34 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the successful implementation of concurrent engineering practices in the South African electronics industry

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    Bibliography: leaves 122-126.This thesis describes the concurrent engineering environment necessary for developing electronics products in the 1990s, and beyond. The broad scope of the research has made it possible to derive guidelines for the successful implementation of concurrent engineering in the South African electronics manufacturing industry. For a long time, design and manufacturing have been viewed as two distinct steps that must be sequential. The problem is that this process delays product introductions and promotes design errors that have to be caught either in the field or on the factory floor. Nevertheless, these drawbacks were viewed as simply an evil of modern industry. Today, progressive companies see that there is a better way to do things. Viewing product design and manufacturing engineering as separate entities is yesterday's technology. Both can be done at the same time in the process called Concurrent Engineering (CE)

    Weed management in sugar cane : critical periods of weed competition and mechanisms of interference from Paspalum paniculatum and P. urvillei

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    The aim of this project was to provide sound scientific underpinning for the development of new weed management strategies in sugar cane by exploring competition from the major weeds, and explaining the different mechanisms of weed interference from Paspalum paniculatum and P. urvillei. Critical periods of weed control (CPWC) were studied in six field trials. In ratoon cane, CPWC with natural weed infestations started between 228 and 916 growing degree days (GDD), and ended between 648 and 1311 GDD, depending on the site and cane variety. These results represented a maximum CPWC of 12 to 28 weeks after harvest (WAH). In plant cane, the CPWC started earlier (6 WAP) and was longer than those in ratoon cane. Relative competitiveness ‘q’ values of eight common weed species showed that sugar cane was a stronger competitor than most of the weeds tested. The adverse effect of weed competition in sugar cane is not experienced before several weeks following weed emergence. Weeds transplanted 10 WAP caused no significant change in cane yield response as compared to those transplanted 4 WAP. Paspalum paniculatum was often found to be more competitive than P. urvillei, although the latter produced more leaf area and grew taller to intercept more light within the canopy. This indicated that other mechanisms of weed interference were involved and competition for light was more important during the earlier (tillering) growth stages. Root competition was shown to be as important as shoot competition. Root competition effects were observed several weeks after imposing competition, suggesting that it was more important than competition for light in the post-tillering phase. Application of root exudates from the two grasses to sugar cane confirmed an allelopathic effect on the root biomass of sugar cane. One chemical identified in the leachates from both Paspalum species for the allelopathic effects was 2-propenoic acid, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl). The main implications of the above findings for the Mauritian sugar industry would involve a change in the timing of application of herbicides. A new tank-mix consisting of trifloxysulfuron + ametryn and amicarbazone has been found to meet this objective. This strategy will enable a saving of at least one herbicide treatment per season.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Plant Production and Soil Scienceunrestricte

    Quantification of Sugars in Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices by Density, Refractometry, Infrared Spectroscopy and Statistical Methods

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    The amount of sugar in soft drinks and fruit juices has been quantified by density, refractometric and infrared spectroscopic methods. Density and refractometric methods can be used to obtain only the total amount of sugar. However, infrared spectroscopy distinguishes itself as a fast and reliable method for quantitative analysis. Fourier-transformedspectroscopy in combination with a mathematical treatment of the spectra of samples allows the amount of different sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose to be determined. Keywords: Sugar, Density, Refractrometry, Mid-FTIR, Partial least squares South African Journal of Chemistry Vol.57 2004: 24-2

    Bayesian networks for raster data (BayNeRD): plausible reasoning from observations

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    This paper describes the basis functioning and implementation of a computer-aided Bayesian Network (BN) method that is able to incorporate experts’ knowledge for the benefit of remote sensing applications and other raster data analyses: Bayesian Network for Raster Data (BayNeRD). Using a case study of soybean mapping in Mato Grosso State, Brazil, BayNeRD was tested to evaluate its capability to support the understanding of a complex phenomenon through plausible reasoning based on data observation. Observations made upon Crop Enhanced Index (CEI) values for the current and previous crop years, soil type, terrain slope, and distance to the nearest road and water body were used to calculate the probability of soybean presence for the entire Mato Grosso State, showing strong adherence to the official data. CEI values were the most influencial variables in the calculated probability of soybean presence, stating the potential of remote sensing as a source of data. Moreover, the overall accuracy of over 91% confirmed the high accuracy of the thematic map derived from the calculated probability values. BayNeRD allows the expert to model the relationship among several observed variables, outputs variable importance information, handles incomplete and disparate forms of data, and offers a basis for plausible reasoning from observations. The BayNeRD algorithm has been implemented in R software and can be found on the internet. \ an

    Mutations Defining Patient Cohorts With Elevated PD-L1 Expression in Gastric Cancer

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    The immunotherapy agent pembrolizumab has been approved for gastric cancer (GC) patients with recurrent or advanced disease who are PD-L1 positive. Mutations in the primary lesion may drive the expression of immune targets thereby priming the tumor to therapeutic sensitivity. In this study, we aimed to uncover mutations associated with elevated PD-L1 expression in GC patients. Data from 410 GC patients were available, including the mutational spectrum of 39,916 genes and expression values of 20,500 genes. PD-L1 gene expression was compared to the mutational status of each gene separately by using a Mann-Whitney U-test and a Receiver Operating Characteristic test. Only mutations with a prevalence over 5% were considered. Significance was accepted in cases of p < 1E-05 and a fold change over 1.44. Mutations in 209 genes were associated with increased PD-L1 expression. These mutations were enriched in genes related to microtubule-based movement (p = 3.4E-4), cell adhesion (p = 4.9E-4), response to DNA-damage (p = 6.9E-4), and double-strand break-repair (p = 1.6E-3). Mutations in TTK (p = 8.8E-10, AUC = 0.77), COL7A1 (p = 2.0E-9, AUC = 0.74), KIF15 (p = 2.5E-9, AUC = 0.75), and BDP1 (p = 3.3E-9, AUC = 0.74) had the strongest link to elevated PD-L1 expression. Finally, we established a decision tree based on mutations in PIK3CA, MEF2C, SLC11A1, and KIF15 capable to separate patient sub-cohorts with elevated PD-L1 expression. In summary, we identified mutations associated with elevated PD-L1 expression that facilitate the development of better prognostic biomarkers for GC, and might offer insight into the underlying tumor biology

    Compare and report on a traditional MOOC and its hybrid course scenario version, to understand, identify and analyze the factors of such a device offered to students and teachers. Case of the University of Mauritius

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    L'avancée technologique étant présente dans les différentes sphères de la vie, l'apprentissage se devait de se mettre à jour et rentrer de plein pied dans l'enseignement numérique. Le MOOC depuis son apparition en 2008 ne cesse de faire parler de lui et est adopté par bon nombre d'universités réputées. Même si le modèle pédagogique MOOC avait pour objectif de former la masse, force est de constater que le taux de complétion est toujours faible. Cela renforce le fait que la technologie hors classe ne suffit pas à améliorer l'apprentissage. Dans la recherche dont il est question nous nous intéressons au MOOC hybride. Ce travail s'appuie sur le suivi d'un MOOC hybride par 42 apprenants, de niveau bac plus 1 et bac plus 2 et d'un groupe de chargés de cours de l'Université de l'Ile Maurice. L'hybride comprend l'utilisation du système de gestion de l'apprentissage (LMS), MOODLE, et des sessions de face à face greffées à un MOOC existant. Nous souhaitons nous rendre compte si le décloisonnement d'un MOOC bénéficie à l'apprenant en termes de sa performance et sa persistance. Les réponses à notre questionnement ont été fournies par le biais des données recueillies de la plateforme MOOC, des dépôts d'activités sur la plateforme MOODLE, du filmage de sessions de face à face, d'un entretien semi-dirigé, d'observation et d'un questionnaire. Le test de régression a démontré que l'usage de la plateforme MOODLE, les sessions de face à face agissent positivement sur la performance et la persistance au sein d'un MOOC hybride. Les pays de provenance des apprenants ont influencé positivement la performance aussi bien que la persistance des apprenants. Concernant l'interaction le test de régression a illustré que le soutien du tuteur influence positivement la performance, et que l'interaction entre les pairs et le soutien du tuteur influencent positivement la persistance. Pour illustrer l'interaction entre le tuteur et l'apprenant notre observation, nous a permis de constater que les apprenants ne communiquent pas beaucoup. Nous avons appliqué la lexicométrie aux échanges verbaux entre le tuteur et l'apprenant en optant comme paramètres trois termes : ‘ressources', ‘scénarisation' et ‘tutorat'. Puis nous nous sommes intéressés au sens des échanges verbaux entre le tuteur et l'apprenant. L'interaction entre le tuteur et l'apprenant s'est fait majoritairement en face à face. Dans le questionnaire l'apprenant ne fait pas ressortir le fait que le face à face soit nécessaire pour ce dispositif de MOOC hybride, cet élément est jugé important lors des entretiens semi-directifs. L'observation de l'interaction entre pairs a été faite par le verbal, le non verbal et l'interaction des pairs avec le contenu. Les apprenants ont beaucoup communiqué de manière non verbale et ils se mettaient en groupe pour s'entre aider et avancer dans la formation. L'opinion de l'apprenant par rapport à ces pairs a été obtenue grâce au questionnaire. L'interaction entre l'apprenant et le contenu a été traité en appliquant la textométrie aux mots ‘ressources', ‘scénarisation' et ‘tutorat' des carnets de bord soumis par les apprenants sur la plateforme MOODLE. Une analyse qualitative a été appliquée aux réponses des questions du forum de la plateforme MOODLE et une bonne participation a été notée. Les apprenants ont apprécié le fait que les ressources de MOODLE soit en langue anglaise. Bien qu'ils aient trouvé les ressources éducatives de bonne qualité les apprenants ont mentionné que le français n'était pas forcément facile à comprendre et assimiler. L'interaction entre le tuteur et le contenu s'est fait à l'écrit et à l'orale. Peu d'interventions écrites ont été observée et ceci uniquement dans les deux premières semaines de la formation. Toute l'interaction orale s'est faite pendant les sessions de face à face lors du questionnement des apprenants à propos du contenu et des modalités d'évaluation.The technological progress being present in the various spheres of life, learning had to be updated and enter the digital education. Since its appearance in 2008, the MOOC has not ceased to be talked about and has been adopted by a good number of reputable universities. Even if the MOOC pedagogical model had the objective of training the masses, we have to admit that the completion rate is still low. This reinforces the fact that out-of-class technology alone is not enough to enhance learning. In the research under discussion we are interested in the hybrid MOOC. This work is based on the follow-up of a hybrid MOOC by 42 learners, year 1 and 2, and a group of lecturers from the University of Mauritius. The hybrid includes the use of the learning management system (LMS), MOODLE, and face-to-face sessions grafted onto an existing MOOC. We want to find out if the decompartmentalization of a MOOC benefits the learner in terms of performance and persistence. The answers to our questioning were provided through data collected from the MOOC platform, activity repositories on the MOODLE platform, filming of face-to-face sessions, a semi-structured interview, observation and a questionnaire. The regression test showed that the use of the MOODLE platform, face-to-face sessions positively affect performance and persistence within a hybrid MOOC. Learners' countries of origin positively influenced performance as well as persistence of learners. Regarding interaction the regression test illustrated that tutor support positively influenced performance, and peer interaction and tutor support positively influenced persistence. To illustrate the interaction between tutor and learner our observation, we found that learners do not communicate much. We applied lexicometry to the verbal exchanges between the tutor and the learner by choosing as parameters three terms: 'resources', 'scripting' and 'tutoring'. Then we were interested in the meaning of the verbal exchanges between the tutor and the learner. The interaction between the tutor and the learner was mostly face to face. In the questionnaire, the learner did not mention the fact that face-to-face interaction was necessary for this hybrid MOOC device; this element was considered important during the semi-directive interviews. Observation of peer interaction was done through verbal, non-verbal, and peer interaction with content. Learners communicated a lot non-verbally and would get together in groups to help each other move forward in the course. The learner's opinion of these peers was obtained through the questionnaire. The interaction between the learner and the content was processed by applying textometry to the words 'resources', 'scripting' and 'tutoring' in the logs submitted by the learners on the MOODLE platform. Qualitative analysis was applied to the responses of the MOODLE platform forum questions and good participation was noted. Learners appreciated the fact that the MOODLE resources were in English. Although they found the educational resources of good quality, learners mentioned that the French language was not necessarily easy to understand and assimilate. The interaction between the tutor and the content was both written and oral. Few written interventions were observed and this only in the first two weeks of the training. All oral interaction occurred during the face-to-face sessions when learners were asked questions about the content and assessment procedures

    A Study on the Factors Influencing the Growth and Survival of Juvenile Sea Cucumber, Holothuria atra, under Laboratory Conditions

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    In recent years the sea cucumber fishery has emerged as a lucrative business in Mauritius. However, few studies on these marine detritivorous animals have been carried out in the island either in the wild or for aquaculture. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence environmental factors such as salinity and temperature and biological factors such as stocking density and feed type on the growth and survival of juvenile sea cucumbers Holothuria atra. The study was conducted from mid-October 2006 to end of January 2007 period. For the experiment, 150 juvenile H. atra of similar size and weighing (27-30 g) were collected from Le Morne and Albion Lagoons. The experiments were carried out in round polyether tanks of 2 m3 with an area of 1.5 m2 at Albion Fisheries Research Centre. The juveniles H. atra (6 specimens per tank in duplicate) were reared at salinity 25, 30 and 35 ppt; temperature 26, 28 and 32°C; and were given two feed types (crushed algae and a formulated feed (85% crushed algae and 15% fish feed)). For studying stocking density duplicate tanks containing 6, 12 and 18 specimen (per sq m) were used. At one-week intervals, the sea cucumbers were starved for 24h and then weighed. The wet weight was used as an index for its growth performance over the experimental period. The highest specific growth rate (SGR) and survival were obtained at temperature of 28°C (1.43 ± 0.15 g and 100% respectively). At temperature 32°C, the SGR was a lower (0.78 ± 0.12 g) and a survival of 67%. Specific growth rate and survival was lowest in stocking density 18 (0.12 ± 0.23 g &amp; 69% respectively). At salinity of 25 ppt there was decrease in SGR during the experimental period (-4.61 ± 0.29 g). Feeding H. atra with crushed algae produced little increase in growth (0.18 ± 0.16 g) while feeding with formulated feed the specific growth rate was notable (0.97 ± 0.14 g). Under the conditions of the experiments, growth and survival of juvenile H.atra were greatest at 35‰ salinity, temperature 28ºC, and a formulated feed made from algae and dried fish feed and density of 6 specimens per m2.Keywords: Holothuria atra; Salinity; Temperature; Stocking density; Feed type; Specific growth rate (SGR); Surviva

    Comprendre et identifier les méthodes mixtes d’apprentissage techno-pédagogique permettant de juger de l’appropriation d’un MOOC à l’Université de l’Ile Maurice

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    Présentation OraleInternational audienceComprendre et identifier les méthodes mixtes d'apprentissage techno-pédagogique permettant de juger de l'appropriation d'un MOOC à l'université de l'Ile Maurice

    Customisation of the first Mauritian MOOC: aligning with Challenges of the Modern World for Education and Knowledge Management

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    International audienceThe MOOC, Massive Open Online Course, is present in our landscape since 2008. The objective of such courses is to train a maximum of students via an online platform which requires an access to internet, motivation and willingness from the participant. Teaching requires organisation. With more and more courses being offered online teachers are constantly being asked to change their teaching style. Thus the organisation as well as the monitoring of students is changing. Online courses have taken another turn with the innovation, which are the MOOCs. MOOCs are non-fee paying courses, delivered mostly by recognised universities, course organisation and management was bound to change. By default MOOC courses are offered over a period of 1 to 1 and a half month, by course providers allowing courses to be hosted on their platforms, learning resources are often in the form of video lectures. Interactions with tutors are either synchronous or asynchronous. The appropriate evaluation mode for the high number of registered users for this type of course, is often the peer to peer evaluation. Another form of evaluation is the online quiz either assessed automatically or assessed by the system. With less than 10% successful completion rate for MOOC courses, Jordan 2013, and keeping in mind the Mauritian context, the Open University of Mauritius decided to offer a personalised MOOC, which could be referred to as a HOOC. A HOOC is defined by the literature as Hybrid Open Online Courses. By hybrid Daniel Peraya suggests blended courses that is online training and face-to-face sessions. It would be more a question of tutoring and guiding students rather than teaching them