3,665 research outputs found

    L'alliberament de Sant Pol per part de les tropes del coronel Ermengol Amil i les conseqüències per Sant Pol, Canet i pobles del rodal . Entre el 30 i 31 de gener del 1714 i el 16 de febrer de 1714

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    Aquest article analitza les dades documentals sobre el desembarcament de les tropes del Coronel Ermengol Amill per tal d'alliberar l'estratègica població de Sant Pol de Mar a finals de gener de 1714, i la recuperació contundent de la població per part de les tropes borbòniques a principis de febrer del mateix any. Això va tenir conseqüències greus degut a la repressió de Sant Pol com a les poblacions limítrofs de Canet, Arenys de Mar i Sant Cebrià de Vallalt

    Combinatòria i biologia: funcions d'inferència i alineació de seqüències

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    Aquest article mostra alguns exemples d'aplicació d'eines combinatòries a problemes en biologia computacional. Els models estadístics s'usen per resoldre qüestions provinents de la biologia, com per exemple per determinar quines parts del genoma es tradueixen a proteïnes, o com una seqüència d'ADN es va transformar en una altra durant l'evolució, a través d'una sèrie de mutacions, insercions i supressions. Cada possible resposta té una certa probabilitat que depèn dels paràmetres del model. Quan aquests es coneixen, la resposta més probable, anomenada explicació, s'obté resolent un problema d'optimització combinatòria. La funció que envia cada observació a la seva explicació corresponent s'anomena funció d'inferència. En aquest article donem una fita superior al nombre de funcions d'inferència de qualsevol model gràfic dirigit. Aquesta fita és polinòmica en la mida del model, per un nombre fix de paràmetres, i representa una millora respecte a la fita exponencial de Pachter i Sturmfels que es coneixia fins ara. Després apliquem aquesta fita a un model per alineació de seqüències que s'utilitza en biologia computacional, i veiem que en aquest cas la nostra fita és asimptòticament ajustada.In this paper we show examples of applications of combinatorial tools to some problems in computational biology. Statistical models are used to solve important problems in biology, such as determining which parts of the genome are translated to proteins, or how a DNA sequence evolved into another one through a series of mutations, insertions and deletions. Each possible answer has a certain probability that depends on the model parameters. When these are known, the most likely answer, called explanation, is obtained by solving a combinatorial optimization problem. The map that sends each observation to its corresponding explanation is called an inference function. In this paper we give an upper bound on the number of inference functions of any directed graphical model. This bound is polynomial on the size of the model, for a fixed number of parameters, thus improving an exponential upper bound given by Pachter and Sturmfels. Then we apply this bound to a model for sequence alignment that is used in computational biology, and we show that in this case our bound is asymptotically tight

    La mineria al Berguedà

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    Climatologia de la Serra Transversal

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    El pas de la pesta bubònica per Canet de mar (1649-1654) i l'origen de l'advocació a la Mare de Déu de la Misericordia

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    La pesta bubònica, altrament anomenada morbo, va ser una greu malaltia que va sofrir gran part de la península ibèrica i l'Europa mediterrània durant el segle XVIII. L'autor explica, en base a la informació que proporcionen els llibres d'actes del Consell Municipal, el pas de l'epidèmia per la població de Canet, les mesures que es van portar a terme, les seves conseqüències i la mortaldad, i finalment la repercussió en el sentiment popular que la malaltia provocà, fent sorgir l'advocació a una petita imatge de la verge que, amb el temps, es convertí en la Mare de Déu de la Misericòrdi

    Generalizations of the hexagramme mystique

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2016, Director: Juan Carlos Naranjo del ValThe history of projective geometry is a very complex one. Most of the more formal developments on the subject were made in the 19th century as a result of the movement away from the geometry of Euclid. If one digs a little deeper, however, one can see that the basic concepts upon which this branch of geometry is based can be traced back as far as the fourth century, where a theorem of Pappus of Alexandria appears as Proposition 139 of Book VII of the Mathematical Collection. These very early discoveries along with Euclid’s Elements are the building blocks for the foundations that were laid down by the projective geometers of the 17th century. It is here that the history of the subject becomes more interesting. Great strids were made in the 17th century, but for some reason projective geometry did not become popular among mathematicians until the 19th century. From this moment, very important results on this subject were made by great mathematicians as Max Noether or David Hilbert. In particular, the base of these notes is the study of the theory of plane algebraic curves. Willing to know more about the geometry behind the plane algebraic curves, I began to work with the Algebraic Curves of William Fulton [1]. Introducing myself with the algebraic sets and its ideals, and with its properties as well, I venture on the theory of intersection of plane algebraic curves, studying them on the affine plane and on the projective plane. To doing so, I had to apprehend so importants results such that the intersection number at points on curves, the Bézout’s Theorem or the Max Noether Fundamental Theorem. As an application, I proved some problems of the algebraic geometry, from the classics to the most contemporary, begining with the Pappu’s Theorem and ending with the addition on the Elliptic Law. Moreover, I state some ideas of plane algebraic curves from a more modern point of view, talking about the divisors on smooth curves and the concepts that derive from them

    Advances in wine fermentation

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    Fermentation is a well-known natural process that has been used by humanity for thousands of years, with the fundamental purpose of making alcoholic beverages such as wine, and also other non-alcoholic products. From a strictly biochemical point of view, fermentation is a process of central metabolism in which an organism converts a carbohydrate, such as starch or sugar, into an alcohol or an acid. The fermentation process turns grape juice (must) into wine. This is a complex chemical reaction whereby the yeast interacts with the sugars (glucose and fructose) in the must to create ethanol and carbon dioxide. Fermentation processes to produce wines are traditionally carried out with Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, the most common and commercially available yeast, and some lactic acid bacteria. They are well-known for their fermentative behavior and technological characteristics, which allow obtaining products of uniform and standard quality. However, fermentation is influenced by other factors as well. The initial sugar content of the must and the fermentation temperature are also crucial to preserve volatile aromatics in the wine and retain fruity characters. Finally, once fermentation is completed, and most of the yeast dies, wine evolution continues until the production of the final product