11 research outputs found

    Feminizing Wolbachia endosymbiont disrupts maternal sex chromosome inheritance in a butterfly species

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    Wolbachia is a maternally inherited ubiquitous endosymbiotic bacterium of arthropods that displays a diverse repertoire of host reproductive manipulations. For the first time, we demonstrate that Wolbachia manipulates sex chromosome inheritance in a sexually reproducing insect. Eurema mandarina butterfly females on Tanegashima Island, Japan, are infected with the wFem Wolbachia strain and produce all‐female offspring, while antibiotic treatment results in male offspring. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that wFem‐positive and wFem‐negative females have Z0 and WZ sex chromosome sets, respectively, demonstrating the predicted absence of the W chromosome in wFem‐infected lineages. Genomic quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis showed that wFem‐positive females lay only Z0 eggs that carry a paternal Z, whereas females from lineages that are naturally wFem‐negative lay both WZ and ZZ eggs. In contrast, antibiotic treatment of adult wFem females resulted in the production of Z0 and ZZ eggs, suggesting that this Wolbachia strain can disrupt the maternal inheritance of Z chromosomes. Moreover, most male offspring produced by antibiotic‐treated wFem females had a ZZ karyotype, implying reduced survival of Z0 individuals in the absence of feminizing effects of Wolbachia. Antibiotic treatment of wFem‐infected larvae induced male‐specific splicing of the doublesex (dsx) gene transcript, causing an intersex phenotype. Thus, the absence of the female‐determining W chromosome in Z0 individuals is functionally compensated by Wolbachia‐mediated conversion of sex determination. We discuss how Wolbachia may manipulate the host chromosome inheritance and that Wolbachia may have acquired this coordinated dual mode of reproductive manipulation first by the evolution of female‐determining function and then cytoplasmically induced disruption of sex chromosome inheritance

    Evolutionary origin and distribution of amino acid mutations associated with resistance to sodium channel modulators in onion thrips, Thrips tabaci

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    Abstract In onion thrips Thrips tabaci, reduced sensitivity of the sodium channel caused by several sodium channel mutations have been correlated with pyrethroid resistance. For this study, using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene sequences, we examined the phylogenetic relation among a total of 52 thelytokous and arrhenotokous strains with different genotypes of the sodium channel mutations. Then, we used flow cytometry to estimate their ploidy. Results showed that the strains are divisible into three groups: diploid thelytoky, triploid thelytoky, and diploid arrhenotoky. Using 23 whole genome resequencing data obtained from 20 strains out of 52, we examined their genetic relation further using principal component analysis, admixture analysis, and a fixation index. Results showed that diploid and triploid thelytokous groups are further classifiable into two based on the sodium channel mutations harbored by the respective group members (strains). The greatest genetic divergence was observed between thelytokous and arrhenotokous groups with a pair of T929I and K1774N. Nevertheless, they shared a genomic region with virtually no polymorphism around the sodium channel gene loci, suggesting a hard selective sweep. Based on these findings, we discuss the evolutionary origin and distribution of the sodium channel mutations in T. tabaci

    Data from: Feminizing Wolbachia endosymbiont disrupts maternal sex chromosome inheritance in a butterfly species

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    Wolbachia is a maternally inherited ubiquitous endosymbiotic bacterium of arthropods that displays a diverse repertoire of host reproductive manipulations. For the first time, we demonstrate that Wolbachia manipulates sex chromosome inheritance in a sexually reproducing insect. Eurema mandarina butterfly females on Tanegashima Island, Japan, are infected with the wFem Wolbachia strain and produce all-female offspring, while antibiotic treatment results in male offspring. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that wFem-positive and wFem-negative females have Z0 and WZ sex chromosome sets, respectively, demonstrating the predicted absence of the W chromosome in wFem-infected lineages. Genomic quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis showed that wFem-positive females lay only Z0 eggs that carry a paternal Z, whereas females from lineages that are naturally wFem-negative lay both WZ and ZZ eggs. In contrast, antibiotic treatment of adult wFem females resulted in the production of Z0 and ZZ eggs, suggesting that this Wolbachia strain can disrupt the maternal inheritance of Z chromosomes. Moreover, most male offspring produced by antibiotic-treated wFem females had a ZZ karyotype, implying reduced survival of Z0 individuals in the absence of feminizing effects of Wolbachia. Antibiotic treatment of wFem-infected larvae induced male-specific splicing of the doublesex (dsx) gene transcript, causing an intersex phenotype. Thus, the absence of the female-determining W chromosome in Z0 individuals is functionally compensated by Wolbachia-mediated conversion of sex determination. We discuss how Wolbachia may manipulate the host chromosome inheritance and that Wolbachia may have acquired this coordinated dual mode of reproductive manipulation first by the evolution of female-determining function and then cytoplasmically induced disruption of sex chromosome inheritance