY THE OUTPATIENT SERVICE OF CILACAP SELATAN I PUBLIC HEALT CENTER IN CILACAP REGENCY YEAR 2005 Request to health service will mount if existing expence constraint has earned in overcoming better. Apply the level of tariff play a part important (income), if in the reality the level of lower tariff from totalizing sure expenditure which can generate the research difficulty aim to know the faktors of wich deal with family willingness to pay service of cilacap Selatan I Public Health Center.This research is inclusive of research survay with the method of approach of cross sectional.Research responder is family head non-competitor ,non-pureas decision taker in family,which have medicine walker in Cilacap Selatan I Public Health Center as much 100 people.Method analyzes the data use the statistical Test of Kendall Tau-C. Result of research 1)There is relation having a meaning between service requirement take care with willingness to pay service. Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,011 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 2)There is relation having a meaning between attitude to service take care with the willingness to pay service.Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,001 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 3)There is relation having a meaning between knoledge about service take care with the willingness to pay service. Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,010 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 4)There is relation having a meaning between family earnings per capita with the willingness to pay service.Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,0001 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 5)There is relation having a meaning between service expence take care with the willingness to pay service.Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,035 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. 6) There is relation having a meaning between time depth awaith the service take care with the willingness to pay service. Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p =0,010 which is a smaller than alfa = 0,05. 7)there is not relation having a meaning between service distance take care with the willingness to pay service. Result of statistical analysis obtained by value p = 0,227 which is smaller than alfa = 0,05. Keyword : Out patient Puskesmas ,Willingness To Pa


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    Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pemilihan bahasa dalam empat domain (ranah) yaitu domain keluarga, perdagangan, pendidikan dan pemerintahan. Peneliti berusaha untuk mengetahui bagaimana penggunaan bahasa Jawa dan Indonesia dalam masyarakat diglosik Semarang. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui adanya pembagian peran dan fungsi penggunaan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Jawa. Peneliti menemukan bahwa Bahasa Jawa terbatas dipakai dalam domain Keluarga secara dominan sedangkan bahasa Indonesia dominan digunakan di dalam ranah perdagangan, pendidikan, dan pemerintahan. Fenomena ini menunjukan persaingan bahasa antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Jawa dimana bahasa Jawa Ngoko sebagai ragam rendah, bahasa Jawa Krama sebagai ragam tinggi dan bahasa Indonesia sebagai ragam tinggi. Kesimpulan lebih menguatkan terjadinya pergeseran bahasa dibanding pemertahanan bahasa. Adanya perembesan bahasa pada domain keluarga yaitu dipilihnya bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa utama dan menurunya kuantitas dan kualitas kemampuan berbahasa jawa oleh generasi muda lebih membuktikan pada proses pergeseran Bahasa Jaw


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    The number of national examination become decrease, one of the subjects is mathematic. Thus,it needs to apply a model of learning based on student intelligences. It can be applied in mathematic base on student personal intelligence. The research used learning model with multiple intelligences in mathematic subject. It was applied at Statistic lesson to eleventh grade students of SMAN 02 BATU. The aim of the research is to find out how were the activities and the result of study. The research design used in this study was a descriptive qualitative research. The subject of research was the students of XI IPS class on SMAN 02 BATU. The variable of this research were student’s activities and students score. The instruments used of this study were questionnaire and students score. Data analysis used of this study was percentage analyzing to measure the activities and students score. The result of the research showed that the number of students activities was quite enough with 68, 63%. The percentage of irrelevant activities was 18, 05%. In other hands, the result of completeness analyzing student learning after using multiple intelligence with 28 students was complete and one of them was failed. The completeness of personal classical study with SKBM was 96, 55%. Keyword : Multiple Intelligence, Student Activities, Student Scor


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    Abstract Semi-flexible pavement consists of selected porous asphalt mixture filled with cementitious slurry. This new type of pavement has prospects to be designed as a high deformation resistant pavement (Setyawan et al, 2001). Porous asphalt, as the skeleton of the composite has been de-signed to have a porosity of 30% by selected the aggregates gradation, type of bitumen, bitumen content and fibre content. This investigation concerned with the design and properties of porous asphalt to be used as the skeleton for grouted macadam. The ranges of mixtures were evalu-ated by using different type of bitumen, bitumen content, filler addition and aggregate gradation. This investigation concluded that porous as-phalt manufactured by using specified gradation utilising 50-pen bitu-men is appropriate to be used as skeleton for grouted macadam. Keywords: cellulose filler, grouted macadam, polymer modified, porous asphalt, semi-flexible pavement


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    This research aims to design, build and test the feasibility of basic logic gates learning media for vocational students. The media can be used as a mean to support the teaching and learning process. This learning media is designed and created by combining various multimedia objects such as text, image, animation and interactive button. The subject materials which are used in this media are the theories of the basic logic gates components such as symbol, equation and the truth table. The method of this research is Research and Development (discovery, development, and product examine) which is longitudinal (some phases). The phases which are done are: 1) necessity analyzing, 2) developing learning design, 3) implementing, 4) examining the development product. The techniques of the collecting data used are documentation and close questionnaire. In the validation phase involves instructional media specialist and expert appraisal of material as the assessor and examiner of the media properness which is developed, while the students are used as test usage. The data obtained is analyzed by quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The result of this research is in the form of interactive learning media basic logic gates. According to the material expert, when observed from material aspect acquired 89.28 % (categorized as very feasible), the percentage observed from material deeper aspect acquired 80 % (categorized as very feasible), observed from evaluation aspect get 87.50 % (categorized as very feasible) so the total of feasibility test results is 86.90% (categorized as very feasible), while according to the expert of instructional media, when observed from design aspect acquired 75 % (categorized as feasible), the percentage observed from information clarity get 78.12 % (categorized as very feasible) so the total of feasibility test results is 76.10% (categorized as very feasible) and the total percentage of students test is 76.01 % (categorized as very feasible). The validity based to the overall respondents is 80.11% with a very appropriate category. Based on the results above, the learning media in this research is very feasible to use as a means to support the process of learning and teaching at the vocational school. Keywords: Development, Interactive Learning Media, Basic Logic Gate

    Optimalitas comolete cluster dengan pendekatan pencabangan dan pembatasan

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    Permasalahan clustering merupakan dasar untuk mengelompokkan suatu data . matriks. kuadrat jarak -antara dua elemen. Didalam permasalahan. clustering ini -digUnakan pendekatan pencabarigan dan pembatasan untuk rnendapatkan nilai batas bawah dari bagian partial cluster sehingga akan diperoleh nilai fungsi objek optimal yang complete cluster

    Review: Biodiversity conservation strategy in a native perspective; case study of shifting cultivation at the Dayaks of Kalimantan

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    Abstrak. Setyawan AD. 2010. Review: Strategi konservasi biodiversitas dalam pandangan suku asli; studi kasus perladangan berpindah Suku Dayak di Kalimantan. Nusantara Bioscience 1: 97-108. Suku asli umumnya konservasionis sejati, mereka membangun strategi konservasi sumberdaya alam hayati dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan. Dayak adalah suku asli Kalimantan yang telah tinggal selama ribuan tahun dan menggunakan sistem perladangan berpindah untuk mengelola hutan ulayat, karena tanah Kalimantan miskin hara mineral, dimana keberadaan fosfor menjadi faktor pembatas budidaya tanaman pangan. Di hutan tropis, kandungan terbesar fosfor tersimpan dalam pepohonan, sehingga untuk melepaskannya dilakukan pembakaran hutan. Hara yang terlepas ke dalam tanah dapat digunakan untuk bertanam padi gogo, hingga terserap habis, lalu peladang membuka hutan baru, sedangkan lahan lama ditinggalkan (bera) agar menjadi hutan kembali (selama 20-25 tahun). Pembukaan lahan yang berurutan, menyebabkan terbentuknya mosaik-mosaik lahan dengan umur suksesi dan keanekaragaman hayati beragam. Proses ini seringkali digabungkan dengan sistem agroforestri (kebun hutan multikultur), dimana ladang yang hendak ditinggalkan ditanami berbagai pohon berguna yang dapat terintegrasi pada ekosistem hutan, terutama karet dan buah-buahan. Sistem perladangan berpindah sering dikambinghitamkan sebagai faktor utama degradasi dan kebakaran hutan, namun dalam 300 tahun terakhir sistem ini berdampak kecil pada kerusakan hutan. Namun, produktivitas sistem ini relatif rendah dan subsisten, sehingga tidak sesuai dengan pertanian modern dimana produktivitas harus tinggi, hasil panen harus terukur, masal dan kontinyu, serta terkait dengan pasar. Peningkatan penduduk dan perkembangan industri kehutanan, perkebunan, pertambangan, dan lain-lain telah mempersempit luasan hutan ulayat untuk perladangan berpindah, sehingga masa bera diperpendek (5- 15 tahun) dan lahan terdegradasi menjadi padang alang-alang. Di masa depan, perladangan berpindah tetap menjadi salah satu pilihan suku Dayak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan padi, namun agroforestri perlu dikembangkan karena bernilai ekonomi lebih tinggi. Kata kunci: perladangan berpindah, agroforestri, Dayak, Kalimantan, konservasi, keanekaragaman hayati

    Traditionally utilization of Selaginella; field research and literature review

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat Selaginella dalam pengobatan tradisional dan pemanfaatan lainnya, melalui penelitian lapangan dan telaah pustaka, khususnya di Jawa dan Kepulauan Nusantara. Sebanyak 200 dari 700-750 spesies Selaginella hadir di Kepulauan Nusantara. Secara tradisional Selaginella digunakan untuk mengobati luka, pendarahan, gangguan menstruasi dan kandungan, memperlancar peredaran darah, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, memperpanjang usia, mengobati sakit kepala dan lain-lain. Di samping itu beberapa jenis Selaginella juga digunakan sebagai sayuran (lalapan), tanaman hias, dan bahan baku kerajinan tangan. Pemanfaatan Selaginella sangat terbatas dibanding jumlah jenis dan potensi manfaat obatnya, sehingga diperlukan kajian etnobotani dan fitokimia lebih mendalam untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatannya. Kata kunci: obat tradisional, tanaman obat, etnobotani, Selaginella, Jawa

    Performance Evaluation of the Local Election Commission Ponorogo in Implementing the 2009 Legislative Elections in Ponorogo

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    The Electoral Commission (KPU) is an independent institution of government as the organizer of the elections in Indonesia. The aim of the electoral are to elect members of DPR, DPRD, and DPD, the president and his deputy, and head of region. The purpose of this search is to find out how the Local Election Commission’s performance in running legislative elections in Ponorogo seen from the indicators of responsiveness, responsibility, accountability, and transparency. This studied is intended to examine legislative elections conducted by the Local Election Commission Ponorogo. The problem statement is how the performance and the evaluation results of the Local Election Commission in implementing the 2009 legislative election in Pon orogo? The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Techniques of collecting data are done by interviews, document study and observation. The validity of the data used data triangulation that is observing data from various source. Technique of analyzing data is interactive analysis with analysis component of the data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusion. The results of this study indicate that generally the performance of Local Election Commission is good enough. This is indicated by the following indicator, poor responsiveness, as each party’s protest of the witness did not directly respond. However the Local Election Commission seemed did not want to know until it ends at the Constituation Court. The responsibility goes well, because every activity run in accordance with the guidelines. Accountability hierarchical runs well, indicated by the report of general election’s implementation. The responsibility to the stakeholder also runs well. The transparency is enough, indicated by the openness of access to information needed by society, although there are some information covered by the Local Election Commission. Keyword : performance evaluation, the local election commission ponorogo, legislative election