64 research outputs found

    Soil moisture-runoff relation at the catchment scale as observed with coarse resolution microwave remote sensing

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    International audienceMicrowave remote sensing offers emerging capabilities to monitor global hydrological processes. Instruments like the two dedicated soil moisture missions SMOS and HYDROS or the Advanced Scatterometer onboard METOP will provide a flow of coarse resolution microwave data, suited for macro-scale applications. Only recently, the scatterometer onboard of the European Remote Sensing Satellite, which is the precursor instrument of the Advanced Scatterometer, has been used successfully to derive soil moisture information at global scale with a spatial resolution of 50 km. Concepts of how to integrate macro-scale soil moisture data in hydrologic models are however still vague. In fact, the coarse resolution of the data provided by microwave radiometers and scatterometers is often considered to impede hydrological applications. Nevertheless, even if most hydrologic models are run at much finer scales, radiometers and scatterometers allow monitoring of atmosphere-induced changes in regional soil moisture patterns. This may prove to be valuable information for modelling hydrological processes in large river basins (>10 000 km2. In this paper, ERS scatterometer derived soil moisture products are compared to measured runoff of the Zambezi River in south-eastern Africa for several years (1992?2000). This comparison serves as one of the first demonstrations that there is hydrologic relevant information in coarse resolution satellite data. The observed high correlations between basin-averaged soil moisture and runoff time series (R2>0.85) demonstrate that the seasonal change from low runoff during the dry season to high runoff during the wet season is well captured by the ERS scatterometer. It can be expected that the high correlations are to a certain degree predetermined by the pronounced inter-annual cycle observed in the discharge behaviour of the Zambezi. To quantify this effect, time series of anomalies have been compared. This analysis showed that differences in runoff from year to year could, to some extent, be explained by soil moisture anomalies

    Assessment of a power law relationship between P-band SAR backscatter and aboveground biomass and its implications for BIOMASS mission performance

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    This paper presents an analysis of a logarithmic relationship between P-band cross-polarized backscatter from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and aboveground biomass (AGB) across different forest types based on multiple airborne datasets. It is found that the logarithmic function provides a statistically significant fit to the observed relationship between HV backscatter and AGB. While the coefficient of determination varies between datasets, the slopes, and intercepts of many of the models are not significantly different, especially when similar AGB ranges are assessed. Pooled boreal and pooled tropical data have slopes that are not significantly different, but they have different intercepts. Using the power law formulation of the logarithmic relation allows estimation of both the equivalent number of looks (ENL) needed to retrieve AGB with a given uncertainty and the sensitivity of the AGB inversion. The campaign data indicates that boreal forests require a larger ENL than tropical forests to achieve a specified relative accuracy. The ENL can be increased by multichannel filtering, but ascending and descending images will need to be combined to meet the performance requirements of the BIOMASS mission. The analysis also indicates that the relative change in AGB associated with a given backscatter change depends only on the magnitude of the change and the exponent of the power law, and further implies that to achieve a relative AGB accuracy of 20% or better, residual errors from radiometric distortions produced by the system and environmental effects must not exceed 0.43 dB in tropical and 0.39 dB in boreal forests

    First mission - towards a global harmonised in-situ data repository for forest biomass datasets validation

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    Global measurements of forest height, biomass are urgently needed as essential climate and ecosystem variables, but can benefit from greater co-operation between remote sensing (RS) and forest ecological communities. The Forest Observation System - FOS (https://forest-observation-system.net/ [https://forest-observation- system.net/]) is an international cooperation to establish a global in-situ forest biomass database to support earth observation and to encourage investment in relevant field-based observations and science. FOS aims to link the RS community with ecologists who measure forest biomass and estimating biodiversity in the field. The FOS aims to overcome data sharing issues and introduce a standard biomass data flow from tree-level measurement to the plot-level aggregation served in the most suitable form for the RS. Ecologists benefit from the FOS with improved access to global biomass information, data standards, gap identification and potentially improved funding opportunities to address the known gaps and deficiencies in the data. FOS closely collaborate with the CTFS-ForestGEO, the ForestPlots.net (incl. RAfNFOR, AfriTRON and T-FORCES), AusCover, TmFO and the llASA network. FOS is an open initiative with other networks and teams most welcome to join. The online database provides open access for forest plot location, canopy height and above-ground biomass. Plot size is 0.25ha or larger. Comparison of plot biomass data with available global and regional maps (incl. Kindermann et al., 2013; Thurner et al., 2013; Saatchi et al., 2011; Baccini et al., 2012; Avitabile et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2016; Santoro et al., 2018) shows wide range of uncertainties associated with biomass estimation

    Structural and statistical properties of the collocation technique for error characterization

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    The validation of geophysical data sets (e.g. derived from models, exploration techniques or remote sensing) presents a formidable challenge as all products are inherently different and subject to errors. The collocation technique permits the retrieval of the error variances of different data sources without the need to specify one data set as a reference. In addition calibration constants can be determined to account for biases and different dynamic ranges. The method is frequently applied to the study and comparison of remote sensing, in-situ and modelled data, particularly in hydrology and oceanography. Previous studies have almost exclusively focussed on the validation of three data sources; in this paper it is shown how the technique generalizes to an arbitrary number of data sets. It turns out that only parts of the covariance structure can be resolved by the collocation technique, thus emphasizing the necessity of expert knowledge for the correct validation of geophysical products. Furthermore the bias and error variance of the estimators are derived with particular emphasis on the assumptions necessary for establishing those characteristics. Important properties of the method, such as the structural deficiencies, dependence of the accuracy on the number of measurements and the impact of violated assumptions, are illustrated by application to simulated data

    Error characterisation of global active and passive microwave soil moisture data sets

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    Understanding the error structures of remotely sensed soil moisture products is essential for correctly interpreting observed variations and trends in the data or assimilating them in hydrological or numerical weather prediction models. Nevertheless, a spatially coherent assessment of the quality of the various globally available data sets is often hampered by the limited availability over space and time of reliable in-situ measurements. This study explores the triple collocation error estimation technique for assessing the relative quality of several globally available soil moisture products from active (ASCAT) and passive (AMSR-E and SSM/I) microwave sensors. The triple collocation technique is a powerful tool to estimate the root mean square error while simultaneously solving for systematic differences in the climatologies of a set of three independent data sources. In addition to the scatterometer and radiometer data sets, we used the ERA-Interim and GLDAS-NOAH reanalysis soil moisture data sets as a third, independent reference. The prime objective is to reveal trends in uncertainty related to different observation principles (passive versus active), the use of different frequencies (C-, X-, and Ku-band) for passive microwave observations, and the choice of the independent reference data set (ERA-Interim versus GLDAS-NOAH). <br><br> The results suggest that the triple collocation method provides realistic error estimates. Observed spatial trends agree well with the existing theory and studies on the performance of different observation principles and frequencies with respect to land cover and vegetation density. In addition, if all theoretical prerequisites are fulfilled (e.g. a sufficiently large number of common observations is available and errors of the different data sets are uncorrelated) the errors estimated for the remote sensing products are hardly influenced by the choice of the third independent data set. The results obtained in this study can help us in developing adequate strategies for the combined use of various scatterometer and radiometer-based soil moisture data sets, e.g. for improved flood forecast modelling or the generation of superior multi-mission long-term soil moisture data sets

    The BIOMASS level 2 prototype processor : design and experimental results of above-ground biomass estimation

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    BIOMASS is ESA’s seventh Earth Explorer mission, scheduled for launch in 2022. The satellite will be the first P-band SAR sensor in space and will be operated in fully polarimetric interferometric and tomographic modes. The mission aim is to map forest above-ground biomass (AGB), forest height (FH) and severe forest disturbance (FD) globally with a particular focus on tropical forests. This paper presents the algorithms developed to estimate these biophysical parameters from the BIOMASS level 1 SAR measurements and their implementation in the BIOMASS level 2 prototype processor with a focus on the AGB product. The AGB product retrieval uses a physically-based inversion model, using ground-canceled level 1 data as input. The FH product retrieval applies a classical PolInSAR inversion, based on the Random Volume over Ground Model (RVOG). The FD product will provide an indication of where significant changes occurred within the forest, based on the statistical properties of SAR data. We test the AGB retrieval using modified airborne P-Band data from the AfriSAR and TropiSAR campaigns together with reference data from LiDAR-based AGB maps and plot-based ground measurements. For AGB estimation based on data from a single heading, comparison with reference data yields relative Root Mean Square Difference (RMSD) values mostly between 20% and 30%. Combining different headings in the estimation process significantly improves the AGB retrieval to slightly less than 20%. The experimental results indicate that the implemented retrieval scheme provides robust results that are within mission requirements

    Mapping above-ground biomass in tropical forests with ground-cancelled P-band SAR and limited reference data

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    This paper introduces the CASINO (CAnopy backscatter estimation, Subsampling, and Inhibited Nonlinear Optimisation) algorithm for above-ground biomass (AGB) estimation in tropical forests using P-band (435 MHz) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. The algorithm has been implemented in a prototype processor for European Space Agency's (ESA's) 7th Earth Explorer Mission BIOMASS, scheduled for launch in 2023. CASINO employs an interferometric ground cancellation technique to estimate canopy backscatter (CB) intensity. A power law model (PLM) is then used to model the dependence of CB on AGB for a large number of systematically distributed SAR data samples and a small number of calibration areas with a known AGB. The PLM parameters and AGB for the samples are estimated simultaneously within pre-defined intervals using nonlinear minimisation of a cost function. The performance of CASINO is assessed over six tropical forest sites on two continents: two in French Guiana, South America and four in Gabon, Africa, using SAR data acquired during airborne ESA campaigns and processed to simulate BIOMASS acquisitions. Multiple tests with only two randomly selected calibration areas with AGB > 100 t/ha are conducted to assess AGB estimation performance given limited reference data. At 2.25 ha scale and using a single flight heading, the root-mean-square difference (RMSD) is ≤ 27% for at least 50% of all tests in each test site and using as reference AGB maps derived from airborne laser scanning data. An improvement is observed when two flight headings are used in combination. The most consistent AGB estimation (lowest RMSD variation across different calibration sets) is observed for test sites with a large AGB interval and average AGB around 200–250 t/ha. The most challenging conditions are in areas with AGB < 200 t/ha and large topographic variations. A comparison with 142 1 ha plots distributed across all six test sites and with AGB estimated from in situ measurements gives an RMSD of 20% (66 t/ha)

    The Importance of Consistent Global Forest Aboveground Biomass Product Validation

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    Several upcoming satellite missions have core science requirements to produce data for accurate forest aboveground biomass mapping. Largely because of these mission datasets, the number of available biomass products is expected to greatly increase over the coming decade. Despite the recognized importance of biomass mapping for a wide range of science, policy and management applications, there remains no community accepted standard for satellite-based biomass map validation. The Committee on Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS) is developing a protocol to fill this need in advance of the next generation of biomass-relevant satellites, and this paper presents a review of biomass validation practices from a CEOS perspective. We outline the wide range of anticipated user requirements for product accuracy assessment and provide recommendations for the validation of biomass products. These recommendations include the collection of new, high-quality in situ data and the use of airborne lidar biomass maps as tools toward transparent multi-resolution validation. Adoption of community-vetted validation standards and practices will facilitate the uptake of the next generation of biomass products
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