40 research outputs found

    Many Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Wall Protein Encoding Genes Are Coregulated by Mss11, but Cellular Adhesion Phenotypes Appear Only Flo Protein Dependent

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    The outer cell wall of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae serves as the interface with the surrounding environment and directly affects cell−cell and cell−surface interactions. Many of these interactions are facilitated by specific adhesins that belong to the Flo protein family. Flo mannoproteins have been implicated in phenotypes such as flocculation, substrate adhesion, biofilm formation, and pseudohyphal growth. Genetic data strongly suggest that individual Flo proteins are responsible for many specific cellular adhesion phenotypes. However, it remains unclear whether such phenotypes are determined solely by the nature of the expressed FLO genes or rather as the result of a combination of FLO gene expression and other cell wall properties and cell wall proteins. Mss11 has been shown to be a central element of FLO1 and FLO11 gene regulation and acts together with the cAMP-PKA-dependent transcription factor Flo8. Here we use genome-wide transcription analysis to identify genes that are directly or indirectly regulated by Mss11. Interestingly, many of these genes encode cell wall mannoproteins, in particular, members of the TIR and DAN families. To examine whether these genes play a role in the adhesion properties associated with Mss11 expression, we assessed deletion mutants of these genes in wild-type and flo11Δ genetic backgrounds. This analysis shows that only FLO genes, in particular FLO1/10/11, appear to significantly impact on such phenotypes. Thus adhesion-related phenotypes are primarily dependent on the balance of FLO gene expression

    Regulation of mating in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by the zinc cluster proteins Sut1 and Sut2

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright @ The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The zinc cluster proteins Sut1 and Sut2 play a role in sterol uptake and filamentous growth in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we show that they are also involved in mating. Cells that lack both SUT1 and SUT2 were defective in mating. The expression of the genes NCE102 and PRR2 was increased in the sut1 sut2 double deletion mutant suggesting that Sut1 and Sut2 both repress the expression of NCE102 and PRR2. Consistent with these data, overexpression of either SUT1 or SUT2 led to lower expression of NCE102 and PRR2. Furthermore, expression levels of NCE102, PRR2 and RHO5, another target gene of Sut1 and Sut2, decreased in response to pheromone. Prr2 has been identified as a mating inhibitor before. Here we show that overexpression of NCE102 and RHO5 also reduced mating. Our results suggest that Sut1 and Sut2 positively regulate mating by repressing the expression of the mating inhibitors NCE102, PRR2 and RHO5 in response to pheromone.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf

    Repression of ergosterol biosynthesis is essential for stress resistance and is mediated by the Hog1 MAP kinase and the Mot3 and Rox1 transcription factors

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    [EN] Hyperosmotic stress triggers a complex adaptive response that is dominantly regulated by the Hog1 MAP kinase in yeast. Here we characterize a novel physiological determinant of osmostress tolerance, which involves the Hog1-dependent transcriptional downregulation of ergosterol biosynthesis genes (ERG). Yeast cells considerably lower their sterol content in response to high osmolarity. The transcriptional repressors Mot3 and Rox1 are essential for this response. Both factors together with Hog1 are required to rapidly and transiently shut down transcription of ERG2 and ERG11 upon osmoshock. Mot3 abundance and its binding to the ERG2 promoter is stimulated by osmostress in a Hog1-dependent manner. As an additional layer of control, the expression of the main transcriptional activator of ERG gene expression, Ecm22, is negatively regulated by Hog1 and Mot3/Rox1 upon salt shock. Oxidative stress also triggers repression of ERG2, 11 transcription and a profound decrease in total sterol levels. However, this response was only partially dependent on Mot3/Rox1 and Hog1. Finally, we show that the upc2-1 mutation confers stress insensitive hyperaccumulation of ergosterol, overexpression of ERG2, 11 and severe sensitivity to salt and oxidative stress. Our results indicate that transcriptional control of ergosterol biosynthesis is an important physiological target of stress signalling.We thank J.M. Mulet for his help with the quantification of intracellular ion concentrations, W.A. Prinz (NIH, Bethesda, MD) and A.K. Menon (Weill Cornell Medical College, New York) for the kind gift of the upc2-1 strain, F. Winston (Harvard Medical School, Boston) for the kind gift of the MOT3-18myc strain, and Avelino Corma (Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica, Valencia, Spain) for making available an ICP optical emission spectrometer for ion content determination. This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (BFU2005-01714), from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (BFU2008-00271) and from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (200820I019). F.M. is recipient of an FPI predoctoral fellowship from Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia.Martínez Montañés, FV.; Pascual-Ahuir Giner, MD.; Proft ., MH. (2010). Repression of ergosterol biosynthesis is essential for stress resistance and is mediated by the Hog1 MAP kinase and the Mot3 and Rox1 transcription factors. Molecular Microbiology. 79(4):1008-1023. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07502.xS1008102379

    A Predictive Model of the Oxygen and Heme Regulatory Network in Yeast

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    Deciphering gene regulatory mechanisms through the analysis of high-throughput expression data is a challenging computational problem. Previous computational studies have used large expression datasets in order to resolve fine patterns of coexpression, producing clusters or modules of potentially coregulated genes. These methods typically examine promoter sequence information, such as DNA motifs or transcription factor occupancy data, in a separate step after clustering. We needed an alternative and more integrative approach to study the oxygen regulatory network in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a small dataset of perturbation experiments. Mechanisms of oxygen sensing and regulation underlie many physiological and pathological processes, and only a handful of oxygen regulators have been identified in previous studies. We used a new machine learning algorithm called MEDUSA to uncover detailed information about the oxygen regulatory network using genome-wide expression changes in response to perturbations in the levels of oxygen, heme, Hap1, and Co2+. MEDUSA integrates mRNA expression, promoter sequence, and ChIP-chip occupancy data to learn a model that accurately predicts the differential expression of target genes in held-out data. We used a novel margin-based score to extract significant condition-specific regulators and assemble a global map of the oxygen sensing and regulatory network. This network includes both known oxygen and heme regulators, such as Hap1, Mga2, Hap4, and Upc2, as well as many new candidate regulators. MEDUSA also identified many DNA motifs that are consistent with previous experimentally identified transcription factor binding sites. Because MEDUSA's regulatory program associates regulators to target genes through their promoter sequences, we directly tested the predicted regulators for OLE1, a gene specifically induced under hypoxia, by experimental analysis of the activity of its promoter. In each case, deletion of the candidate regulator resulted in the predicted effect on promoter activity, confirming that several novel regulators identified by MEDUSA are indeed involved in oxygen regulation. MEDUSA can reveal important information from a small dataset and generate testable hypotheses for further experimental analysis. Supplemental data are included

    BayesPI - a new model to study protein-DNA interactions: a case study of condition-specific protein binding parameters for Yeast transcription factors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have incorporated Bayesian model regularization with biophysical modeling of protein-DNA interactions, and of genome-wide nucleosome positioning to study protein-DNA interactions, using a high-throughput dataset. The newly developed method (BayesPI) includes the estimation of a transcription factor (TF) binding energy matrices, the computation of binding affinity of a TF target site and the corresponding chemical potential.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The method was successfully tested on synthetic ChIP-chip datasets, real yeast ChIP-chip experiments. Subsequently, it was used to estimate condition-specific and species-specific protein-DNA interaction for several yeast TFs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results revealed that the modification of the protein binding parameters and the variation of the individual nucleotide affinity in either recognition or flanking sequences occurred under different stresses and in different species. The findings suggest that such modifications may be adaptive and play roles in the formation of the environment-specific binding patterns of yeast TFs and in the divergence of TF binding sites across the related yeast species.</p

    Hyphal Development in Candida albicans Requires Two Temporally Linked Changes in Promoter Chromatin for Initiation and Maintenance

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    Phenotypic plasticity is common in development. For Candida albicans, the most common cause of invasive fungal infections in humans, morphological plasticity is its defining feature and is critical for its pathogenesis. Unlike other fungal pathogens that exist primarily in either yeast or hyphal forms, C. albicans is able to switch reversibly between yeast and hyphal growth forms in response to environmental cues. Although many regulators have been found involved in hyphal development, the mechanisms of regulating hyphal development and plasticity of dimorphism remain unclear. Here we show that hyphal development involves two sequential regulations of the promoter chromatin of hypha-specific genes. Initiation requires a rapid but temporary disappearance of the Nrg1 transcriptional repressor of hyphal morphogenesis via activation of the cAMP-PKA pathway. Maintenance requires promoter recruitment of Hda1 histone deacetylase under reduced Tor1 (target of rapamycin) signaling. Hda1 deacetylates a subunit of the NuA4 histone acetyltransferase module, leading to eviction of the NuA4 acetyltransferase module and blockage of Nrg1 access to promoters of hypha-specific genes. Promoter recruitment of Hda1 for hyphal maintenance happens only during the period when Nrg1 is gone. The sequential regulation of hyphal development by the activation of the cAMP-PKA pathway and reduced Tor1 signaling provides a molecular mechanism for plasticity of dimorphism and how C. albicans adapts to the varied host environments in pathogenesis. Such temporally linked regulation of promoter chromatin by different signaling pathways provides a unique mechanism for integrating multiple signals during development and cell fate specification

    Synergistic repression of anaerobic genes by Mot3 and Rox1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Two groups of anaerobic genes (genes induced in anaerobic cells and repressed in aerobic cells) are negatively regulated by heme, a metabolite present only in aerobic cells. Members of both groups, the hypoxic genes and the DAN/TIR/ERG genes, are jointly repressed under aerobic conditions by two factors. One is Rox1, an HMG protein, and the second, originally designated Rox7, is shown here to be Mot3, a global C2H2 zinc finger regulator. Repression of anaerobic genes results from co-induction of Mot3 and Rox1 in aerobic cells. Repressor synthesis is triggered by heme, which de-represses a mechanism controlling expression of both MOT3 and ROX1 in anaerobic cells; it includes Hap1, Tup1, Ssn6 and a fourth unidentified factor. The constitutive expression of various anaerobic genes in aerobic rox1Δ or mot3Δ cells directly implies that neither factor can repress by itself at endogenous levels and that stringent aerobic repression results from the concerted action of both. Mot3 and Rox1 are not essential components of a single complex, since each can repress independently in the absence of the other, when artificially induced at high levels. Moreover, the two repression mechanisms appear to be distinct: as shown here repression of ANB1 by Rox1 alone requires Tup1–Ssn6, whereas repression by Mot3 does not. Though artificially high levels of either factor can repress well, the absolute efficiency observed in normal cells when both are present—at much lower levels—demonstrates a novel inhibitory synergy. Evidently, expression levels for the two mutually dependent repressors are calibrated to permit a range of variation in basal aerobic expression at different promoters with differing operator site combinations