12 research outputs found

    A note on the laboratory culture of the benthic foraminifer Cornuloculina balkwilli (MacFadyen)

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    Background: Genetic studies of the Foraminifera provide valuable insights into marine speciation and biogeography, yet the discovery of vitally needed new genetic markers for this important group is being severely limited by an extreme lack of genetic data. The establishment of a laboratory culture from a single, asexually reproducing foraminifer, will be essential to provide enough pooled genetic material from these unicellular organisms, to facilitate full genome sequencing and genetic marker discovery, using next-generation sequencing techniques. Findings: The aim of this study was to develop a simple and inexpensive method of culturing benthic foraminifera, via asexual reproduction, in a controlled laboratory environment. Individual specimens of the benthic foraminfer Cornuloculina balkwilli (MacFadyen) were placed in 7 cm plastic beakers, containing 50 ml natural seawater, filtered to 0.2 Όm, and kept at 23°C, with a 12-hour light/dark cycle, and fed weekly on a mixed algal diet of Dunaliella tertiolecta and Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Asexually derived cultures were successfully established from 4 specimens of Cornuloculina balkwilli, originally added to the culture vessels as immature specimens. Many thousands of individuals were present after 6 months. Conclusions: The method presented here demonstrates that only basic laboratory equipment is required to establish and maintain a thriving culture of the benthic foraminfer, C. balkwilli, from a single asexually reproducing specimen, providing an excellent source of genetic material for use in next generation sequencing. The method is easily reproducible and will greatly aid in the discovery of critically needed new genetic markers in the Foraminifera. It also highlights C. balkwilli as a good candidate species for use in the field of environmental micropaleontology

    Ecological partitioning and diversity in tropical planktonic foraminifera

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    Background: Ecological processes are increasingly being viewed as an important mode of diversification in the marine environment, where the high dispersal potential of pelagic organisms, and a lack of absolute barriers to gene flow may limit the occurrence of allopatric speciation through vicariance. Here we focus on the potential role of ecological partitioning in the diversification of a widely distributed group of marine protists, the planktonic foraminifera. Sampling was conducted in the tropical Arabian Sea, during the southwest (summer) monsoon, when pronounced environmental conditions result in a strong disparity in temperature, salinity and productivity between distinct northern and southern water masses. Results: We uncovered extensive genetic diversity within the Arabian Sea planktonic foraminifera, identifying 13 morphospecies, represented by 20 distinct SSU rRNA genetic types. Several morphospecies/genetic types displayed non-random biogeographical distributions, partitioning between the northern and southern water masses, giving a strong indication of independent ecological adaptations. Conclusions: We propose sea-surface primary productivity as the main factor driving the geographical segregation of Arabian Sea planktonic foraminifera, during the SW monsoon, with variations in symbiotic associations possibly playing a role in the specific ecological adaptations observed. Our findings suggest that ecological partitioning could be contributing to the high levels of 'cryptic' genetic diversity observed within the planktonic foraminifera, and support the view that ecological processes may play a key role in the diversification of marine pelagic organisms

    Population differentiation at a regional scale in spadefoot toads: contributions of distance and divergent selective environments

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    The causes of population differentiation can provide insight into the origins of early barriers to gene flow. Two key drivers of population differentiation are geographic distance and local adaptation to divergent selective environments. When reproductive isolation arises because some populations of a species are under selection to avoid hybridization while others are not, population differentiation and even speciation can result. Spadefoot toad populations Spea multiplicata that are sympatric with a congener have undergone reinforcement. This reinforcement has resulted not only in increased reproductive isolation from the congener, but also in the evolution of reproductive isolation from nearby and distant conspecific allopatric populations. We used multiple approaches to evaluate the contributions of geographic distance and divergent selective environments to population structure across this regional scale in S. multiplicata, based on genotypes from six nuclear microsatellite markers. We compared groups of populations varying in both geographic location and in the presence of a congener. Hierarchical F-statistics and results from cluster analyses and discriminant analyses of principal components all indicate that geographic distance is the stronger contributor to genetic differentiation among S. multiplicata populations at a regional scale. However, we found evidence that adaptation to divergent selective environments also contributes to population structure. Our findings highlight how variation in the balance of evolutionary forces acting across a species’ range can lead to variation in the relative contributions of geographic distance and local adaptation to population differentiation across different spatial scales

    Extracting DNA from within intact foraminiferal shells

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    Here we present an evaluation of several methods for extracting DNA from within intact foraminiferal shells. We tested 12 lysis buffers under carefully optimised incubation conditions, evaluating their success in terms of efficiency in evacuating cellular material, crude DNA yield, PCR success, and final shell integrity. A number of the buffers tested produced excellent results. The most successful method utilized a lysis buffer containing Sodium N-lauroyl sarcosine, Guanidinium isothiocyanate, Isopropanol, TRIS and NaCl, incubated at 75. °C for 24. h, followed by chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation. High yields of DNA were produced, with no signs of PCR inhibition, and the foraminiferal shells were left completely intact. Retaining the shell of individual specimens presents a significant advance, allowing for direct comparisons between shell morphology and genotype data, which could greatly enhance the utility of foraminifera as palaeoproxies of past climate change. © 2014 Elsevier B.V

    Data from: Rapid genetic and morphologic divergence between captive and wild populations of the endangered Leon Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon bovinus

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    The Leon Springs pupfish (Cyprinodon bovinus) is an endangered species currently restricted to a single desert spring and a separate captive habitat in southwestern North America. Following establishment of the captive population from wild stock in 1976, the wild population has undergone natural population size fluctuations, intentional culling to purge genetic contamination from an invasive congener (Cyprinodon variegatus) and augmentation/replacement of wild fish from the captive stock. A severe population decline following the most recent introduction of captive fish prompted us to examine whether the captive and wild populations have differentiated during the short time they have been isolated from one another. If so, the development of divergent genetic and/or morphologic traits between populations could contribute to a diminished ability of fish from one location to thrive in the other. Examination of genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms and morphologic variation revealed no evidence of residual C. variegatus characteristics in contemporary C. bovinus samples. However, significant genetic and morphologic differentiation was detected between the wild and captive populations, some of which might reflect local adaptation. Our results indicate that genetic and physical characteristics can diverge rapidly between isolated subdivisions of managed populations, potentially compromising the value of captive stock for future supplementation efforts. In the case of C. bovinus, our findings underscore the need to periodically inoculate the captive population with wild genetic material to help mitigate genetic, and potentially morphologic, divergence between them and also highlight the utility of parallel morphologic and genomic evaluation to inform conservation management planning

    Data from: Rapid genetic and morphologic divergence between captive and wild populations of the endangered Leon Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon bovinus

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    The Leon Springs pupfish (Cyprinodon bovinus) is an endangered species currently restricted to a single desert spring and a separate captive habitat in southwestern North America. Following establishment of the captive population from wild stock in 1976, the wild population has undergone natural population size fluctuations, intentional culling to purge genetic contamination from an invasive congener (Cyprinodon variegatus) and augmentation/replacement of wild fish from the captive stock. A severe population decline following the most recent introduction of captive fish prompted us to examine whether the captive and wild populations have differentiated during the short time they have been isolated from one another. If so, the development of divergent genetic and/or morphologic traits between populations could contribute to a diminished ability of fish from one location to thrive in the other. Examination of genomewide single nucleotide polymorphisms and morphologic variation revealed no evidence of residual C. variegatus characteristics in contemporary C. bovinus samples. However, significant genetic and morphologic differentiation was detected between the wild and captive populations, some of which might reflect local adaptation. Our results indicate that genetic and physical characteristics can diverge rapidly between isolated subdivisions of managed populations, potentially compromising the value of captive stock for future supplementation efforts. In the case of C. bovinus, our findings underscore the need to periodically inoculate the captive population with wild genetic material to help mitigate genetic, and potentially morphologic, divergence between them and also highlight the utility of parallel morphologic and genomic evaluation to inform conservation management planning

    Selection on Sperm Count, but Not on Sperm Morphology or Velocity, in a Wild Population of Anolis Lizards

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    Sperm competition is a widespread phenomenon that shapes male reproductive success. Ejaculates present many potential targets for postcopulatory selection (e.g., sperm morphology, count, and velocity), which are often highly correlated and potentially subject to complex multivariate selection. Although multivariate selection on ejaculate traits has been observed in laboratory experiments, it is unclear whether selection is similarly complex in wild populations, where individuals mate frequently over longer periods of time. We measured univariate and multivariate selection on sperm morphology, sperm count, and sperm velocity in a wild population of brown anole lizards (Anolis sagrei). We conducted a mark-recapture study with genetic parentage assignment to estimate individual reproductive success. We found significant negative directional selection and negative quadratic selection on sperm count, but we did not detect directional or quadratic selection on any other sperm traits, nor did we detect correlational selection on any trait combinations. Our results may reflect pressure on males to produce many small ejaculates and mate frequently over a six-month reproductive season. This study is the first to measure multivariate selection on sperm traits in a wild population and provides an interesting contrast to experimental studies of external fertilizers, which have found complex multivariate selection on sperm phenotypes

    Behavioral estimates of mating success corroborate genetic evidence for pre-copulatory selection

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    <p>In promiscuous species, fitness estimates obtained from genetic parentage may often reflect both pre- and post-copulatory components of sexual selection. Directly observing copulations can help isolate the role of pre-copulatory selection, but such behavioral data are difficult to obtain in the wild and may also overlook post-copulatory factors that alter the relationship between mating success and reproductive success. To overcome these limitations, we combined genetic parentage analysis with behavioral estimates of size-specific mating in a wild population of brown anole lizards (<em>Anolis sagrei</em>). Males of this species are twice as large as females and multiple mating among females is common, suggesting the scope for both pre- and post-copulatory processes to shape sexual selection on male body size. Our genetic estimates of reproductive success revealed strong positive directional selection for male size, which was also strongly associated with the number of mates inferred from parentage. In contrast, a male's size was not associated with the fecundity of his mates or his competitive fertilization success. By simultaneously tracking copulations in the wild via the transfer of colored powder to females by males from different size quartiles, we independently confirmed that large males were more likely than small males to mate. We conclude that body size is primarily under pre-copulatory sexual selection in brown anoles, and that post-copulatory processes do not substantially alter this pre-copulatory selection. Our study also illustrates the utility of combining both behavioral and genetic methods to estimate mating success to disentangle pre- and post-copulatory processes in promiscuous species.</p><p>Funding provided by: National Science Foundation<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: https://ror.org/021nxhr62<br>Award Number: DEB-1453089</p><p>Funding provided by: Explorers Club<br>Crossref Funder Registry ID: https://ror.org/03tknt305<br>Award Number: </p><p>We studied an island population of brown anole lizards (<em>Anolis</em> <em>sagrei</em>) in the Guano Tolomato Matanzas Natural Estuarine Research Reserve in northern Florida (29°37â€Č53â€Čâ€Č N, 81°12â€Č 46â€Čâ€Č W) using procedures approved by the University of Virginia Animal Care and Use Committee (protocol 3896). To assay the reproductive success of males, we sampled all adults and juveniles of the population at four different times during the breeding season (March, May, July, and October) in 2019. This population has been the focus of a long-term mark-recapture study since 2015, such that most adults in the 2019 breeding season were first captured, marked, and genotyped as juveniles in 2017 or 2018. We measured the snout-vent length (SVL, nearest 1 mm) and body mass (nearest 0.01g) of all individuals prior to releasing them at their exact site of capture the following day. We extracted DNA from adults captured in the population and used SNPPIT 2.0 (Anderson 2012) to assign genetic parentage. At two points in the middle of the breeding season (May and July), we also tracked copulations in the wild by dusting the venters of adult males with fluorescent powder as we released them and tracked the transfer to females to evaluate if and the extent to which body size mediates higher reproductive success through mating success.</p&gt

    Nomenclature for the Nameless: A Proposal for an Integrative Molecular Taxonomy of Cryptic Diversity Exemplified by Planktonic Foraminifera

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    International audienceInvestigations of biodiversity, biogeography, and ecological processes rely on the identification of “species” as biologically significant, natural units of evolution. In this context, morphotaxonomy only provides an adequate level of resolution if reproductive isolation matches morphological divergence. In many groups of organisms, morphologically defined species often disguise considerable genetic diversity, which may be indicative of the existence of cryptic species. The diversity hidden by morphological species can be disentangled through genetic surveys, which also provide access to data on the ecological distribution of genetically circumscribed units. These units can be identified by unique DNA sequence motifs and allow studies of evolutionary and ecological processes at different levels of divergence. However, the nomenclature of genetically circumscribed units within morphological species is not regulated and lacks stability. This represents a major obstacle to efforts to synthesize and communicate data on genetic diversity for multiple stakeholders. We have been confronted with such an obstacle in our work on planktonic foraminifera, where the stakeholder community is particularly diverse, involving geochemists, paleoceanographers, paleontologists, and biologists, and the lack of stable nomenclature beyond the level of formal morphospecies prevents effective transfer of knowledge. To circumvent this problem, we have designed a stable, reproducible, and flexible nomenclature system for genetically circumscribed units, analogous to the principles of a formal nomenclature system. Our system is based on the definition of unique DNA sequence motifs collocated within an individual, their typification (in analogy with holotypes), utilization of their hierarchical phylogenetic structure to define levels of divergence below that of the morphospecies, and a set of nomenclature rules assuring stability. The resulting molecular operational taxonomic units remain outside the domain of current nomenclature codes, but are linked to formal morphospecies as regulated by the codes. Subsequently, we show how this system can be applied to classify genetically defined units using the SSU rDNA marker in planktonic foraminifera and we highlight its potential use for other groups of organisms where similarly high levels of connectivity between molecular and formal taxonomies can be achieved. [Cryptic species; genetic diversity; planktonic foraminifera; molecular nomenclature; MOTUs.