1,757 research outputs found

    Software development cultures and cooperation problems: a field study of the early stages of development of software for a scientific community

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    In earlier work, I identified a particular class of end-user developers, who include scientists and whom I term 'professional end-user developers', as being of especial interest. Here, I extend this work by articulating a culture of professional end-user development, and illustrating by means of a field-study how the influence of this culture causes cooperation problems in an inter-disciplinary team developing a software system for a scientific community. My analysis of the field study data is informed by some recent literature on multi-national work cultures. Whilst acknowledging that viewing a scientific development through a lens of software development culture does not give a full picture, I argue that it nonetheless provides deep insights

    A remembrance of things (best) forgotten: The 'allegorical past' and the feminist imagination

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    This is the author's PDF version of an article published in Feminist theology© 2012. The definitive version is available at http://fth.sagepub.com/This article discusses the US TV series Mad Men, which is set in an advertising agency in 1960s New York, in relation to two key elements which seem significant for a consideration of the current state of feminism in church and academy, both of which centre around what it means to remember or (not) to forget

    Letter: faecal microbiota transplantation for irritable bowel syndrome

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    his article is linked to Lahtinen et al papers. To view these articles, visit https://doi.org/10.1111/apt.15810 and https://doi.org/10.1111/apt.15875

    Impact of PNKP mutations associated with microcephaly, seizures and developmental delay on enzyme activity and DNA strand break repair

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    Microcephaly with early-onset, intractable seizures and developmental delay (MCSZ) is a hereditary disease caused by mutations in polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase (PNKP), a DNA strand break repair protein with DNA 5'-kinase and DNA 3'-phosphatase activity. To investigate the molecular basis of this disease, we examined the impact of MCSZ mutations on PNKP activity in vitro and in cells. Three of the four mutations currently associated with MCSZ greatly reduce or ablate DNA kinase activity of recombinant PNKP at 30°C (L176F, T424Gfs48X and exon15Δfs4X), but only one of these mutations reduces DNA phosphatase activity under the same conditions (L176F). The fourth mutation (E326K) has little impact on either DNA kinase or DNA phosphatase activity at 30°C, but is less stable than the wild-type enzyme at physiological temperature. Critically, all of the MCSZ mutations identified to date result in ∼10-fold reduced cellular levels of PNKP protein, and reduced rates of chromosomal DNA strand break repair. Together, these data suggest that all four known MCSZ mutations reduce the cellular stability and level of PNKP protein, with three mutations likely ablating cellular DNA 5'-kinase activity and all of the mutations greatly reducing cellular DNA 3'-phosphatase activity

    Inverse Problems in a Bayesian Setting

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    In a Bayesian setting, inverse problems and uncertainty quantification (UQ) --- the propagation of uncertainty through a computational (forward) model --- are strongly connected. In the form of conditional expectation the Bayesian update becomes computationally attractive. We give a detailed account of this approach via conditional approximation, various approximations, and the construction of filters. Together with a functional or spectral approach for the forward UQ there is no need for time-consuming and slowly convergent Monte Carlo sampling. The developed sampling-free non-linear Bayesian update in form of a filter is derived from the variational problem associated with conditional expectation. This formulation in general calls for further discretisation to make the computation possible, and we choose a polynomial approximation. After giving details on the actual computation in the framework of functional or spectral approximations, we demonstrate the workings of the algorithm on a number of examples of increasing complexity. At last, we compare the linear and nonlinear Bayesian update in form of a filter on some examples.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1312.504

    The Intrinsic Fundamental Group of a Linear Category

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    We provide an intrinsic definition of the fundamental group of a linear category over a ring as the automorphism group of the fibre functor on Galois coverings. If the universal covering exists, we prove that this group is isomorphic to the Galois group of the universal covering. The grading deduced from a Galois covering enables us to describe the canonical monomorphism from its automorphism group to the first Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology vector space.Comment: Final version, to appear in Algebras and Representation Theor

    Foundation of a computable solid modelling

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    Solid modelling and computational geometry are based on classical topology and geometry in which the basic predicates and operations, such as membership, subset inclusion, union and intersection, are not continuous and therefore not computable. But a sound computational framework for solids and geometry can only be built in a framework with computable predicates and operations. In practice, correctness of algorithms in computational geometry is usually proved using the unrealistic Real RAM machine model of computation, which allows comparison of real numbers, with the undesirable result that correct algorithms, when implemented, turn into unreliable programs. Here, we use a domaintheoretic approach to recursive analysis to develop the basis of an eective and realistic framework for solid modelling. This framework is equipped with a well-dened and realistic notion of computability which reects the observable properties of real solids. The basic predicates and operations o..

    [89Zr]Oxinate4 for long-term in vivo cell tracking by positron emission tomography

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    Purpose 111In (typically as [111In]oxinate3) is a gold standard radiolabel for cell tracking in humans by scintigraphy. A long half-life positron-emitting radiolabel to serve the same purpose using positron emission tomography (PET) has long been sought. We aimed to develop an 89Zr PET tracer for cell labelling and compare it with [111In]oxinate3 single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Methods [89Zr]Oxinate4 was synthesised and its uptake and efflux were measured in vitro in three cell lines and in human leukocytes. The in vivo biodistribution of eGFP-5T33 murine myeloma cells labelled using [89Zr]oxinate4 or [111In]oxinate3 was monitored for up to 14 days. 89Zr retention by living radiolabelled eGFP-positive cells in vivo was monitored by FACS sorting of liver, spleen and bone marrow cells followed by gamma counting. Results Zr labelling was effective in all cell types with yields comparable with 111In labelling. Retention of 89Zr in cells in vitro after 24 h was significantly better (range 71 to >90 %) than 111In (43–52 %). eGFP-5T33 cells in vivo showed the same early biodistribution whether labelled with 111In or 89Zr (initial pulmonary accumulation followed by migration to liver, spleen and bone marrow), but later translocation of radioactivity to kidneys was much greater for 111In. In liver, spleen and bone marrow at least 92 % of 89Zr remained associated with eGFP-positive cells after 7 days in vivo. Conclusion [89Zr]Oxinate4 offers a potential solution to the emerging need for a long half-life PET tracer for cell tracking in vivo and deserves further evaluation of its effects on survival and behaviour of different cell types
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