7 research outputs found

    Stigma of Mental Illness in Germans and Turkish Immigrants in Germany: The Effect of Causal Beliefs

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    Background: Stigma poses an additional burden for people suffering from mental illness, one that often impairs their social participation and can prevent them from seeking adequate help. It is therefore crucial to understand how stigma develops in order to counteract it by setting up effective evidence-based anti-stigma interventions. The present study examines the effect of causal beliefs on stigmatizing behavioral intentions, namely people's desire to distance themselves from persons with mental illness. In addition, we draw cross-cultural comparisons between native Germans and Turkish immigrants to investigate the influence of culture on stigma and causal beliefs and to broaden knowledge on the biggest immigrant group in Germany and on immigrants in Western countries in general.Methods:n = 302 native Germans and n = 173 Turkish immigrants were presented either a depression or a schizophrenia vignette. Then, causal beliefs, emotional reaction and desire for social distance were assessed with questionnaires. Path analyses were carried out to investigate the influence of causal beliefs on the desire for social distance and their mediation by emotional reactions for Germans and Turkish immigrants, respectively.Results: We found an influence of causal beliefs on the desire for social distance. Emotional reactions partly mediated this relationship. Causal attribution patterns as well as the relationship between causal attributions and stigma varied across both subsamples and mental illnesses. In the German subsample, the ascription of unfavorable personal traits resulted in more stigma. In the Turkish immigrant subsample, supernatural causal beliefs increased stigma while attribution to current stress reduced stigma.Conclusion: Our study has implications for future anti-stigma interventions that intend to reduce stigmatization of mentally ill people. Targeting the ascription of unfavorable personal traits and supernatural causal attributions as well as promoting current stress as the cause for mental illness appears to be of particular importance. Also, the mediating influence of emotional responses to causal beliefs needs to be addressed. Furthermore, differential interventions across cultural groups and specific mental illnesses may be appropriate

    Dezomorfin (krokodil) Bağımlılığı.

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    Objective: Research has been done for the purpose of determining the effect of interpersonal addictions of school of health students to substance use cases. Method: 376 students who are registered in a school of health’s departments of nursing, midwife, feeding and dietetic in 2012 - 2013 school years, formed the sample group of research planned in sectional type. To make the research, written approval from the institution and spoken approval from students were gotten. A poll form which includes socio-demographic characteristics and Interpersonal Addiction Criterion were used as data collection means. Results: 7.9 percent of participants were men and 14.8 percent of participants were students of nursing department, average age of participants was 21.04 ±1.56. Women compared to men, feel more emotional confidence and less social self-confidence. It was determined that the ones who say ‘’ Yes ‘’ to the question “Have you ever used any substance?” feel less lack of social self-confidence, compared to the ones who say ‘’ No ‘’. Most of the students think that there is no connection between substance use and communication manner. It was determined that lack of social self-confidence is felt minimum among students who study in Departments of Feeding and Dietetic and a statistical meaningful difference has been established. Conclusion: According to the results of the research students are interpersonal dependent and autonomic so they have the risk of making substance use decisions. For this reason it is suggested that especially university students who will take charge in health discipline, should be evaluated and supported by dependence units.Amaç: Araştırma sağlık yüksek-okulu öğrencilerinin kişilerarası bağımlılıklarının madde kullanma durumlarına etkisini saptamak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Kesitsel tipte planlanan araştırmanın örnek grubunu, 2012-2013 öğretim yılında bir sağlık yüksekokulu Hemşirelik, Ebelik ve Beslenme ve Diyetetik bölümlerine kayıtlı 376 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Araştırmayı gerçekleştirebilmek için kurumdan yazılı, öğrencilerden sözlü onam alınmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak; sosyo-demografik özellikleri içeren anket formu ve Kişiler Arası Bağımlılık Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Katılımcıların %7.9’u erkek, %14.8’i hemşirelik bölümü öğrencisi olup, yaş ortalaması 21.04 ±1.56’dır. Kadınlar erkeklere göre daha fazla duygusal güven, daha az sosyal özgüven yaşamaktadır. “Daha önce herhangi bir madde kullandınız mı?” sorusuna ‘evet’ diyenlerin, ‘hayır’ diyenlere göre sosyal özgüven eksikliğini daha az yaşadığı belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin çoğunluğu madde kullanma ile iletişim tarzı arasında ilişkinin olmadığını düşünmektedir. Sosyal özgüven eksikliğini en az Beslenme ve Diyetetik bölümünde okuyan öğrencilerin yaşadığı belirlenmiş, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre öğrenciler kişilerarası otonomik ve bağımlılar, buna bağlı madde kullanım kararlarını alma riskine de sahipler. Bu nedenle özellikle sağlık disiplininde görev alacak üniversite öğrencilerinin bağımlılık birimleri tarafından değerlendirilmesi ve desteklenmesi önerilmektedir

    A rare location for sarcoma metastasis: The temporal bone

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    Skeletal sarcoma metastasis is relatively rare; moreover, for this type of metastasis, the temporal bone is also a rare location. The temporal bone appears to be affected by metastatic tumors in discrete histopathologic patterns, with characteristic clinical presentations. In this study, we analyzed the records of 6 patients with skeletal sarcoma metastasis to the temporal bone, with an emphasis on histopathologic sections of human temporal bones. The most common site of sarcoma metastasis in the temporal bone was petrous apex in our series. Physicians should keep in mind that a sarcoma patient may manifest with ear findings due to temporal bone metastasis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Epitympanum volume and tympanic isthmus area in temporal bones with retraction pockets

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    Objectives/HypothesisTo compare the volume of the epitympanic space, as well as the area of the tympanic isthmus, in human temporal bones with retraction pockets to those with chronic otitis media without retraction pockets and to those with neither condition. Study DesignComparative human temporal bone study. MethodsWe generated a three-dimensional model of the bony epitympanum and measured the epitympanic space. We also compared the area of the tympanic isthmus. ResultsThe mean total volume of the epitympanum was 40.55 7.14 mm(3) in the retraction pocket group, 50.03 8.49 mm(3) in the chronic otitis media group, and 48.03 +/- 9.16 mm(3) in the neither condition group. The mean volume of the anterior, lateral, and medial compartments in temporal bones in the retraction pocket group was significantly smaller than in the two control groups (P < 0.05). Total epitympanic volume was also significantly smaller in the retraction pocket group than in both control groups (P < 0.05). The mean area of the tympanic isthmus was significantly smaller in the retraction pocket group (8.11 +/- 2.44 mm(2)) than in the chronic otitis media group (9.82 +/- 2.06 mm(2)) or the neither condition group (10.66 +/- 1.78 mm(2)) (P < 0.05). Conclusion Our data indicate that temporal bones with retraction pockets have a smaller volume bony epitympanum and a smaller tympanic isthmus area as compared with temporal bones from both control groups. The smaller volume tympanic isthmus in the retraction pocket group may suggest that a blockage in the aeration pathways to the epitympanum could create dysventilation, resulting in negative pressure and ultimately in retraction pockets and cholesteatomas12611E369E374sem informaçã

    The Frequency of Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency in Children With Unexplained Liver Disease

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    Objectives: Evidence suggests that lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (LAL-D) is often underdiagnosed because symptoms may be nonspecific. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of LAL-D in children with unexplained liver disease and to identify demographic and clinical features with a prospective, multicenter, cross-sectional study