31 research outputs found

    Water extracts from Siberian thawing permafrost - from land to ocean

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    To better understand and quantify fluxes of dissolved elements upon permafrost thaw, water-soluble elements from Siberian permafrost samples covering a wide geographic range were determined by extraction. We measured the pH- and EC-values as well as the total dissolved major and secondary cation concentrations and anion concentrations for 270 water extracts from 12 different sites around the Laptev Sea. Cation concentrations were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry and anion concentrations by ion chromatography. Hydrogen carbonate concentrations were measured by potentiometric pH-value titration using an automatic titrator. Electrical conductivity and pH values were measured using a WTW MultiLab 540 multi-parameter device. As ground ice melts throughout Siberia with continued climate warming, drainage of the soils in many locations is improving and exposing mineral surfaces that were previously largely inert by their perennially frozen condition and unaffected by active weathering through seasonal wetting and drying cycles. Chemical analyses of water extracts allow an assessment of the potential interactions between mineral surfaces and pore melt water and the characteristics and biogeochemical and ecological consequences of the export of melt water from thawing permafrost. The (hydro-)chemical flux from permafrost sources into the riverine and marine realms is mainly defined by its source signatures and concentrations, which will be addressed in the present study. We compare our values with water data from lakes, rivers and the Arctic Ocean. The influence of terrestrial input from thawing permafrost including ground ice is expected to increase as coastal and river shore erosion as well as other permafrost degradation processes accelerate under Arctic warming and mobilize previously freeze-locked material. The increasing influx of dissolved elements influences transport and deposition processes in aquatic environments as well as nutrient supply, food chains and life cycles with largely understudied consequences for aquatic and coastal ecosystems in the Arctic

    Online help-seeking in communities of practice

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    Interactive online help systems are considered to be a fruitful supplement to traditional IT helpdesks, which are often overloaded. They often comprise user-generated FAQ collections playing the role of technology-based conceptual artifacts. Two main questions arise: how the conceptual artifacts should be used, and which factors influence their acceptance in a community of practice (CoP). Firstly, this paper offers a theoretical frame and a usage scenario for technology-based conceptual artifacts against the theoretical background of the academic help-seeking and CoP approach. Each of the two approaches is extensively covered by psychological and educational research literature, however their combination is not yet sufficiently investigated. Secondly, the paper proposes a research model explaining the acceptance of conceptual artifacts. The model includes users’ expectations towards the artifact, perceived social influence and users’ roles in the CoP as predictors of artifact use intention and actual usage. A correlational study conducted in an academic software users’ CoP and involving structural equations modeling validates the model, suggesting thus a research line that is worth further pursuing. For educational practice, the study suggests three ways of supporting knowledge sharing in CoPs, i.e. use of technology-based conceptual artifacts, roles and division of labor, and purposeful communication in CoPs

    TransAID Deliverable 6.2/2 - Assessment of Traffic Management Procedures in Transition Areas

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    This Deliverable 6.2 of the TransAID project presents and evaluates the simulation results obtained for the scenarios considered during the project's first and second iterations. To this end, driver- and AV-models designed in WP3, traffic management procedures developed in WP4, and V2X communication protocols and models from WP5 were implemented within the iTETRIS simulation framework. Previous main results from Deliverable 4.2, where baseline and traffic management measures without V2X communication were compared, have been confirmed. While not all TransAID scenarios' traffic KPIs were affected, the realistic simulation of V2X communication has shown a discernible impact on some of them, which makes it an indispensable modelling aspect for a realistic performance evaluation of V2X traffic scenarios. Flaws of the first iteration's traffic management algorithms concerning wireless V2X communication and the accompanying possibility of packet loss were identified and have been addressed during the project's second iteration. Finally, lessons learned while working on these simulation results and assessments have additionally been described in the form of recommendations for the real-world prototype to be developed in WP7. We conclude that all results obtained for all scenarios when employing ideal communication confirmed the statistical trends of the results from the original TM scenarios as reported in Deliverable 4.2 where no V2X communication was considered. Furthermore, the performance evaluation of the considered scenarios and parameter combinations has shown the following, which held true in both the first and second iterations: (1) The realistic simulation of V2X communication has an impact on traffic scenarios, which makes them indispensable for a realistic performance evaluation of V2X traffic scenarios. (2) Traffic management algorithms need to account for sporadic packet loss of various message types in some way. (3) Although important, the realistic modelling and simulation of V2X communication also induces a significant computational overhead. Thus, from a general perspective, a trade-off between computation time and degree of realism should be considered

    Human skeletal muscle organoids model fetal myogenesis and sustain uncommitted PAX7 myogenic progenitors

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    peer reviewedIn vitro culture systems that structurally model human myogenesis and promote PAX7+ myogenic progenitor maturation have not been established. Here we report that human skeletal muscle organoids can be differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cell lines to contain paraxial mesoderm and neuromesodermal progenitors and develop into organized structures reassembling neural plate border and dermomyotome. Culture conditions instigate neural lineage arrest and promote fetal hypaxial myogenesis toward limb axial anatomical identity, with generation of sustainable uncommitted PAX7 myogenic progenitors and fibroadipogenic (PDGFRa+) progenitor populations equivalent to those from the second trimester of human gestation. Single-cell comparison to human fetal and adult myogenic progenitor /satellite cells reveals distinct molecular signatures for non-dividing myogenic progenitors in activated (CD44High/CD98+/MYOD1+) and dormant (PAX7High/FBN1High/SPRY1High) states. Our approach provides a robust 3D in vitro developmental system for investigating muscle tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis

    On Modeling and Impact of Geographic Restrictions for Human Mobility in Opportunistic Networks

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    Human mobility has been shown to have a significant impact on the performance evaluation in Opportunistic Networks. As shown in previous work, the integration of geographic restrictions is (1) a further step towards more credibility of Opportunistic Network simulative performance evaluation, and (2) influences relevant metrics, such as contact duration and number of contacts. In this paper, modeling challenges related to geographic restrictions are in our focus. We investigate the impact of the road network underlying the scenario's map extract. The diversity in road network structure has less impact on the Inter-Contact Times but causes considerably shorter and less contacts for dense road networks. This makes dense road networks an especially challenging urban scenario for forwarding algorithm performance evaluation. As integrating geographic restrictions is an additional effort, we examine the runtime for trace generation and contact computation. It increases significantly but should be accepted as a trade-in for more realistic and credible modeling

    Modelling and Analysis of Short Message Traffic in Terrestrial Mobile Communication Networks

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    Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) applications, such as WhatsApp, are becoming more and more popular today. With the increasing number of messages, a realistic model for this traffic is needed. This paper surveys the characteristics of MIM, Instant Messaging (IM) and Short Message Service (SMS), which are found in the literature. In addition, it also connects the results of this comparison to the analysis of modern short messages. The analysed thread-related characteristics suggest that the behaviour of SMS users is approximating those of MIM users. This indicates that with an accurate model of today's SMS, for whom rich datasets already exist and are therefore easier to access, MIM can be modelled to some extent, too

    Age determinations in Lena Delta

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    The age correlation between the three main geomorphological terraces in the Lena Delta, especially that of the second sandy terrace (Arga Island) and the third terrace (Ice Complex and underlying sands) is still being discussed, Knowledge about the age of the lee Complex and its underlying sands, and the Arga sands is necessary for understanding the past and modern structure of the delta. Geochronometrie data have been acguired for three sediment seguences from the Lena Delta by lumineseence dating using the potassium feldspar IR-OSL technique. Additionally, 14C dates are available for geochronological discussion. Typical sediments of the upper part of Arga Island as found in the area of Lake Nikolay are of Late Pleistoeene age (14.5-10.9 ka), Typical third terrace sediments from two seguenees located at the Olenyokskaya branch are older. At the profile "Nagym" sandy seguences were most probably deposited between about 65 ka and 50 ka before present. The lower part of the sandy seguence at "Kurungnakh Island" is possibly older than the sediments of the section at Nagym. However, methodological difficulties in luminescence dating (insufficient bleaching at the time of deposition) and younger 14C dates make the discussion of the results difficult