95 research outputs found

    Анализ развития различных видов городского электрического транспорта в Полоцке и Новополоцке

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    The paper considers options for reducing environmental losses in Polotsk and Novopolotsk through the development of trolleybus and tram systems – various types of urban electric transport. In order to reduce the costs of creating transport (including charging) infrastructure, as well as operating costs, the effectiveness of such systems has been determined when using not only classic types of transport, but also hybrid buses, electric buses, duo-buses. Approaches and methods have been developed to improve the quality of passenger service without deteriorating the environmental situation – this will  become possible thanks to the development of tram and trolleybus traffic in Polotsk and Novopolotsk. Variants of scenarios for the use of various types of urban eclectic transport in the cities under study are presented, which will reduce investment  in vehicles and the cost of creating an operational base at the expense of existing production facilities, for example, a tram fleet. In addition, this will make it possible to create and organize a unique agglomeration rail passenger system, which can become one of the ways to develop the tourist potential of Polotsk and Novopolotsk. The proposals outlined in the paper  are aimed at improving the environmental situation in these cities by reducing the volume of emissions of harmful substances by buses, especially on the central streets.Рассмотрены варианты уменьшения экологических потерь в Полоцке и Новополоцке за счет развития систем троллейбусного и трамвайного движения – различных видов городского электрического транспорта. С целью сокращения затрат на создание транспортной (в том числе и зарядной) инфраструктуры, а также на эксплуатационные издержки определена эффективность таких систем при использовании не только классических видов транспорта, но и гибридных автобусов, электробусов, дуобусов. Разработаны подходы и способы повышения качества обслуживания пассажиров без ухудшения экологической обстановки – это станет возможным благодаря развитию трамвайного и троллейбусного движения в Полоцке и Новополоцке. Приведены варианты сценариев использования различных видов городского электрического транспорта в исследуемых городах, которые снизят капиталовложения в транспортные средства и расходы на создание эксплуатационной базы за счет имеющихся производственных мощностей, например трамвайного парка. Кроме того, это позволит создать и организовать уникальную агломерационную рельсовую пассажирскую систему, которая может стать одним из способов развития туристического потенциала Полоцка и Новополоцка. Предложения, изложенные в статье, направлены на улучшение экологической ситуации в этих городах за счет уменьшения объема выбросов вредных веществ автобусами, особенно на центральных улицах

    Recoil-α-fission and recoil-α-α-fission events observed in the reaction 48Ca + 243Am

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    Products of the fusion-evaporation reaction 48Ca + 243Am were studied with the TASISpec set-up at the gas-filled separator TASCA at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany. Amongst the detected thirty correlated α-decay chains associated with the production of element Z=115, two recoil-α-fission and five recoil-α-α-fission events were observed. The latter five chains are similar to four such events reported from experiments performed at the Dubna gas-filled separator, and three such events reported from an experiment at the Berkeley gas-filled separator. The four chains observed at the Dubna gas-filled separator were assigned to start from the 2n-evaporation channel 289115 due to the fact that these recoil-α-α-fission events were observed only at low excitation energies. Contrary to this interpretation, we suggest that some of these recoil-α-α-fission decay chains, as well as some of the recoil-α-α-fission and recoil-α-fission decay chains reported from Berkeley and in this article, start from the 3n-evaporation channel 288115

    Fusion reaction 48Ca+249Bk leading to formation of the element Ts (Z=117)

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    The heaviest currently known nuclei, which have up to 118 protons, have been produced in 48Ca induced reactions with actinide targets. Among them, the element tennessine (Ts), which has 117 protons, has been synthesized by fusing 48Ca with the radioactive target 249Bk, which has a half-life of 327 d. The experiment was performed at the gas-filled recoil separator TASCA. Two long and two short α decay chains were observed. The long chains were attributed to the decay of 294Ts. The possible origin of the short-decay chains is discussed in comparison with the known experimental data. They are found to fit with the decay chain patterns attributed to 293Ts. The present experimental results confirm the previous findings at the Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator on the decay chains originating from the nuclei assigned to Ts


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    A method for increasing the resolving power through inverse filtering of impulse signals with a limitation of the spectrum of the probing signal from below is reviewed. The results of mathematical modeling and experimental studies, which testify to the convergence of the results, are presented