7 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan USAhatani Kedelai di Kabupaten Grobogan dengan Pendekatan Analysis Hierarchy Process (Ahp)

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    Soybean is one of the agricultural commodity Grobogan. Soybean commodity is widely cultivated by farmers because the topography is consistent with the characteristics of the soil in Grobogan. In 2010 soybean production Grobogan is most widely in Central Java. However, Indonesia is still dependent on imported soybeans, especially in times of shortages of soybeans. This is partly also due to soybean production in soybean-producing region is very volatile while soybean demand in the market tends to increase. So, we need a strategy development of soybean farming in Grobogan. The goals to be achieved from the preparation of this study was to analyze the condition of soybean farming in Grobogan and obtain soybean farming development strategy in Grobogan based approach Analysis of Hierarchy Process. Alternative measures a priority to develop soybean are: Provision of continuous production factors and affordable, production factor subsidies, assistance to farmers, extension and education on effective post-harvest handling, Counseling institutional strengthening of farmer groups, and technical assistance (equipment, factors of production, training) to farmers. sedagkan least priority are: Incentives for active farmer organizations, cooperatives Revitalization and extension services and farmer partnerships with major employer

    Recharging Metode Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Berbasis Multimedia untuk Guru SD di Desa Tieng Wonosobo

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    Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi semakin mendorong USAha-USAha ke arah pembaharuan dalam memanfaatkan hasil-hasil teknologi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Guru (pengajar) dalam mengikuti perkembangan teknologi ini diharapkan dapat menggunakan alat atau bahan pendukung proses pembelajaran, dari alat yang sederhana sampai alat yang canggih (sesuai dengan perkembangan dan tuntutan jaman). Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dengan peserta pelatihan yaitu guru di SD Ma'arif dan Muhammadiyah Tieng. Materi pelatihan adalah konsep kewirausahaan yang dibuat dalam aplikasi video multimedia. Analisis situasi menunjukkan pembelajaran kewirausahaan bisa diterapkan di hamper semua bidang studi. Muatan dan konsep kewirausaan dapat diterapkan pada mata pelajaran yang menjadi kurikulum di SD Ma'arif dan Muhammadiyah. Namun demikian metode pembelajaran yang digunakan masih sederhana. Dengan pelatihan ini peserta diajarkan membuat media ajar yang menggunakan video multimedia dengan aplikasi Software Pinacle. Peserta pelatihan menunjukkan respon antusias dan hasil pelatihan menunjukkan hasil beberapa peserta pelatihan mampu menagkap dan mengaplikasikannya

    Strategies to Develop Food Crop Commodity to Improve the Prosperity of Rural Farmers in Gr0bogan District

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    The policy strategy to develop the agricultural sector in Indonesia is important to be arranged as agriculture has various problems and needs a comprehensive policy. Many districts in Central Java are dominated by agriculture sector where agricultural becomes the basis for the economy. The agricultural sector therefore provides significant contribution towards economic structure and commodities' production. In terms of commodity, corn is the second biggest agricultural commodity after paddy in Grobogan district in Central Java, reflected by a huge demand of corn in the market. The strategy to develop corn farming in Grobogan district therefore needs to be dealt with various criteria and alternatives. This study will consider several aspects which have an important role in agricultural sector as strategies to develop food crop particularly corn commodity to improve the farmers' prosperity in Grobogan

    Empowerment Strategy Through Salak Fruit

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    This articles aims to understand the practice of empowerment through assistance to salak farmers. The study includes 60 salak fruit farmers which are taken as the samples. Descriptive analysis is used to analyze the obtained data from the study. The research result shows that most respondents have the relative low level of empowerment. The empowerment level from business aspect explain that most of the respondent (73%) are never and could not got the financial assistant to develop their business. Likewise, it could be happen in the technological access, most of the respondent (56,7%) explain that in the production process the technology that used is base on traditional and hereditary. So, it is depend on labour relieves when the production and harvest process. Furthermore, the research shows that a low level of a capability to access the market information. It could be seen that most of the farmers (38,3%) directly selling their product to the consumers and 33,3% sell their product to the broker. The empowerment from non economic aspect could be seen from the low ability of lobbying aspect, like the asking for a relieves from their colleagues at the local government officer (10%), financial institution like cooperation, bank and etc (25%), society figures (32,1%), employees (32,1%), non government institution/ academision (10%) and a families (93,3%). To empower the farmers in order to make them sustainable, it is necessary to built a partnership by empowerment strategy. The empowerment strategy that involves industry as the farmers' partner is carried out to improve the empowerment of the farmers of salak fruits.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi praktek pemberdayaan melalui pendampingan petani buah salak. Sebanyak 60 orang petani salak diambil sebagai sampel. Analisis deskriptif telah digunakan untuk menganalisis data dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat di daerah penelitian mengaku pada saat panen melimpah harga jual buah salak sangat rendah. Tingkat keberdayaan dari Aspek Usaha menunjukkan bahwa dalam mengakses kredit sebagian besar responden (73%) menyatakan tidak pernah atau tidak mampu mendapatkan kredit untuk pengembangan USAhanya. Demikian juga dalam megakses teknologi sebagian besar responden (56,7%) menyatakan bahwa dalam melakukan proses produksi berdasarkan turun-temurun dimana teknologi dalam melakukan produksi bersifat tradisonal dan menggunakan insting, sehingga masih tergantung adanya bantuan dari orang lain pada saat terjadi masalah baik dalam proses produksi maupun pada saat panen. Selajutnya kemampuan dalam mengakses informasi pasar menunjukkan rendah yang dapat dilihat dari pemasaran hasil panen sebagian besar (38,3%) dijual langsung ke konsumen dan kepada tengkulak (33,3%). Tingkat keberdayaan dari aspek non-ekonmi yang dilihat dari kemampuan lobbying menunjukkan masih relative rendah, seperti keberhasilan dalam meminta bantuan kenalannya di Pemda sebsar 10%, lembaga keuangan seperti koperasi, bank, dan lain sebagainya sebesar 25%, tokoh masyarakat sebesar 32,1%, pengusaha sebesar 32,1%, akademisi/LSM sebesar 10% dan saudara 93,3%. Untuk meningkatkan keberdayaan petani agar mampu menjalankan USAhataninya secara berkelanjutan serta meningkatkan nilai tambah, diperlukan adanya kemitraan yang dapat dilakukan melalui Strategi Pemberdayaan

    Accretion of Planetary Material onto Host Stars

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    Accretion of planetary material onto host stars may occur throughout a star's life. Especially prone to accretion, extrasolar planets in short-period orbits, while relatively rare, constitute a significant fraction of the known population, and these planets are subject to dynamical and atmospheric influences that can drive significant mass loss. Theoretical models frame expectations regarding the rates and extent of this planetary accretion. For instance, tidal interactions between planets and stars may drive complete orbital decay during the main sequence. Many planets that survive their stars' main sequence lifetime will still be engulfed when the host stars become red giant stars. There is some observational evidence supporting these predictions, such as a dearth of close-in planets around fast stellar rotators, which is consistent with tidal spin-up and planet accretion. There remains no clear chemical evidence for pollution of the atmospheres of main sequence or red giant stars by planetary materials, but a wealth of evidence points to active accretion by white dwarfs. In this article, we review the current understanding of accretion of planetary material, from the pre- to the post-main sequence and beyond. The review begins with the astrophysical framework for that process and then considers accretion during various phases of a host star's life, during which the details of accretion vary, and the observational evidence for accretion during these phases.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures (with some redacted), invited revie

    The PTF Orion Project: a Possible Planet Transiting a T-Tauri Star

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    We report observations of a possible young transiting planet orbiting a previously known weak-lined T-Tauri star in the 7-10 Myr old Orion-OB1a/25-Ori region. The candidate was found as part of the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) Orion project. It has a photometric transit period of 0.448413 +- 0.000040 days, and appears in both 2009 and 2010 PTF data. Follow-up low-precision radial velocity (RV) observations and adaptive optics imaging suggest that the star is not an eclipsing binary, and that it is unlikely that a background source is blended with the target and mimicking the observed transit. RV observations with the Hobby-Eberly and Keck telescopes yield an RV that has the same period as the photometric event, but is offset in phase from the transit center by approximately -0.22 periods. The amplitude (half range) of the RV variations is 2.4 km/s and is comparable with the expected RV amplitude that stellar spots could induce. The RV curve is likely dominated by stellar spot modulation and provides an upper limit to the projected companion mass of M_p sin i_orb < 4.8 +- 1.2 M_Jup; when combined with the orbital inclination, i orb, of the candidate planet from modeling of the transit light curve, we find an upper limit on the mass of the planetary candidate of M_p < 5.5 +- 1.4 M_Jup. This limit implies that the planet is orbiting close to, if not inside, its Roche limiting orbital radius, so that it may be undergoing active mass loss and evaporation.Comment: Corrected typos, minor clarifications; minor updates/corrections to affiliations and bibliography. 35 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Accepted to Ap

    Technical Efficiency of Soybeans Commodity

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    This research aims to find out the description of soybean farming in Grobogan Regency, the efficiency of technical, price, and economy on soybean systems. Grobogan Regency is a major soybean producer in Central Java and Indonesia. Based on the research result, it reveals that soybean farming in Grobogan has still not been efficient yet in technic, price, and economy. It means that farmers have not been able to optimize the inputs to obtain the maximum output. This inefficiency condition occurs because the farmers are considered to use the production factors excessively. Besides damaging the nature, the use of excessive production factors also leads to increasing production costs but without maximal results. Therefore, it requires a series of attempts to give knowledge to the farmers in order to reach efficient conditions by hoping that potential to maximized profi