2,972 research outputs found

    Hyperuniformity with no fine tuning in sheared sedimenting suspensions

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    Particle suspensions, present in many natural and industrial settings, typically contain aggregates or other microstructures that can complicate macroscopic flow behaviors and damage processing equipment. Recent work found that applying uniform periodic shear near a critical transition can reduce fluctuations in the particle concentration across all length scales, leading to a hyperuniform state. However, this strategy for homogenization requires fine tuning of the strain amplitude. Here we show that in a model of sedimenting particles under periodic shear, there is a well-defined regime at low sedimentation speed where hyperuniform scaling automatically occurs. Our simulations and theoretical arguments show that the homogenization extends up to a finite lengthscale that diverges as the sedimentation speed approaches zero.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Weak Scale Superstrings

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    Recent developments in string duality suggest that the string scale may not be irrevocably tied to the Planck scale. Two explicit but unrealistic examples are described where the ratio of the string scale to the Planck scale is arbitrarily small. Solutions which are more realistic may exist in the intermediate coupling or ``truly strong coupling'' region of the heterotic string. Weak scale superstrings have dramatic experimental consequences for both collider physics and cosmology.Comment: harvmac, 14 pages. References added, 3 typos fixed, Comments added at beginning of section 4 emphasizing flaws of the toy example

    Optical Sky Brightness at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory from 1992 to 2006

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    We present optical UBVRI sky brightness measures from 1992 through 2006. The data are based on CCD imagery obtained with the CTIO 0.9-m, 1.3-m, and 1.5-m telescopes. The B- and V-band data are in reasonable agreement with measurements previously made at Mauna Kea, though on the basis of a small number of images per year there are discrepancies for the years 1992 through 1994. Our CCD-based data are not significantly different than values obtained at Cerro Paranal. We find that the yearly averages of V-band sky brightness are best correlated with the 10.7-cm solar flux taken 5 days prior to the sky brightness measures. This implies an average speed of 350 km/sec for the solar wind. While we can measure an enhancement of the night sky levels over La Serena 10 degrees above the horizon, at elevation angles above 45 degrees we find no evidence that the night sky brightness at Cerro Tololo is affected by artificial light of nearby towns and cities.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, to be published in the June, 2007, issue of the Publications of the Astron. Society of the Pacifi

    Slinky Inflation

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    We present a new approach to quintessential inflation, in which both dark energy and inflation are explained by the evolution of a single scalar field. We start from a simple scalar potential with both oscillatory and exponential behavior. We employ the conventional reheating mechanism of new inflation, in which the scalar decays to light fermions with a decay width that is proportional to the scalar mass. Because our scalar mass is proportional to the Hubble rate, this gives adequate reheating at early times while shutting off at late times to preserve quintessence and satisfy nucleosynthesis constraints. We discuss a simple model which solves the horizon, flatness, and "why now" problems. Without any additional tuning of parameters, this model satisfies all constraints from CMB, large scale structure, and nucleosynthesis. The predictions for the inflationary spectral indices are n_S = n_T = 1. In this model we are currently beginning the third cosmic epoch of accelerated expansion.Comment: 5 pages, 2 color figures, 1 tabl

    Desarrollo de conductas antisociales y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de nivel secundaria de instituciones educativas públicas de Comas, 2019

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    La presente investigación titulada Desarrollo de conductas antisociales y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de nivel secundario de instituciones educativas públicas de Comas, 2019, tuvo como objetivo, determinar la relación existente entre el desarrollo de conductas antisociales y el funcionamiento familiar, a través de una muestra conformada por 343 estudiantes de ambos sexos, con edades oscilantes entre los 11 y 17 años de edad, pertenecientes a 4 instituciones educativas públicas de nivel secundario, del distrito mencionado. Se aplicaron instrumentos como el Cuestionario de Conducta Antisocial (CCA) y la Escala de Cohesión y Adaptabilidad Familiar (FACES III). Asimismo, la presente investigación fue de tipo descriptivo y correlacional, de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica y de diseño no experimental, dentro de los resultados obtenidos, gracias a la prueba de normalidad Shapiro - Wilk, se determinó que en la mayoría de los casos, nuestra muestra no se ajustó a una distribución normal de los datos, motivo por el cual se trabajaron las correlaciones, mediante el coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman, igualmente, los resultados demostraron que el desarrollo de conductas antisociales se correlaciona de manera inversa y significativa con el funcionamiento familiar, concluyendo que aquellos individuos que presenten mayores índices para el desarrollo de conductas antisociales, se encontrarían vivenciando un funcionamiento familiar que denote disfunción familiar

    Anomalies, Dualities, and Topology of D=6 N=1 Superstring Vacua

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    We consider various aspects of compactifications of the Type I/heterotic Spin(32)/Z2Spin(32)/\Z_2 theory on K3. One family of such compactifications includes the standard embedding of the spin connection in the gauge group, and is on the same moduli space as the compactification of the heterotic E8×E8E_8\times E_8 theory on K3 with instanton numbers (8,16). Another class, which includes an orbifold of the Type I theory recently constructed by Gimon and Polchinski and whose field theory limit involves some topological novelties, is on the moduli space of the heterotic E8×E8E_8\times E_8 theory on K3 with instanton numbers (12,12). These connections between Spin(32)/Z2Spin(32)/\Z_2 and E8×E8E_8\times E_8 models can be demonstrated by T duality, and permit a better understanding of non-perturbative gauge fields in the (12,12) model. In the transformation between Spin(32)/Z2Spin(32)/\Z_2 and E8×E8E_8\times E_8 models, the strong/weak coupling duality of the (12,12) E8×E8E_8\times E_8 model is mapped to T duality in the Type I theory. The gauge and gravitational anomalies in the Type I theory are canceled by an extension of the Green-Schwarz mechanism.Comment: 48 page

    N=3 Warped Compactifications

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    Orientifolds with three-form flux provide some of the simplest string examples of warped compactification. In this paper we show that some models of this type have the unusual feature of D=4, N=3 spacetime supersymmetry. We discuss their construction and low energy physics. Although the local form of the moduli space is fully determined by supersymmetry, to find its global form requires a careful study of the BPS spectrum.Comment: 27 pages, v2: 32pp., RevTeX4, fixed factors, slightly improved sections 3D and 4B, v3: added referenc

    The p110 delta structure: mechanisms for selectivity and potency of new PI(3)K inhibitors.

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    Deregulation of the phosphoinositide-3-OH kinase (PI(3)K) pathway has been implicated in numerous pathologies including cancer, diabetes, thrombosis, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma. Recently, small-molecule and ATP-competitive PI(3)K inhibitors with a wide range of selectivities have entered clinical development. In order to understand the mechanisms underlying the isoform selectivity of these inhibitors, we developed a new expression strategy that enabled us to determine to our knowledge the first crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of the class IA PI(3)K p110 delta. Structures of this enzyme in complex with a broad panel of isoform- and pan-selective class I PI(3)K inhibitors reveal that selectivity toward p110 delta can be achieved by exploiting its conformational flexibility and the sequence diversity of active site residues that do not contact ATP. We have used these observations to rationalize and synthesize highly selective inhibitors for p110 delta with greatly improved potencies

    A first-principles comparison of the electronic properties of MgC_{y}Ni_{3} and ZnC_{y}Ni_{3} alloys

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    First-principles, density-functional-based electronic structure calculations are employed to study the changes in the electronic properties of ZnC_{y}Ni_{3} and MgC_{y}Ni_{3} using the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker coherent-potential approximation method in the atomic sphere approximation (KKR-ASA CPA). As a function of decreasing C at%, we find a steady decrease in the lattice constant and bulk modulus in either alloys. However, the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus displays an opposite trend. Following the Debye model, which relates the pressure derivative of the bulk modulus with the average phonon frequency of the crystal, it can thus be argued that ZnCNi_{3} and its disordered alloys posses a different phonon spectra in comparison to its MgCNi_{3} counterparts. This is further justified by the marked similarity we find in the electronic structure properties such as the variation in the density of states and the Hopfield parameters calculated for these alloys. The effects on the equation of state parameters and the density of states at the Fermi energy, for partial replacement of Mg by Zn are also discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure