35 research outputs found

    Piscinas biológicas e serviços ecossistémicos: que relação?

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    Os ecossistemas oferecem à humanidade uma vasta gama de benefícios denominados serviços ecossistémicos, englobando a purificação da água e estímulos estéticos e espirituais. Estes serviços estão em larga medida dependentes da conservação da biodiversidade. As piscinas convencionais contribuem para a degradação destes serviços, pois a depuração da água exige para além do cloro, outros produtos para ajuste do pH e algicidas, tóxicos para um grande número de espécies. Por outro lado, as piscinas biológicas são lagos construídos que imitam e recriam os processos ecológicos que ocorrem nos sistemas naturais, constituindo uma solução de engenharia natural, que permite criar espaços de lazer aquáticos de baixo impacto ambiental. Nestes sistemas, a purificação da água, com o objetivo de ter qualidade para fins balneares, é realizada por filtros biológicos e plantas aquáticas (utilização dos serviços ecossistémicos). Como não é adicionado nenhum produto químico à água estes sistemas são rapidamente colonizados por plâncton, macroinvertebrados e alguns vertebrados, promovendo a manutenção da biodiversidade e o aumento do valor estético da envolvente (conservação e recuperação dos serviços ecossistémicos). As piscinas biológicas também funcionam, à escala da paisagem, como habitats que facilitam os fluxos de algumas espécies entre diferentes cursos de água e como reservatórios de água.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implications of macrophyte abundance on algal growth management: The case of three natural swimming pools with distinct macrophyte abundance

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    Natural swimming pools are small constructed lakes for recreational proposes. They are composed by a swimming area merging with an area planted with emergent and submerged macrophytes, which function as biological filters. Fish are absent, however a wide diversity of phytoplankton, zooplankton and macroinvertebrate species colonize these pools. Therefore, pools can be regarded as the ideal systems to extrapolate the implications of macrophyte abundance management on algal growth control. The present study was taken in three pools (A, B and C) located in Minho Region (Northern Portugal) In early summer the macrophyte area had a 30% of cover in Pool A, in B 40% and in C 60%. Phytoplankton, zooplankton and filamentous algae abundance as well as conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, hardness, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, phosphates were recorded in February, April and June. The lowest densities of phytoplankton were observed in pool C. Besides, filamentous algae were abundant in the pool A, whereas in B and C they were recorded only in summer. In Pool A, zooplankton assemblage was always dominated specialists on small particle feeding, which food preference are detritus and bacteria. Conversely, in the Pool C herbivorous zooplankton was predominant. The low algal densities observed in the Pool C are explained by the presence of a well established macrophyte assemblage. These plants contribute to the reduction of algal densities by (1) creating of areas of shade; (2) removing nutrients from water column and (3) provide refuges for herbivorous zooplankton. Therefore, the present study stresses the pertinence of take in account the key role of aquatic macrophytes when management practices for algal growth control are developed

    Euphorbia paniculata subsp. calcicola U.Schwarzer & Vicens subsp. nova (Euphorbiaceae), a new taxon of the southwestern Portugal

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    [eng] A new subspecies of E. paniculata Desf., E. paniculata subsp. calcicola U.Schwarzer & Vicens subsp. nov., is described. It grows in the proximity of the town of Sagres southwestern Portugal on calcareous substrate. [spa] Se describe una nueva subspecie de E. paniculata Desf., E. paniculata subsp. calcicola U.Schwarzer & Vicens subsp. nov. Crece en la proximidad de la ciudad de Sagres suroeste de Portugal en sustrato calcáreo

    Euphorbia paniculata subsp. calcicola U.Schwarzer & Vicens subsp. nov. (Euphorbiaceae), un nuevo taxon del sudoeste de Portugal

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    A new subspecies of E. paniculata Desf., E. paniculata subsp. calcicola U.Schwarzer & Vicens subsp. nov., is described. It grows in the proximity of the town of Sagres —southwestern Portugal— on calcareous substrate.Se describe una nueva subspecie de E. paniculata Desf., E. paniculata subsp. calcicola U.Schwarzer & Vicens subsp. nov. Crece en la proximidad de la ciudad de Sagres —suroeste de Portugal— en sustrato calcáreo

    Potamogeton schweinfurthii en la Península Ibérica

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    We provide the first records for the Iberian Peninsula of Potamogeton schweinfurthii A. Benn., a species distributed mainly in Africa that was not discovered in Europe until 2005, where it is assumed to be indigenous but it has generally been confused with P. lucens. The Iberian specimens, which for the most part are from recent collections, have been identified based on morphological characteristics and molecular studies. We have detected 8 localities, 4 in the northeastern area of the Peninsula (Catalonia and Navarra) and 4 from the West (south and north of Portugal and western Andalusia). Our studies show that it is a very rare species on a regional level. Although it is a mainly tropical and subtropical species, we have found that P. schweinfurthii (both natural populations and those cultivated) has a high tolerance to climates with severe winters and frequent frosts. The large proportion of populations found in anthropogenic habitats, and the fact that most European records are from the past half-century, suggest that P. schweinfurthii may have experienced a recent expansion favoured by the construction of large number of artificial water bodies in the Mediterranean region. This raises the possibility that P. schweinfurthii in Europe is a species that forms temporary populations and has a naturally unstable area.Se aportan las primeras citas de Potamogeton schweinfurthii A. Benn. en la Península Ibérica, una especie de área básicamente africana que no fue descubierta en Europa hasta 2005, donde se supone que es autóctona y en general había sido confundida con P. lucens. Los ejemplares ibéricos han sido identificados por sus caracteres morfológicos y por estudios moleculares y, en su mayor parte, proceden de recolecciones recientes. Se ha detectado en 8 localidades, 4 del noreste peninsular (Cataluña y Navarra) y 4 del oeste (sur y norte de Portugal y Andalucía occidental). Según la información actualmente disponible, se trataría de una especie muy rara a escala regional. Aunque se trata de una especie en general tropical y subtropical, se ha constatado la gran tolerancia de P. schweinfurthii a climas de inviernos rigurosos, con heladas muy frecuentes, tanto en poblaciones espontáneas como en plantas cultivadas. La alta proporción de poblaciones halladas en hábitats antrópicos y la concentración de las citas europeas en el último medio siglo sugieren que puede haber experimentado una expansión reciente favorecida por la construcción en la región mediterránea de gran cantidad de masas de agua artificiales. Se apunta la posibilidad de que P. schweinfurthii sea en Europa una especie que tiende a formar poblaciones temporales y tenga un área naturalmente inestable

    Regulatory T-Cells and Associated Pathways in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC) Patients Undergoing DC-Vaccination and Cytokine-Therapy

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    Purpose: To evaluate CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T regulatory cells (TREG) and associated immune-regulatory pathways in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients and healthy volunteers. We subsequently investigated the effects of immunotherapy on circulating TREG combining an extensive phenotype examination, DNA methylation analysis and global transcriptome analysis. Design: Eighteen patients with mRCC and twelve volunteers (controls) were available for analysis. TREG phenotype was examined using flow cytometry (FCM). TREG were also quantified by analyzing the epigenetic status of the FOXP3 locus using methylation specific PCR. As a third approach, RNA of the PBL was hybridized to Affymetrix GeneChip Human Gene 1.0 ST Arrays and the gene signatures were explored using pathway analysis. Results We observed higher numbers of TREG in pre-treatment PBL of mRCC patients compared to controls. A significant increase in TREG was detected in all mRCC patients after the two cycles of immunotherapy. The expansion of TREG was significantly higher in non-responders than in responding patients. Methylation specific PCR confirmed the FCM data and circumvented the variability and subjectivity of the FCM method. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) of the microarray data showed significant enrichment of FOXP3 target genes, CTLA-4 and TGF-Ăź associated pathways in the patient cohort. Conclusion: Immune monitoring of the peripheral blood and tumor tissue is important for a wide range of diseases and treatment strategies. Adoption of methodology for quantifying TREG with the least variability and subjectivity will enhance the ability to compare and interpret findings across studies

    ERNICA guidelines for the management of rectosigmoid Hirschsprung's disease

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    Background Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) is a serious congenital bowel disorder with a prevalence of 1/5000. Currently, there is a lack of systematically developed guidelines to assist clinical decision-making regarding diagnostics and management. Aims This guideline aims to cover the diagnostics and management of rectosigmoid HSCR up to adulthood. It aims to describe the preferred approach of ERNICA, the European Reference Network for rare inherited and congenital digestive disorders. Methods Recommendations within key topics covering the care pathway for rectosigmoid HSCR were developed by an international workgroup of experts from 8 European countries within ERNICA European Reference Network from the disciplines of surgery, medicine, histopathology, microbiology, genetics, and patient organization representatives. Recommendation statements were based on a comprehensive review of the available literature and expert consensus. AGREE II and GRADE approaches were used during development. Evidence levels and levels of agreement are noted. Results Thirty-three statements within 9 key areas were generated. Most recommendations were based on expert opinion. Conclusion In rare or low-prevalence diseases such as HSCR, there remains limited availability of high-quality clinical evidence. Consensus-based guidelines for care are presented.Peer reviewe

    ERNICA guidelines for the management of rectosigmoid Hirschsprung's disease

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    Background Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) is a serious congenital bowel disorder with a prevalence of 1/5000. Currently, there is a lack of systematically developed guidelines to assist clinical decision-making regarding diagnostics and management. Aims This guideline aims to cover the diagnostics and management of rectosigmoid HSCR up to adulthood. It aims to describe the preferred approach of ERNICA, the European Reference Network for rare inherited and congenital digestive disorders. Methods Recommendations within key topics covering the care pathway for rectosigmoid HSCR were developed by an international workgroup of experts from 8 European countries within ERNICA European Reference Network from the disciplines of surgery, medicine, histopathology, microbiology, genetics, and patient organization representatives. Recommendation statements were based on a comprehensive review of the available literature and expert consensus. AGREE II and GRADE approaches were used during development. Evidence levels and levels of agreement are noted. Results Thirty-three statements within 9 key areas were generated. Most recommendations were based on expert opinion. Conclusion In rare or low-prevalence diseases such as HSCR, there remains limited availability of high-quality clinical evidence. Consensus-based guidelines for care are presented.Peer reviewe

    The impact of visual dysfunctions in recent-onset psychosis and clinical high-risk state for psychosis.

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    Subtle subjective visual dysfunctions (VisDys) are reported by about 50% of patients with schizophrenia and are suggested to predict psychosis states. Deeper insight into VisDys, particularly in early psychosis states, could foster the understanding of basic disease mechanisms mediating susceptibility to psychosis, and thereby inform preventive interventions. We systematically investigated the relationship between VisDys and core clinical measures across three early phase psychiatric conditions. Second, we used a novel multivariate pattern analysis approach to predict VisDys by resting-state functional connectivity within relevant brain systems. VisDys assessed with the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument (SPI-A), clinical measures, and resting-state fMRI data were examined in recent-onset psychosis (ROP, n = 147), clinical high-risk states of psychosis (CHR, n = 143), recent-onset depression (ROD, n = 151), and healthy controls (HC, n = 280). Our multivariate pattern analysis approach used pairwise functional connectivity within occipital (ON) and frontoparietal (FPN) networks implicated in visual information processing to predict VisDys. VisDys were reported more often in ROP (50.34%), and CHR (55.94%) than in ROD (16.56%), and HC (4.28%). Higher severity of VisDys was associated with less functional remission in both CHR and ROP, and, in CHR specifically, lower quality of life (Qol), higher depressiveness, and more severe impairment of visuospatial constructability. ON functional connectivity predicted presence of VisDys in ROP (balanced accuracy 60.17%, p = 0.0001) and CHR (67.38%, p = 0.029), while in the combined ROP + CHR sample VisDys were predicted by FPN (61.11%, p = 0.006). These large-sample study findings suggest that VisDys are clinically highly relevant not only in ROP but especially in CHR, being closely related to aspects of functional outcome, depressiveness, and Qol. Findings from multivariate pattern analysis support a model of functional integrity within ON and FPN driving the VisDys phenomenon and being implicated in core disease mechanisms of early psychosis states

    Regulatory T-Cells and Associated Pathways in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC) Patients Undergoing DC-Vaccination and Cytokine-Therapy

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    To evaluate CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+) T regulatory cells (T(REG)) and associated immune-regulatory pathways in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients and healthy volunteers. We subsequently investigated the effects of immunotherapy on circulating T(REG) combining an extensive phenotype examination, DNA methylation analysis and global transcriptome analysis