169 research outputs found

    Fast and robust earthquake source spectra and moment magnitudes from envelope inversion

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    With the present study we introduce a fast and robust method to calculate the source displacement spectra of small earthquakes on a local to regional scale. The work is based on the publicly available Qopen method of full envelope inversion which is further tuned for the given purpose. Important source parameters -- seismic moment, moment magnitude, corner frequency and high-frequency fall-off -- are determined from the source spectra by fitting a simple earthquake source model. The method is demonstrated by means of a data set comprising the 2018 West Bohemia earthquake swarm. We report moment magnitudes, corner frequencies, and centroid moment tensors inverted from short period body waves with the Grond package for all earthquakes with a local magnitude larger than 1.8. Moment magnitudes calculated by envelope inversion show a very good agreement to moment magnitudes resulting from the probabilisitc moment tensor inversion. Furthermore, source displacement spectra from envelope inversion show a good agreement with spectra obtained by multiple taper analysis of the direct onsets of body waves, but are not affected by the large scatter of the second. The seismic moments obtained with the envelope inversion scale with corner frequencies according to M0fc4.7M_0 \propto f_{\mathrm{c}}^{-4.7}. Earthquakes of the present data set result in a smaller stress drop for smaller magnitudes. Self-similarity of earthquake rupture is not observed. Additionally, we report frequency-dependent site amplification at the used stations.Comment: Version after peer-revie

    Systematic Changes of Earthquake Rupture with Depth: A Case Study from the 2010Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile, Earthquake Aftershock Sequence

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    The very shallow part of subduction megathrusts occasionally hosts tsunami earthquakes, with unusually slow rupture propagation. The aftershock sequence of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake, offshore Chile, provides us with the opportunity to study systematic changes in source properties for smaller earthquakes within a single segment of a subduction zone. We invert amplitude spectra for double-couple moment tensors and centroid depths of 71 aftershocks of the Maule earthquake down to magnitudes Mw 4.0. In addition, we also derive average source durations.We find that shallower earthquakes tend to have longer normalized source durations on average, similar to the pattern observed previously for larger magnitude events. This depth dependence is observable for thrust and normal earthquakes. The normalized source durations of normal- faulting earthquakes are at the lower end of those for thrust earthquakes, probably because of the higher stress drops of intraplate earthquakes compared to interplate earthquakes. We suggest from the similarity of the depth dependence of normal and thrust events and between smaller and larger magnitude earthquakes that the depth-dependent variation of rigidity, rather than frictional conditional stability at the plate interface, is primarily responsible for the observed pattern. Tsunami earthquakes probably require both low rigidity and conditionally stable frictional conditions; the presence of longduration moderate-magnitude events is therefore a helpful but not sufficient indicator for areas at risk of tsunami earthquakes

    Have precipitation extremes and annual totals been increasing in the world’s dry regions over the last 60 years?

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    Daily precipitation extremes and annual totals have increased in large parts of the global land area over the past decades. These observations are consistent with theoretical considerations of a warming climate. However, until recently these trends have not been shown to consistently affect dry regions over land. A recent study, published by Donat et al. (2016), now identified significant increases in annual-maximum daily extreme precipitation (Rx1d) and annual precipitation totals (PRCPTOT) in dry regions. Here, we revisit the applied methods and explore the sensitivity of changes in precipitation extremes and annual totals to alternative choices of defining a dry region (i.e. in terms of aridity as opposed to precipitation characteristics alone). We find that (a) statistical artifacts introduced by data pre-processing based on a time-invariant reference period lead to an overestimation of the reported trends by up to 40 %, and that (b) the reported trends of globally aggregated extremes and annual totals are highly sensitive to the definition of a "dry region of the globe". For example, using the same observational dataset, accounting for the statistical artifacts, and based on different aridity-based dryness definitions, we find a reduction in the positive trend of Rx1d from the originally reported +1.6 % decade−1 to +0.2 to +0.9 % decade−1 (period changes for 1981–2010 averages relative to 1951–1980 are reduced to −1.32 to +0.97 % as opposed to +4.85 % in the original study). If we include additional but less homogenized data to cover larger regions, the global trend increases slightly (Rx1d: +0.4 to +1.1 % decade−1), and in this case we can indeed confirm (partly) significant increases in Rx1d. However, these globally aggregated estimates remain uncertain as considerable gaps in long-term observations in the Earth's arid and semi-arid regions remain. In summary, adequate data pre-processing and accounting for uncertainties regarding the definition of dryness are crucial to the quantification of spatially aggregated trends in precipitation extremes in the world's dry regions. In view of the high relevance of the question to many potentially affected stakeholders, we call for a well-reflected choice of specific data processing methods and the inclusion of alternative dryness definitions to guarantee that communicated results related to climate change be robust.Have precipitation extremes and annual totals been increasing in the world’s dry regions over the last 60 years?publishedVersio

    Induced seismicity response of hydraulic fracturing: results of a multidisciplinary monitoring at the Wysin site, Poland

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    Shale oil and gas exploitation by hydraulic fracturing experienced a strong development worldwide over the last years, accompanied by a substantial increase of related induced seismicity, either consequence of fracturing or wastewater injection. In Europe, unconventional hydrocarbon resources remain underdeveloped and their exploitation controversial. In UK, fracturing operations were stopped after the Mw 2.3 Blackpool induced earthquake; in Poland, operations were halted in 2017 due to adverse oil market conditions. One of the last operated well at Wysin, Poland, was monitored independently in the framework of the EU project SHEER, through a multidisciplinary system including seismic, water and air quality monitoring. The hybrid seismic network combines surface mini-arrays, broadband and shallow borehole sensors. This paper summarizes the outcomes of the seismological analysis of these data. Shallow artificial seismic noise sources were detected and located at the wellhead active during the fracturing stages. Local microseismicity was also detected, located and characterised, culminating in two events of Mw 1.0 and 0.5, occurring days after the stimulation in the vicinity of the operational well, but at very shallow depths. A sharp methane peak was detected ~19 hours after the Mw 0.5 event. No correlation was observed between injected volumes, seismicity and groundwater parameters

    Design, construction and testing of a COC 3D flow-over flow-through bioreactor for hepatic cell culture

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    In this poster, we present the joint development efforts for a 3D microfluidic bioreactor for hepatic cell cultures. Cyclic Olefin Copolymer (COC) was selected for constructing the bioreactor, since the material has good chemical resistance, low adsorption and good optical properties, including low auto-fluorescence. A downside of COC is that it is much more difficult to structure than more traditional microfluidic materials, such as PDMS, PMMA, … Two parallel approaches were developed for structuring the COC. In a first approach, mechanical micro-milling of the channels allows for extremely fast manufacturing of new design variations, at the expense of difficulties in scalability to mass-production and a channel surface that requires post-processing to achieve sufficient optical quality. In a second approach, hot embossing using epoxy molds allows for direct structuring of optical grade channels and is scalable to mass production, at the expense of longer cycle time in the development of new channel designs. To facilitate the handling of the bioreactor, a holder was designed to provide the fluidic connections to a pump,ensuring medium exchange and sampling to down-stream sensors connected to the outlets. The design of the bioreactor was intended to maintain and expose pre-formed hepatic co-culture spheroids to toxicants for more than a week. Once seeded, spheroids rest on a polycarbonate membrane with 12 µm pore size, allowing the medium to flow-through, while flow-over is maintained to avoid an excess pressure on the cells. In a single bioreactor, 9 wells are connected to a common inlet to provide the cells with fresh culture medium or test compounds. On a first cell culture trial, it was possible to visually detect the spheroids in the wells after seeding, however, after 1 week of culture there was no possibility to accurately detect the presence and viability of the cells. In the framework of HeMiBio, significant progress has been made towards producing a 3D COC-based bioreactor for hepatic cell culture, and most technological hurdles in producing prototype reactors have been overcome. Further testing is needed to see which improvements to the reactor or the flow conditions should be made to ensure cell viability

    Cyclical geothermal unrest as a precursor to Iceland’s 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption

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    Understanding and constraining the source of geodetic deformation in volcanic areas is an important component of hazard assessment. Here, we analyse deformation and seismicity for one year before the March 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption in Iceland. We generate a high-resolution catalogue of 39,500 earthquakes using optical cable recordings and develop a poroelastic model to describe three pre-eruptional uplift and subsidence cycles at the Svartsengi geothermal field, 8 km west of the eruption site. We find the observed deformation is best explained by cyclic intrusions into a permeable aquifer by a fluid injected at 4 km depth below the geothermal field, with a total volume of 0.11 ± 0.05 km3 and a density of 850 ± 350 kg m–3. We therefore suggest that ingression of magmatic CO2 can explain the geodetic, gravity and seismic data, although some contribution of magma cannot be excluded