165 research outputs found

    Preliminary study of contaminant particulates around Skylab

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    Techniques originally developed for the Skylab T025 contamination experiment were applied to S052 white-light coronagraph data in a preliminary study to investigate particulates around Skylab. Periods were selected which contained some contamination, even though there were no apparent dumps or vents during these periods. Velocity and size distributions were determined from optical data for particles within 200 meters of the spacecraft. Both photographic (61 particle tracks) and video (34 particles) observations yield an upper limit on particle radius of 100 micrometers. Selected photometric data from the S073 zodiacal light experiment during mission SL-2 were also examined for evidence of contamination

    OSS-1/STS-3 Shuttle induced atmosphere experiment

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    Direct light form the Sun and the sunlit Earth, and indirect light from these same sources reflected off parts of the orbiter and its payload were the two major sources of light seen in the bay during spacecraft day. Brightness arising from sunlight reflected off particulates originating from the spacecraft (corona or induced atmosphere) were tentatively identified. Sources of light observed during spacecraft night include large scale diffuse glows associated with Vernier thruster firings, surface glows on the orbiter in the direction of orbiter n motion, and periodic sky brightness structures observed primarily at 4200 A and 6300 A. Some information was obtained on the size and trajectories of individual contaminant particulates. Astronomical data were obtained from large regions of the Milky Way and zodiacal light, including large regions to within 35 deg of the Sun and possibly closer. Coordinated and sometimes simultaneous observations were successfully made from Hawaii and from STS-3 to provide unique information on atmospheric sources and sinks of radiation

    Maternal Responses in the Face of Infection Risk

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    When animals are sick, their physiology and behavior change in ways that can impact their offspring. Research is emerging showing that infection risk alone can also modify the physiology and behavior of healthy animals. If physiological responses to environments with high infection risk take place during reproduction, it is possible that they lead to maternal effects. Understanding whether and how high infection risk triggers maternal effects is important to elucidate how the impacts of infectious agents extend beyond infected individuals and how, in this way, they are even stronger evolutionary forces than already considered. Here, to evaluate the effects of infection risk on maternal responses, we exposed healthy female Japanese quail to either an immune-challenged (lipopolysaccharide [LPS] treated) mate or to a healthy (control) mate. We first assessed how females responded behaviorally to these treatments. Exposure to an immune-challenged or control male was immediately followed by exposure to a healthy male, to determine whether treatment affected paternity allocation. We predicted that females paired with immune-challenged males would avoid and show aggression towards those males, and that paternity would be skewed towards the healthy male. After mating, we collected eggs over a 5-day period. As an additional control, we collected eggs from immune-challenged females mated to healthy males. We tested eggs for fertilization status, embryo sex ratio, as well as albumen corticosterone, lysozyme activity, and ovotransferrin, and yolk antioxidant capacity. We predicted that immune-challenged females would show the strongest changes in the egg and embryo metrics, and that females exposed to immune-challenged males would show intermediate responses. Contrary to our predictions, we found no avoidance of immune-challenged males and no differences in terms of paternity allocation. Immune-challenged females laid fewer eggs, with an almost bimodal distribution of sex ratio for embryos. In this group, albumen ovotransferrin was the lowest, and yolk antioxidant capacity decreased over time, while it increased in the other treatments. No differences in albumen lysozyme were found. Both females that were immune-challenged and those exposed to immune-challenged males deposited progressively more corticosterone in their eggs over time, a pattern opposed to that shown by females exposed to control males. Our results suggest that egg-laying Japanese quail may be able to respond to infection risk, but that additional or prolonged sickness symptoms may be needed for more extensive maternal responses

    Soft-x-ray fluorescence study of the quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet tetraphenylverdazyl

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    Soft-x-ray fluorescence measurements have been performed on a single crystal of the organic antiferromagnet 2,4,6-triphenylverdazyl. Resonant and nonresonant C Kα and N Kα (2p → 1s transition) x-ray emission spectra (XES) were measured and compared with x-ray photoelectron valence band spectra and deMon density-functional theory calculations. It is shown that intramolecular interactions are much stronger than intermolecular ones and give the main contribution to the formation of C 2p density of states. We present evidence of a delocalization of unpaired N 2p electrons over the verdazyl ring. The excitation energy dependence of C Kα and N Kα XES observed below the C 1s and N 1s thresholds, respectively, is discussed in terms of symmetry selective resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

    Radiation pressure and pulsation effects on the Roche lobe

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    Several observational pieces of evidence indicate that specific evolutionary channels which involve Roche lobe overflow are not correctly accounted for by the classical Roche model. We generalize the concept of Roche lobe in the presence of extra forces (caused by radiation pressure or pulsations). By computing the distortion of the equipotential surfaces, we are able to evaluate the impact of these perturbing forces on the stability of Roche-lobe overflow (RLOF). Radiative forces are parametrized through the constant reduction factor that they impose on the gravitational force from the radiating star (neglecting any shielding in case of large optical thickness). Forces imparted by pulsations are derived from the velocity profile of the wind that they trigger. We provide analytical expressions to compute the generalized Roche radius. Depending on the extra force, the Roche-lobe radius may either stay unchanged, become smaller, or even become meaningless (in the presence of a radiatively- or pulsation-driven wind). There is little impact on the RLOF stability.Comment: 11 pages, 13 Postscript figure

    Mass Transfer by Stellar Wind

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    I review the process of mass transfer in a binary system through a stellar wind, with an emphasis on systems containing a red giant. I show how wind accretion in a binary system is different from the usually assumed Bondi-Hoyle approximation, first as far as the flow's structure is concerned, but most importantly, also for the mass accretion and specific angular momentum loss. This has important implications on the evolution of the orbital parameters. I also discuss the impact of wind accretion, on the chemical pollution and change in spin of the accreting star. The last section deals with observations and covers systems that most likely went through wind mass transfer: barium and related stars, symbiotic stars and central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN). The most recent observations of cool CSPN progenitors of barium stars, as well as of carbon-rich post-common envelope systems, are providing unique constraints on the mass transfer processes.Comment: Chapter 7, in Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars, H.M.J. Boffin, G. Carraro & G. Beccari (Eds), Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springe

    Post-AGB stars with hot circumstellar dust: binarity of the low-amplitude pulsators

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    While the first binary post-AGB stars were serendipitously discovered, the distinct characteristics of their Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) allowed us to launch a more systematic search for binaries. We selected post-AGB objects which show a broad dust excess often starting already at H or K, pointing to the presence of a gravitationally bound dusty disc in the system. We started a very extensive multi-wavelength study of those systems and here we report on our radial velocity and photometric monitoring results for six stars of early F type, which are pulsators of small amplitude. To determine the radial velocity of low signal-to-noise time-series, we constructed dedicated auto-correlation masks. The radial velocity variations were subjected to detailed analysis to differentiate between pulsational variability and variability due to orbital motion. Finally orbital minimalisation was performed to constrain the orbital elements. All of the six objects are binaries, with orbital periods ranging from 120 to 1800 days. Five systems have non-circular orbits. The mass functions range from 0.004 to 0.57 solar mass and the companions are likely unevolved objects of (very) low initial mass. We argue that these binaries must have been subject to severe binary interaction when the primary was a cool supergiant. Although the origin of the circumstellar disc is not well understood, the disc is generally believed to be formed during this strong interaction phase. The eccentric orbits of these highly evolved objects remain poorly understood. With the measured orbits and mass functions we conclude that the circumbinary discs seem to have a major impact on the evolution of a significant fraction of binary systems.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The decline and rise of neighbourhoods: the importance of neighbourhood governance

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    There is a substantial literature on the explanation of neighbourhood change. Most of this literature concentrates on identifying factors and developments behind processes of decline. This paper reviews the literature, focusing on the identification of patterns of neighbourhood change, and argues that the concept of neighbourhood governance is a missing link in attempts to explain these patterns. Including neighbourhood governance in the explanations of neighbourhood change and decline will produce better explanatory models and, finally, a better view about what is actually steering neighbourhood change