176 research outputs found

    Evolución de indicadores técnico-tácticos de rendimiento en función de la categoría de edad en fútbol masculino y femenino

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    El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral fue analizar la evolución de los indicadores técnico- tácticos de rendimiento en función de la categoría de edad en equipos de fútbol masculino y femenino. Se desarrollaron tres estudios, el estudio 1 comprendió un total de 22.065 jugadores de fútbol masculino de los 202 equipos de la División I National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) de Estados Unidos en las temporadas 2010-2011 a 2020- 2021. En el estudio 2, la muestra fueron los partidos entre selecciones masculinas que jugaron la copa del mundo en las categorías de edad (U-17, U-20 y senior), durante los campeonatos (2004 a 2019). Los partidos fueron disputados por 47 naciones. Para el estudio 3, la muestra fueron los partidos entre selecciones femeninas que jugaron la copa del mundo en las categorías de edad (U-17, U-20 y senior), durante los campeonatos (2004 a 2019). Los partidos fueron disputados por 47 naciones. Se empleó un diseño retrospectivo no experimental (observacional) para analizar diversas variables relacionadas con el fútbol. Estas variables incluyeron partidos jugados, partidos empezados, puntos, la posesión de balón, ocasiones, disparos fuera de puerta, remates a puerta, saque de esquina, eficacia, goles marcados, fuera de juego, faltas cometidas, tarjeta amarilla, tarjeta roja y tarjeta roja por segunda amarilla. Se realizaron ajustes en las variables de ocasiones y eficacia. Se llevaron a cabo varios análisis estadísticos para examinar diferentes aspectos de los estudios. Para evaluar las diferencias entre ganadores y perdedores, se utilizó un T-test y un análisis discriminante. Se empleó un T-test para analizar la evolución entre los campeonatos de las décadas 2003-2009 y 2010-2019. Para estudiar los cambios entre diferentes campeonatos, se utilizó una regresión lineal y se examinó la pendiente. Se realizó un análisis de varianza (ANOVA) con una comparación post-hoc (Tukey) para investigar las diferencias entre grupos de edad. Se emplearon los coeficientes estructurales (CE) para discriminar entre los equipos ganadores y perdedores, considerando un CE superior a 0,30. Según los hallazgos, se encontraron diferencias significativas entre equipos ganadores masculinos y femeninos en categorías U-17, U-20 y senior de las Copas del Mundo. Los equipos ganadores de la categoría U-17 mostraron un mayor número de disparos, disparos a puerta y goles en comparación con los equipos ganadores de las categorías U-20 y senior. A medida que los jugadores avanzan en su formación, se observa un mayor equilibrio entre los equipos. En los equipos masculinos y femeninos de las categorías U-20 y senior, se observa un mayor equilibrio entre las acciones ofensivas y defensivas. Aunque los equipos U-20 tienen menos opciones ofensivas en comparación con los equipos U-17, tienden a ser más eficaces en sus acciones ofensivas. Esto podría explicarse por el hecho de que los jugadores en la categoría U-20 y senior suelen tener más experiencia en el fútbol y han desarrollado una comprensión táctica más avanzada del juego. Además, han progresado en el desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de sus habilidades físicas y técnicas, así como en su capacidad para estudiar y analizar a sus oponentes. En general, en las selecciones nacionales masculinas (U-17, U-20 y senior), se ha observado una evolución hacia estrategias de juego más efectivas y enfocadas en generar oportunidades de gol. Se ha dado prioridad a la calidad de las situaciones de juego en lugar de buscar un alto número de ocasiones. A pesar de haber menos tiros y ocasiones, se ha registrado un aumento en la eficacia. Además, a nivel nacional, se ha encontrado que en jugadores masculinos U-23 de la División I de la NCAA, a medida que los equipos ganan experiencia a lo largo de los años, aumenta su participación en el juego ofensivo.The aim of this doctoral thesis was to analyse the evolution of technical-tactical performance indicators as a function of age category in men's and women's football teams. Three studies were developed, study 1 comprised a total of 22,065 men's football players from 202 Division I National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) teams in the United States in the 2010-2011 to 2020-2021 seasons. In study 2, the sample was matches between men's World Cup age group World Cup teams (U-17, U-20 and senior), during the championships (2004 to 2019). The matches were played by 47 nations. For study 3, the sample was matches between women's national teams that played the World Cup in the age categories (U-17, U-20 and senior), during the championships (2004 to 2019). The matches were played by 47 nations. A retrospective non-experimental (observational) design was used to analyse a number of football-related variables. These variables included matches played, matches started, points, ball possession, chances, shots on goal, shots on target, shots on goal, corners, efficiency, goals scored, offside, fouls committed, yellow card, red card and red card for second yellow. Adjustments were made to the variables of chances and efficiency. Several statistical analyses were carried out to examine different aspects of the studies. To assess the differences between winners and losers, a T-test and discriminant analysis were used. A T-test was used to analyse the evolution between the championships of the decades 2003-2009 and 2010-2019. To study changes between different championships, linear regression was used and the slope was examined. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a post-hoc comparison (Tukey) was performed to investigate differences between age groups. Structural coefficients (SC) were used to discriminate between winning and losing teams, considering a SC greater than 0.30. According to the findings, significant differences were found between male and female winning teams in U-17, U-20 and senior categories of the World Cups. Winning teams in the U-17 category showed a higher number of shots, shots on goal and goals compared to winning teams in the U-20 and senior categories. As the players progress in their training, there is a greater balance between the teams. In the men's and women's teams in the U-20 and senior categories, a better balance between offensive and defensive actions is observed. Although U-20 teams have fewer offensive options compared to U-17 teams, they tend to be more effective in their offensive actions. This could be explained by the fact that players at U-20 and senior level tend to have more experience in football and have developed a more advanced tactical understanding of the game. In addition, they have progressed in the development and refinement of their physical and technical skills, as well as in their ability to study and analyse their opponents. In general, in the men's national teams (U-17, U-20 and senior), there has been an evolution towards more effective playing strategies focused on generating scoring opportunities. Priority has been given to the quality of the playing situations rather than to looking for a high number of chances. Despite fewer shots and chances, there has been an increase in efficiency. In addition, nationally, it has been found that in NCAA Division I U-23 male players, as teams gain experience over the years, their participation in offensive play increases

    Influence of 3D-Printed TPU Properties for the Design of Elastic Products

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    The design of products with elastic properties is a paradigm for design engineers because the properties of the material define the correct functionality of the product. Fused filament fabrication (FFF) allows for the printing of products in thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU). Therefore, it offers the ability to design elastic products with the freedom of forms that this technology allows and also with greater variation of elastic properties than with a conventional process. The internal structures and the variation in thickness that can be used facilitate the design of products with different elastic realities, producing variations in the elasticity of the product with the same material. This work studies the influence of the variation of internal density as a function of basic geometries in order to quantify the difference in elasticity produced on a product when it is designed. Likewise, a case study was carried out with the creation of a fully elastic computer keyboard printed in 3D. The specimens were subjected to compression to characterize the behavior of the structures. The tests showed that the elasticity varies depending on the orientation and geometry, with the highest compressive strength observed in the vertical orientation with 80% lightening. In addition, the internal lightening increases the elasticity progressively but not uniformly with respect to the solid geometry, and also the flat faces favour the reduction in elasticity. This study classifies the behavior of TPU with the aim of being applied to the design and manufacture of products with specific properties. In this work, a totally flexible and functional keyboard was designed, obtaining elasticity values that validate the study carried out.The APC was funded by University of Cadiz (programme for the promotion and encouragement of research and transfer)

    Automatically Produced Algorithms for the Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

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    The generalized minimum spanning tree problem consists of finding a minimum cost spanning tree in an undirected graph for which the vertices are divided into clusters. Such spanning tree includes only one vertex from each cluster. Despite the diverse practical applications for this problem, the NP-hardness continues to be a computational challenge. Good quality solutions for some instances of the problem have been found by combining specific heuristics or by including them within a metaheuristic. However studied combinations correspond to a subset of all possible combinations. In this study a technique based on a genotype-phenotype genetic algorithm to automatically construct new algorithms for the problem, which contain combinations of heuristics, is presented. The produced algorithms are competitive in terms of the quality of the solution obtained. This emerges from the comparison of the performance with problem-specific heuristics and with metaheuristic approaches

    Automatically Produced Algorithms for the Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

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    The generalized minimum spanning tree problem consists of finding a minimum cost spanning tree in an undirected graph for which the vertices are divided into clusters. Such spanning tree includes only one vertex from each cluster. Despite the diverse practical applications for this problem, the NP-hardness continues to be a computational challenge. Good quality solutions for some instances of the problem have been found by combining specific heuristics or by including them within a metaheuristic. However studied combinations correspond to a subset of all possible combinations. In this study a technique based on a genotype-phenotype genetic algorithm to automatically construct new algorithms for the problem, which contain combinations of heuristics, is presented. The produced algorithms are competitive in terms of the quality of the solution obtained. This emerges from the comparison of the performance with problem-specific heuristics and with metaheuristic approaches

    Un acercamiento a la comprensión del concepto de límite de una función en un punto

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    La investigación que aquí se reporta tiene como objetivo diseñar, implementar y evaluar una secuencia de actividades en la que se exploren las nociones de aproximación y tendencia para favorecer la comprensión del concepto de límite de una función en un punto, por parte de los estudiantes de un curso de Cálculo Diferencial. Para ello se ha construido un marco conceptual en el que articulan aspectos de la Teoría para la Comprensión Matemática de Pirie y Kieren, y las habilidades básicas del Pensamiento Variacional expuestas por Fiallo y Parada. Para el logro del objetivo se ha diseñado una secuencia de actividades y se han planteado unos descriptores de comprensión, los cuales se utilizarán para el análisis de resultados, una vez sean implementadas las actividades. Aquí, se exhibe el diseño de una de las actividades y los descriptores que a la luz del marco teórico se han construido para el análisis

    Hyperandrogenism and skin: polycystic ovary syndrome and peripheral insulin resistance

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    The polycystic ovary syndrome is an extremely common endocrine disorder in women of chilbearing age. It is characterized by menstrual disturbance, hyperandrogenism and/or hyperandrogenemia. The primary pathophysiological defect is unknown, but important characteristics include insulin resistance, androgen excess and impaired gonadotropin dynamics. The most frequent clinical characteristics of polycystic ovary syndrome are associated with the pilosebaceous unit, such as hirsutism, acne, seborrhea and alopecia. Thus, the dermatologist may be responsible for making an early diagnosis of the syndrome, thus preventing delay in establishing preventive and therapeutic measures. The current management recommended for skin manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome includes combined oral contraceptives, antiandrogens and insulin-sensitizing agents, besides changes in life style. This is a review article on diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. The authors emphasize that a clear understanding of pathophysiology of this syndrome, especially by dermatologists, is crucial for its preventive treatment through the different phases in the life of women.A síndrome do ovário policístico é distúrbio endócrino feminino, extremamente comum na idade reprodutiva. Caracteriza-se por anormalidades menstruais, hiperandrogenismo e/ou hiperandrogenemia. A principal alteração na fisiopatologia é desconhecida. Entretanto, parece que a resistência à insulina, o hiperandrogenismo e a alteração na dinâmica das gonadotropinas são os mais importantes mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos. As características clínicas mais freqüentes da síndrome do ovário policístico estão relacionadas com a unidade pilossebácea, como hirsutismo, acne, seborréia e alopecia. Desse modo, o dermatologista pode ser responsável pelo diagnóstico precoce da síndrome, evitando o retardo na instituição de medidas terapêutico-preventivas. Atualmente, as drogas recomendadas para as manifestações cutâneas da síndrome do ovário policístico são os contraceptivos orais conjugados, antiandrógenos e sensibilizantes de insulina e, além disso, é geralmente recomendada a modificação no estilo de vida. Trata-se de artigo de revisão sobre diagnóstico, fisiopatologia e tratamento da síndrome do ovário policístico. Os autores enfatizam que o conhecimento da fisiopatologia dessa síndrome, principalmente pelos dermatologistas, é fundamental para seu tratamento preventivo, nas diferentes fases da vida da mulher.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de DermatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de DermatologiaSciEL

    Ortofotografia Of the Place The Tibar Pertaining to the District University Francisco José De Caldas

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    El 30 de diciembre del año 1997 la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas recibió a título de donación por parte del Banco Nacional del Comercio (anteriormente Banco Caldas), el predio denominado “El Tibár”, ubicado en el kilómetro 3.5 de la vía Choachi- La unión de la vereda Guanza en el departamento de Cundinamarca, el área definida en las escrituras del predio es de 23050 m², sin embargo el levantamiento topográfico del lote indica que el área real es de 34603.219m². La institución no tiene mayor información geográfica del lote más allá de la otorgada por las escrituras, por este motivo el objetivo principal de este proyecto es proporcionar una ortofotografía, que complementara la información obtenida con el levantamiento topográfico realizado.On December 30, 1997, the Francisco José de Caldas District University received the batch known as "El Tibár" as a donation by the Central Bank of Commerce (formerly Banco Caldas) located at kilometer 3.5 of the Via Choachi- Guanza in the Department of Cundinamarca, the area defined in the deeds of the lot is 23050 m², however the topographic reference point of the lot indicates that the real area is 34603.219m². The institution does not have more geographical information of the lot than the one granted by the titles, so the main objective of this project is to provide an orthophotography that complements the information obtained with the topographic reference points made

    Design of Customized TPU Lattice Structures for Additive Manufacturing: Influence on the Functional Properties in Elastic Products

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    [Abstract] This work focuses on evaluating and establishing the relationship of the influence of geometrical and manufacturing parameters in stiffness of additively manufactured TPU lattice structures. The contribution of this work resides in the creation of a methodology that focuses on characterizing the behavior of elastic lattice structures. Likewise, resides in the possibility of using the statistical treatment of results as a guide to find favorable possibilities within the range of parameters studied and to predict the behavior of the structures. In order to characterize their behavior, different types of specimens were designed and tested by finite element simulation of a compression process using Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools. The tests showed that the stiffness depends on the topology of the cells of the lattice structure. For structures with different cell topologies, it has been possible to obtain an increase in the reaction force against compression from 24.7 N to 397 N for the same manufacturing conditions. It was shown that other parameters with a defined influence on the stiffness of the structure were the temperature and the unit size of the cells, all due to the development of fusion mechanisms and the variation in the volume of material used, respectivel

    La investigación en contabilidad internacional: Evidencia empírica de su desarrollo en los últimos años

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    El concepto de contabilidad internacional, no solo aborda recomendaciones para la adecuada valorización y presentación de estados financieros según las normas del IASB, sino que son más los temas de interés económico-financiero que son considerados bajo esta idea: sistemas contables, armonización de auditoría, efectos inflacionarios y cambios de monedas, precios de transferencias, fiscalidad internacional, incluso la formación del profesional contable a nivel internacional. El objetivo de este artículo, es formarse un juicio sobre el interés investigativo en contabilidad internacional mediante una recopilación bibliográfica de todos los artículos relacionados en las principales publicaciones de carácter científico que enmarca a la información contable mundial entre los años 2003 a febrero de 2005. Las hipótesis plantean que la investigación en contabilidad internacional tendrá mayor nivel de publicación en temas relacionados a la “armonización” por sobre otros y que existiría una mayor publicación de artículos que traten temas de contabilidad internacional en países Europeos, principalmente comunitarios. Los resultados son concluyentes en descubrir cuáles son los aspectos considerados en las publicaciones, países sujetos a investigación, metodologías, entre otros aspectos