33 research outputs found

    Wörter und Phraseme: Theoretische und praktische Exkurse

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    Festschrift anlĂ€sslich des 80. Geburtstags von Irmhild Barz:Vorwort der Herausgeberinnen Ulla Fix/Marianne Schröder: Irmhild Barz und die Leipziger Sprachwissenschaft Holm Fleischer: Zum 80. Geburtstag von Irmhild Barz Hannelore Poethe: Wortbildungsforschung fĂŒr die Praxis Mitwirkende Tabula gratulatoria Stojan Bračič: Deutsche Lexik im Sprachsystem und im Text Luise Czajkowski: Flucht oder Furcht? Homonymenkonflikte in der deutschen Sprachgeschichte Dmitrij Dobrovol'skij: Phraseologie – offene Fragen Erla HallsteinsdĂłttir: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit – Phraseologie und Deutsch im dĂ€nischen Ausbildungssystem Jessica Heimbecher: Schöne neue Arbeitswelt. Versprachlichung neuer und traditioneller Berufe in sozialen Medien am Beispiel von LinkedIn Volker Hertel: Ein kleines BlumenstrĂ€ußchen Kathrin Kunkel-Razum: Die Studierenden sorgen fĂŒr Aufregung LĂȘ Tuyáșżt Nga: Somatische Phraseologismen im Vietnamesischen und Deutschen kontrastiv – am Beispiel der Somatismen Kopf, Auge und Hand Anja Seiffert: „Verspitzte Thesen“ und „ungelungene“ Formulierungen. Wortbildung in der Schule Martin Ć emelĂ­k/Věra KloudovĂĄ: Ge-
 und Ge-
-e unter dem Mikroskop. Eine korpuslinguistische Betrachtung Marie VachkovĂĄ: Adjektivische Wortbildungssynonyme in mehreren Perspektive

    In vitro recellularization of decellularized bovine carotid arteries using human endothelial colony forming cells

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    Background: Many patients suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD) are dependent on bypass surgery. However, in some patients no suitable replacements (i.e. autologous or prosthetic bypass grafts) are available. Advances have been made to develop autologous tissue engineered vascular grafts (TEVG) using endothelial colony forming cells (ECFC) obtained by peripheral blood draw in large animal trials. Clinical translation of this technique, however, still requires additional data for usability of isolated ECFC from high cardiovascular risk patients. Bovine carotid arteries (BCA) were decellularized using a combined SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) -free mechanical-osmotic-enzymatic-detergent approach to show the feasibility of xenogenous vessel decellularization. Decellularized BCA chips were seeded with human ECFC, isolated from a high cardiovascular risk patient group, suffering from diabetes, hypertension and/or chronic renal failure. ECFC were cultured alone or in coculture with rat or human mesenchymal stromal cells (rMSC/hMSC). Decellularized BCA chips were evaluated for biochemical, histological and mechanical properties. Successful isolation of ECFC and recellularization capabilities were analyzed by histology. Results: Decellularized BCA showed retained extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and mechanical properties upon cell removal. Isolation of ECFC from the intended target group was successfully performed (80% isolation efficiency). Isolated cells showed a typical ECFC-phenotype. Upon recellularization, co-seeding of patient-isolated ECFC with rMSC/hMSC and further incubation was successful for 14 (n = 9) and 23 (n = 5) days. Reendothelialization (rMSC) and partial reendothelialization (hMSC) was achieved. Seeded cells were CD31 and vWF positive, however, human cells were detectable for up to 14 days in xenogenic cell-culture only. Seeding of ECFC without rMSC was not successful. Conclusion: Using our refined decellularization process we generated easily obtainable TEVG with retained ECM- and mechanical quality, serving as a platform to develop small-diameter (< 6 mm) TEVG. ECFC isolation from the cardiovascular risk target group is possible and sufficient. Survival of diabetic ECFC appears to be highly dependent on perivascular support by rMSC/hMSC under static conditions. ECFC survival was limited to 14 days post seeding

    Multifactorial resistance mechanisms associated with resistance to ceftazidime-avibactam in clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from Switzerland

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    BackgroundIncreasing reports of multidrug resistance (MDR) in clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa have led to a necessity for new antimicrobials. Ceftazidime-avibactam (CZA) is indicated for use against MDR P. aeruginosa across a broad range of infection types and particularly those that are carbapenem resistant. This study sought to determine the molecular mechanisms of CZA and imipenem (IPM)-resistance in clinical P. aeruginosa isolates obtained from Swiss hospitals.MethodsClinical P. aeruginosa isolates were obtained from inpatients in three hospitals in Switzerland. Susceptibility was determined by either antibiotic disc testing or broth microdilution according to EUCAST methodology. AmpC activity was determined using cloxacillin and efflux activity was determined using phenylalanine-arginine ÎČ-naphthylamide, in agar plates. Whole Genome Sequencing was performed on 18 clinical isolates. Sequence types (STs) and resistance genes were ascertained using the Centre for Genomic Epidemiology platform. Genes of interest were extracted from sequenced isolates and compared to reference strain P. aeruginosa PAO1.ResultsSixteen different STs were identified amongst the 18 isolates in this study indicating a high degree of genomic diversity. No carbapenemases were detected but one isolate did harbor the ESBL blaPER-1. Eight isolates were CZA-resistant with MICs ranging from 16-64 mg/L, and the remaining ten isolates had either low/wildtype MICs (n=6; 1-2 mg/L) or elevated, but still susceptible, MICs (n=4; 4-8 mg/L). Ten isolates were IPM-resistant, seven of which had mutations resulting in truncations of OprD, and the remaining nine IPM-susceptible isolates had intact oprD genes. Within CZA-R isolates, and those with reduced susceptibility, mutations resulting in ampC derepression, OprD loss, mexAB overexpression and ESBL (blaPER-1) carriage were observed in various combinations and one harbored a truncation of the PBP4 dacB gene. Within the six isolates with wildtype-resistance levels, five had no mutations that would affect any antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes of interest when compared to PAO1.ConclusionThis preliminary study highlights that CZA-resistance in P. aeruginosa is multifactorial and could be caused by the interplay between different resistance mechanisms including ESBL carriage, increased efflux, loss of permeability and derepression of its intrinsic ampC

    Surface modification of decellularized bovine carotid arteries with human vascular cells significantly reduces their thrombogenicity

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    Background: Since autologous veins are unavailable when needed in more than 20% of cases in vascular surgery, the production of personalized biological vascular grafts for implantation has become crucial. Surface modification of decellularized xenogeneic grafts with vascular cells to achieve physiological luminal coverage and eventually thromboresistance is an important prerequisite for implantation. However, ex vivo thrombogenicity testing remains a neglected area in the field of tissue engineering of vascular grafts due to a multifold of reasons. Methods: After seeding decellularized bovine carotid arteries with human endothelial progenitor cells and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells, luminal endothelial cell coverage (LECC) was correlated with glucose and lactate levels on the cell supernatant. Then a closed loop whole blood perfusion system was designed. Recellularized grafts with a LECC > 50% and decellularized vascular grafts were perfused with human whole blood for 2 h. Hemolysis and complete blood count evaluation was performed on an hourly basis, followed by histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Results: While whole blood perfusion of decellularized grafts significantly reduced platelet counts, platelet depletion from blood resulting from binding to re-endothelialized grafts was insignificant (p = 0.7284). Moreover, macroscopic evaluation revealed thrombus formation only in the lumen of unseeded grafts and histological characterization revealed lack of CD41 positive platelets in recellularized grafts, thus confirming their thromboresistance. Conclusion: In the present study we were able to demonstrate the effect of surface modification of vascular grafts in their thromboresistance in an ex vivo whole blood perfusion system. To our knowledge, this is the first study to expose engineered vascular grafts to human whole blood, recirculating at high flow rates, immediately after seeding

    Bi-allelic variants in OGDHL cause a neurodevelopmental spectrum disease featuring epilepsy, hearing loss, visual impairment, and ataxia

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    The 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase-like (OGDHL) protein is a rate-limiting enzyme in the Krebs cycle that plays a pivotal role in mitochondrial metabolism. OGDHL expression is restricted mainly to the brain in humans. Here, we report nine individuals from eight unrelated families carrying bi-allelic variants in OGDHL with a range of neurological and neurodevelopmental phenotypes including epilepsy, hearing loss, visual impairment, gait ataxia, microcephaly, and hypoplastic corpus callosum. The variants include three homozygous missense variants (p.Pro852Ala, p.Arg244Trp, and p.Arg299Gly), three compound heterozygous single-nucleotide variants (p.Arg673Gln/p.Val488Val, p.Phe734Ser/p.Ala327Val, and p.Trp220Cys/p.Asp491Val), one homozygous frameshift variant (p.Cys553Leufs∗16), and one homozygous stop-gain variant (p.Arg440Ter). To support the pathogenicity of the variants, we developed a novel CRISPR-Cas9-mediated tissue-specific knockout with cDNA rescue system for dOgdh, the Drosophila ortholog of human OGDHL. Pan-neuronal knockout of dOgdh led to developmental lethality as well as defects in Krebs cycle metabolism, which was fully rescued by expression of wild-type dOgdh. Studies using the Drosophila system indicate that p.Arg673Gln, p.Phe734Ser, and p.Arg299Gly are severe loss-of-function alleles, leading to developmental lethality, whereas p.Pro852Ala, p.Ala327Val, p.Trp220Cys, p.Asp491Val, and p.Arg244Trp are hypomorphic alleles, causing behavioral defects. Transcript analysis from fibroblasts obtained from the individual carrying the synonymous variant (c.1464T>C [p.Val488Val]) in family 2 showed that the synonymous variant affects splicing of exon 11 in OGDHL. Human neuronal cells with OGDHL knockout exhibited defects in mitochondrial respiration, indicating the essential role of OGDHL in mitochondrial metabolism in humans. Together, our data establish that the bi-allelic variants in OGDHL are pathogenic, leading to a Mendelian neurodevelopmental disease in humans