680 research outputs found

    Media freedom made in Scandinavia : Sweden and Denmark : six examples of best practices

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    Report of a fact finding mission by the European Centre for Press and Media freedom on good media practices and press freedom in Denmark and Swede

    Factor graph analysis of live cell-imaging data reveals mechanisms of cell fate decisions

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    Motivation: Cell fate decisions have a strong stochastic component. The identification of the underlying mechanisms therefore requires a rigorous statistical analysis of large ensembles of single cells that were tracked and phenotyped over time. Results: We introduce a probabilistic framework for testing elementary hypotheses on dynamic cell behavior using time-lapse cell-imaging data. Factor graphs, probabilistic graphical models, are used to properly account for cell lineage and cell phenotype information. Our model is applied to time-lapse movies of murine granulocyte-macrophage progenitor (GMP) cells. It decides between competing hypotheses on the mechanisms of their differentiation. Our results theoretically substantiate previous experimental observations that lineage instruction, not selection is the cause for the differentiation of GMP cells into mature monocytes or neutrophil granulocytes. Availability and implementation: The Matlab source code is available at http://treschgroup.de/Genealogies.html Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Continuous single cell imaging reveals sequential steps of plasmacytoid dendritic cell development from common dendritic cell progenitors

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    Functionally distinct plasmacytoid and conventional dendritic cells (pDC and cDC) shape innate and adaptive immunity. They are derived from common dendritic cell progenitors (CDPs) in the murine bone marrow, which give rise to CD11c(+) MHCII- precursors with early commitment to DC subpopulations. In this study, we dissect pDC development from CDP into an ordered sequence of differentiation events by monitoring the expression of CD11c, MHC class II, Siglec H and CCR9 in CDP cultures by continuous single cell imaging and tracking. Analysis of CDP genealogies revealed a stepwise differentiation of CDPs into pDCs in a part of the CDP colonies. This developmental pathway involved an early CD11c(+) SiglecH(-) pre-DC stage and a Siglec H+ CCR9(low) precursor stage, which was followed rapidly by upregulation of CCR9 indicating final pDC differentiation. In the majority of the remaining CDP pedigrees however the Siglec H+ CCR9(low) precursor state was maintained for several generations. Thus, although a fraction of CDPs transits through precursor stages rapidly to give rise to a first wave of pDCs, the majority of CDP progeny differentiate more slowly and give rise to longer lived precursor cells which are poised to differentiate on demand

    Tangent map intermittency as an approximate analysis of intermittency in a high dimensional fully stochastic dynamical system: The Tangled Nature model

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    It is well known that low-dimensional nonlinear deterministic maps close to a tangent bifurcation exhibit intermittency and this circumstance has been exploited, e.g. by Procaccia and Schuster [Phys. Rev. A 28, 1210 (1983)], to develop a general theory of 1/f spectra. This suggests it is interesting to study the extent to which the behavior of a high-dimensional stochastic system can be described by such tangent maps. The Tangled Nature (TaNa) Model of evolutionary ecology is an ideal candidate for such a study, a significant model as it is capable of reproducing a broad range of the phenomenology of macroevolution and ecosystems. The TaNa model exhibits strong intermittency reminiscent of Punctuated Equilibrium and, like the fossil record of mass extinction, the intermittency in the model is found to be non-stationary, a feature typical of many complex systems. We derive a mean-field version for the evolution of the likelihood function controlling the reproduction of species and find a local map close to tangency. This mean-field map, by our own local approximation, is able to describe qualitatively only one episode of the intermittent dynamics of the full TaNa model. To complement this result we construct a complete nonlinear dynamical system model consisting of successive tangent bifurcations that generates time evolution patterns resembling those of the full TaNa model in macroscopic scales. The switch from one tangent bifurcation to the next in the sequences produced in this model is stochastic in nature, based on criteria obtained from the local mean-field approximation, and capable of imitating the changing set of types of species and total population in the TaNa model. The model combines full deterministic dynamics with instantaneous parameter random jumps at stochastically drawn times. In spite of the limitations of our approach, that entails a drastic collapse of degrees of freedom, the description of a high-dimensional model system in terms of a low-dimensional one appears to be illuminating

    The 2000 Tularemia Outbreak: A Case-Control Study of Risk Factors in Disease-Endemic and Emergent Areas, Sweden

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    A widespread outbreak of tularemia in Sweden in 2000 was investigated in a case-control study in which 270 reported cases of tularemia were compared with 438 controls. The outbreak affected parts of Sweden where tularemia had hitherto been rare, and these “emergent” areas were compared with the disease-endemic areas. Multivariate regression analysis showed mosquito bites to be the main risk factor, with an odds ratio (OR) of 8.8. Other risk factors were owning a cat (OR 2.5) and farm work (OR 3.2). Farming was a risk factor only in the disease-endemic area. Swollen lymph nodes and wound infections were more common in the emergent area, while pneumonia was more common in the disease-endemic area. Mosquito bites appear to be important in transmission of tularemia. The association between cat ownership and disease merits further investigation

    Stress Generation and Filament Turnover during Actin Ring Constriction

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    We present a physical analysis of the dynamics and mechanics of contractile actin rings. In particular, we analyze the dynamics of ring contraction during cytokinesis in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. We present a general analysis of force balances and material exchange and estimate the relevant parameter values. We show that on a microscopic level contractile stresses can result from both the action of motor proteins, which cross-link filaments, and from the polymerization and depolymerization of filaments in the presence of end-tracking cross-linkers

    Validation of the transplant conditioning intensity (TCI) index for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation

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    The intensity of the conditioning regimen given before allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT) can vary substantially. To confirm the ability of the recently developed transplant conditioning intensity (TCI) score to stratify the preparative regimens of allo-HCT, we used an independent and contemporary patient cohort of 4060 transplant recipients with acute myeloid leukemia meeting inclusion criteria from the discovery study (allo-HCT in first complete remission, matched donor), but who were allografted in a more recent period (2018–2021) and were one decade older (55–75 years, median 63.4 years), we assigned them to a TCI category (low n = 1934, 48%; intermediate n = 1948, 48%, high n = 178, 4%) according to the calculated TCI score ([1–2], [2.5–3.5], [4–6], respectively), and examined the validity of the TCI category in predicting early non-relapse mortality (NRM), 2-year NRM and relapse (REL). In the unadjusted comparison, the TCI index provided a significant risk stratification for d100 and d180 NRM, NRM and REL risk. In the multivariate analysis adjusted for significant variables, there was an independent association of TCI with early NRM, NRM and REL. In summary, we confirm in contemporary treated patients that TCI reflects the conditioning regimen related morbidity and anti-leukemic efficacy satisfactorily and across other established prognostic factors.</p