1,063 research outputs found

    The motion of a charged satellite in the earth's magnetic field

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    Charged satellite motion in earths magnetic fiel

    The Short-period Drag Perturbations of the Orbits of Artificial Satellites

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    Short-period perturbation computation of artificial satellite orbits caused by atmospheric dra

    The effect of particles size on the properties of mortars.

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    Ve stavebním průmyslu je každoročně vyšší spotřeba betonu jako stavebního materiálu. Výroba betonu je úzce spjata s emisemi CO2 a jiných skleníkových plynů. Snížení produkce skleníkových plynů může být dosaženo při vyšším využití sekundárních surovin v cementových směsích. Moje bakalářská práce je zaměřena právě na přidávání sekundárních surovin, vysokoteplotního popílku, popílku z fluidního spalování a to ložového i filtrového, a vysokopecní strusky. Budou měřeny vlastnosti různě pomletých sekundárních surovin i samotných cementů. U takto připravených popílkových a struskových malt budou prováděny zkoušky v tlaku, v tahu za ohybu a bude provedeno kalorimetrické měření.The consumption of concrete as a building material is still increasing over the world. Concrete production is closely associated with CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions. The reduction of these emissions can be achieved by a higher utilization of secondary raw materials in cement mixtures. This bachelor work is focused on the using of secondary raw material, finely ground granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash from fluidized bed combustion and high temperature combustion. The properties of milling pure cement and cement mortars with addition of secondary raw material will be measured. Compressive strength, flexural strength, and calorimetric measurement will be performed for these prepared mortars.

    Web Interface of the Helios Information System

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    Úkolem této bakalářské práce je navrhnout a vytvořit webové rozhraní, které bude sloužit zákazníkům firmy Safiral s.r.o. Díky tomuto rozhraní mohou zákazníci sledovat online faktury, expediční listy. Budou automaticky informování prostřednictvím emailu o stavu objednávky během zpracování dané zakázky od potvrzení objednávky až po expedici.The goal of this Bachelor's thesis is to design and implement a web interface for customers of the Safiral s.r.o. company. With this interface, customers can watch online invoices and dispatch sheets. The custmer will also be automatically informed via email about the status of his order during the processing of orders from order confirmation to delivery.

    New building family house

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    Bakalářská práce řeší návrh rodinného domu ve Vranově. Objekt je navržen jako dvoupodlažní budova, umístěna na absolutně srovnaném terénu, který je otevřen do zahrady směrem na jih. Vstup do domu je řešen v prostřední části, orientované na severní stranu. V 1NP se nachází komunikační prostory, ze kterých je přístup jak do garáže a technického zázemí, tak do kuchyně, jídelny i obývacího pokoje. Rovněž na tento prostor navazuje schodiště do 2NP. Zde se nachází klidová zóna – ložnice, dětské pokoje, pokoj pro hosty a dvě koupelny. Svislé konstrukce jsou navrženy z dutinového keramického zdiva bez dalšího zateplení. Stropní konstrukce jsou skládané. Objekt je zastřešen plochou střechou se sklonem 3%.This bachelor s thesis deals with the creation of a plan for a detached house in Vranov. The building is designed as a two storey building, situated in absolutely leveled terrain, which opens to the south. The entrance is located in the central part of the house, oriented to the nord. In the first floor, there are communication facilities which also provide access to the garrage and technical basement, as well as the kitchen, dining room and the living room. This space is also the way to enter the second floor, which contains the private zone, in adition to the bedroom, children s room, guest room and two bathrooms. Vertical constructions are designed of hollow bricks without the need of any thermal insulation. Floor structures are rib- and-filler refabricated. The building is covered with a 3% slope flat roof.

    Jiří Sehnal, Adam Michna of Otradovice - composer: perspectives on seventeenth-century sacred music in Czech lands. Transl. by Judith Fiehler. Olomouc,Palacký University 2016, 236 S. DOI 10.55607/ff.16.24449869. ISBN 978-80-244-4986-9. Summary

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    Adam Michna z Otradovic (Adam Michna of Otradovice, 1600–1676) was the most important figure of Bohemian music history of the mid-17th century. He lived in the time of the deep political and ecclesiastical changes, an aftermath, in the Bohemian Lands, of the 1620 White Mountain Battle. The events of the Thirty Years’ War have influenced the whole of the early 17th century; nevertheless, music development did not stop. The forcible re-Catholicisation, instigated by the Habsburgs aided in the arrival of new music trends from Italy to Bohemia

    Cryoconite holes on frozen lakes as source of interesting extremophilic and extremotolerant organisms

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    The key thought of this short communication is biodiversity evaluation of the photo-autotrophic inhabitants of lake cryoconite holes and point out their potencial as extremo-tolerant or even extremophilic organisms that deserve attention. Cyanobacterial diversity of these environments was investigated in cryoconites holes of 2 permanently and 1 sea-sonally ice-covered lakes at James Ross Island. Twelve species from different taxonomic groups, both coccal and filamentous (with and without heterocytes) cyanobacteria, were determined using a light microscope and morphological features of autorophic microorganisms. The results suggested relatively high diversity in such extreme environments and also indicated potential of lake cryoconites to serve as a reservoir of organism that can have special protection properties

    Self-Derived Happiness, Defamiliarized: Ambiguity and Agency in Nella Larsen’s Passing

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    In Nella Larsen’s Passing, Clare Kendry plays a dangerous game. Only a little over half a century removed from the end of the American Civil War, in a time when white supremacy still defined the nation’s social, economic, and political life, Clare Kendry has agency. Though free from the confines of slavery, American white supremacy maintained that Black independence and narratives of Black happiness be dictated and authored solely by whites. Passing as a white woman, Clare derives her own happiness and builds her identity, marriage and livelihood on the basis of her deception. When her trickery is uncovered, Clare suffers an ambiguous fate and an untimely death. In writing an ambiguous end for Kendry, Larsen provides Clare an even greater sense of agency by forbidding traditions of white-authored narratives of a self-derived Black happiness from determining her fate. Critical condemnations of Passing’s conclusion establish that Larsen successfully defamiliarizes the Black psychological fiction novel and rejects southern antebellum models of white supremacy and Black self-determination

    Discovery of X-rays from Mars with Chandra

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    On 4 July 2001, X-rays from Mars were detected for the first time. The observation was performed with the ACIS-I detector onboard Chandra and yielded data of high spatial and temporal resolution, together with spectral information. Mars is clearly detected as an almost fully illuminated disk, with an indication of limb brightening at the sunward side, accompanied by some fading on the opposite side. The morphology and the X-ray luminosity of ~4 MW are fully consistent with fluorescent scattering of solar X-rays in the upper Mars atmosphere. The X-ray spectrum is dominated by a single narrow emission line, which is most likely caused by O-K_alpha fluorescence. No evidence for temporal variability is found. This is in agreement with the solar X-ray flux, which was almost constant during the observation. In addition to the X-ray fluorescence, there is evidence for an additional source of X-ray emission, indicated by a faint X-ray halo which can be traced to about three Mars radii, and by an additional component in the X-ray spectrum of Mars, which has a similar spectral shape as the halo. Within the available limited statistics, the spectrum of this component can be characterized by 0.2 keV thermal bremsstrahlung emission. This is indicative of charge exchange interactions between highly charged heavy ions in the solar wind and exospheric hydrogen and oxygen around Mars. Although the observation was performed at the onset of a global dust storm, no evidence for dust-related X-ray emission was found.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    Diurnal changes in photosynthetic activity of the biological soil crust and lichen: Effects of abiotic factors (Petuniabukta, Svalbard)

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    In polar ecosystems, primary producers have to cope with a very harsh climate that limits the time available for growth and biomass production. In this study, diurnal measurement of photosynthetic processes in biological soil crust and a lichen were carried out in Petuniabukta, Spitsbergen. For field measurements, a method of induced fluorescence of chlorophyll was used. Measurements of photosynthetic activity were taken as repetitive measurements of effective quantum yield of photosystem II (PhiPSII). The short-term field measurements were carried out for 10 days in summer 2014. PhiPSII was recorded each 5 minutes as well as microclimatic data (air temperature, air humidity, photosynthetically active radiation - PAR). The microclimatic parameters were recorded by a datalogger. In general, physiological activity of both biological soil crust and a lichen showed daily courses. Tested lichen was Cladonia rangiferina and the most dominant species in biological soil crust was Nostoc sp. Typically, most of PhiPSII values ranged 0.6 – 0.7 in both model organisms. The results have shown that photosynthetic activity was strongly correlated with all observed abiotic factors in both study objects. Particularly important was the relation found between PAR and PhiPSII in biological soil crust. When the biological soil crust was exposed to high PAR doses of irradiation (about 2300 micromol m-2 s-1) photoinhibition of primary processes of photosynthesis was observed as PhiPSII decrease, while photosynthetic activity of lichen remained at same level. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated increasing that in situ photosynthetic activity increased in both biological soil crust and lichen with a decrease in temperature.Byly sledovány primární fotoszntetické procesy biologické půdní krusy a lišejníku. Studie byla uskutečněna v terénu na Špicberkách.In polar ecosystems, primary producers have to cope with a very harsh climate that limits the time available for growth and biomass production. In this study, diurnal measurement of photosynthetic processes in biological soil crust and a lichen were carried out in Petuniabukta, Spitsbergen. For field measurements, a method of induced fluorescence of chlorophyll was used. Measurements of photosynthetic activity were taken as repetitive measurements of effective quantum yield of photosystem II (PhiPSII). The short-term field measurements were carried out for 10 days in summer 2014. PhiPSII was recorded each 5 minutes as well as microclimatic data (air temperature, air humidity, photosynthetically active radiation - PAR). The microclimatic parameters were recorded by a datalogger. In general, physiological activity of both biological soil crust and a lichen showed daily courses. Tested lichen was Cladonia rangiferina and the most dominant species in biological soil crust was Nostoc sp. Typically, most of PhiPSII values ranged 0.6 – 0.7 in both model organisms. The results have shown that photosynthetic activity was strongly correlated with all observed abiotic factors in both study objects. Particularly important was the relation found between PAR and PhiPSII in biological soil crust. When the biological soil crust was exposed to high PAR doses of irradiation (about 2300 micromol m-2 s-1) photoinhibition of primary processes of photosynthesis was observed as PhiPSII decrease, while photosynthetic activity of lichen remained at same level. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated increasing that in situ photosynthetic activity increased in both biological soil crust and lichen with a decrease in temperature