4,713 research outputs found

    On the semisimplicity of the outer derivations of monomial algebras

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    We show that the Hochschild cohomology of a monomial algebra over a field of characteristic zero vanishes from degree two if the first Hochschild cohomology is semisimple as a Lie algebra. We also prove that first Hochschild cohomology of a radical square zero algebra is reductive as a Lie algebra. In the case of the multiple loops quiver, we obtain the Lie algebra of square matrices of size equal to the number of loops

    How Public Is the Internet? A Conversation on the Nature of Human Interactions On-line and the Implications for Research Methods

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    In the past decade, ???virtual??? research???empirical investigations conducted via the Internet???has increased dramatically across a variety of disparate disciplines. Areas such as cybersecurity and encryption, digital government and citizenship, consumer health informatics, and user behavior in online spaces have emerged to become signature iSchool research areas, often shared with particular disciplinary heritages (e.g., computer science, political science and communication, public health, and sociology???respectively, but not exclusively). In addition, the field of Information Science is dominated by research developing or using emerging technologies. These new technologies often occupy a gray area in which ethical issues either have not been sufficiently well-defined or push against existing definitions. Questions surrounding the ???public??? nature of the internet and Web 2.0-era information technologies have also emerged and have become increasingly urgent given the tightening of federal, state and University regulations as they relate to the protection of human subjects. At the convergence of multiple disciplinary and methodological perspectives, Information Science researchers are well-positioned to become more active participants in both scholarly and institutional conversations regarding the appropriate risks and benefits that participants in online research studies might be subject to. Critiques of IRB inconsistencies exist, what we need is a thoughtful and thorough community response to the innately complex nature of virtual research and a map which can guide us towards the future and the study of twenty-first century systems, selves and societies. Our goal for this wildcard event, is to generate a lively and rigorous debate which accomplishes the following three goals: 1) extends the dialogue within the Information Science field concerning the beneficence and respect for participants in online research; 2) enumerates a set of best practices for iSchool researchers in relation to conducting approved research on-line and; 3) moves us towards the process of drafting an iSchool set of ethical guidelines related to virtual research

    Metodología e- Learning para el desarrollo de software para el aprendizaje en programación a nivel medio superior

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    Actualmente, en México se tiene la necesidad de la producción de bienes informáticos, -- por lo que las instituciones de educación superior, así como las escuelas técnicas de educación media superior, se han interesado en impartir materias de tipo tecnológicas; basados ´ en dicha necesidad, se han instituido diversos planes de estudio a nivel medio superior con el fin de generar carreras técnicas, tal es el caso de la carrera de programación.-- En el Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de México (CECy TEM) plantel Tultitlan, se imparte la carrera de programación y se ha observado un alto índice de reprobación en las materias propias de programación, por lo que ´ se hace necesario desarrollar metodologías que utilicen herramientas de apoyo o estrategias de aprendizaje para la mejora y/o aumento de saberes en la materia, para despertar el interés del alumno

    Alcune osservazioni su l’idillio Alla luna

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    Nell’idillio Alla luna, Giacomo Leopardi trascrive poeticamente i dati della riflessione che ha elaborato nello Zibaldone intorno a quel peculiare e terapeutico carattere della memoria che riesce a scalfire il limite del tempo e del dolore. Così la «graziosa luna», a cui si rivolge il poeta, diventa il correlativo oggettivo di quella condizione emotiva che risorge dal passato al presente e che entra in simbiosi con il tema centrale del componimento, il piacere della «ricordanza».In the idyll Alla luna, Giacomo Leopardi poetically transcribes the details of the reflection in the Zibaldone, on that unusual and therapeutic nature of memory which attenuates the limits of time and unhappiness. The «graziosa luna», which the poet addresses, becomes the correlation of the emotional condition that arises from contemplation of the past and enters into a symbiosis with the with central subject of the poem, i.e. the pleasure of «recollection»

    The Constitutionality of High School Graduation Prayers Under \u3cem\u3eHarris v. School District No. 241\u3c/em\u3e

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    Objetivos: Determinar la validez de la ecografía abdominal en el paciente pediátrico con apendicitis aguda, en el Hospital Alberto Sabogal Sologuren. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, transversal, de 210 pacientes cuyas historias clínicas informan como diagnóstico definitivo apendicitis aguda y que fueron operados en el Hospital Alberto Sabogal Sologuren desde el 1° de enero del 2012 hasta el 30 de junio del 2014 y se le realizó una ecografía abdominal previa. Resultados: El 65.7 % fueron varones y el 34.3 %fueron mujeres. La media de la edad fue de 9.2+/-2.1 años, siendo la mínima de 3.8 años y la máxima de 12.3 años. El 71.4% de los pacientes presentaron dolor en fosa iliaca derecha. El 71.4 % presentaron vómitos. El 85.7 % de los pacientes tuvo ecografía positiva para apendicitis aguda. El 68.6 % tuvo imagen tubular apendicular no comprensible mayor o igual a 6mm.El 15.3 % tuvo coprolito en su interior. El 77.1 % tuvo engrosamiento de pared apendicular. El 80 % de los pacientes tuvo diagnóstico definitivo de apendicitis aguda según la anatomía patológica. Los pacientes con diagnóstico definitivo de apendicitis aguda presentaron una mayor media del tiempo de evolución (39.2 versus 37.6), y del conteo de los leucocitos (15739 versus 12488). Conclusiones: La ecografía abdominal en el paciente pediátrico con apendicitis aguda, tiene una alta sensibilidad y un alto valor predictivo positivo

    Autonomic regulation in response to stress : the influence of anticipatory emotion regulation strategies and trait rumination

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    According to the neurocognitive framework for regulation expectation, adaptively regulating emotions in anticipation of a stressful event should help individuals deal with the stressor itself. The goal of this study was twofold: first, the authors compared the influence of adaptive versus maladaptive anticipatory emotion regulation (ER) on the autonomic system during anticipation of, confrontation with, and recovery from a stressor; second, they explored whether trait rumination moderated this relationship. The authors collected data from 56 healthy female undergraduates during a public speaking task. The task involved 4 phases: baseline, anticipatory ER, stressor, and recovery. Participants were assigned to 1 of 2 anticipatory ER instructions (reappraisal or catastrophizing). Heart rate variability (HRV) indexed autonomic regulation. Results confirmed that HRV was higher in the reappraisal than in the catastrophizing group (over all time points, except for baseline). Trait rumination levels moderated the effect of anticipatory ER strategy on HRV during the stressor phase. Specifically, whereas for low ruminators reappraisal (versus catastrophizing) in the anticipation phase led to higher HRV when confronted to the stressor, high ruminators demonstrated lower HRV in that same condition. To conclude, over all participants, using reappraisal during the anticipation phase allowed participants to better cope with stress. However, only low, but not high ruminators could profit from the beneficial effect of anticipatory reappraisal on autonomic regulation. Even though further research is needed, this study suggests that, in female undergraduates, the tendency to ruminate is associated with abnormal anticipatory ER that might hinder an adaptive response to a stressor

    L’Infinito e il piacere del «contrasto»

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    Nell’idillio L’infinito Giacomo Leopardi crea una lirica che, formalmente e contenutisticamente, costituisce il viaggio testuale parallelo a quello fantastico-immaginativo compiuto dal protagonista alla ricerca del piacere. Il poeta appaga la propria tensione al piacere non solo raccontando un’esperienza razionale e sensoriale nei suoi vari passaggi, ma mettendo in pratica la sua tecnica poetica, per comunicare al lettore il diletto della «vera poesia » attraverso il correlato piacere del contrasto, pressoché continuo, fra finito e indefinito al livello fonico, lessicale, sintattico, semantico.In the idyll «L’infinito» Giacomo Leopardi creates a poem which in its form and content constitutes a textual journey which runs parallel to the fantastic and imaginative one made by the author while looking for pleasure. The poet appeases his own striving for pleasure not only by presenting a rational and sensual experience in its various steps, but also applying his poetical technique in order to convey to the reader the delight of «pure poetry» through the parallel pleasure caused by an almost constant contrast between «finiteness» and «infinity», a contrast shown at the phonic, lexical, syntactic and semantic levels
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