248 research outputs found

    Compositional game theory

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    We introduce open games as a compositional foundation of economic game theory. A compositional approach potentially allows methods of game theory and theoretical computer science to be applied to large-scale economic models for which standard economic tools are not practical. An open game represents a game played relative to an arbitrary environment and to this end we introduce the concept of coutility, which is the utility generated by an open game and returned to its environment. Open games are the morphisms of a symmetric monoidal category and can therefore be composed by categorical composition into sequential move games and by monoidal products into simultaneous move games. Open games can be represented by string diagrams which provide an intuitive but formal visualisation of the information flows. We show that a variety of games can be faithfully represented as open games in the sense of having the same Nash equilibria and off-equilibrium best responses.Comment: This version submitted to LiCS 201

    Optimization of Production Processes in the Manufacture of Containers

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    Import 05/08/2014Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou spojenou s optimalizací výrobních procesů při výrobě kontejnerů v závodě Wanzl spol. s r.o.. Cílem práce je nalezení vhodných technicko-organizačních řešení, která by vedla k eliminaci plýtvání při seřizování vybraných strojů na pracovištích podílejících se na výrobě dílců potřebných pro kompletaci kontejnerů. Práce obsahuje výsledky náměrů seřizovacích činností a jejich podrobný popis pro vybrané stroje, způsoby užití metod štíhlé výroby pro analýzu a optimalizaci procesů na pracovištích (SMED, 5S, Procesní analýza), výpočet optimálních výrobních dávek pro vybrané dílce nebo skupinu dílců a návrhy technicko-organizačních opatření pro zjednodušení a zkrácení dob trvání seřizovacích činností.The thesis deals with the issues of optimizing the production processes within the manufacture of containers in the factory of Wanzl company. The objective of the work is to find appropriate technical and organizational solutions that would lead to the elimination of waste in the course of assembling the selected machines in the workplaces involved in the manufacture of the component parts needed for the assembly of the containers. The thesis presents the results of the measuring of the assembling activities and their detailed description for the selected machines, as well as the methods of lean manufacturing to analyze and optimize the processes on the workplaces (SMED, 5S, process analysis), to calculate optimal quantities of the selected component parts, or group of parts, and to suggest the technical and organizational measures to simplify and streamline the assembling activities.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Analysis of tick-borne encephalitis virus-induced host responses in human cells of neuronal origin and interferon-mediated protection

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is a member of the genus Flavivirus. It can cause serious infections in humans that may result in encephalitis/meningoencephalitis. Although several studies have described the involvement of specific genes in the host response to TBEV infection in the central nervous system (CNS), the overall network remains poorly characterized. Therefore, we investigated the response of DAOY cells (human medulloblastoma cells derived from cerebellar neurons) to TBEV (Neudoerfl strain, Western subtype) infection to characterize differentially expressed genes by transcriptome analysis. Our results revealed a wide panel of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) and pro-inflammatory cytokines, including type III but not type I (or II) interferons (IFNs), which are activated upon TBEV infection, as well as a number of non-coding RNAs, including long non-coding RNAs. To obtain a broader view of the pathways responsible for eliciting an antiviral state in DAOY cells we examined the effect of type I and III IFNs and found that only type I IFN pre-treatment inhibited TBEV production. The cellular response to TBEV showed only partial overlap with gene expression changes induced by IFN-β treatment – suggesting a virus-specific signature – and we identified a group of ISGs that were highly up-regulated following IFN-β treatment. Moreover, a high rate of down-regulation was observed for a wide panel of pro-inflammatory cytokines upon IFN-β treatment. These data can serve as the basis for further studies of host–TBEV interactions and the identification of ISGs and/or lncRNAs with potent antiviral effects in cases of TBEV infection in human neuronal cells

    On representation categories of wreath products in non-integral rank

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    For an arbitrary commutative ring k and t in k, we construct a 2-functor S_t which sends a tensor category to a new tensor category. By applying it to the representation category of a bialgebra we obtain a family of categories which interpolates the representation categories of the wreath products of the bialgebra. This generalizes the construction of Deligne's category Rep(S_t,k) for representation categories of symmetric groups.Comment: [v3] 41 pages, appendix added; final version [v2] 39 pages, title changed [v1] 32 page

    Raman spectroscopy investigation of the H content of heated hard amorphous carbon layers

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    We revisit here how Raman spectroscopy can be used to estimate the H content in hard hydrogenated amorphous carbon layers. The H content was varied from 2 at.% to 30 at.%, using heat treatments of a a-C:H, from room temperature to 1300 K and was determined independently using ion beam analysis. We examine the correlation of various Raman parameters and the consistency of their thermal evolution with thermo-desorption results. We identify a weak band at 860 cm-1 attributed to H bonded to C(sp2). We show that the HD/HG parameter (Height ratio between the D and G bands) is quasi-linear in the full range of H content and can thus be used to estimate the H content. Conversely, we show that the m/HG parameter (ratio between the photoluminescence background, m, and the height of the G band), often used to estimate the H content, should be used with care, first because it is sensitive to various photoluminescence quenching processes and second because it is not sensitive to H bonded to C(sp2)

    Tick-borne encephalitis virus inhibits rRNA synthesis and host protein production in human cells of neural origin

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), a member of the genus Flavivirus (Flaviviridae), is a causative agent of a severe neuroinfection. Recently, several flaviviruses have been shown to interact with host protein synthesis. In order to determine whether TBEV interacts with this host process in its natural target cells, we analysed de novo protein synthesis in a human cell line derived from cerebellar medulloblastoma (DAOY HTB-186). We observed a significant decrease in the rate of host protein synthesis, including the housekeeping genes HPRT1 and GAPDH and the known interferon-stimulated gene viperin. In addition, TBEV infection resulted in a specific decrease of RNA polymerase I (POLR1) transcripts, 18S and 28S rRNAs and their precursor, 45-47S pre-rRNA, but had no effect on the POLR3 transcribed 5S rRNA levels. To our knowledge, this is the first report of flavivirus-induced decrease of specifically POLR1 rRNA transcripts accompanied by host translational shut-off

    Raman micro-spectroscopy as a tool to measure the absorption coefficient and the erosion rate of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films heat-treated under hydrogen bombardment

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    We present a fast and simple way to determine the erosion rate and absorption coefficient of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films exposed to a hydrogen atomic source based on ex-situ Raman micro-spectroscopy. Results are compared to ellipsometry measurement. The method is applied to films eroded at different temperatures. A maximum of the erosion rate is found at ~ 450 {\degree}C in agreement with previous results. This technique is suitable for future quantitative studies on the erosion of thin carbonaceous films, especially of interest for plasma wall interactions occurring in thermonuclear fusion devices

    The Relationship Between Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Working Memory and Distraction - a Behavioral and Electrophysiological Approach

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    Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEAS) have been reported to have memory enhancement effects in humans. A neuro-stimulatory action and an anti-cortisol mechanism of action may contribute to that relation. In order to study DHEA, DHEAS and cortisol relations to working memory and distraction, we recorded the electroencephalogram of 23 young women performing a discrimination (no working memory load) or 1-back (working memory load) task in an audio-visual oddball paradigm. We measured salivary DHEA, DHEAS and cortisol both before each task and at 30 and 60 min. Under working memory load, a higher baseline cortisol/DHEA ratio was related to higher distraction as indexed by an enhanced novelty P3. This suggests that cortisol may lead to increased distraction whereas DHEA may hinder distraction by leading to less processing of the distractor. An increased DHEA production with consecutive cognitive tasks was found and higher DHEA responses attributed to working memory load were related to enhanced working memory processing as indexed by an enhanced visual P300. Overall, the results suggest that in women DHEA may oppose cortisol effects reducing distraction and that a higher DHEA response may enhance working memory at the electrophysiological level

    Long Term H-Release from Amorphous Carbon Evidenced by in Situ Raman Microscopy under Isothermal Heating

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    We study the kinetics of the H release from plasma-deposited hydrogenated amorphous carbon films under isothermal heating at 450, 500 and 600 {\degree}C for long times up to several days using in situ Raman microscopy. Four Raman parameters are analyzed. They allow the identification of different processes such as the carbon network reorganization and the H release from sp3 or sp2 carbon atoms and the corresponding timescales. Carbon reorganization with aromatization and loss of sp3 hybridization occurs first in 100 minutes at 500 {\degree}C. The final organization is similar at all investigated temperatures. Full H release from sp3 carbon occurs on a longer timescale of about 10 hours while H release from sp2 carbon atoms is only partial, even after several days. All these processes occur more rapidly with higher initial H content, in agreement with what is known about the stability of these types of films. A quantitative analysis of these kinetics studies gives valuable information about the microscopic processes at the origin of the H release through the determination of activation energies