13 research outputs found

    Competing coalitions: The politics of renewable energy and fossil fuels in Mexico, South Africa and Thailand

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    This paper analyses why middle-income countries incentivize renewable energy despite inexpensive domestic fossil fuel resources and lack of international support. We examine the politics of renewable energy programs in Mexico, South Africa and Thailand. All three countries hold abundant local fossil fuel and renewable energy resources. We argue that renewable energy programs become implementable policy options in fossil fuel resource-rich middle-income countries when coalitions of powerful political actors support them. This study presents an analysis of the domestic coalitions in support of and those in opposition to renewable energy policies from a discourse network perspective. Discourse networks reflect actors and the arguments they share to advance or hamper the policy process. The analysis draws on a data set of 560 coded statements in support or opposition of renewable energy from media articles, policy documents and interviews. Findings show similar structures of competing coalitions in all three countries, with the discourse in all three countries revealing strong linkages between environmental and economic considerations

    Energías Renovables para el Desarrollo Sustentable en México (2006)

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    This document examines the role of renewable energy sources in sustainable development within Mexico. It gives an overview of the current sources of renewable energy (solar, wind, hydraulic, bioenergy, and geothermal) and outlines the potential of each of these energy sources. Additionally, it addresses the barriers to developing renewable energies. There are sections detailing the political initiatives being taken and the economic situation with respect to renewable energies. Additional sections cover planning instruments and technical development as well as the role of renewable energies in social development

    Renewable Energies for Sustainable Development in Mexico (2006)

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    This document examines the role of renewable energy sources in sustainable development within Mexico. It gives an overview of the current sources of renewable energy (solar, wind, hydraulic, bioenergy, and geothermal) and outlines the potential of each of these energy sources. Additionally, it addresses the barriers to developing renewable energies. There are sections detailing the political initiatives being taken and the economic situation with respect to renewable energies. Additional sections cover planning instruments and technical development as well as the role of renewable energies in social development

    Reporte sobre eficiencia energética y acceso en América Latina y el Caribe

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    El presente documento fue preparado para el Foro sobre Eficiencia Energética que tuvo lugar en la Ciudad de México el 28y 29 de septiembre de 2010. El objetivo del encuentro internacional era compartir experiencias y mejores prácticas en eficiencia energética y acceso. El evento ofreció una plataforma para dialogar sobre un futuro energético sustentable, creando sinergias entre la Alianza de Energía y Clima de las Américas y la Alianza Internacional para la Cooperación en Eficiencia Energética, entre otras. El documento incluye un panorama de las políticas de eficiencia energética y lecciones aprendidas en la región, así como notas ejecutivas de políticas de eficiencia energética y acceso para cada país.Eficiencia energética, Política sobre energía, Globalización e integración regional, futuro energético, panorama energético, Alianza de Energía y Clima de las Américas, Alianza Internacional para la Cooperación en Eficiencia Energética