12 research outputs found
Hacia una nueva cristología en diálogo con la Tradición de la Iglesia
The Christology sinks its roots in the Tradition itself of the Church. In order to open its own comprehension horizon to dialogue with the culture and the science, it must turn toward its own origins so it can perform a correct autocomprehension of its intellectual and mystical patrimony. Therefore, this article proposes a working scheme made of three parts: theological and Christological evolution in patristic times; an examination of the current paradigm of the Christology in the times of the second axial era; and a proposal of theological method that allows a dialogue with the Tradition for a Christology “from above” who speaks with a Christology “from below”.La cristología hunde sus raíces en la Tradición misma de la Iglesia. Con el fin de abrir su horizonte de comprensión para dialogar con la cultura y la ciencia, debe volver sobre sus propios orígenes para una autocomprensión de su propio patrimonio intelectual, espiritual y místico. Así, el artículo propone un esquema de trabajo compuesto de tres partes: la evolución cristológica y mística en los tiempos patrísticos; examen del paradigma actual de la cristología en el marco de la segunda era axial; y una propuesta de un método teológico que dialogue con la Tradición para una cristología “desde arriba” cuyo interlocutor sea una “cristología desde abajo”
Note fenomenologiche sull'integrazione in psicoterapia. Psichiatria e psicoterapia.
Gli autori suggeriscono una possibile integrazione tra fenomenologia, psicoterapia, psichiatria in un'ottica clinica ed analitica
Gli autori tracciano un profilo del modello antropofenomenologico in psichiatri
Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a severe eating disorder which typically develops in younger
females. Many studies focus on this specific population, a majority of which will eventually
partially or fully recover. A minority will become chronic despite extensive treatment.
These patients are treatment-resistant and may not necessarily benefit from usual
treatment. In this article we will reflect on possible mechanisms which may explain the
maintenance of disease, and especially on the possible role of affective and anxiety
disturbances. We will use, due to the lack of large-scale studies, data from risk and
prognostic factors, treatment options and neurobiological correlates in chronic AN
patients. Lastly, we will propose how these elements may advise further research
and treatments
Effetto delle tecniche colturali sull accumulo di Fusarium-tossine nelle cariossidi di frumento duro
Sex-specific issues in eating disorders: a clinical and psychopathological investigation
Objective: To highlight the characteristics of eating disorders (ED) in males, with particular attention to sex-related clinical features and psychiatric co-morbidities. Method: Out of 280 persons, referred to our outpatients ED clinic between January 2011 and June 2014, 267 with complete information were included in this retrospective observational study. Results: The men/women ratio was one to five (male 16.5% vs female 83.5%) with an increasing proportion of male patients over the years. The most frequent ED in males was binge eating disorder, whereas in females anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa prevailed. Excessive exercising and fasting were the most common compensation behaviours in males; while self-induced vomiting and laxativeâ\u80\u93diuretic abuse were more typical in females. Among women, the most represented psychiatric co-morbidities were mood and somatoform disorders, whereas among men, anxiety and psychosis spectrum disorders were the most frequent ones. Borderline and histrionic personality disorders were prevalent in female ED, while narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders prevailed in males. Discussion: ED in men is a growing phenomenon. Male ED, compared to female ED, show differences in clinical presentation, symptoms and co-morbidities. Despite the use of clinical and psychometric evaluating tools targeting female patients, sex differences do exist and additional studies are required to investigate male specific issues in ED. Level of Evidence Level V, cross-sectional descriptive study
La scienza pu\uf2 guidare la concimazione azotata?
Il lavoro d\ue0 conto di una ricerca multidisciplinare sull'uso dei modelli nella razionalizzazione della concimazione azotata del frumento e del pesco